Because Titans said he was looking for me in a hurry, I had to show that I had suspended the mission of continuing to run World Tree and returned to Isengard. From Isengard’s side, turn to Tianyu City and then to Dark God Palace. Titans has already greeted the people in the temple. When he saw me, two guards took me directly into it. Finally, The internal guard took over and sent me directly to a room to wait, and Ditans also walked in with a group of people a few minutes later.

"What happened to you calling me back in such a hurry?"

Ditans first motioned to his entourage to close the door, and then sat down next to me and asked carefully Said: "What the hell did you ask me to find?"

"Didn’t I tell you that it was a book?"

"What book can have such a great power? "

I was very puzzled about Titans’s question, turned my head and looked at him and asked: "May I ask what is such a great power?"

Dittens probably I also found that what I was asking was too abrupt. When he heard my question, he quickly turned around and called some of the guys in the black cloak in his entourage. There were a lot of people in this group of cloaks, as many as fourteen people, and all of them wore huge hoods and covered their entire faces in their hats. They couldn't see their looks at all. Although this kind of dressing is relatively common in Dark God Palace, it is a bit unreasonable that it still looks like this in the secret room. But these people didn't let my curiosity wait long, and when they walked to us, they immediately opened their cloaks.

The faces hidden under the cloak are not shocking faces. On the contrary, these people's looks are basically normal. Although they seem to be very eye-catching, there are no super handsome guys or peerless beauties. The existence of kind, if normal people's appearance is graded according to the standard of 100 points, these people should be regarded as the type between 80 and 90. They belong to the kind that is fairly beautiful, but definitely not an exaggeration. .

It is said that such a group of people should be nothing special, so I focused on their profession and equipment, and found that besides the undead Knight, they are vampire Swordsman or dark wizards. The professions are basically the more common types of professions in Dark God Palace. To say that it is special, it may mean that the level is higher, and the others are nothing special.

In general, these people are a relatively ordinary group of Dark God Palace fighters. At most they are more elite. There is nothing special about the others, but Ditans’s eyes and behavior It clearly tells me that these people have problems.

Dittens didn't interrupt me, so I continued to stare at these people. It wasn't until more than a minute later that I suddenly realized how special these people were.

"Huh? Titans, where did you find such a group of births?" Yes, the special thing about this group of people is that, except for one of them, a normal person, All are multiple births.

After I discovered the problem, Titans waved his hand to those people, and the group immediately formed five columns in front of us. The first five are the five people who have nothing common with each other, but except for the one on the far left, who is the only one, the other four people standing behind them are exactly the same, they should be their twin brother or Twin sisters.

On the far left column of me, standing is a petite female vampire, wearing a red evening dress, she looks quite sexy and coquettish, she is the only single member of the team. On her left is a tall undead Knight with his twin brothers standing behind him. On the left of the undead Knight is a male black mage wearing typical dark mage equipment, and behind him stands his two triplets brother. On the left side of the Black Mage is a pretty female Necromancer. The race seems to be a complete Lich, that is, a complete ghost form. Of course, this guy is also multiple births and quadruplets. The three behind him are all the same as him. Are exactly the same. Located to the left of this column of Lich is a relatively rare column of nether shadow assassin. They are also four people, but because the nether shadow assassin’s faces are all wrapped up like mummies, it is impossible to tell if they are quadruplets. According to the situation of several people, these four guys are mostly quadruplets.

After I asked him where he found so many births, Titans immediately clicked on the Monster Dao team: "You tell him who you are."

The four Lich sisters immediately stepped forward and stood in a row after receiving Ditans’ order and said in a neat voice: "I’m the big Lich Olivia LG Walkma."

The four people reported their names in a unified voice. I didn't respond at first, but I quickly realized that something was wrong. "Wait, what are you talking about? Are you Olivia? That is the daughter that Titans used to show off?"

This is not news that the guy Titans has a daughter, and It can be said that Divine Race is well known, because this daughter of Divines is a genius Necromancer, and belongs to the kind of genius children who can be shown off by anyone, so Divines can't avoid the regularity. He brags about how genius his daughter is, so that as long as anyone who has dealt with him, whether it is an enemy or a friend, almost knows that he has such a daughter.

Because this daughter of Titans is so famous, I, as his partner, is naturally impossible to know the existence of this Eldest Young Lady. However, the Eldest Young Lady I know is only one, and what is in front of me is...

"How did your daughter become four? Was it originally quadruplets?" Possibly, but I still asked this question that is destined to not receive a positive answer.

Sure enough, Titans shook his head and said: "I did only have one daughter, Olivia, but now..."

"Don’t tell me they are both Olivia Ya?"

Ditans once again nodded and said: "The first five are the people I found for you to help you find the book. In order to ensure that there is nothing wrong, I even gave my daughter It was sent out, but the team came back so many, but Olivia became four people."

"Wait, wait, I'm a little messy." I stopped first. After receiving Ditans’ complaint, he thought for a while and said: "You mean, you sent five people, including your daughter Olivia, to Antarctica to help me find books, but when the team came back, the people changed. Is it too much?"

"Yes, when it was sent out, there were five people, but when they came back, they became fourteen people, almost triple the number. How do you make up for it? Me? This time I even accompany my daughter for your business!"

"Stop. First declare that you have not lost anything. Not only is your daughter not less, but also three more. So, it is said that you have earned it."

"What are you talking about?" When Ditans heard my words, Lima became angry. "Okay, do you say that this is a profit, right? Then, you call your wife, and I will ask her to take her to the Antarctic and get back ten or eight for you. I see how you earn money? "

"don't, don't, don't, just kidding, I haven't figured out the situation yet! You suddenly copied ten or eight wives for me Okay, if it really comes out, then my backyard won’t turn the sky upside down?"

"Hmph, you know." Ditans said, "I can’t be too troublesome to change one daughter to four, but It’s also troublesome. Tell me what kind of book yours is? Why did you change people outside for no reason?"

"Please, I have never seen that book, it is Task item, I just look for it according to the task, and I don’t know what that thing is capable of. Besides knowing that the book should be one of the three World Trees, I don’t know as much as you! Let me first talk to them to find out how this person got extra?"

Ditans asked me to come here to find out the situation, so he didn’t stop me, but let Olivia is responsible for explaining it to me. As a genius child, Olivia's logical thinking is still very clear. She told me the general situation of the whole incident in just ten minutes.

According to Olivia, the five of them used the Dark God Palace’s large shadow projector to transfer them all to the South Pole at once after receiving Ditans’ order, and then looked for that one. The book process is also relatively simple, basically it didn't take long to find the underground ice cave where the book was located. However, the problem came out after they descended into the ice cave.

After entering the ice cave, the first thing they found was the traces of fighting on the walls and on the ground. There were many messy frozen monster corpses nearby, but living things. But I didn't see one.

Although they were very confused about this battlefield, they continued to go deep into the cave, but soon they found that they were lost. Underneath the ice cave is basically a super maze. This maze is completely excavated in the ice layer. And unlike ordinary surface mazes, this ice cave is actually a three-dimensional maze, with many up and down passages in between. People with a good sense of direction will get lost even after going in and making a few laps. Moreover, since this labyrinth was completely excavated in ice, the surrounding area is still ice except ice. Although these crystal-clear ice layers made the maze look quite beautiful, they seriously affected everyone's memory, so that the more they went around, the more they couldn't find the north.

Originally, if you were just trapped in the maze, you wouldn't have what it is now, but then everyone unfathomable mystery went back to the place where the corpse and the traces of the battle were first found. The reason why I still remember this location is because it happens to be the first fork in the maze, and this intersection is like the palm of a human hand. The passage into the cave is the widest, which is equivalent to a person's wrist, while the other five fork roads are relatively thin, and the five fingers of a person similar to each other lead in different directions. This obvious feature makes it particularly easy to recognize, but when the five people arrive here, they dare not confirm that this is the passage through which they came in.

The reason why they still dare not confirm the location in an area with such obvious characteristics is because the dead bodies and battle traces they saw here are all gone. The corpse on the ground can be considered to have been removed, but the scratches on the wall have also disappeared, which is a bit abnormal. Even if someone takes the body away, is he still responsible for repairing the wall?

In order to confirm whether this is the hall where they came in, they chose the thickest passage, because if this is the passage they came in, then this road should be through. On the ice sheet outside.

The last five people climbed up this road, but they reached the outside of the maze, and they also found the magic mark they had left at the entrance. This mark is actually an emergency transmission point, corresponding to the emergency Transmission Scroll on the five people. If they are in danger in the cave, they can use this scroll to directly transmit to the magic mark position at the exit, so this thing is impossible forgery. After all, the magic mark and Transmission Scroll correspond to one after another. If it is wrong, The scroll cannot resonate with the mark.

However, just when the five people confirmed that this was the entrance they entered and began to think about the disappeared corpse and battle traces, a strange thing happened. The magic mark that was originally used as a teleportation coordinate suddenly flashed, and after everyone saw two silhouettes falling out of it, one of them was Olivia, and the other was the nether who also became a quadruplet. shadow assassin.

The two who suddenly teleported were obviously teleported in a hurry during the battle, because they were still rolling back when they emerged from the Transmission Formation, as if they were being used in the process of being smashed into the air. In addition, the nether shadow assassin passed out as soon as he came out of the Transmission Formation, and Olivia was seriously injured and looked dying.

The five people discovered that two identical companions suddenly appeared, and immediately surrounded them. If it weren’t for the two imposters they thought were already hurting and dying, they might have to follow The two guys fought. However, because the other party was obviously seriously injured, several people had no chance of impulse. In the end, during the treatment, the two parties communicated and verified each other with past events, and they discovered that the other party was their own.

After confirming that the other party knows a lot of things that only you know, two guys who are exactly the same as themselves suddenly began to conduct some secret verification with the other one, and finally came to the conclusion that the other party It was himself, and because there was a big Lich like Olivia, so the probability of spiritual reading and soul engraving was ruled out.

In the ensuing process of questioning, the five-person group learned about completely different events from the sudden addition of the two populations. The memories of the two people were exactly the same as the five of them before entering the cave. But according to them, the five of them did not encounter the pile of corpses after entering the cave, and the fork they entered for the first time was different from that of the five of them. After that, they also fought many times in the cave. The opponents are some ice attribute monsters, but according to their description, the location and type of monsters killed by the so-called five-person team of these two people are not equal to those seen by the other five corpses.

The two said that they encountered a super powerful Ice Dragon after fighting for many times. Then they fought a game near a huge ice pool, and finally the Ice Dragon fought. But five of them called for a bunch of ice attribute monsters to help. The five were outnumbered. Knight took the initiative to take the initiative. The ice cave collapsed during the battle and was smashed into the ice. The remaining four of them fled afterwards. In the process, a person fell into a hidden secret door and his whereabouts were unknown. In the end, the female vampire was also injured by an ice monster sneak attack that suddenly rushed out. Later, they were surrounded by a large number of monsters, and reluctantly started the scroll to escape. But I don't know why only the two of them teleported out, but the injured female vampire didn't follow it.

The experiences these two people said are completely different from the situation encountered by the five people, but they decided to go back to the ice cave to investigate again, and they did a lot this time. Mark so as not to get lost again. However, this time the situation is worse than before. When they returned to the lobby again, they miraculously saw a group of people running out of a side road in embarrassment, and these three people turned out to be Olivia, the nether shadow assassin and the black in their group. Mage.

Same as last time, the three people immediately became alert as soon as they saw the seven outsiders, but because there was a manager once, the crowded side did not take the initiative to attack but tried to communicate with each other. Finally, after they talked, they found that they were the same as before, and these three were also their players. Then they continued to walk down after absorbing the three of them, but without accident they got lost again. Of course they finally came out, but when they came out, they found that four of them were standing at the entrance and were about to enter the cave. At that time, the two groups were dumbfounded, and then there was another exchange. .

Different from the previous three groups, in the end, the four members of this team claimed that they had seen the same team as them in the hole, and they were two.

Hearing here, I couldn’t help but interrupt Olivia’s words and asked: "According to you, there are at least twenty-eight of your brother sisters in that cave?"

One of the three Olivia who had been standing behind suddenly stood up and said: "The team we saw was not so many people, but ten people, and although we saw them at the time, it was because they were separated An ice wall can’t go past and meet. We can see each other, but we can’t make it through. That ice wall must be protected by some special power, so it’s hard to even blow our magic, even the nether shadow. The ability to penetrate walls is also malfunctioning, so we and the person on the other side just had to separate after seeing each other for a while."

After listening to Olivia’s explanations, I thought about it for a while. : "According to your statement, you actually didn't break the book, it's just that the unfathomable mystery has been copied many times, right?"

The first Olivia nodded and said:" Yes, we basically didn’t run into anything. As a result, there were so many unfathomable mystery and so many exactly the same us."

The Olivia who joined last added: "My team and them The situation is different. Our group of five was the same as their manager before entering the cave, but we encountered a monster in the entrance hall. According to their description, the corpse and battle traces they saw when they entered the cave for the first time should actually be We left behind, but I don’t know why when they came out later, they were unfathomable mystery and couldn’t find the corpses and traces."

"Then did you see it later?"

"Neither did I." The Olivia said, "When I met them later, I went back to see the hall and confirmed the original battle traces and the location of the body with them. The corpse that arrived was the monster we killed, but when we went back to confirm it, the corpse and traces were strangely gone."

After listening to their descriptions, I first fell into a state of thinking, and Titans also Knowing that I was thinking about the problem, I didn’t bother me. After waiting for more than ten minutes, I suddenly eyes shined and raised my head to them and said, "Thank you, can you disperse according to different batches of teams first? Just follow yours. The team split into several teams the moment they joined."

When I heard this, the fourteen people immediately acted and divided into a five-person team, a four-person team, a three-person team, and a two-person team. After the four teams were separated, I turned to Ditans and asked: "When did you send the team?"

"After you left."

I thought for a while and turned around and said to the five-man team: "How long has it taken from the moment you stood in the Antarctic until you returned to the Dark God Palace?"

"Eighteen days "Olivia replied calmly.

"What?" The Titans in the position jumped up from his seat almost instantly. "You said you stayed there for eighteen days?"

Olivia looked at Titans in surprise and said: "Yes. We got lost in the ice cave and went around a lot. It was a detour."

"How is it possible?" Ditans staggered back as if he had been hit hard, and said, "But you only set off the night before!"

"What?" Olivia was surprised this time, and the other four in her group were all dumbfounded.

Actually, Ditans at first's calm and current excitement are normal reactions. The reason why Titans was so calm before was because according to their description, things seemed very clear. In Ditans's mind, this five-person team should be the five people he sent out, and the three teams with uneven personnel have two possibilities. One is that they are highly skilled impersonators, and even the impersonated person himself cannot confirm the authenticity. Another possibility is that they are all clones who don't know when they were copied. Anyway, his daughter Olivia can't be wrong in that group of five.

However, based on the question I just asked, all of Titans's previous speculations are obviously invalid. Regardless of whether the latter teams were copied or impersonated, the front team is definitely not the person that Ditans sent out in the first place. In other words, Olivia, the real daughter of Titans, may simply not be among the four Olivia.

"Purple Moon, you bastard, you return my daughter!" Ditans, who seemed to be sluggish for a while, suddenly recovered without knowing what happened, and then quickly rushed over and pinched I shook my neck violently, not knowing that he was going to kill me for revenge.

"cough cough...cough...hurry up...let don't want to find your daughter?"

This sentence that seems to have great Great Demon power instantly makes Di Tans stopped, but he still didn't let me go. Instead, he squeezed my shoulder and asked, "Quickly, how can I find my daughter?" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome. Starting point ( vote recommended, monthly ticket, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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