"Did you make a mistake? Why did you hit the master?" After I got up from the ground, I looked at the succubus who had just been my favorite and asked in surprise.

Just now Princess and I used a combined skill. This skill is actually speaking of which is also very simple. Princess uses her mind invasion to make the target creature give up resisting my summon, so that it can be forced Capture becomes voluntary follow. According to the system setting, the forced catch of the familiar will be washed away. Most of the memory becomes the familiar egg. After that, not only needs to be re-trained, but also many battle experiences of this familiar will be washed together. Falling, this is undoubtedly a huge loss to the strength of the demon pet. Therefore, Princess and I came up with a way to invade the soul and mind of the target creature to make it actively become my familiar, so that according to the system setting, the creature that actively becomes the familiar can save all the original memories and battles. Experience, and its level will be retained at the same time, no need to re-train. This can save a lot of time and experience and is definitely a super practical skill. However, there seemed to be something wrong with this first experiment.

"hmph, I don't have a master, and you are also impossible to be my master. My master can only be myself." The succubus roared at me angrily like a free warrior.

"Damn it, why is loyalty negative?" The first thing I did after I was beaten out was to look at my loyalty. The result was unsurprisingly low, it was just me. didn't expect the value will be negative. In fact, as far as I know, loyalty does not seem to be negative at all.

The loyalty setting range in "Zero" is from zero to one hundred, of which sixty is the dividing line. Familiars with a loyalty of more than sixty can basically have a certain degree of command, and although the range of less than sixty to more than thirty is not very obedient, at least it will not resist, and less than thirty is a dangerous range. Familiars within this range may run away at any time. As for attacking the owner, it seems that only familiars with a loyalty of less than ten can do it, and that doesn't happen very often. The system description states that Familiars with loyalty less than ten may counterattack if they are scolded or abused by their masters, but they do not say that they will actively attack, but this negative loyalty is too special.

Only when I finished asking, Princess got up with Xiaochun's support. "Master, I forgot to tell you before. She is the King of Demoness, who has sold sky-high prices."

"What? That's her?" Someone seemed to have told me this a few days ago. Succubus, didn't expect to see it so soon.

Princess yelled at me through the succubus: "She is very powerful, and the previous master has been unable to suppress her. She asks her to do everything in reverse, and she can’t help. After all, the guy really had no choice but to lose a favored position and sold her. The guy who was just killed by Mira was her current master, but that guy couldn’t deal with her either, and It also gave her a special ability called the heart of freedom."

"The heart of freedom? What is it?"

"It is similar to the loyalty of sister Ling Things, but the effect is reverse. Her free heart can make her not listen to the master’s orders, and she is not affected by the master’s silhouette like Ling Sister, she can still continue fighting when the master dies, and her level is not affected by the master’s level. Restriction. By the way, it seems that the EXP she gets in battle doesn't take the owner points, it's all hers alone."

"Damn it, isn't this the same as wild monsters?"


"It's not exactly the same, she still occupies at least one pet position."

"Damn, didn't you tell me earlier? I can't be so wasteful if I have too many pet pet positions!"


"I wonder if you are the best animal trainer in the world. Should she be obedient. And the ability of the free heart is not fixed. If she approves of you, she can decide to take You share your experience together, and if she accepts you, she will naturally listen to you. The effect of contract enforcement is the same."

"You said it is light."

The succubus listened to us so much and suddenly glared at Princess and the other familiars behind her: "As a higher creature with free thinking, you guys are willing to be slaves to this guy. Don’t you feel embarrassed?”

Yes, this succubus not only didn’t listen to me, but also wanted to instigate other monsters of mine to rebel. The so-called natural rebellion probably refers to her type. People. However, for my pets, her rebellion is completely useless, because not only the loyalty of all the pets on my side is full, but there is also Ling such a super who has loyalty and leadership skills. The pet is in control, so it is simply impossible for me to say that the betrayal of the pet is simply impossible.

Sure enough, she had just finished speaking, Ling directly killed the last devil beast and landed in front of my other beasts, then folded her wings and looked at the demonic path: "I don’t know. How did you live with your previous master, but ours here is different from what you think, so please don’t insult our master and don’t insult us. Otherwise, although you are also a familiar of the Master, I still do the same. I can beat you up."

"Yeah, yeah." Princess also shouted: "The master is very good to us. Don't talk bad about the master, or I will bite you."


Xiaochun walked to Ling’s side and said, "Don’t be so fierce. People have been wronged by their previous masters. It is understandable that we did not accept us at the beginning. Our internal unity is a good thing, but this way we can make people independent. Going out will only make her even more unable to tolerate our big family. Let’s be more tolerant to her.” After finishing talking, Xiaochun said to the demonic path over there: “Although we know that you have suffered before, we are really here. It’s different from your previous master. You will understand later. Even if you can’t accept it in a short time, please don’t accuse us. Use your eyes to see and your ears to listen. When you If you find different places, please think carefully. If you still feel that our place is no different from before, then it’s not too late for you when the time comes."

Xiaochun The succubus over there was stunned. No matter how much freedom is advocated, this succubus is always just a succubus. Although her attribute clearly says Demoness King, this queen is only a special name representing an evolutionary individual, and it does not mean that she has served as a queen in the succubus race. In fact, in terms of psychological growth, she is at best an ordinary little girl. Compared with Xiaochun and Ling, who have been Goddess and commanded the power of a country's temple, her little life experience is really far from it. It can be said that Ling and Xiaochun are with the succubus. It is like two politicians who deal with crafty plots and machinations every day and meet an ignorant girl. I guess they will be given a few more days to sell them. , They have to help them count the money.

In the end, the violent succubus completely calmed down under the two-way blows of Ling and Xiaochun, one with a black face and the other with a white face. Although her loyalty still showed a negative value and did not improve at all, At least she didn't specifically confront her master like she did with her former master, which can be said to be a big improvement.

Without this succubus and those devil beasts, the surrounding players are simply a group of tofu dregs. After Ling shot with them, these people didn't run away, and they were all arrested. According to the agreement signed by Amanda and I, I found out those who need to be punished, and then fed the three main criminals. The Celestial Court originally upgraded me to Immortal Pill. Of course, the Immortal Pill setting level is already significantly lower than those. The level of the guy, so after they finish eating, they are not upgraded but downgraded, which is considered to have fulfilled Amanda's requirements.

After the main culprit is settled, the affairs of the accomplices are easier to handle. First, use the eternal special attribute to knock down a few pieces of equipment on these people, and then kill them all. Afterwards, the hunting and killing work will be handed over to the agency guild of the bank. Anyway, it only needs to kill each of them a few times, which is not too complicated.

After solving these people, the main personnel of this guild can be said to have been dead, and then destroying the guild logo at the guild headquarters will even force the guild to disband. The agreement between Amanda and I is basically completed at this point, after which we only need to distribute the profits of the mining area.

After finishing the work here, I didn’t fly to find our guild’s agency in France to discuss the matter. Instead, I handed over the job to the military god and asked him to send someone over to talk. I myself took the succubus and started heading towards Tianyu City. Because of the issue of loyalty, that succubus was basically impossible to enter my Phoenix Dragon space or training space, so I didn't even ask, lest there be conflicts.

Because the succubus can’t be put away, I can’t fly back on the bird, after all, she’s impossible and willing to fly with me on the bird, and I can’t leave her here. . I now understand why her first owner would rather lose a familiar position and sell her. Not only will she not bring any benefit to the owner, she will also cause you a lot of trouble. When walking, she was dragged down by her and couldn't move fast, and she couldn't move quickly, because although she didn't admit that she was your familiar, the system defaulted that she had the authority of the familiar. In other words, if she hacked a player to death outside, the system will judge that I maliciously PKed that player, because the killer of the familiar is counted as the owner. You said that if I leave her in France, how much trouble will her character cause me? So I simply dare not leave her, even if she is not useful, I have to tie her to my side, at least not to let her cause me trouble.

I can’t fly with a bird, nor can I ride a night shadow, so I had to fly with the succubus with wings. Of course, in order to prevent her from making some moths halfway, Ling and Xiaochun absolutely wanted to fly with us.

This place is quite far away from Tianyu City. I just took the opportunity to get to know her better. Most of the estrangement stems from mutual ignorance. As long as you communicate more, most estrangements can actually be eliminated.

"Do you have a name?" I asked aloud while flying with the succubus. Seeing that the other party just glanced at me but didn't answer, I said again: "Anyway, we will stay together for a long time in the future. It's always good to know the name?"

Listen After what I said, the succubus began to think, while Xiaochun and Ling were keenly aware of each other’s hesitation. Xiaochun decisively intervened in the dialogue to solve her and said: "All you want is freedom and equality, if two people If you don’t even know the name, how can you talk about equality? Besides, equality is also a kind of social relationship. If you don’t communicate with us, then you are not part of our small society at all, and your so-called equality is simply impossible. Speaking of."

Probably because Xiaochun’s image is too deceptive, the succubus finally said: "Linglong. My name is Linglong."

I heard it honestly. I was taken aback by this name, because the succubus is not a creature in Chinese mythology. On the contrary, this creature is definitely imported. But the succubus in front of me said she was Linglong, an extremely Chinese name. . It's as if you ran into a blond white man on the street one day, and suddenly someone told you that he was called Wang Xiaohu in fluent Henan dialect. The contrast was really not so big.

"Linglong? Nice name." Xiaochun asked after finishing speaking, "But you don't seem to be Chinese? How come there is a Chinese name?"

" My first master was not the one who hatched me. I was hatched by a Chinese in China, and then he asked me to name myself. I said I didn’t know what to call, and he gave me a lot. Let me choose the name myself, and in the end I chose this. After that, the first master of mine that you said was not actually the person who incubated me, but the person who incubated me should be the auction person. They hatched me. It was sold to my first owner."

Once chatting starts, it is difficult to stop naturally without interruption. Although Linglong was cold at first, both Ling and Xiaochun had been leaders. The level of finding someone to talk to and chat was definitely Level 1 political commissar. Under the guidance of the two of them, Linglong finally told all her previous experiences.

After listening to Linglong talk about her experience, I finally know why she is so rebellious. In fact, Linglong was not hatched by her first master, she was hatched by the auction house boss with his trumpet. For the auction house, an unhatched Familiar Egg means that the biological attributes within it are not completely transparent. The complex system settings of the game "Zero" often make some data-based attributes less accurate, and some creatures that look exactly the same in data have the difference between Heaven and Earth. Therefore, many people do not fully believe in attribute data. They prefer to see the real thing and use their own experience to judge the strength of this creature.

Because of this situation, for the auction house, a hatched familiar is obviously better to sell than an unhatched familiar, and it is also easier to sell at a high price. It is also because of this, so Some auction houses, especially the underground black auction houses, like to incubate the familiars before auctioning them. In order to make more money, these auction houses generally use their own internal staff's trumpets to incubate the recognizing master of the pet eggs. When the eggs are hatched, they will naturally become the pets of these pets.

Because of the new incubation, the loyalty of these familiars generally will not be very high, but they are still far from the mutiny. However, in the subsequent auction process, the familiar will be forcibly transferred to the final buyer. In this process, although the owner's trumpet will lose a position of the familiar, this trumpet is only used for excessive use anyway. , They only need to delete the account and re-train one after they run out of the familiar position. Anyway, if they want to rise to Level 20 and get out of the novice village, that is four or five hours for the old players.

The people at the auction site don’t care about the loss of the small pet’s position, but the pet that was sold was transferred once, and the loyalty was not high before. After this transfer, Later loyalty will further decline. If you encounter a beast trainer who knows better about demons at this time, then this loyalty can still be raised again. But obviously, Linglong didn't meet the knowledgeable animal trainer, but met an idiot who only wanted to use the high level pets town. Moreover, what’s worse is that Linglong’s special attributes have an extremely alternative attribute, that is, if someone does something unsuitable for children with her, they can increase the basic attribute points, and this improvement is still unlimited and has no side effects. The promotion. As long as the two continue to do this, in theory, the other side can be strengthened indefinitely.

If Linglong is an ordinary succubus, then doing this kind of thing with her is just right for her, but Linglong is not an ordinary succubus, her character is not like a succubus at all, but It's closer to a normal woman, so when the guy who bought her tried to forcibly have sex with her, her loyalty dropped all the way to zero. Things after that are relatively simple. Familiars with no loyalty will not only fight against the Gang Lord, but will also find trouble if they have nothing to do. Originally, the other party bought her because she liked the characteristic that 00XX can improve the basic attribute. Now she not only prevents her master from touching it, but also makes troubles. With her character as the first master, it is natural that she cannot tolerate such a demon by her side. of. So that guy, in the event of being scorched, could only reluctantly lose a position of a demon, and sold her to the hapless one who killed Mira before, that is, her second master.

Although this hapless guy is a person who knows a little bit about demon pets, but because Linglong at this time has already lost his loyalty, plus that guy’s previous motives are also bad, or I hope I can have sex with Linglong, and my loyalty is naturally even worse. Now that I think about it, it's quite surprising that Linglong didn't kill that guy.

"Since you don’t like your master so much, why did you fight with us before? You shouldn’t help that guy?" You probably know what I’m wondering, Ling Shan is understanding Help me ask this question that puzzles me. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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