After hearing Ling's question, Linglong immediately answered it, because she had talked a lot before, and now her conversation with us has become a lot more natural.

"Actually, I helped that guy fight with you just because of a deal."

"Deal?" I was surprised and asked, "Will you help him? Fight to exchange freedom?"

Linglong looked at me with a little surprise and said nodded and said: "Yes, that's how we trade."

"Isn't it? You are really. What are you doing?" Xiaochun pretended to be surprised, and then she looked at me again and said half-jokingly: "Hey, master, shall we also make a deal in the future? Take me for a visit after a battle. Street, otherwise I will strike."

After Xiaochun finished speaking, Ling asked immediately: "Linglong, you said you made a deal with your former master, then how did you deal with it? Why are you talking to him about trading as his favorite?"

"He really wants to quit." Linglong said proudly, "But he is not my opponent. He disagrees. I made trouble with him all day long. When he went to level up, I pulled the boss from far away and caused him trouble. When he was in the city, I made trouble everywhere, attacking city guards on the streets, burning people's shops, and smashing sculptures in the temple. , Assault the clerk. Every time I finish it, he will be miserable by those city guards."

Listening to Linglong, even I was shocked in a cold sweat. Now I regret finding such a familiar. Why is this catching a demon and coming back? This is obviously asking Bodhisattva to come back! Fortunately, I didn't leave her alone before, otherwise if she went out and made trouble for me everywhere, I would have to be annoyed to death.

"What kind of agreement did you sign with that former owner in the end?" I curiously asked.

Linglong tilted her head and glanced at me before saying: "I promised him to help him in two hundred battles. It is up to him to decide whether I need to participate in the battle, and only count the number of wins, if the battle is defeated. This battle does not count. As long as I complete two hundred victories, he must release the pet contract and return me to freedom."

"Then how many times have you completed so far?"

< p>"One hundred and seventy-four times."

After listening to Linglong's words, I finally understand why she was so angry when she was first caught by me. Calculating according to this number, if we hadn't caught it, then she only needed to complete twenty-six more battles to get her free body. I have won more than a hundred battles, and I can get free body only 26 times. At such a critical moment because of our presence, her efforts have completely vanished, and I will definitely be mad.

"Do you know what you have done now?" Linglong looked at me angrily and asked.

I met Linglong’s gaze and stretched out a finger without blushing and breathlessly said: "First, fighting is inherently ruthless. You should think of it when you promised to fight for the guy before. You may be injured, killed, or even permanently sealed in the battle, and being captured is just one of the situations. You should be prepared to accept these punishments if you agree to that guy’s request. There is nothing to blame on me. It makes sense."

After talking about the first one, I stretched out another finger and said: "Second, don’t say you still have twenty-six battles before you can become a free body, even if you How about being a free body all the time? Ask Ling and Xiaochun, who of them didn’t become my beloved as a free body? If you look at this from another angle, you should even thank me for reducing you by twenty-six. A meaningless battle. Because even if you finish those battles, you may still be caught and become a familiar. That person may be me or anyone."

See me and say Immediately after that, Linglong stretched out a third finger, and Linglong quickly said: "Okay, well, I know you can find 10,000 reasons, but this can't change my perception of you. Without freedom, I would rather die. "

"hahahaha..." Upon hearing Linglong's judgment, Ling and Xiaochun both laughed together with me.

Linglong looked disapproving at first, but soon she was fascinated by our laughter. "What are you laughing at?"

"Laughing at you." I said, "Do you understand what freedom is? Or let's just put it simpler. What do you think freedom is like?"< /p>

Linglong wanted to quarrel with me at first, but soon she calmed down again. After a little hesitation, she said, "Freedom is the life of do as one pleases. I can go wherever I want. , I want to rest and rest, fight when I want to fight, do whatever I want, don’t listen to other people’s orders, and don’t have to do things I don’t want to do. This is my freedom."

"That’s good , We think this is the freedom you want. Then I ask you, what does it mean to go where you want to go? Do you want to go to the lava pool? Do you want to go to the killing hell? Do you want to go to the Temple of Hades?"

"Of course I don't want to, I don't want to die."

I said with a smile: "That's the problem. If I make a cage to put you in, then let my pets guard it In the cage, they will kill you as soon as you get out. So do you think you are free as long as you don’t get out of the cage?"

"How can freedom be called freedom when you stay in a cage?"

"But the outside of the cage is my sphere of influence, and I will die when I come out?"

"I...the cage is too small anyway."

"Oh, it turns out that the cage is relatively small. It means that the place is bigger, can it? If I designate a forest for you, and then tell you that we will kill you as soon as you get out of the forest, then do you think you are staying? Is freedom in the forest? Or do you think the forest is not big enough. I will designate you a country or a continent as your imprisonment area. Do you think that is freedom?"

"I... "Linglong wanted to say yes, but after thinking about it carefully, she felt that something was not right. As a result, she got stuck there as soon as she opened her mouth. It has been a long time before she suddenly shouted loudly: "Anyway, the cage is not good."

"We are chatting, do you have to make such a big fire?" I first said that Linglong fell a bit, and then followed. Said: "The so-called freedom you used before is actually a cage. Its range of movement is only the area that your ability can enter. You simply can't get close to places like the temple of the gods I mentioned before. So, you lived before. It’s just a small area called the world, but in fact many of them are removed. Compared with the cage I built for you, this is just a bigger cage. So, what you want is not to run out The cage is just a cage that you think is big enough. The places you can’t reach outside the cage are not because you really can’t go, but because your strength is absolute. You will be unsafe to get there. If your strength increases, the cage It will also increase accordingly. If you are an independent individual, then your cage actually needs to include most of the human activity area, so becoming my demon is actually gaining a larger cage without being trapped. Live, because our strength will allow you to reach a lot of areas you originally dared not to enter."

Linglong was given a period of contemplation when I said, but finally nodded, helpless, admitted it, but She did not give up her spirit of resistance, but said again: "Although you have explained the problem of my area of ​​activity, you cannot solve the most fundamental problem, that is, even if I am locked in a small cage, But I don’t need to accept anyone’s orders, but to become your favorite, I need to do things for you and wait for your dispatch. This is not the freedom I want."

"I think orders are imposed by others. A kind of your intention, and you have to execute it according to the other party's intention. Can you accept the order as I understand it?"

Linglong thought for a while and said: "It should be what it means."

Since Linglong is nodded here, I immediately said: "Well, since you admit that this is the meaning of order, then do you think your so-called freedom is not working under the trend of order? When you live in When in the environment, you will be ordered by the laws of nature to force you to search for food, fight, guard your territory, and snatch food from enemies you don’t want to fight. These are all things you are forced to obey. Also, Do you plan to live alone in a place where no one is? Surely impossible. Even if you are a mutant succubus, you are a gregarious creature after all. It’s okay to live alone for a short time, but can you bear it for a long time? Of course, you can pay Friends, but if a friend is in need, can you say no to help? Although your friend will not directly order you to do things for them, the end result is that you have to do something because you see that your friend is in trouble. This is not what you want to do, but you have to do it. This is a hidden command. It is more euphemistic, but it needs you to execute it after all."

"That is different. "

"No, it's the same. In fact, in this world, there is no truly free person at all, or everyone is actually free. Freedom itself is a very illusory concept. When your heart is free, then you are free. Even if you are enslaved in an iron cage, you are still free. When your heart feels that you are bound, that freedom will no longer exist. Even if you stand on the top of the world and dominate the world, you are still bound by your own rules. This is why many Divine Race top-level existences feel that they are not free, because their status and status require too many rules to maintain, so in the end they tied themselves to death. "

"What you said seems to have some truth, but I will not listen to your excuses. Following you, there will be no freedom. I firmly believe in this. "

Hearing this, I can only shrugged helplessly. But I’m just playing a rogue. I don’t have any tricks for such exquisiteness. The only hope is that Ling and Xiaochun’s infernal affairs can be played out. Some tricks, if I can win her in one fell swoop, it should be considered a huge boost to me. Of course, I am not talking about having sex with Linglong, even if she is willing, I still dare not. Although Rose looks very open to me It’s based on my own consciousness. Besides, everyone is not clear about the situation of my demonic familiars. Once I started in Linglong, I don’t know about the other demons. Ling must not be able to run. If I lose it, she has to push me back even if I use it to force me. In order to avoid falling into a woman’s war in the future, it’s best to hold back things in this area. It’s okay for a man to be lustful, but he must be able to control his lower body when he eats. It’s pretty cool, and the troubles afterwards will definitely let you know what is going on.

After I stopped talking here, Ling and Xiaochun immediately started to take over the chat work to avoid embarrassment. I always said, It is convenient to have more magic pets, and even this kind of ideological work can be divided into labor and cooperation. Ling and Xiaochun’s thoughts are completely two extremes, but it is this extreme environment that makes it easier for people to see the root of the matter. Believe in Linglong Even if you don’t interrupt, you can understand a lot by listening to the two of them arguing next to you.

Just like this, we’re talking and flying, and soon we have reached the sphere of influence of Tianyu City. Flying directly into the city from the air, also I wanted to return to Isengard from the transnational Transmission Formation without saying hello, but I was stopped by someone over there before I got to the Transmission Formation.

"President, President. "

When I heard the cry below, I looked down and found that several people were desperately waving at me, and another guy was running towards the Griffin in the distance, seemingly intending to fly up and chase me. I. Seeing that they looked like something urgent, I didn't wait for them to come up, I pointed directly at the bottom and brought Ling them down.

"What can I do? "I asked aloud when I saw a few people coming across.

A player from the guild on the other side ran up to me and stood still and looked at Linglong in a puzzled look, then said: "That's it. Yes, the Dark God Palace headquarters just sent a messenger to say that something is looking for you. We are preparing to notify the military god to contact you, didn't expect you to fly over. "

"Where is the messenger? "

" Over there. "

"Come over with me and have a look. "I said hello to Linglong and moved towards the messenger and walked over.

This time, Titans sent is obviously a high level undead. I feel it after a long distance. I arrived at Death Aura, who was too thick to dissolve.

"I have seen Lord Purple Moon. "Seeing me walking with a group of people, the undead who covered his whole body in the black robe immediately put his hands together in front of him, and then bowed forward thirty degrees.

Seeing that the other party actually used such a formal understanding, I had no choice but to return to a lord’s etiquette to meet his subjects. Speaking of which "Zero" is actually not China, which is known as the country of etiquette, that pays the most attention to etiquette and system. Of course, it’s not the Light God Palace that shouts that order is my destiny every day. In fact, the most orderly thing in "Zero" should be the undead. The system of these guys is simply perfect to the point where it’s outrageous, if it weren’t for me to follow A Ling who also served as Goddess in the Dark God Palace, these complicated etiquette can definitely faint me.

After seeing me return the gift, the other party immediately said: "Dear High Lord, Ditan The Lord Sovereign hopes that you can go to a dark temple as soon as possible. There is a very big business and hope you can take over. "

"Business? "I was taken aback for a moment and asked: "Do you know what business it is?" I don't have much time now! "

The messenger on the other side heard what I said and immediately asked: "Can you let me speak closer?" "

I hesitated for a while and nodded agreed. Anyway, Titans is unlikely to find someone to assassinate me. Besides, I am not that easy to kill. Lean forward slightly, that name The messenger immediately walked to my side and pressed his mouth to the edge of my ear and said a word in a low voice, while my eyes were staring. The boss turned and violently grabbed the other’s wrist and asked, "What you say is true. of? "

"This is what the Lord Titans said. I'm just a messenger. All I can guarantee is that what I tell you is what the Lord Titans told me personally. As for how the Lord God thinks , I can’t guarantee. "

When I heard what he said, I directly let go of him, and then pulled the crystal communicator out and shouted: "Military god, I will go to meet Ditans, Isengard will not go back. . Oh, by the way, I still have something that is suspected of being a book of the world. I'll send it back for a while. Ask them to hurry up and study it. "

"Is that all? "

" That's it. "Cut the segment of the communication and retract the communicator. I immediately said to Ling, Xiaochun and Linglong: "Let's go to the Dark God Palace for a tour. "

Ling said with a smile: "It's been a long time since I returned to the Dark God Palace!" "

Xiaochun sneered disdainfully: "I don't care about the smelly place!" "

What surprised me was that Linglong actually said, "Can we really enter the Dark God Palace?" There is a Level 1 restricted area! "

"Yes to you, but not to me. "I said to the messenger: "Shall we go now?" Don't make Titans wait in a hurry. "

The messenger was obviously well prepared. He actually took a scroll directly from his body and said: "The Lord God knows that you must be anxious to rush over after hearing that sentence, so he asked me to prepare. this. "

I took a look at the scroll and discovered that this thing is actually a fixed-point Transmission Scroll. Its function is to transport all people in a certain range around it to the lobby of the Dark God Palace at the moment the scroll is activated. With this thing, we saved the time on the road and just tore off the scroll. After a few seconds, we appeared in the lobby of the Dark God Palace.

"Huh? Did you just renovate here? "As soon as the teleportation was over, I discovered the difference between Dark God Palace. This place has changed a lot from the last time I visited. The hall that was originally the size of only four basketball courts has been expanded into a terrific hall. Compared with the huge hall in Tiananmen Square, and the stranger thing is that such a large house does not even have a pillar. It is estimated that not only space magic is used in it, but there must be magic such as structural strengthening, otherwise such a large house does not require external force. The effect is that the large-span ceiling alone has to collapse because of Zhongli.

Before the messenger who brought me could answer my words, a group of people walked out at the opposite door. After seeing the three people walking in the front, I almost dislocated my chin in shock. "Dittens, Felindir, Marilyn? How did the three of you get together? "(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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