"Hurry up, how can I find my daughter?"

"Don't worry! Let me go first."

"Anyway It's not your daughter who is missing, so you are not worried, are you?" Ditans asked with an expression that he could not wait to eat me.

"In fact, your daughter was not lost at all. Although I don't know if the daughter who was with you before is among the four people, I can be sure that all four of them are your daughters."


"What? It's all?" Titans finally let go of his hand holding me, but his expression is telling me that if I don't say why, he will pinch me to death. of.

"Will you let me ask the question first and then tell you, is it okay?"

"Okay, you ask first." Ditans also knows that I don't know him. I can't make it clear, so I can only ask me about the situation first.

Seeing that Titans finally let go of me, I quickly asked the other three Olivia: "Do you all remember how long you stayed in the ice cave?"

The three are nodded together. "Of course I remember this."

"That's good, tell me how long did you go in separately? Start with you."

The Olivier I was referring to Ya immediately said: "I stayed in the ice cave for six days."

The Olivia next to him said immediately after the first one said: "I only stayed a dozen. Hours."

The last remaining Olivia said: "I stayed for eleven days."

Hearing the answers of the three people, I immediately fell into a cold sweat. "Then what..."

"You return my daughter!" Ditans is not a fool. I asked him for a few hours and immediately understood what I meant. Obviously, the time in the cave is not synchronized with the outside, so if you want to find Ditans’s real daughter, you must find the Olivia who has the same time as Ditans. She is Ditan at the time. The Olivia that Spa sent out. Of course, the other Olivias are still Olivia, but they may be Olivia a few days or hours ago, or they may be Olivia a few days or a few hours later, as to whether there are any Olivia may appear months or even years away, it depends on how messy the timeline in that cave can be. But one thing is certain, the Olivia who corresponds to the Titans next to us is not here.

Because of understanding the reason of the matter, Titans will rush over again angrily, seeing him like this is like a lunatic. Of course, normal fathers will probably have similar reactions when they hear that others have lost their daughters!

"Lose...Let go..." I grabbed Ditans's hand and tried desperately to pull him away, but the truth was that my power couldn't act like Ditan, who was already in a crazy state. Si, his power now is definitely not comparable to the power in normal times.

"I'm going to strangle you bastard!" Ditans, with red eyes, pinched my neck while squeezing and shaking desperately, and I could only try to hold his arm to let his strength It's just a little weaker.

"You...it's useless if you strangle me...cough...cough cough...fast...let go...I can help you find Olivia..."

Huh. As long as the information related to Olivia’s whereabouts has a huge calming effect on Titans, his hand moved from my neck to my shoulder almost instantly, and then he asked while continuing to shake. : "Do you really have a way?"

"Of course." I said while moving my sore neck.

"Then you are not hurrying to go?"

"Go and wait for me to make some preparations! The cave is obviously time disordered, if I rashly break in, Wan What do you do when you come back to a group of me?"

"Then what are you going to do to prepare?"

"You wait first, I have to find someone to ask about the situation first. "As I said, I turned around, the Earth Gate suddenly appeared in front of me without a sound, and then I walked in with Titans' awe.

The majesty of High God is not comparable to that of Low God like Titans and others, and it is different from ordinary creatures whose strength is so low that they can't even figure out where the opponent is powerful. These Divine Races are all different. They understand the power of High God. They know what kind of existence High God is. Therefore, they respect the power of High God more than ordinary creatures, instead of having no sense of High God like ordinary creatures who are ignorant. .

After entering the gate of the earth, I quickly passed through the garden of the mother of the earth and ran directly into her bedroom. When I arrived, the Mother of the Earth was watering a strange flower that looked a bit like a rose but was much more beautiful. I just walked into the small garden. Before I could speak, she opened her mouth and asked: "Did you finish the task so soon?"

"There are still two trees short of it."

"I knew you weren't so fast. Then why are you here this time?" At this time, the Mother Earth put down the kettle and turned around.

"It's like this. I'm having trouble outside, so I want to ask you for help."

"You don't know the rules of our High God, we are Will not participate in your war."

"no no no, it has nothing to do with those things, and there is no need for you to come forward. I just want you to help me contact the God of Time. I have something to hope Please ask."

"You are looking for Mosana?"

"Yes, I hope I can ask her about time."

"Although I don't know why you thought of asking this, but since you helped me complete the mission of World Tree, then I will help you." The Mother Earth walked up to me and stretched out a hand to me. "Come on, grab my hand."

I quickly reached out and held the mother of the earth, and before I had time to ask what to do next, I felt that the surrounding environment suddenly changed. , The next second we actually appeared in a maze. The horror of this maze is definitely the most exaggerated of all mazes I have seen so far, because it is the only maze built in the void, surrounded by stars and criss-crossed stairs. There are basically no normal roads in the entire maze. There are sections of stairs everywhere, some horizontally, some vertical, and even hanging upside down, and the stairs are long or short, some are connected together, and some are two. There are only two doors at the end, and it is totally uncertain where it is connected. What's more terrible is that many of the steps are floating around, which makes the original road uncertain. In this case, even if there is a map, it is estimated that it can turn people faint.

After seeing this terrifying maze, I immediately felt dizzy, but I quickly adapted to it. The power from my hand told me that it was the power of the Mother Earth that protected me from Invaded by the powerful energy of this place.

"Don't let go, and don't fall into the void, or even I won't be able to save you." Mother Earth warned.

Nodded with lingering fears, I asked: "Is this the residence of Mosana, the god of time? Is this too scary?"

Let me didn't expect The mother of the earth actually shook the head, and then said: "This is not Mosanna's palace, but Ramones."

"Ramons? Ranked 1st among the top ten High Gods. The Divine Lightning Mons of space?"

"Yes. Our top ten residences are all independent spaces. Only Ramones’ residence is completely open and can be entered and exited at will, so I want to find Mo Sana, you must first go to Ramones to borrow a way."

"But the maze here is so complicated, do you remember the way?"

"Of course I don’t remember . In fact, it’s useless to remember. This is actually a circular space. The beginning and the end of the space are connected, so whether you remember the road or not, you will definitely be trapped in this maze."

"Then what shall we do?"

"Don't worry, Rammons built the maze, so he can naturally break the rules. In fact, the rules here are that you must call him directly if something happens. Come here, if you want to find him here, it’s simply a dream.” The Mother of the Earth suddenly lifted it up as she said, a flash of light flashing with yellow rays of light flew out of her palm, and she saw it. The light bullet moved towards the direction of our heads all the way for a long time before it exploded with a bang. The strong rays of light and energy shock wave shook my heart.

Almost at the moment when the rays of light automatically extinguished after the burst, a middle-aged man wearing a majestic robe like an archon appeared suddenly beside us.

"Earth? Why did you bring a mortal here?" Just after speaking, the other party suddenly glanced at my hands and said: "Oh, it turns out to be the favored one, but he still brought Four rings of the gods, it’s weird, why didn’t you have it? You can bring him here to show that the relationship should be good."

Mother of the Earth said with a smile: "He has four of them and it’s almost the same. Besides, I gave him the Gate of the Earth. He can find me anytime, anywhere. It doesn't make much sense to have a ring. Tell you something, I want to take him to find Mosana, you can help me build a bridge. "

"No problem." After Ramones finished speaking, he stretched out his hand and made a request. I followed his gesture and turned my head to find the original void behind us. This is a platform, and on top of it is a large Transmission Gate.

"Thank you." The Mother Earth greeted me casually and then dragged me onto the platform and walked directly into the Transmission Gate.

After passing through the oval Transmission Gate, I found that the environment on the door side was not much better than the previous maze. This side of Transmission Gate is a huge circular platform that looks like a football field, but it is not a pure platform. To be precise, it is actually the location of the bearing in the center of the second hand on a huge dial. Of course, this platform is not stationary, it is slowly rotating, precisely at the speed of one revolution per minute.

In addition to this super clock dial under our feet, there are many different dials floating around our front, back, left, right, and overhead. Some are just a single dial, and some are connected to many Complex gears. Some are as huge as a planet, and some are smaller than a watch.

"This is the room of Mosana, the god of time?"

"To be precise, this is her power store, not her residence. The power of our High God The way of existence is somewhat different from that of ordinary creatures. What you usually enter through the gate of the earth is my residence, and I also have a power store similar to this, but my power store is very different from the structure here. "

"Then how do we find Mosana?"

"We don't need to find her, she will come to us." The mother of the earth just finished speaking before us. Suddenly a clock dial appeared, and then the clock dial flashed suddenly, followed by a beautiful woman who looked like a thirty-five-year-old and a twenty-year-old woman who suddenly appeared in front of us. The reason why her age is not easy to confirm is mainly because of her image. The figure of this Mossana is different from that of Loli of the Mother of the Earth. Her figure is quite fierce, and her body curve is very exaggerated. In addition to her flashing golden long evening gown, her whole body is very mature. . However, although her figure is very fierce and looks like a mature woman, there is no trace of time on her face, she is completely like a young beauty. It is said that time is fair to everyone, but now I want to say that time is at least unfair to the God of Time, because she can change her Time Flow Speed ​​at will. As long as she wants to, she can manipulate the time no matter how she wants.

"Hey, the earth, why are you free to come to me?"

The mother of the earth pushed me forward: "This is my friend in the world and Cooperator, he wants to ask you something, so I brought him."

Mosana looked at me up and down when she heard the mother of the earth, and then she also found me The four rings of God's favor on the body. But I am very puzzled. Although I am now in a double number, I am clearly using the Purple Moon form. How did one or two of them see that my trumpet is wearing their ring? ?

"Since it was introduced by the earth, just ask if you have anything you want to know. I have plenty of time."

I guess it will be in this world. Only time's divine ability said such a thing. For others, precious and unmanageable time, but for her, she can think as fast as she can, and she can even go backwards. Do you think she has too much time to use up?

"Thank you for your help. What I want to ask is some questions about time. I ran into a cave in Human World...This is the situation. I want to ask if there is a way to put these Olivia lost in different times are all sent back to the corresponding time. Of course, this is not the point. It doesn’t matter if we don’t send it back. The key is to be able to find Olivia at the point in time that belongs to us. Come back. Can this kind of thing be done?"

After listening to my introduction, Mosana was very sure nodded and said: "It can definitely be possible. If I do, then It’s just a matter of flicks. But you also know that High God is not allowed to intervene in your human affairs casually. If it is a major event that is related to life and death, we occasionally make an exception to help you and talk about the past, for this It’s not worth it for us to help you at the cost of the backlash of the rules. So you still have to deal with it yourself."

"But I don't know how to manipulate the time?"

"If you just retrieve Olivia at the correct time point, you don’t need to manipulate time at all. You only need to know how to travel through time."

"But I don’t even travel through time. Yes!"

"You can't travel through time, can't you even find someone who will meet?"

"Will someone?" I was taken aback first, then my head Suddenly a golden Divine Dragon shape appeared in it. "Yes! Golden Heavenly Dragon will do! Just bring... eh... No. The golden Heavenly Dragon is the country's guardian beast, can't it go out of the country?"

"There is still this rule?" Mo Sana obviously doesn't communicate much with the human world like the Mother of the Earth, and she doesn't even know this. Seeing the mother of the earth nodded, she helpedlessly said: "This is a bit troublesome, but as the god of time, if you can't even fix time, then you don't need to be confused." Mosana said and looked at me. I got up and asked, "Do you have anything to time it?"

I shook my head as soon as I heard it. The system clock is so convenient, who is okay with a watch?

"Really, why are you so poor that you can't even afford a watch? Okay, let me lose money once!" Mosana seemed to be reluctant to figure it out. A golden pocket watch was handed to me. "It's cheaper for you this time, but you have to remember that this thing is also limited."

"As long as it can be used." I took the pocket watch excitedly, but didn't look at the attribute right away. . After all, Mosanna's identity is there, and it is really impolite to check the attributes of the pocket watch in front of others.

After thanking Mosana for her help, I asked about the specific operation and rescued Olivia at the corresponding time. Finally, I confirmed that there was nothing wrong with the mother of the earth. They returned to her garden together.

"Thank you very much for this matter. I will finish the World Tree task as soon as possible." After returning to the back garden of Mother Earth, I quickly began to thank Mother Earth for her help. This time, things seem so simple and smooth. It is entirely because the mother of the earth is willing to help. If she does not want to help, then this simple thing will become absolutely impossible, or complicated enough to make people grab hair. matter.

The mother of the earth didn't care much about the thanks to me, but she confessed that I could save people first and then sent me out of her bedroom.

After leaving Mother Earth, I was not in a hurry to go out, but first checked the pocket watch that Mossana had given me. When I asked how to use it before, Mossana just told me that this pocket watch changed the Time Attribute of the wearer and the friendly units within a certain range of the wearer according to the wearer’s mind, but did not tell me the specific abilities. After all, according to Mosana’s It is said that this thing is purely mind-controlled, it is a fool-style equipment, and it should be the kind that individuals can use.

Even though I knew that High God's shots would not be ordinary goods, after opening the attribute of that pocket watch, I was still surprised by the attribute I saw before my eyes. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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