Because I became angry when I saw the rare anger, the researchers didn’t dare to talk back or anything. They all got up as fast as possible and organized their own things. Then start to busy each other's work.

When we made such a big move this time, the surrounding research units were naturally impossible to see, and soon a team of guards from the floating island ran over and asked what was going on. One person was left for him to go back and call for people. All the people from this team who came to inquire about the situation were left by me to help clean up the scene.

The current experimental area has basically become a vast ocean. Although the fountain hasn't worked for a long time before and after, its water output is really scary, just for a while. The experimental area we were in was turned into a large pond. In some low-lying areas, the water surface was already waist-deep. If our attack was slower then, the water surface might rise to chest height.

Because of the large number of people and the flow of water itself, it does not take long to clean up the site. After the water flowed away by itself, we checked all the equipment on the site. If it was good, we continued to use it, and replaced the unusable ones with new ones. Anyway, the working condition of the experimental site should be restored as soon as possible.

Finally organized the experimental area. The first thing I did was not to let people study the metal book that was suspected to be the "Book of Energy", but to focus on the extracted fragment of the magic array.

"Are you sure this magic array is not dangerous?" I asked the researcher responsible for carving the magic array with lingering fears. In order to verify whether the previous fountain ran away due to the problem of the energy circuit we replaced, we re-carved a magic array this time and replaced it with the newly extracted energy circuit. Of course, this new magic array must not be the previous magic array. I don't want to go to Water Inundating Golden Mountain again.

This time, the person responsible for carving the magic array is a researcher who is younger than the previous one. Although I didn't intend to punish him before, he has now been retributed. Because the water column swept him when the fountain turned, he was unfortunately swept out, and the landing position was not ideal. He actually fell on a fairly solid metal part, and almost broke his brain. He came out, fortunately, he finally didn't hang up in time, but he didn't expect to come back to work in a short time.

The new Chief-In-Charge explained to me: "This magic array is different from the previous one. This magic array does not release physical matter. Its main function is to heat up, and the engraving base we use It is just a piece of wood, so if it is overloaded like the previous fountain, the high temperature will first ignite the wood, and then the magic array will automatically stop working due to structural damage, so as long as the Early-Stage protection work is done, there will be no That’s too much of a problem. Besides, the neighborhood has just been soaked by water. In such a humid place, even if it deflagrates, it shouldn’t be able to light anything. Besides, this thing will not fly around like the fountain magic array. If it doesn’t work, it will be destroyed That's it."

I nodded and said: "I will let Inverite and Xiaofeng be by the side, and if something goes wrong, I will immediately destroy the magic array."

Facts It proved that my double insurance was not wasted at all. One of Ivorite and Xiaofeng is Fire Essence, the spirit king, and the other is Phoenix. The flame only makes them stronger and can't do any harm to them. However, that magic is not just about getting angry. Originally according to the normal design, such a magic array would only form a two-inch high flame on it, which is just right for cooking, and it should be regarded as something with no lethality. However, in this experiment, the magic array obviously went away again. At the moment when the magic array was activated, a huge Fireball suddenly erupted on the magic array that was supposed to have a small two-inch flame. In the next second, the entire Fireball burst instantly, destroying the magic array and spraying out a large rain of fire. If Ivorite and Xiaofeng hadn't used the extraction ability in time to absorb all the nearby Fire Element, it might have just been released. The floating island after the flood had another fire.

The guy who promised me absolute safety before is now smoked like an African refugee. The guy ran to me with a smoking chicken coop, and then he followed me in a serious manner. Explanation: "President, the results of instrument calculations show that the magic array just now released more than three thousand times the rated power when it broke out, so the original flame became a Fireball. As for the subsequent explosion, it should be melted at high temperature. The magic circuit caused the magic array to be disordered, so it exploded."

"Do you mean that the energy circuit can generate more than three thousand times the energy output?" I directly caught the sentence. Focus. If this guy's answer is "yes", then our guild will be developed. We must know that this magic circuit is actually only a little different from the one that our guild is using, and since we can produce ordinary magic arrays, of course, we can also produce magic arrays with new energy-gathering magic structures. Replace, then even the original magic array will explode with amazing effects. Three thousand times the output! How much can this do?

I was dreaming there, and suddenly I heard that guy say: "The new magic circuit can indeed provide more than three thousand times the output, in fact, there is more than that. The magic array disk just used is just the most basic The hardwood does not have any magic structure, and in order to prevent it from erupting, we also specially covered the magic array with a metal plate that would affect the formidable power of the magic array, and the result still burst out three thousand times the energy. If we use it better The magic array special material is used as the base, and the high level magic material is used to draw the shock map, and then inlaid with mithril to strengthen the magic formidable power and inlaid with gems as the magic node. The final magic array we get may output 10,000 To more than 12,000 times the energy. Of course, this number is only an estimate and has not been tested, but I believe it is reliable. However, although this number is relatively large, it may not produce such a large amount in actual use. Actual effect."

"Why?" I asked in surprise.

The researcher replied very earnestly: "The first is the material issue. Magic materials have restrictions on their ability to direct magic. If the magic flowing in the magic route exceeds the limit, we just call this situation Overload. In this state, the magic circuit will continuously radiate magic energy to the surroundings. Of course, this is only a part of the power loss. The real trouble is that excessive magic energy may cause the nature of the wire itself to change when it passes through the wire. The wire will completely lose the ability to guide magic and explode due to the accumulation of magic power."

"You mean that the magic array may not be able to hold on?"

"Yes, ours Magic arrays generally can only allow five to six times the excess output, and the time cannot be too long. Whether it is more than three thousand times or more than ten thousand times, this output is obviously beyond the output range of the magic array produced by our guild. If you After long-term use, the magic array may burn down quickly."

"Can't you use high-load circuits?"

"The high-load circuits used in large powerful magic arrays can be long. Time works under the super output of this super energy module, but the cost of this line itself is not low. If a high-load line is used, it means that the overall cost of the magic array will increase significantly. Except for the special magic array of the department It is worth replacing this kind of power module. I suggest that it is better to keep the existing system. At most, refer to the results of this kind of magic array to slightly enhance the energy gathering speed of other magic arrays in this guild. As for this full version, I think it’s just right to use it in the city protection magic array or the city power system, which can greatly reduce the energy consumption of our guild’s magic crystal. Now many weapons in our guild have begun to switch to liquefied magic crystal steam. There are explosives, and as technology advances in the future, the consumption in this area may increase. If the magic crystal is still used as energy, the consumption is too exaggerated."

I nodded. "What you said is very reasonable. After the output performance of this magic array is clear, you will immediately start to replace the city energy system, replacing all the original magic crystal power equipment with this type of equipment."

"Please wait for the president." The researcher interrupted me: "Before making a decision, you'd better listen to another reason why this magic array is not popular." I just thought about hearing this guy say that. He said that there were two reasons before he got up, but now he has only listened to one, and he happened to listen to the second one first. After I was nodded, the researcher began to introduce: "The reason why I said that this kind of magic structure cannot completely replace our existing magic array energy circuit is that there is a very important reason that the magic energy in the space is limited."

Hearing this sentence, I suddenly understood why he didn't let me replace this magical energy. The key question is here. This kind of magic energy circuit is actually the same in basic functions as the one that our guild is using. Their only function is to absorb the free magic energy in the surrounding space, and then convert it into usable magic energy. Used by magic array. The two energy circuits are exactly the same in terms of the function of converting energy, the only difference is the conversion speed. However, the conversion speed is not entirely based on the structure of the magic energy circuit.

We can think of this energy loop as a solar panel. Our guild uses old and outdated solar panels with a very low conversion rate, while the newly acquired one is the newly developed conversion device, which can achieve almost 100% conversion. However, no matter how high the conversion rate of this converter is, the sunlight will not focus on you because of your high conversion rate. Therefore, the maximum output of a solar panel can only be infinitely close to the solar radiation intensity. If you want to exceed the solar radiation intensity, it is basically impossible. In the same way, the magic energy conversion circuit absorbs the free magic energy in the space, but the problem is that the free magic energy around is not infinite. They are just like air. After being pumped out, nearby magic energy will be replenished, but this replenishment takes time. Therefore, if one or two magic energy absorption devices are working, there may not be any response. Once the number increases and they are more concentrated, then there will be a phenomenon that the surrounding magic energy is too late to supplement, when the time comes the entire magic array The output will drop accordingly. This is undoubtedly a very dangerous situation.

Some people may think that even if the energy output of the magic array drops, it is nothing more than a decrease in the formidable power. It is better than the old-fashioned magic array formidable power, right?

The answer is: wrong. And it was a big mistake.

The energy module of the magic array is equivalent to the engine of a car. If you want the car to be able to pull more cargo, then you must not only increase the power of the engine, but also have a larger body and a stronger load-bearing structure, but these things need to consume power. The original little magic array of our guild is equivalent to an agricultural tricycle. Although the horsepower is small, at least it can run. Now that we get the new magic array energy module, then equivalent to we get a high-power engine, in order to use this engine, we have to correspondingly amplify the capabilities of other components, and the final product is equivalent to It is a 500-ton super truck used in a large open-pit mine. However, although these trucks are indeed much stronger than agricultural tricycles under normal conditions, once the power drops, the new engine may not even be able to drive the car itself. When the time comes, it is not a problem of power reduction, but a magic array. It just went on strike.

Because of the characteristics of the magic array, we cannot fully replace the magic array. At most, it is replaced on some key equipment, so that the energy distribution of various equipment can be staggered to maximize Use this new type of energy device. Blind full replacement is definitely a thankless task.

"What you said is very reasonable. It seems that we can't use it casually. Which equipment can be replaced and which can't be replaced requires you to discuss with the guild staff again, but I think you can at least First replace the energy device of the mobile angel."

The energy device has always been the biggest obstacle restricting the development of constructs. The super precious colorful magic crystal is used as the power source. At that time, we also had magic array energy modules, but until now, the energy provided by our energy modules is still very small. If the magic puppet is regarded as a robot that uses electricity, then the energy module that we will make that automatically gathers free energy is at most equivalent to the small solar panel on the solar calculator. Such a little energy is even a toy car. It can't be driven, let alone a huge magic puppet. So we had to install the priceless colorful magic crystal as the power core for the magic puppet. After all, the output of that thing is strong enough. However, we don't need to worry about it now. This new type of energy module can definitely drive the body of the mobile angel. Although there may be insufficient energy supply when the mobile angel cluster appears, this problem is actually easy to solve, as long as the current mobile angel’s liquefied magic crystal steam power core is retained. That's it. Two sets of energy devices exist at the same time, based on the self-charged magic array. When the energy is insufficient or the magic array is damaged, the liquefied magic crystal steam power core will make up the difference or completely replace the magic array for energy. With these two sets of equipment, the battery life of the mobile angel can definitely be greatly improved, and because there are two sets of equipment, we can equip the mobile angel with a smaller liquefied magic crystal steam fuel tank, so that the space saved can not only be used Plug in the self-charged magic array, you can also consider decorating something else.

In any case, the use of this magic circuit is quite extensive, and this kind of one-time input and long-term output is definitely a good thing that everyone likes. However, even though this magic array module is so precious, it is only a part of that book. I would like to know what effect it would have if all the magic array structures in that book were parsed out.

Although I really want to know all the secrets in the book, it seems that this thing is unlikely to be done in a short time. Even if we compare and analyze the existing magic array, it will take a long time to identify one of them. Part of the magic structure, as for all the analysis, it is extremely manpower-consuming. Of course, according to the system setting, if our guild is willing to throw a billion 800 million in, it is estimated that results will soon be produced, but I guess that Rose will not agree to do that.

Since the research results will not be available for a while, I simply arranged the work here and then left the new continent research base directly to Tianyu City through Isinger’s transnational Transmission Formation. .

According to the marks on the map, the second book is located in the European continent, but although it is far away from Isengard, this point is not far from Tianyu City, which happens to be the second target. According to previous experience, since the first book can have such a great ability, this second book should not be much worse. To be honest, my interest in those three books has far surpassed my interest in upgrading the library. According to my opinion, the value of the information recorded in the three books has almost reached the top half of the library, so in those three Before all the analysis of the book is completed, even if I find them back, I will not hand in the task, lest it will be troublesome if the library is upgraded and the book is used up and cannot be studied.

According to the coordinates on the map, I directly entered the territory of France, but because Germany has been fighting with France, and our guild is an ally of Germany’s largest guild, the Iron Crusade, so I am currently In France, they are basically members of hostile forces. For this reason, the necessary disguise is very necessary, especially after seeing the location of the book, I became more sure of this.

"Damn it, how could the marker happen to be in the city?" When I saw the city ahead, I couldn't help reconfirming the map again, and finally I had no choice but to determine the coordinates. The point is really in the city. If it's in China or Germany, I would like the coordinates to be in the city. Because this means that I have more NPCs that I can use to inquire about information, but this is France. With my current status, even if I pretended to be, it’s definitely not a good idea to run around in this place. I hope you don’t run into boring players wandering around with scouting skills! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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