"Master, help!"

Suddenly hearing Xiaochun's cry for help in the contact with me, I was also stunned. "Xiaochun? What's the matter with you? What's the matter?"

"We met a guy who is very good at fighting, and she has a lot of people, we are almost unable to support it!"< /p>

"Aren't you kidding me? When the four of you are out together and still can't support it? Will that profession be so powerful?"

"I don't know Where did they find the expert? Anyway, we can’t stand it anymore!"

Listening to Xiaochun’s voice seemed rather anxious, and I knew she was not joking with me, so I quickly comforted her and said : "You hold on for a while, and I will be there soon."


After cutting off the communication, I took back Ye Ying and jumped up, and Asuka appeared to me instantly. Under his body, after catching me, he immediately blasted towards the direction of Xiaochun and the others, leaving only a circle of water mist in the sky.

At this time, in a small city tens of kilometers away from us, a group of players were surrounding the four of Xiaochun and the others in a circle. However, although they surrounded Xiaochun and the others, they were not fighting, but watching the battle. The ones who are really fighting Xiaochun and the others are actually a group of magic familiars, the most powerful of which is a winged humanoid that is so fast that it can't see its form at all. In fact, this guy dragged Jingjing and Lingling alone, and Emenes and Xiaochun were actually cleaning up the large group of monsters around them.

Although that creature is now one against two, Jingjing and Lingling, who claim to have the strongest defense and strongest attack, are on the contrary the one being crushed and beaten by Xiaochun on the other side. Although they were two-to-twenty against Emines, they played very easily. During the period, they took time to kill a few targets.

"Guardian." Faced with the creature that suddenly rushed over, Jingjing quickly flashed in front of Lingling and lifted her shield. Following a loud noise, Jingjing was smashed and slid backwards forcibly. It took two or three meters to offset the impact. However, the other party didn't please, and he bounced back and turned a few somersaults in the air before stabilizing.

Lingling saw the chance of the opponent being bounced and quickly bypassed Jingjing and rushed forward. The holy sword instantly unfolded and turned into a giant long sword as wide as a door panel and more than eight meters in length. The guy's head was smashed. However, what was unexpected was that the guy's reaction was surprisingly fast. At the moment when the holy sword was about to hit, his figure suddenly swayed and he bypassed the sword and appeared directly beside Lingling and knocked Lingling into the air with an elbow. go out. However, even though Lingling was knocked into the air, her holy sword took off and flew forward along the route just now. As a result, a small group of people who were watching the battle were hit by the holy sword that was thrown out by the fish. Become a sky full of minced meat.

Seeing Lingling being knocked into the air, Jingjing immediately rushed up and hit the opponent with a shield. The guy made a flexible backflip in the air, and then quickly completed a big maneuver in the air and then recoiled and crashed into Jingjing, but Jingjing was known as the best defense angel, not as easy as Lingling. The shield moved downwards to seal the attacking route of the guy, and then pulled back a distance, followed the right hand long sword and flicked the guy, a white ball of light flew out instantly and knocked the guy out.

Although Jingjing and Lingling are a holy shield angel and the other is a holy sword angel, but that only means that their specialty is this, not that Jingjing does not have weapons and only uses shields. As an angel, Jingjing not only has a shield, but also a heavy sword. In addition, she can also use the auxiliary magic that ordinary angels can.

Taking advantage of the moment that guy was knocked into the air, Jingjing quickly turned around and threw a Recovery Technique to Lingling, and then rushed past the guy who was knocked into the air, but she hadn’t waited yet. Lingling got up from the ground, and the guy in the sky had already shot down Jingjing.

Without Jingjing’s restraint, the guy rushed directly to Lingling’s side, and then held up the long sword in his hand and was about to stab it down. The crowd around was also excited and yelled for the guy to hurry up and take Lingling. Kill. However, just as the long sword in that guy's hand was about to fall, a terrifying sword glow suddenly cut across. After the guy noticed the sword glow, he hurriedly crossed the sword to block it, but the guy realized it was not good as soon as the two weapons touched. Accompanied by a loud bang, the guy suddenly flew out like a cannonball. The huge impact kept sending the guy out several hundred meters and crashed through a large row of buildings before it came to a complete stop.

"Who is that? You still fight so badly in two-on-one?" I asked as I stretched out my hand to lift Lingling from the ground.

Lingling got up from the ground with my hand and wanted to stand on her own. She almost sat back on the ground as soon as she let go. Fortunately, I was right next to her and helped her in time. Seeing her like this, I snapped my fingers to release Ling and Mila, and then pointed to the fighting area over there and said: "Ling, you go and replace Xiaochun and let her take care of Lingling. Mila. You go to protect Jingjing, she seems to be injured too. Bring her here."

Ling nodded suddenly spread his wings and flew into the sky and began to suppress the surrounding devil beasts with various spells. Although Xiaochun and Ling should be regarded as being at the same level in terms of overall strength, in fact they both have serious partial disciplines. Ling’s strength lies in attack, while Xiaochun is mainly auxiliary, so it seems that Ling’s total strength has not changed after replacing Xiaochun, but in fact, since Ling joined the battle, the opposing devil beast unit began to take turns. The spell touched by Ling is really dead or wounded.

After Xiaochun came back, I don’t need to worry about the situation here. The reason why she was suppressed before was mainly because Xiaochun was entangled by those devil beasts and could not provide auxiliary support. Now she can spare Time to use the auxiliary spell, and with the help of Mira and Ling, it is impossible to think of problems.

Let the familiars deal with those devil beasts, and I directly met the guy who was just knocked into the air by me. After I arranged the battle here, the guy also crawled out of the rubble, and only then did I really see what we were fighting with.

The creature in front of you has the basic shape of a demon, similar to the head and body of a human, with a pair of huge bat wings behind it, and a long slender tail behind its ass. Apart from having no horns, this is basically a demon, and... she is indeed a demon, but not Archfiend, but a succubus.

After discovering that this is a succubus, I soon discovered that she was obviously different from the general succubus. Normally, the succubus needs to attract the opposite sex, so the face and body are usually long and it is easy to evoke the desire of the opposite sex. In layman's terms, all succubuses have a natural vixen-like appearance. In short, you will think that this is definitely an unscrupulous woman at first glance. However, the succubus in front of her is obviously different from her kind, and of course she may not be a succubus at all.

This creature that is suspected of being a succubus indeed has a beautiful and alluring face, especially the ecstatic double pupils are even more beautiful and dazzling. If it were not for the eyes of the night moon, I would definitely think that these are the most beautiful eyes in the world. However, although Yeyue’s pupils are more beautiful than her, Yeyue’s petrified pupils are also an annoying thing, so the creatures who had the honor to witness Yeyue’s charming pupils are now basically sculptures or shattered. Sculpture. In contrast, the eyes of the creature in front of you are much more approachable, at least her eyes can make you admire it unscrupulously. However, although those eyes are extremely beautiful, they are unsuccessful eyes by the standards of a succubus, because they do not show charm and attraction, on the contrary, they give people a kind of as cold as ice and frost. feel. That's right, this is the problem with the succubus in front of him. Although she is also very beautiful, but unlike those succubuses who seem to be dissatisfied and hungry, she gives people a completely ice-beauty feeling. Although her beauty is more than ten times stronger than the average succubus, as a succubus, this look is really not suitable.

Except for a glamorous face, the figure of this succubus completely meets the standards of succubus. It has an absolute S-shaped curve, as well as peaks and valleys, and the proportions are quite perfect. , One more point is fat and one point less is thin. However, although it can be seen that her figure is quite irritating, the creature that is suspected of being a succubus does not wear a seductive costume that is almost equivalent to erotic underwear like a normal succubus. On the contrary, what she wears is actually A light armor. Although this armor is not fully covered, at least it covers most of the main parts of the body. Of course, although the area of ​​this armor is not small, she actually wears quite attractive, at least the armors on Jingjing and Lingling are not as attractive as hers. But by the standards of the succubus, this attire is quite conservative.

In fact, this suspected succubus not only looks and dresses differently from ordinary succubus, but her weapon is also very different from ordinary succubus. Normally, the weapon used by the succubus was not a whip or a weapon such as a blade claw, but the suspected succubus used a sword, and it was not a normal sword, but a heavy sword. This heavy weapon, whose length is comparable to the width of the two-handed sword but nearly twice the width of the two-handed sword, can be said to be completely incompatible with the succubus's light and fast fighting style, but she is holding such a weapon, and it seems to be It's easy to use. Of course, there is only one handle left on the sword now. I just had a head-on collision with Eternal. The one that can be carried down must be at least the Super Divine Item. General weapons, including ordinary Divine Items, are broken when touched. .

The succubus who crawled out of the ruins first looked down at the Broken Sword with only the hilt in his hand, then threw the hilt aside and wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth. Suddenly it flew towards me.

"Are you brave?" As I said, I spread the eternal decomposition and covered all the blades and palms of my body. The succubus in front of me is obviously a speed player. What I need to deal with is speed rather than attack power, so I directly switched to close combat and gave up the plan to use long weapons.

The speed of the succubus rushing in front of me didn’t slow down, and it rushed towards me. I didn’t expect her to be so crazy, she opened her mouth to me after supporting her arms with both hands. Bit her neck. But before her fangs touched my neck, I fell back. The raised leg pressed against her belly and kicked her from above me with the force of her forward thrust.

The opponent didn’t hesitate after being kicked out by me. He finished his posture adjustment in the air before he landed. After the limbs landed at the same time, they immediately pounced at me at the same time. . She was useless this time, but her new tactics were even worse than before. As soon as she touched me, she stretched out her hand and scratched my face. To be honest, it’s the first time I've encountered a shrew fighting style after playing for so long. Fortunately, Divine Dragon has a mask. Before her five bright red nails are about to touch my face, my mask suddenly disappears. The inside of the helmet slid out and sealed the whole helmet with a sound, and then her paws directly caught the helmet visor, making a sharp sound and bringing up five fire stars.

After blocking her paws with a mask, I didn't want to separate from her at all. I grabbed her shoulders with my arms and slammed into my arms. In any case, she is also a succubus, and she is definitely at a disadvantage if she fights with me. But she obviously also knew this. After realizing my intention, she retracted like a loach and easily withdrew from my hug, and then pressed my arm with her backhand, and the other hand instantly lifted from my leg. I took out a dagger from the side and stabbed it against my shoulder. Fortunately, I was strong enough that she could not hold my arm. With her arms stretched out her palms, she pinched her neck easily, and then the other hand directly pinched her wrist to block the advancement of the dagger. The succubus still wanted to press down hard, but unfortunately there was always a gap in strength, and her dagger was finally pushed away by me.

Discovering that this is not an opponent, the succubus slammed on my chest and drew back, and I followed up from the ground and got up. Scanning the battlefield, I immediately noticed the position of the succubus. Following the shaking of both hands and wrists, oh la la slid out the claws on both arms. The succubus who was facing me was also a little anxious after seeing me using the weapon, but when she was looking around, a guy in the crowd outside the field suddenly raised his hand and threw two crescent scimitars and yelled for her. Catch.

The succubus instantly inserted the dagger back into the scabbard on the side of his leg, and then jumped up in the air to catch the double knives and slashed directly at me. Seeing the double knives slashing down, I immediately took a step back, and then rushed up again when the succubus fell directly to the ground due to a mistake in distance judgment. When she saw me approaching, she leaned back, and after offsetting the impact of the falling, she kicked her legs violently and jumped backwards, but I moved faster than her, and when she took off, I also took off. , And obviously higher than her position. While she was still ascending, I had already caught up with her in the air, and a knee bent forward directly hit her beautiful and alluring pretty face, and then knocked her in the air with the blood. A somersault. Taking advantage of her loss of balance in the air, I directly clenched my hands together into a big fist and slammed down at her.

With a bang, the succubus that I hit hard from in midair fell on his back to the ground, arousing dust in the sky. I lightly landed on the ground looking at the succubus who was already in a semi-conscious state but still struggling to get up, I really didn't know what to say. Although she is my enemy now, such an enemy is still worthy of respect. A person's ability to resist in a sober state can only show that the person has a firm will, but even in a semi-coma, he can continue to maintain this firmness, which is definitely not what ordinary people can do.

Looking at the succubus who was still trying to get up from the pit, but couldn't help it, I snapped my fingers directly. Princess appeared next to me in an instant, then squatted down beside her, picked up her head, and pressed her forehead against her. When the two foreheads touched, the succubus violently twitched like an electric shock. If I hadn't summoned four Death God guards in time to help hold her hands and feet, Princess had almost been caught by her. Lift out.

"What's the situation?"

Princess didn't answer my question right away. Obviously, her thought intrusion was also in trouble. I thought I was a member of the audience. Suddenly stood up holding a sword and pointed at me and shouted: "I...I'm not afraid of you."

"Are you afraid of me, why are you shaking?" Looking at this, I was obviously scared. Guy, I walked directly over and said: "You can actually suppress all my four demon familiars. Are you amazing?"

"Master, come here, good stuff!" Before the coward on the other side could speak, Princess yelled first, and I quickly turned around and ran back. As soon as the guy on the other side saw me running back, he rushed up from behind and wanted to sneak attack me, but it was a pity that he was slapped into the ground by a big tail falling from the sky after only two steps. Jingjing and Lingling have now been cured by Xiaochun, and Mira can join the war naturally without protecting Jingjing. I just saw that this guy actually wanted to sneak attack me, so why don't you smoke him?

I don’t care about the things behind it. That guy’s strength is several orders of magnitude worse than mine. Even if Mira can’t help out, it’s possible that the guy’s strength can even defeat my defense. It can't be broken, let alone a threat to my safety.

After rushing to Princess's side, I immediately half-kneeled beside her and the succubus, and then pulled off the armor gloves on both hands. Stretched out two hands to hold Princess and the succubus on the top of their heads, and then activated the capture skill. As the rays of light flashed a few times, the succubus who was struggling suddenly softened.

"Huh, I finally got it done." Princess smiled and said to me: "Congratulations on getting another high level pet."

"I listened to you. I started to capture something good. I haven’t looked at any attributes she has."

"Then you......"


Princess just said two things. The succubus on the ground that I had turned into a demon suddenly shot me a punch, and I was caught off guard by this fist. I was hit by this fist directly with a backflip to catch the succubus. The style, the one who fell was called a miserable one, and Princess was kicked out because the succubus suddenly got up, and she looked no better than me.

"Did you make a mistake? Why did you call the host?" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. The support is my biggest motivation.)

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