"Ditans, Filindil, Marilyn? How did you three get together?"

Although I had to deal with Ditan before coming Si may have made some speculations about the business that I was talking about, but none of the speculations can be slightly touched by the result in front of me, and even here I see that these three are absolutely impossible to appear in my thoughts. In the situation.

Ditans Vokma is the main god of the Dark God Palace, the Sovereign of the European dark system. Marilyn West Yuda, the former lord of the European Light God Palace, now the new Sect Lord of the European Light God Palace. Felindir, the former European Light God Palace candidate Goddess, now the European Light God Palace is Sect Lord God. The situation of Titans and the two Goddess will not be discussed. The war between light and darkness has never stopped, so that now people on both sides feel that life is missing if they don't fight every three or five times. Except for Ditans, it is also extremely unusual for the two Goddess to appear together here.

There was originally only one Light God Palace in Europe, but due to their internal disputes and the intervention of our guild, the Light God Palace in Europe eventually split into two parts, one is the original Goddess of Light. The part of the faithful Protestant that Lilian pulled out, and the other part is the orthodox church that was re-established by Filindir by the original Light God Palace veterans. Among them, Orthodox occupies the original main temple of Light God Palace and most of the original resources of Light God Palace, and it is slightly better in terms of fixed assets. Marilyn’s Protestant religion is actually shrouded in the United Kingdom. All the temples and things are basically rebuilt in a hurry, but because Marilyn has been a Goddess for a long time, she has brought out a lot of subordinates. It can be said that Protestantism is obviously stronger than Orthodoxism in terms of battle strength.

One is the former Goddess, and the other is the new Goddess that has subverted her. One can imagine how bad the relationship between Filindil and Marilyn can be. According to normal routines, the two should be fighting together in Lima. However, not only have they not started fighting, they seem to be planning to cooperate with me to do something, which is obviously beyond the scope of my acceptance.

"Then what...can you let me figure out how the three of you put together?"

"This matter is more complicated, don't mind if we find a more suitable one Where to talk?" Ditans said politely.

I immediately nodded and followed Titans back to his palace, which is the cave under the Dark God Palace, but this time he did not receive us in the living room, but let us enter with him There is a special study room that only he can enter. Ditans first planned to let me and the three of them in the Divine Race only, but because everyone opposed to him except himself, the restrictions were relaxed in the end. Naturally, I brought Ling, Xiaochun and Linglong with me. Philippe brought her younger sister Yuna, and Marilyn brought an angel with a height of more than two meters and her whole body covered in heavy armor. . Because we all brought people in, Ditans, who felt that he was a little bit at a loss, finally called two big Lichs to come in together to participate in this meeting.

In order to hold so many people, Titans' study was finally rearranged. A square coffee table that can be used as a bed is placed in the middle of the room. The four sets of sofas are located all around the coffee table, but apart from me, there are four people squeezed together on the sofa. Only Marilian and her younger sister are the only ones. Na shares the sofa. Felindir's entourage and Titans' subordinates are all standing behind the sofa, and obviously their relationship is not close enough to share a sofa.

"Okay, now can you tell me what you guys are doing after finding me?" I asked, looking straight at Ditans, who was sitting across from me.

Ditans snapped his fingers to the back, and a Lich immediately took out a scroll and sent it to me. Curiously took the scroll and looked through it. There weren't many things on it, basically three sets of time-related data. From the above, it seems that the data is gradually decreasing over time, but because I don’t know what data it is, it is impossible to judge for the time being. However, just when I was about to open my mouth to ask Ditans, he took the initiative to say: "What you see now is our recent faith accumulation data of Three Divine Palaces. The first paragraph is from our Dark God Palace, the following one The two paragraphs belong to two Goddess respectively."

"It's very difficult to deal with that your belief level has dropped significantly!" I looked at the data report and said.

Ditans nodded said: "This is why we are looking for you."

When I heard this, I immediately put the scroll down and stared at it vigilantly. Ditans said: "I didn't develop any other beliefs on your turf."

"I know." Ditans explained: "Don't be nervous, okay? We again I didn’t come to you to settle the accounts. As I said, this is a transaction."

I heard that I didn’t ask me to settle the accounts. Then I asked again: "From the data, it seems that your belief decline started in the last two months, and the rate of decline is quite rapid. Do you know what caused the decline in belief?"

" If you don't know, we won't find you." This time it was Marilyn who spoke. She directly opened the mouth and said: "The law of creation restricts the scale and the way of the war between us Divine Race. Therefore, even if we know who is robbing our faith, we cannot start a full-scale war. Harassment and other behaviors, we don’t have that kind of leisure time, and we really can’t find someone with enough weight."

"Stop it." Marilyn was stopped and I continued, I lowered my head and thought for a while. To: "What you mean is that you already know who is robbing your faith, and found that the other party is a Divine Race force, but because of the restrictions of the law, you cannot start a large-scale battle of God, so you need a replacement Those of you who are going to fight the gods, my analysis is correct?"

Marilyn nodded and said: "You are right."

I heard that the other party affirmed, I immediately said again: "You said that you couldn't find someone with the right weight to harass your opponent, but you dare to hire me to help you fight a full-scale war. This means that the opponent’s personnel are stronger than yours, but the overall battle The strength is not as good as yours. The ability to grab your faith indicates that you are not far away, plus the overall strength is weaker than yours, but the individual strength is stronger than yours. It seems that there is only one Divine Race power that meets the requirements nearby. Huh?"

"You guessed it." Ditans admitted generously: "Yes, we need you to deal with Olympus Divine Race."

"It's okay to let me help, but at this price..." I deliberately looked towards Titans and the others with a smirk.

"What kind of remuneration do you want?" Ditans asked worriedly. After all, we are not dealing with one or two times anymore, and Titans knows my appetite very well. Although I am absolutely reliable in doing things, based on the principle of what you pay for what you pay for, my fees are definitely not cheap. Moreover, this transaction seems to be at an absolute disadvantage, because this task cannot be done, and no one but me can do it, so no matter what price I offer, all they can do is accept or reject it.

I almost laughed aloud when I saw Titans's generous face to death. "Don't be so exaggerated? It's as if I'm going to use your wife as a reward."

Ditans didn't mean to relax at all when he heard my joke. He was still tight. The face said: "You have to let me use my wife to pay the bill, and I will get married right away, and then give her to you."

"Hey...When you marry a woman, you will eat the fruits of wish. Is it big?" I said resolutely: "Okay, I won’t be kidding you, just talk about business. It’s not a problem to attack the Olympus Divine Race. Although I am not able to destroy the Olympus Divine Race for the time being, I will give it to them. It’s okay to find some trouble to kill some of the other’s high level Divine Races. However, you should also know that this kind of thing is very risky and the consequences are very serious, so my reward is definitely not low. Regarding this, you guys It’s best to be mentally prepared first."

Ditans nodded and said: "Before I invite you to come, I knew I would be severely slaughtered by you, but you should also be aware that it has weakened us too much. The two temples are not a good thing, so..."

"So I will make as high a price as possible on the premise of ensuring that you have enough capital to mess with the Divine Race in various places."


In the middle of what Ditans said, I almost choked off my back with such a sentence that suddenly came out of me. After a long time, he asked with a cold face, "What do you want? Are you willing to help if you get paid?"

Marilyn and Felindier also said: "Just say what you want. We know you won’t let us off easily this time, but for the sake of Power of Faith. I agree."

Hearing what they said, I knew they must have discussed it for a long time before I came. If it wasn't for being helpless, they would definitely not ask me to help them do this. As for them, they don't even bargain, and they just raise a white flag to let me kill. This is not how simple they are, but really can't help it. There is a conflict between the two Divine Races, and you don't even have to think about it. There is simply no second option other than vying for territory and contenders, and the Power of Faith is the root of everything for Divine Race. Without Power of Faith, there would be no Divine Race, just like a waterman would not survive. Now I am stuck on this critical need related to life and death, and things cannot be concealed, so Titans and the others will let me be slaughtered without resisting, because they know that instead of bargaining with me To make me unhappy and get a higher price, it's better to be clear about my attitude. On the contrary, it might make me want less.

"Since you are all so blunt, I can't do everything right. So, you give me an hour, I will find someone to discuss it, and then how about giving you an answer? "

Titans and the others also knew that such a major event was impossible within a few minutes, so they immediately agreed to my plan. In order to save time, I did not return to Isengard, but told the think tank in the guild and several key leaders of the guild to give them opinions through the military god. After a short period of negotiation, the think tanks of the guild suddenly expanded the meeting. They should also catch the Chief-In-Charge of various parts of the guild and ask them what they are missing recently. According to Sumei, this is called a fixed production due to sales. To put it simply, what our guild lacks is what we want from Dark God Palace and Light God Palace, so it is better than me asking for some high level items indiscriminately in the warehouse. I have done a lot of this kind of things before, patronizing for some high-value things, but our guild doesn’t use it at all. Putting it there is really only used to dispel dust in addition to showing off. ! Therefore, in order to maximize the use of resources, this expanded meeting called Chief-In-Charge, the production department of the guild, to them. After all, they knew best what was missing.

After more than an hour of consultation and coordination meetings, the results finally came out. During this period, I had to go to Ditans because of overtime. They asked for an extension of the consideration time. Fortunately, they begged us. Doing things, so Titans and the others dare not put on airs with me, as long as I can help them get the Power of Faith, now it's basically what I said.

After finally waiting for Isengard’s staff to come up with the results for me, Rose simply asked me to use the ring of love to give her to Summon to the Dark God Palace, and the negotiation basically stopped. What's wrong with me.

"Our requirements have been discussed, you can take a look, if there is no problem, we can start now. After all, Power of Faith is very important to you, the longer the delay, the longer you will lose. The bigger it is. So, in order to ensure that your losses are minimized, please tell us as soon as possible whether you can accept this agreement." Rose finished speaking and took out a book that looked like two computers from Fenglong Space. The main box is stacked with books that are so large, and then placed on the table. Just listened to the bang of the coffee table, and it almost didn't get smashed and turned over.

"What is this?" Ditans and the others frowned and stared at the giant reading in a daze.

Rose is a serious replied like a okay person: "Agreement information? Didn't you let us quote? This is the quotation."

"The quotation? You are this Quotation Encyclopedia?” Although Dietens said so, he already dragged the book in his hand and began to flip it, and Filindil and Marilyn had to move to Titans and watch it with him. stand up.

At first, Titans was able to turn page by page, but after turning two pages, his speed became noticeably faster. In the end, he looked at piles of piles, but soon he After discovering the trick, he flipped through the book and then the catalog, and it took him almost twenty minutes to go through this thing roughly.

"I said...isn’t these things you want too trivial?" After flipping through it for a long time, Titans discovered that more than 90% of the first part of this material was recorded with magical materials. Although the quantity of each kind of request is not very large, there are so many types that are really scary. Not to mention that they don’t get it all together. Even if they get it all together, it will have to be a few years later. Anyway, I want to get everything. Basically impossible.

Rose heard Ditans’s words and immediately said: "You are also true, it is not easy to look at the agreement. As I said earlier, you don’t want you to give all of these things, but you have to decide which things to give. , As long as the types you provide can reach 1% of the item types listed by us, but the types that are not available will be converted into a unit of the weight of the item you own, and finally the total item quantity reaches the quantity we require, even if you meet it Meet our requirements."

"But so many things...?"

"I know you don’t have time to compare one by one, so we applied for an evaluation contract. You can Use this evaluation contract to automatically and quickly scan what you have. It only takes a few minutes to get it."

"No problem." Ditans, Filindil and Marilyn took one each. The contract scroll unfolded and used him. This thing can quickly search for the things their own forces know in their three minds, and finally the information will be summarized and compared with the things we listed, and then a list of the specific quantities they can come up is given. Basically, this kind of thing is a cutscene. The contract is actually performing a search operation, so the speed is amazing. Three contracts less than one minute will be automatically injected into three red lights into the agreement we gave. Then a lot of things in the agreement were not erased at once, and the demand for the remaining materials has changed significantly, and the demand for almost everything has become much larger.

Ditans roughly reviewed the new agreement, and then said: "There are more than 3,000 resources on it. I have a rough look and we can accept this request."

Rose immediately smiled and said: "Then turn the agreement to the second requirement."

Dittens immediately checked the catalog after hearing it, and then turned to the second requirement. The result was He was surprised to find that the requirements written here are super simple. The second requirement is for our guild to send three researchers to the library of Three Divine Palaces to search for information at will for three days.

This requirement sounds simple, but in fact this requirement is more terrifying than the first requirement, because we will have a constructive creature like Noreen. Her two eyes are basically High Level on two high-speed cameras, so as long as three days are given to her, she can copy the entire library. The library of Light God Palace in China was ransacked by us before. Although it is the headquarters here in Europe, there should not be too much information in terms of materials, so our main target is the library of Dark God Palace. We must know that the specialty of Dark God Palace is to have a large number of attacking spells and to create various powerful war machines, so as long as we copy the library of Dark God Palace, we can definitely produce a bunch of technical achievements. No matter how bad it is, it is good to add thousands of optional skills to our guild players.

Dittens didn’t know if it was because we didn’t expect that we could copy the entire library in three days, or if they didn’t care, they agreed to this request soon anyway.

Seeing that they even agreed to this, Rose asked them to turn the agreement to the third requirement. In fact, the super thick agreement is almost at the end when it is turned here. The front pile is a catalog of various materials, and the most important thing is the last few sheets.

Although the previous two agreements are complicated, they actually have little impact on the Three Temples, which is one of the reasons why they agreed so quickly. However, when they saw the third request, their expressions were not right.

"Purple Moon, is this requirement...?" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, and your support. Is my biggest motivation.)

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