"Regarding my identity, I think Pandora, you can ask Ares, he should remember me."

After hearing my words, Pandora and Ladamantis' eyes immediately focused on Ares, and Ares immediately responded: "He is Purple Moon. The guy who helps us manage the ring of discipline."

"It turned out to be you." Pandora nodded and said: "It's strange if you dare to arrest us. Tell me, what do you want to capture us this time? Although I know that most likely we can't go back this time, but since If you didn’t kill us right away, it shows that we still have use value. Since you left us, then tell us what we can do and what consequences we do will bring us. "

"As expected to be the manager of Hades, her work efficiency is really very good." I clapped my hands and praised, and then said resolutely: "Since you are asking so directly, Then I won’t be in circles with you. Let me talk about my purpose first. This time I arrested you because of the recent expansion of your Olympus Divine Race."

Olympus Divine The king of the underworld in Race was originally Hades, but Hades himself is basically not involved in the specific things of the underworld. It is Pandora and the three giants of hell headed by Ladamantis who are really managing things in the underworld. Hades can safely hand over the management of the entire hell without intervening at all. Although the personal relationship between Pandora and Hades is also a reason, if Pandora does not have that ability, I think Hades will not. Really let her take over such an important thing. This shows that Pandora's intelligence and management capabilities are quite outstanding.

Because of their extraordinary intelligence, Pandora immediately realized the problem when I said that they were arrested this time because of the expansion of their Olympus Divine Race. "Could it be that Titans and Felendier sent you here?"

"You are really smart, but there is a problem with the wording." I said, turning to Ares and said: "I Say Ares, can you explain to your companions the relationship between Titans and me?"

Although Ares is impulsive, he also knows that he often causes trouble. In this situation, he is acting quite steady, not because he is smart enough, but because he knows that he is not smart, so he gives up all the work of negotiation to Pandora, who is absolutely smart enough in his opinion. Anyway, he only had to wait for the talk to collapse and then he could fight. But having said that, it seems that he can't make a move in the current environment. After the power was sealed, he didn't even want to defeat anyone. Of course, in fact, even if the power was not sealed, he never won a battle.

Because he knew that he was not suitable for negotiation, Ares obediently told Pandora about the relationship between Titans and me after I finished speaking. Although Ares's eloquence was not very good, he was able to make things clear even under Pandora's inquiry. Soon Pandora understood why I said she used her words improperly. Not because her meaning was incorrect, but because she made a mistake about the status relationship between Ditans and me.

Like most Divine Races who haven't seen me, they all think that Divine Race is aloof and remote, and they don't put any mortals in their eyes. Therefore, after Pandora knew that I came because of the expansion of the Olympus Divine Race, the first reaction was that I was sent by Titans to perform the task. However, now she finally figured out that I was not sent, but hired. Although they are all helping Titans, the gap between the two is not generally large.

"Okay, I didn’t figure it out. Now let me sort it out again. If I’m not mistaken, according to you, you are employed by Titans and Felindir and Marilyn came to contain our Olympus expansion, and the method you chose was to catch us and threaten Olympus Divine Race, right?"

"no no no There is no point in threatening you." I shook my head and said: "The most terrifying enemy is an unknown enemy, not an enemy that is already known, so I will not use you to threaten the Olympus Divine Race. There is no benefit other than making the entire Olympus Divine Race hostile to me. Your identity within the Olympus Divine Race may be quite noble, and it can indeed affect some of the Divine Race’s behavior, for example, Hades affirmed You are willing to exchange the armistice for your freedom. But you are not the only one of Hades at the Olympus Divine Race. The contradiction between your three gods is not a secret, right? If Hades can be allowed I think Zeus and Poseidon would be very happy to lose a right-hand man."

"Since you don’t want to use us to threaten Olympus Divine Race and give up the expansion plan, then you catch us. What are you doing?" After Pandora asked, I didn't answer her right away. She also fell into deep thought slowly by herself. As I expected, after only a few seconds of hesitation, she suddenly reacted. "Do you want to use our disappearance to attract their attention to make Olympus Divine Race feel that the country is not safe, and then force them to withdraw the main force back to focus on the country?"

I appreciate you more. But your guess is not quite right, because you know a little less after all. In addition to the idea you just said, I actually have another idea, that is to use your disappearance to marry Divine Race for Christ."

Pandora suddenly realized this and exclaimed: "The news we received just before we were arrested said that the Temple Mount was brought down, didn't. t expect you did it?"

To be honest, I was also taken aback by Pandora's words. "Hey, how many spies did your Olympus Divine Race plant in other countries? It took only a few hours from when I brought down the Temple Mount to when I arrested you, do you actually know it?"

Pandora said confidently: "Although the secrets between Divine Races are relatively easy to protect, the intelligence work of our Olympus Divine Races is not at the same level. After all, you The Temple Mount was brought down. The movement was a bit too big. In fact, this incident was not a message sent by our intelligence personnel, but was asked by our dedicated Sect people. When the Temple Mount collapsed, we I also felt some shock on the Greek side, so I sent someone over to ask, and the person who was sent came back and told us that someone had knocked down the Temple Mount."

"Since you know this Matter, you should understand my plan, right?"

Pandora nodded said: "I think I can guess what you mean. It is just 1st Step to catch us. Your real plan is to take advantage of our missing marriage. Woe to Christ Divine Race, and then our main attack force of Olympus Divine Race will turn to Christ Divine Race, so that you have completed the task given to you by Ditans. It can be said that your plan is perfect, but I am very Want to know why you want to use the method of blaming?" Pandora suddenly thought about it again. "Wait, you overthrew the Temple Mount of Christ Divine Race before, which means that you have been to the Temple Mount before. As you are impossible at first, you deliberately fell out with Christ Divine Race on the Temple Mount, so you must What was the reason for the dispute with them, and then you simply did nothing, and directly pulled us and Christ Divine Race together and let us both fight each other, you just sit back and reap the profit. As for why you and Christ Divine Divine The Race fell out. I think it’s most likely because you took the benefits of Titans and wanted to find the Scrooge from Jehovah for a benefit. As a result, he not only refused to give it, but also made trouble for you, and then you fell out completely. You guessed it right?"

pa pa pa pa...... I slapped my hands vigorously. "Seriously, I really feel more and more that you are a very likable person." I said and continued: "Okay, I have made it clear for my purpose of catching you. Now let me tell you something. My thoughts about you."

Pandora reached out again to stop me from speaking, and then she said for me: "Don't use me, I think I know what your thoughts are."

"Oh? You know? Come and listen."

Pandora said with a smile: "You and our Olympus Divine Race had no grievances. The reason for attacking us It's all because of Titans's hiring mission. You want to get the benefits, but you don't want to offend our Olympus Divine Race. So you didn't kill us immediately. If I guess right, you should be. Let us go back after this event is over. Of course, the premise is that the Olympus Divine Race defeated the Christ Divine Race."

Pandora looked smugly after she finished her speculation. Waiting for me to marvel again, but unfortunately, what she waited for was my denial. "It seems that you can't be the roundworm in my stomach for the time being. Of course, it may also be because you still don't understand my character and strength. As for the reason you didn't kill you immediately, this is right. I am. I really don’t want to offend the Olympus Divine Race prematurely, but it’s just that I don’t want to offend the Olympus Divine Race prematurely, not really afraid to offend. So, no matter who you get the Olympus Divine Race and Christ Divine Race after this war Victory, I will not put you back again."

"What?" Hearing my words, Pandora showed an expression of horror and fear for the first time since being caught here. The reason why she was so calm before was not because she was not afraid of death, but because she guessed that she would not die, so she was so calm. However, what I said just now really scared her. Because I said that I do not intend to let them go back, that is to say, their use value may not lie in their identities, but in their bodies. In this case, they still cannot escape death. Of course, another way to use it is to persuade them to join us in the Temple of Chaos and Order, but although Pandora is smart enough, her mind is restricted. She always thinks that we are the first-class existence of the low Divine Race, so she doesn't think I am so bold to dig their high level Divine Race of the Olympus Divine Race to their own temple. Because to do so, we must face the anger of Olympus Divine Race, and Pandora believes that we cannot bear the consequences.

However, she completely guessed wrong this time. She underestimated my guts and our strength. I am simply not afraid of Olympus Divine Race. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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