"Don’t you really think that I dare not offend you Olympus Divine Race?" Looking at Pandora’s expression, it’s clear that I don’t believe I have that guts, but when I ask After such a problem, she hesitated instead. After some rethinking, she lifts the head in surprise and looked at me and asked: "Aren't you really planning to recruit us?"

"I just wanted to try it. But after meeting you, I changed my mind. Talents are popular everywhere, and you are like that."

Pandora lowered his head and thought for a while, then suddenly reached out to me With the little thumb, the child pulls the hook into the agreed posture. I looked down at her little finger in surprise, and then looked back at her face. "Are you...?"

"Make a promise." Pandora said with a smile.

"What do you mean?"

"I won't betray Hades, but that doesn't mean I can't betray Zeus."

"You Do you want me to dig Hades over?"

"No, but also Minos and Aikos." Radamantis suddenly walked up and put out his little finger.

Pandora’s smile is even brighter, and she deliberately tilted her head and put on a cute look and said: "Of course Persephone can't be thrown away."

"Hello? I want to dig talents, not to engage in the Divine Race big immigration, okay? Do you want to move the entire underworld of the Olympian system?"

"Can you It would be better if it was done."

I reluctantly covered my face, and after a while I let go of my palm and turned my head and looked towards Ares. "What do you say?"

Aris seems to have not reacted yet, he looked at Pandora a little silly and asked: "Are you not in my gang now? "

Pandora smiled and replied: "It depends on how you decide. If you also jump over, we will still be in the same group, otherwise we may be enemies in the future."< /p>

"Isn't it? How do you say that you betray you? Then what should I do? I will not negotiate terms!"

I looked at A Rui who was anxiously turning around. Si said: "In fact, with regard to your welfare, do you think if I say that I have a way to solve your tragedy's lucky value, would you consider betraying Zeus and mixing with me?"

Although the Ares people Not smart, but that doesn't mean he doesn't know what he needs. Obviously has a super ability, but often loses because of various accidents, the most tragic thing in life is this. Now I suddenly heard that there is a way to solve his tragic luck, as long as people with normal thinking will want to get it, as for the betrayal of Zeus, it seems that Zeus originally relied on power to rule in the Olympus Divine Race. , There is basically no feelings between the gods and him, on the contrary, there is more hatred. So for betraying Zeus, Ares has no psychological burden at all.

"Do you really have a way to solve my luck problem?"

I didn't directly answer Ares's words, but patted hands. The door behind me suddenly slid to the side, and then I saw Jixiang and Ruyi sitting on two simple sedan chairs being carried in. "I would like to introduce to you. These two are the auspicious and wishful mascots of our Frost Rose League."

Nodded of Ares Machinery, then asked: "But what does this have to do with me?"

"The relationship lies in their special skills." I said to Pandora: "Thank you for your cooperation." After I said that, I handed a dice to Pandora. "Say the number of points you want to throw, and then throw it once." Although I don't know what the hell I am doing, Pandora still obediently said that the number she hopes to throw is 6. Click, and then she threw the dice out. The big dice, whose head is comparable to a toy Rubik's Cube, bounced on the ground a few times, and the last number that came up was 4. Pandora looked at me after seeing the numbers, but I didn't pick up the dice, just asked her to repeat it several times.

Pandora played a few more times as I said, each time he first said the number he wanted to throw, and then threw the dice. A total of 20 throws were thrown, and finally the number thrown three times was consistent with the number said before. It can be said that this probability is quite high, which means that Pandora's lucky value may be higher than the average value of normal people.

After doing this, I asked Ares to repeat the same process, but I let him play fifty times in one breath, and the result was fifty times all wrong, and none of them were thrown. The number can match the number he said.

Seeing that Ares was going to run away because he couldn’t throw the number he said, I quickly grabbed the dice and said: "You see. The same dice, Pandora can occasionally throw it. Hit the number you want, this is her luck, and your hit rate is zero. That is to say, what you think in your heart is 100% impossible to achieve. Of course, our small experiment is not scientific, but it is at least from the side. It reflects your lucky value that may be a negative number."

Aris said frustratedly: "I know I'm unlucky, can you stop irritating me?"

I smiled and nodded and said: "Well, I won't irritate you anymore. I will give you motivation now." I said, gesturing towards Ruyi, and then Ruyi immediately twisted her fat ass and crawled to Pandora's side, and then Stretched out her front paw towards Pando. Pandora bends down knowingly, and Ruyi immediately touched her forehead and Pandora's forehead together.

After I finished Ruyi, I re-passed the dice to Pandora and said, "Throw it ten more times. It's still the same way."

Pandora seems to understand something. , She quickly reported a number and threw the dice, and then waited for the dice to stop, which happened to be the number she said. This was repeated ten times, and the result was a hundred shots, and all the numbers reported for the ten times were the numbers she said.

In the surprised gaze of Ares, I passed the dice to him again, and said: "Try it too." After I said Jixiang, I ran over and did the same to Ares. Things. When Jixiang and Ares separated their foreheads, Ares immediately tried to say a number with excitement, and then threw the dice. As a result, the dice didn't know what was going on, as if it had been wicked, it actually turned on the ground for more than a minute like a top and didn't mean to fall down.

Seeing the crazy dice, Ares was just nervous, Pandora was a little confused, but Jixiang and Ruyi were shocked with me. Really didn't expect Ares' bad luck could be so strong. The trick just used by Auspicious and Ruyi is called lucky blessing, which is to make people who touch their foreheads get lucky for a day. Those who are blessed within the validity period will be super lucky. Normal attacks produce the most damage almost every time, and skill attacks often double the effect. Killing the boss monsters is 100% good equipment. Anyway, all things related to luck will be great. If it weren't for the auspicious and ruyi skills that have a limit on the number of times they can be used every day, I would have liked to let the people in the guild receive a blessing every day.

However, although this skill has a limit on the number of times it can be used, its effect is really amazing. I tried it a few times before, and it was simply an attribute against the sky. Especially when facing a long-range attack, you can almost swagger through the arrow rain without being shot by any arrow. Of course, this kind of defying attribute is not used casually. Just like other benefits in our guild, the auspicious and wishful abilities everyday all will be clearly marked for members to redeem with the guild contribution value. Generally, members of our guild will choose to raise funds for the person in the team responsible for the damage output to redeem once when playing BOSS, so that he can basically explode a bunch of good things when he completes the final blow, and the absolute value is returned to the contribution value. NS.

Because I understand the power of this ability, I am even more shocked now. Because according to normal circumstances, Ares should now be incarnation of Lucky Superman, who can throw any number by saying any number. However, the actual result is that the dice keeps spinning. What does this show? This shows that the lucky blessing that Jixiang just used is fighting against Ares's own bad luck, and it seems that the two are currently evenly matched, so that the dice can't stop at all.

Looking at the dice, I didn’t mean to stop at all. I moved carefully to Pandora’s side and asked in a low voice: "Are there any gods in your Olympus Divine Race?"

"Bad God?"

"Just take care of bad things." I said, pointing at Ares.

Pandora immediately opened her mouth and suddenly realized. "It seems that there is no god on our side who specializes in this, but there are a few gods with similar abilities. For example, Goddess of Doom, Goddess of Destiny, and Vengeance Goddess and Goddess of Victory have some similar abilities."

"Did Ares offend which one or several of them?"

Pandora thought about it for a while and said: "It looks like Ares and them The relationship between several of them is not very good." At this point, she whispered mysteriously to my ear: "Actually, Ares has a very bad relationship with all the women Divine Race of Olympus Divine Race. It is said that the relationship between Ares and Divine Race of Olympus is very bad. It’s because he is a bit machismo and despises women, so the entire Goddess of the Olympus Divine Race is not right with her."

I was in a cold sweat when I heard Pandora’s words, I said Ari How could this guy like this mold? This is the problem after a long time! But I just promised to give Ares hope, so I had to let Jixiang pass and wasted another precious blessing. The double blessings take effect at the same time, and the result is different in Lima. The dice stopped almost immediately when the second auspicious blessing was completed, and the number displayed was exactly the number reported by Ares. The excited Ares immediately rushed to the dice and burst into tears. I was confused and I didn't know which of his nerves had short-circuited again.

Radamantis whispered to me beside him. "Don't blame him. You know, we male gods sometimes like to get together and gamble for two if they have nothing to do. The guy Ares is particularly good with this one, but his luck... anyway, he has never won. This should be the first time in his life that he successfully guessed the number of points he would throw out in advance. This is a record-breaking thing for Ares."

"I said how excited he was. That’s it."

Aris, who had been crying with the dice for a long time, didn’t remember until a few minutes later to verify if it was just an accident, so he threw it several times, but every time Can quickly throw out the numbers he said before. After throwing ten times in a row, this guy immediately snotted and burst into tears on Jixiang’s feet, holding Jixiang’s hairy legs, crying and shouting, and then mixed with Jixiang, and Jixiang asked him to go to Blade Mountain to live. He didn't blink.

Looking at Ares crying in a mess, I couldn’t help but look at Pandora and Ladamantis and asked: "Why are you Olympus Divine Race so unethical?"

Radamantis immediately solemnly vowed the guarantee that Ares is a special case, and other Olympus Divine Races, especially their Pluto series of Olympus Divine Races, are absolutely not like this.

I was talking to Radamantis here. Jixiang saw that I didn’t pay attention to him. He immediately took out a sign with a stick underneath from behind and saw him quickly He wrote a paragraph on it and held the sign in front of Ares. Ares looked at the words on the sign sillyly and whispered: "Because you have a kind of Nine Headed Snake, I want to eat snake soup, you can catch it for me, and I will take you later."

< p>Aris looked at the sign and immediately said in surprise: "But Hydra is a creature of the Hades family. If I catch him, Hades will definitely not let me go!"

< p> After listening to Jixiang, he quickly erased the words on the sign and rewritten a row, and stood up again. Ares still read: "Then catch the minotaur who likes to live in the maze. The beef should be good too."

As soon as he finished reading Ares said: "His name is Mino. Tauros is not called the Minotaur. And he doesn't like to live in a maze. The maze is used to seal him. And the meat on his body is not beef. I don't know if it tastes good!"

< p> Jixiang wanted to write again after listening to it. Suddenly, he felt a murderous aura coming from behind. He quickly threw the sign away, and then whistled to the door as if nothing had happened. However, although his upper body was swaying like that, the short legs underneath were still pulling the sign, trying to take the thing away.

I almost got annoyed by this guy. A rigid voice threatened: "Aren't you trying to lose weight again?"

As soon as I heard my warning, Auspicious Lima rushed back and hugged my thigh, trying to act like a baby, and finally raised it. He wrote a bunch of flattery on his special sign. Under his solemnly vowed guarantee, I didn't punish him in the end, of course not because his flattery was shot well, but because I just wanted to scare him. After all, the looks of the auspicious and Ruyi pandas are so cute. If I abuse them, the MMs in the guild will gang up and abuse me. So for the safety of my own life, I don’t dare to move. Their.

After reaching an agreement with Ares and Pandora, the Saint Seiya they belonged to also immediately turned back. Originally, the Saint Seiya of Olympus Divine Race was not a regular army of Divine Race, but a kind of existence similar to private soldiers or doormen in ancient China. These Saints are not so much members of the Olympus Divine Race, but rather the personal guards of these Divine Races. It is precisely because of this that those saints will join us immediately after the Divine Race nodded without the slightest hesitation.

Although several people here have agreed to join our forces, I cannot let them out for the time being. Divine Race wants to change jobs, but it’s not just a lip service. If you can’t get out the Divine Soul seed you have stored in the source of faith of your race, once you let the main god of your race know that you’ve betrayed, the other party only needs to crush the Divine. Soul seeds can cause the corresponding Divine Race to be seriously injured and lose strength or even die directly, so I must not let the divine force seeds until I have settled the matter on the Olympus Divine Race and got these divine force seeds out. They showed up outside.

After arranging things for Pandora and the others, I quickly left the City of Discipline and started running the World Tree for the Mother of Earth. I chose the sky tree for the first goal, probably because of good luck. The location of this tree happened to be not far from Isengard. It only took me more than ten minutes to find this tree growing on a floating island. Big tree.

The sky tree itself is not very different from ordinary trees. If you have to say that it looks different from ordinary trees, it may be that its size is a bit large. . Just like the world-famous natural tree in South America, this sky tree is also very exaggerated, looking like a castle flying in the sky from a distance.

"What a big tree!" Seeing the tree in the sky from a distance, Linglong immediately uttered a voice of admiration. However, as soon as her voice of admiration fell, we were suddenly blocked by an invisible wall. Fortunately, we were flying by ourselves, and we didn't ride a bird, otherwise we would have to knock ourselves out of consciousness. But even at our own flight speed, this one shot us hard enough. "Why is there a protective cover in this place?" Linglong, who finally recovered from the vertigo, immediately complained.

I brought Xiaochun Summon out and helped her treat the bruises on her face. By the way, I earned two more points of loyalty. Then I pointed to the tree in front of me and said, "In addition to it, there are What kind of protective Formation will be arranged here?"

"But how do we get in it so that it protects all the surroundings in the protective cover?"

"This problem is the least problem. "As I said, I took out the larval World Tree that the Mother of Earth gave me, and then reached out again to touch the protective cover we just hit. As expected. When I held the World Tree seedlings, the protective cover seemed to be completely non-existent, allowing me to get in smoothly.

When we successfully set foot on the floating island where the tree of the sky grows, we realized that the floating island is far from being as small as we thought before. In fact, the reason why I thought it was small before was entirely because the sky tree was really too big. Compared to the floating island, the size of the sky tree is too huge, so looking at it from a distance, it feels like the sky tree is like a Christmas tree planted in a flowerpot, and the tree body is more than a flowerpot. How many times bigger, so that we all feel that the floating island as a load is too small. However, when we really set foot on it, this idea immediately disappeared without a trace. Looking at the skyscraper-like giant tree and the huge grassland at the foot that can hold more than a dozen football games at the same time, no one would think that this place is small anymore.

"How many years has it been? Didn't expect to see the messenger of the Mother of the Earth." As soon as we set foot on the floating island, we immediately heard a deafening voice from above our heads Voice. I can feel my heart trembling with the sound.

"Excuse me. Are you the tree of the sky?"

"hahahaha...isn’t the tree that grows in the sky a tree of the sky? Don’t worry, children, you didn’t find a mistake Goal. The Mother of the Earth should let you extract the traces of the world, right? Come, take out the little Small World lord and put it on my roots." With the voice of the sky tree, the ground under our feet suddenly There was a large bulge, and then a tree root as thick as a sea-crossing tunnel turned out from the ground with a rumbling noise.

I carefully placed the World Tree seedling on the root of the tree, and then I saw a flash of light on the tree in the sky, and a layer of fluorescence suddenly gathered from all over the body of World Tree, and then flowed towards The young World Tree seedling. In just an instant we saw the seedling burst out with a dazzling brilliance, as if it was not a tree, but a tree-like light bulb with a kilowatt. Fortunately, this kind of luminescence is not permanent. After the burst flash, the brightness of the World Tree seedlings began to slowly decrease, until finally the normal non-luminous state was completely restored.

"Well, my task here has been completed, you can now leave with a little fellow." The Sky Tree unexpectedly took only a few seconds to complete his work. However, just when I took the seedling of World Tree back and prepared to leave, the sky tree suddenly shook its body and said, "Oh, I almost forgot. In addition to the mark of the world, I should also give the messenger of the mother of earth something. It's a reward." As he said, he suddenly used the thick tree roots to roll out a huge olive-shaped crystal that was five or six meters high from a small hole suddenly opened in the center of the tree. "Take it away, kid, it's your reward."

"What kind of thing is this?"

I took the crystal and studied it while asking. With a sound, didn't expect the sky tree was directly replied without concealment at all: "Oh, this is my excrement."

When I heard the sky tree, I almost didn't throw the crystal. Go out, but think about it as a tree in the sky. The excrement produced and the excrement of animals are not a concept at all. Besides, this thing is definitely valuable as a reward, so in the end I was not willing to throw it out.

"Then what, I don't want to ask the specific origin of this, I just want to know the purpose of this thing."

The sky tree suddenly laughed. "Hahahaha, I'm just kidding, it scares you. That's not my excrement. Besides, the tree doesn't produce any excrement. It's a kind of crystal condensed naturally in my body, and it's for you. This one takes 10,000 years to grow into shape. Its role is to shield gravity. As long as you feel comfortable with a little magic, it can make the surrounding area become absolutely zero gravity. You can use it to make aircraft or Anything else, it's useful anyway."

"So what, can this thing be taken apart and used?"

"Even if you grind it into powder, it can still be used. But. You have to find a way to deal with the flow of magical power. When there is no magical power, it will not create a gravity barrier."

"Understood. Then I will accept this gift. I have to find another Five World Trees, so I won’t bother you anymore."

"I hope you can come and disturb me often. It’s too lonely to be floating here by myself."

< p>When I heard the words of the tree in the sky, my wings closed again. "Um, are you talking kindly? Or do you really want someone to chat with you?"

"Of course it is true. Put you alone in the sky for ten thousand years, think about it How will you feel?"

I don't have the mind to guess about the idea of ​​the tree in the sky. All I care about is his protective cover. I found out when I just hit the protective cover. The protective cover of the tree of the sky seems to be not comparable to ordinary protective tricks. Its defensive power is the second strongest among the various defensive energies I have seen so far. The only protection energy I have seen that surpasses it is me and Jingjing’s Absolute Defense, but Absolute Defense has a time limit, and the protective cover of the Sky Tree can be left on all the time. Moreover, the sky tree itself grew on a floating island. If this is to transform the ground of this floating island into a city, then we can use the protective cover of the sky tree to make it an unsinkable air carrier. Of course, whether this island can be converted into a weapon of war depends on the meaning of the tree in the sky.

After some exchanges, Sky Tree immediately agreed to my proposal to rebuild the floating island, but Sky Tree did not let me change it into a weapon platform. However, he can accept to turn this into an observation base. Anyway, the floating island can fly everywhere, and the sky tree can also control the wind to drive the floating island to move at a high speed, even if it can’t be equipped with weapons and change it into a mobile fort. It is quite good to use it as a transport plane and a reconnaissance device.

After discussing the general plan for the establishment of the city with the Sky Tree, I left the next tasks to the people in the guild to handle. When the boss is responsible for negotiating, it’s fine. Naturally, someone will calculate and take care of the details.

My next goal after leaving the sky tree is the earth tree. It is easier to find than the tree of the sky. The tree of the earth grows directly on the top of a barren mountain, and the tree is entirely made of stones, and no green is visible. After I took out the juvenile World Tree, the Earth Tree immediately completed the task of passing on the mark of the world, and then left a prize for me in accordance with the rules of the Mother Earth, but compared to the previous anti-gravity crystal, the Earth Tree stayed The fine gold laid down doesn't seem so valuable.

"Where shall we go next?" Linglong asked after leaving the tree of earth.

I didn’t answer Linglong’s words, but instead asked: "Can you go to my training space and stay with Ling and the others for a while?"

"Why?" ( To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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