
Under Linglong's surprised question, I could only helplessly explain to her. This is the trouble of not having high loyalty. You have to explain the reason for directing her to do things. If she doesn't figure it out, she won't be obedient at all. If it is a loyal favorite, it is simply what I say, and there is no doubt at all.

"It’s also good for you to let you temporarily enter the training space. My next goal is the water tree. This guy seems to be growing on the seabed. Your armor seems to be less rigid than my Divine Dragon armor. I'm afraid your armor can't bear it in such a deep place."

In "Zero", because of the many underwater breathing items, many players will play in the water. Moreover, it is not the same as in reality. In the game, because everyone's physical fitness is set to be very high, compared with people in reality, our pressure resistance in the game is significantly stronger than that of people in reality. Because of this, there are many people who can dive into the waters of one or two hundred meters deep with only ordinary armor. Those with high level armor like me want to go. Of course, as the depth increases, the water pressure will gradually increase, and different people can withstand different extreme depths according to their own special attributes and defensive power attributes.

Although Linglong is not like a normal succubus wearing armor that is similar to erotic underwear, her armor is definitely not too strong, at least this armor is still fleshy in some places. After all, the suit on her body is only a standard armor, not a full-covered heavy plate armor, so it is definitely not good to use it as a diving suit. Even if she is relatively strong, relying on physical strength to carry it hard, there is a limit. According to the previous situation, the tree of water is most likely to be in a very deep Sea Territory, so I dare not go down with Linglong at all.

Although the loyalty is not high, it is not bad, at least Linglong is reasonable. After listening to me explain that she wanted to dive into deep waters, she didn't insist on it anymore, but obediently entered the training space. Of course, this is the first time she has entered the training space since she became a familiar, so I also specially opened a large space so that all the okay familiars can be concentrated in this space so that they can communicate with each other, so that Linglong will not feel entering. The training space seems to be imprisoned. After all, this girl is a liberal. In case she leaves a bad impression on her, maybe she will not enter the training space anymore in her life. I don't want to go with a magic familiar that is completely irretrievable wherever I go in the future.

After arranging Linglong, I released the crystal ball that can automatically track the tree of water. Unsurprisingly, I just injected magic into it at Isengard’s harbour, that crystal ball The ball immediately moved towards the sea like a missile and plunged into it. It is no surprise that the tree of the sky is in the sky, the tree of the earth is on the mountain, and the tree of water is under the water. However, although I knew that the water tree would not grow too close to the shallow sea, I still underestimated the depth of his location.

I rode the fastest underwater small dragon woman among the magic pets and swam for several hours in the sea. What I saw was not a tree of water, but a huge cliff. The environment under seabed is actually similar to that on the ground. There are plains, mountain peaks and canyons here, and of course there are also super trenches that are rarely seen on the ground—trenches.

"Isn't it?" The small dragon girl and I stood on the edge of the terrifying cliff and looked down together. In addition to darkness or darkness as far as I can see, no matter how strong the sun is, I can’t illuminate the trench. If I hadn’t had dark vision, and I was more courageous, I would have been scared by the darkness and wouldn’t dare to move forward. However, the small dragon woman still couldn't help asking, "Are we really going to go down? This is an endless trench! In case that tree grows at the bottom of the trench, I won't be able to dive down anyway!"

"It’s okay. You try to take me down. If you can’t hold on, we’ll change. Heiyan should be able to withstand this pressure, but he is not as fast in the water as you are. Otherwise, I just let him take me down."

The small dragon girl thought about it and thought it was nodded in the end, and then she quickly turned into a body and grabbed me with her front paws and rushed under the trench.

Diving with the small dragon female of Divine Dragon Race has the advantage of not having to bring lighting equipment. The whole body of a small dragon woman will naturally light up with a layer of pink fluorescence in the dark, and her two eyes are like two giant searchlights. In the deep sea where normal lights can never illuminate five meters away, she actually Two golden beams of nearly fifty meters long can be shot in front of the eyes, and it seems that this beam of light will not be scattered by water at all. Even if it shoots fifty meters, it is still a straight and clear beam of light, and it does not appear in general. Astigmatism of lighting equipment under water.

Although the small dragon female's own light-emitting ability has brought great convenience to our forward search work, it has also caused a lot of trouble. as everyone knows There is no light in the deep sea, but many deep-sea creatures like to chase the light source. There is a kind of deep-sea fish that grows two luminous tentacles on the head, and then use this thing as a fishing rod to attract the small fish to its mouth and eat it in one bite. This shows how strong the light is in the seabed. As a result, the small dragon female has just entered the trench and turned into a monster magnet in less than five minutes. There are various monsters in the various caves on the surrounding cliffs. He popped out from time to time, and slammed into us without looking at our strength. The result is of course uncontroversial. The deep sea rare beast in the game is amazing, but it is still inferior to Divine Dragon after all. However, more and more monsters are making us impossible to move a single step. We are here to find the water tree, not to go to the bottom of the water to spawn monsters. It's not a thing to fight like this all the time.

After more than half an hour's persistence, after confirming that I couldn't move forward at all, I had to give up the small dragon female's high speed, and instead took Heiyan summon out.

As the Divine Immortal of the Sea of ​​Silence, the Overlord level rare beast that comes out of the terrifying area where you have to walk around, Black Flame and those deep sea rare beasts in the ordinary Sea Territory are not the same amount at all. The existence of the level. Overwhelming volume advantage, steel-like impervious to sword and spear scale armor, and the mighty power of overwhelming rivers and seas, Heiyan is simply a monster killer here. Actually speaking of which, the battle strength of Heiyan and the small dragon girl should not be much different, but Heiyan has an advantage, that is, his body is completely dark, even though he kills monsters not much faster than the small dragon girl. But the more he kills, the less he kills. Because no monsters continued to gather, as the surrounding monsters gradually died out, Hei Yan could finally take me to dive into the deep sea.

Without the self-luminous ability of the small dragon female, our surroundings have really become pitch black. Fortunately, Hei Yan and I are very comfortable with this environment, so the black spots don't matter. The real trench is quite quiet, and there is almost no other sound around except the occasional sound of water when Black Flame swims. Unlike in reality, the ocean in the game is not a desert of life, but a monster paradise. Although Heiyan does not shine and will not actively attract the monster to approach, we still encountered a lot of rare beasts swimming by us along the way. Unlike the ground where the space is too small and cannot grow too large due to the influence of gravity, the creatures in the sea are big one by one. Just now, a giant strange fish that I can't name but is at least 200 meters long slid past us slowly with a huge force of more than ten meters. Obviously, this big guy is not a good kind, but after seeing Hei Yan who is bigger than him, this guy wisely chooses to get along with each other wisely, after all, bigger means bad team. Besides, Hei Yan didn't look like a bully.

As the depth increases, the seawater becomes more and more viscous, but because the black inflammation is strong enough, our advancing speed is much faster in this environment. However, as it gets closer and closer to the seabed, the surrounding creatures become larger and larger. Heiyan's deterrent volume before, obviously ceased to exist more than an hour after we entered the trench. The seabed rare beasts passing by, which look like alien creatures, are at least hundreds of meters in size, and those over a kilometer in length are also plentiful and easily available. Among them is a monster that looks like a ball of wool. Its body is at least more than two kilometers in diameter, and there are dozens of seven- to eight-hundred-meter-long tentacles swinging around the body unconsciously. Fortunately, that thing doesn't seem to be able to swim very much, otherwise, once it hits it, it is estimated that even Black Flame will have to toss for a while to get out.

In the beginning, the volume was large enough, and the black flames dived straight down. Most monsters would give way directly when they saw the volume of the black flames. Hei Yan hit one side. But now Heiyan is forced to walk through the cracks of many monsters, otherwise one may be surrounded by monsters by accident.

After continuing to dive for almost half an hour, Heiyan had to give up his plan to continue to take me deeper. The monsters here are too dense, and all of them are ruthless characters, so I don’t want to play all the way. If I go down, I can only give up the big vehicle like Hei Yan and let me swim and dive by myself. But fortunately, the seabed here should not be far away. After all, we have been diving down for more than two hours. No matter how deep the trench is, it should be to the end.

After taking back Black Flame, my speed has actually increased a lot. The monsters in this kind of place are too big, as long as I pay attention to hiding, these guys can hardly focus on me. After all, their size is like the difference between the size of a normal person and an ant when compared to me. Wouldn't it be easy for an ant to remain undetected in a crowd?

Just continue downstream for about ten minutes, and the density of surrounding monsters suddenly began to decline in a straight line. Just continue to dive for a kilometer, the number of surrounding monsters has dropped from densely packed to very few. Moreover, in addition to the decline in numbers, the size of the monsters here has also begun to shrink rapidly. After passing through the one-thousand-meter-deep buffer zone, the surrounding monsters are almost all medium and large creatures no more than 100 meters in length. Occasionally, I can even see small and medium creatures only a few meters in length swimming by my side. However, although the monster here is low in density and small in size, I don't think it is safe at all. On the contrary, I think it is even more insecure.

Though the previous monsters were huge and hideous, they basically had no magical fluctuations. What they rely on is just big enough. If you don't consider the factors of underwater combat, most of my familiars can single out more than a dozen monsters without losing money. However, after passing the transition zone, the monsters here began to show very obvious strong magical reactions, some of which even made me feel the magical intensity close to Divine Race. Of course, this kind of strength does not pose a threat to me for the time being, as long as they don't surge in, I will be fine. However, if you continue to develop in this situation, the monsters you encounter later will most likely be almost Divine Race existences. To be honest, among a large group of monsters who have Divine Race strength but use animal brains to think about problems, I really don't worry. Although Divine Race is powerful, they are sensible and will not easily fight to death with others. But these monsters do not necessarily understand this. They have godlike strength but no corresponding intelligence. This is like giving a bunch of kindergarten children a bunch of heavy weapons as toys. Can you say that is not dangerous?

I was continuing downstream from the trembling in fear. Suddenly, a light spot appeared not far away, and the light spot started to grow bigger and bigger with the passage of time. I realized almost instantly that something is approaching me, and this thing can still shine by itself. But the strange thing is that the surrounding monsters can clearly see the light, but no monster rushes up and bites like the monsters we encountered on the trench before. On the contrary, not only did they not attack the light and shadow as if they had seen nothing, but even faintly avoided the light.

After seeing the reaction of the surrounding monsters clearly, I immediately felt a thump in my heart. It is certain that these monsters are not good stubborns, but it is definitely something more terrifying than them that can allow these vicious monsters to take the initiative to avoid them. Otherwise, there is no way to explain why those monsters hold back their desires and go around the light. gone.

As the distance gets closer, I finally see the bright body clearly. Surprisingly, the shiny thing was not terrifying, at least it seemed so. It, or she, has a human body of almost perfect proportions. But it is definitely not human, because her whole body is translucent, as if her body is full of fluorescent agent. From hair to toes, every part of her body can glow, and the light on her body can also change color. At first, it was white when it first appeared, and then it became pink, which became yellow again. It's almost like a neon sign.

Although the beauty in front of me is unusually attractive, I don't believe it is really safe. While taking out eternal and careful precautions, I slowly flapped my wings towards the seabed and continued forward. If the situation is not right, I will immediately flap my wings and escape. Even if it can't run the thing that is itself a marine life, at least one has to fight back.

Sure enough, that thing simply came for me. As I dived slowly, it really followed up, and the speed was getting faster and faster, obviously wanting to get closer to me. Although I knew this thing was insecure, I didn't dare to swim too fast, because it had obviously been eyeing me. As long as I moved a lot, it would definitely attack immediately. I don't want to fight it so early. Although I know I will fight it sooner or later, I want to stay as long as possible because the existence of this guy has played a good role in expelling. The monster below, who was blocking my dive route, saw this guy and immediately jumped aside, obviously not wanting to touch it. Seeing this phenomenon, I am more determined that this thing is definitely a dangerous element.

Although I was always carefully controlling the huge power of both sides, that thing was faster than me after all, and the huge power between us was shortened to a very dangerous value soon. Just when the distance between us was compressed to just over one meter, the only one I encountered since I entered the trench was no more than two meters long, and the creature that did not look like an extraterrestrial creature finally appeared. Its true colors.

Just as the giant force between us approached a little over one meter, the woman-like creature suddenly accelerated and rushed towards me. At the same time, its mouth on the beauty face was also at the same time. It suddenly opened to the size of a tunnel through a mountain. Almost before I could react, the thing was sucked into my mouth with the seawater nearby. Following this guy's body contraction quickly squeezed all the seawater out, but wrapped me in its stomach.

Although the process of speaking of which is very complicated, it actually takes less than one-tenth of a second for the whole process. Even with my reaction nerves, I almost missed its speed. Fortunately, in the end, it was just a point, not really not keeping up.

As the monster squeezed the water out of his stomach, I had already slammed my claw into that guy’s stomach with a claw, but it turned out to be like a stick on cotton. No force at all. The inside of this guy's stomach was not only slippery and completely unstretched, but also had amazing resilience. With the sharpness of my claws, it was unscathed. However, what it can do ends there. Although the claws can't tear this guy's belly, I still have eternity. Almost as soon as I discovered that the claws were ineffective, I had turned eternity into a liquid state and covered the claws, and then wrapped the eternal hands and the claws slammed forward into the monster's stomach. The effect was obvious this time. The blade claw easily pierced the monster's belly, and then I violently tore it to both sides, and instantly opened three big cracks in the monster's belly, and followed me quickly to scratch the wound and pull it hard. , I immediately got out of the belly of the monster.

I don’t know if it’s because of a mollusk, that thing was torn three big holes in my stomach so I can fight. Seeing that the food he had eaten could still run out again, the monster was also extremely angry. I saw the long flowing hair on its head suddenly soared, and then wrapped around me like countless tentacles.

When I saw those tentacles, I immediately gathered the eternity into a sword shape and chopped it forward. Unfortunately, although many tentacles were cut off, there were too many tentacles on that thing, but they were finally entangled. Become a zongzi. Originally, the battle and armor were strong enough that I was not afraid of being entangled in this thing, but what made me horrified was that the thing seemed to understand what human armor was. It actually stretched out a few tentacles trying to pull my helmet off.

"Damn! Go die for me!" I instantly activated the extraction skill and borrowed Brigitte's Thunder Attribute. The seawater around us instantly became a piece of snow white, and the crackle sound was constantly produced around. The seawater was directly vaporized by the high-temperature arc and caused a large number of eruption bubbles around us. Those monsters that originally walked around us. Seeing this posture, he quickly retreated again, for fear of being implicated in it.

The discharge lasted for several minutes before it completely stopped. As I weakened and weakened, the dark monster immediately broke into a pile of fragments and gradually dissolved in the sea water. The super electric shock just now charred the monster seabed in the deep sea. Taking an aquatic creature as an example, it is estimated that no matter how powerful it is, it cannot withstand such an attack.

Looking at the black ash floating in the water, I finally put out a long breath. "Huh, finally killed! This seabed is really not a place for people to stay!" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is me. The greatest motivation.)

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