Although I am a little worried about being discovered, I really can’t do anything for that book. If you don’t enter the city, you won’t find a book. If you enter, there is only a probability of being discovered, and you may not be found. Besides, if I was discovered, it was just more troublesome. With my strength, no one could really stop me.

After carefully entering the camouflage mode, I walked into this seemingly large city among a large group of people entering the city. Adhering to the usual characteristics of a French city, this is also a city without a city wall. The entire city is full of entrances and exits, which can be said to extend in all directions. However, don’t look at this city without a city wall and think its defensive power is very poor. On the contrary, the defensive power of this city is not only not bad, but also very strong. Only the four towers can be seen outside the city. The light prism tower is enough to allow any attacking enemy to weigh and weigh himself in advance, enough to be bombarded by others.

This kind of light prism is a relatively rare defensive weapon. Although it can be classified as a technological weapon, what it emits is not a laser but a kind of special photon. Its final effect is not The high temperature burns the target, but causes the space to collapse at the target location, that is, a small black hole is generated to suck the target in. Because of the terrifying nature of this thing, few people have dared to resist this weapon head-on, including me. The research department of our guild has analyzed it before, and if the output of that thing hits it head-on, it should be able to kill me in seconds. Of course, I wouldn't be so stupid to fight against city-level defensive weapons. It was purely a fool's job.

"Hello, where can I find the book?" After entering the city, I chose to buy a lot of supplies in a small shop, and asked this while paying the bill. .

Many people don’t know a secret. In fact, the easiest NPC in the city to increase favorability is the boss in the store. As long as you buy something from him, his favorability for you will increase, and The more you buy, the higher your favorability. This situation is actually very common in reality, but many people in the game can't think of it.

With my super high charm attribute and deterrent attribute, even if I don’t use this little skill, NPC will usually help me very cooperatively, but it’s better to have such benefits than nothing. Anyway, I don’t care about the flowers. So a little bit of money, besides the supplies, this thing is not wasted if you buy it, it will be used sooner or later.

The Boss who heard my question immediately said enthusiastically: "Really? This thing needs people really good, but I happen to know some." The Boss thought for a while and turned to take it. I took a piece of paper and drew a simple map and said to me: "The three crosses marked on it are three bookstores, where you can buy books."

I looked at the circle on the map and asked. "What are these two circles?"

"Oh, the big one is the city library, but you need a special identity permit to enter. The other circle is the city’s skill training Academy. There are also books to read over there, but you must first sign up for skill learning. I don’t know what kind of books you need, so I marked everything I can think of."

I nodded After thanking the Boss, he took the map and left the shop. There are five targets marked on the map, but I think there is only one that is really possible. The books in bookstores are all sold. I don’t think things of this level like the "Book of Energy" may be sold in bookstores. It’s like buying all the technical information and manufacturing methods of nuclear weapons in Xinhua Bookstore. Just as incredible.

After excluding the bookstore, the remaining skills are the Academy and the library, but I think the Academy is not very reliable. Although there are relatively high-level skill books in such places, the problem is that none of the books in the world seem to fit the category of skill books, although from the characteristics of the "Book of Energy" this thing once a skill Destroying heaven extinguishing earth is definitely destroying heaven, but that requires a lot of research and analysis after all, and it is not something that anyone can use immediately after getting a book.

After removing the four goals, only the library is actually left. Although the probability of this level of the book of the world in this kind of place is not high, at least it still has a probability, so I decided to go there to check it, but now I must solve the identity problem first. After I came out of that small shop, I asked other NPCs. That place is not completely open to the outside world, but is open to the public in different levels. Ordinary persons can go in and check some basic information as long as they pay the money, but there are very few things in this part, and they are all unimportant information. The really useful things are only open to the actual owner of the city, the White Cross Alliance, and these white The reading materials of the Cross League are actually graded. Low-level members cannot see high level things at all, so even if I can get their guild membership status, it’s useless, because the books of the world this level are even in the library. It is definitely not something that ordinary people can see.

After thinking about it, I found that it is really unrealistic to use a fake identity to get in. The easiest and most reliable way is to sneak into it. This is the most likely way to approach the target directly. .

After I decided on the plan, I immediately started the action. After walking around the street for a few times, I thought that no one was following me, then I turned into an alley and was completely in the shadow at the end of the alley. Disappeared, and in the next second I was already in an alley between a building and a building behind the library. The library is equipped with a space protection array, and shadows cannot be used directly to enter the interior. Besides, I don’t know the situation inside. It will be troublesome if it emerges directly from the crowd.

After appearing on the outside of the wall, I first confirmed that my position would not be found, then carefully leaned against the back wall, and asked Chili to help me scan the back of the wall with the spirit strength field to confirm the back It was the warehouse, not the reading room with a lot of people, that I carefully turned Eternity into a dagger shape, directly cut the wall and dug a door out.

Because Eternal is sharp enough, the work of digging the wall was completed without much effort, and because the cutting is relatively fast, the wall damage is not serious. After I got into the room, I cut the wall. Refilling it back can just seal the entrance, as long as you don't get close, you can't see that the wall has been cut.

The situation behind the wall is the same as the result of the reconnaissance. It is indeed a warehouse, but it is not a warehouse for books, but a lot of tattered furniture. Looking at the spider web on the wall and the dust on the ground, no one has been here for at least a few months.

I moved quickly to the door, and after confirming that there was no one outside, I opened the door and walked out. Outside the door is a corridor that is not too wide. Obviously it belongs to the working area of ​​the library staff, so all the aisles are very narrow, and the decoration is basically zero. The traces of stones can be seen directly on the walls. There is no covering at all.

Following this passage, which is more like a tunnel than a corridor, you will soon encounter a horizontal passage. The width of this passage is obviously wider than the previous one, and the ground is covered with polished floors, and the walls are all painted. It is obviously much better than the previous one. According to my analysis, this city may have been a system city before, and the library already existed at that time. After that, the White Cross Alliance that occupied here now captured the city, and the library I see now should be built on the basis of the original library. The new library continues to use the previous library structure in many internal structures, but some things have been refurbished. The passageway I just drilled out should be the remains of the old library that was abandoned, so the decoration on both sides will be poor. so many.

After carefully drilling into the new area, I heard footsteps and could hear the other party’s conversation. It’s not difficult to tell from the content of their conversation that they are both NPCs, so I decisively hid the turning passage I had turned out before. It was only when the two NPCs passed the junction of this passage and the main passage that I suddenly rushed out from behind them and covered their mouths and fell them together. Drag back to the old channel before.

The two NPCs were struggling desperately after being caught by me, but these two civilian NPCs were obviously not my opponents, and they were easily pulled into the utility room I entered before. I don’t know what’s going on. The two NPCs struggled as they approached the utility room. They acted as if they were afraid of the utility room, but I didn’t care about their feelings, so Regardless of their reaction, they pulled the two directly in.

Close the door of the utility room with my feet and let Ling come out and release a sound-proof array. Then I released the two of them. What surprised me was that the two NPCs did not resist after being free. It suddenly jumped to the other corner of the room furthest away from me, and hugged shiver coldly together.

"Don’t be trembling there, come over and answer a few questions. If I am satisfied, I don’t want to kill you."

The two NPCs on the opposite side are obviously one male and one female. After hearing what I said, people froze for a moment, and then looked around with fearful eyes. Seeing their eyes, I remembered that there is no light at all here, and there are no windows in the utility room. It can be said to be dark and dark. Because I have dark vision, I always forget that others can't see things in dark places. The reaction of these two guys is obviously shocked.

"Don't look for it, I'll be right in front of you."

The two NPCs shrank back in shock when they heard me, and they bumped into the table and chairs behind them. I was taken aback, the female NPC among them was even more frightened and screamed and jumped as if going crazy.

"Okay, let me be quiet." I stretched out my hand and a small flame appeared in my palm. Although the flame was small, it was at least enough to illuminate this small room.

The appearance of the light made the two of them stunned for a moment. After seeing my appearance, they turned to look relaxed. They were depressed for a long time, thinking that their appearance was not deterrent enough.

"Huh, I was scared to death. I thought it was the ghost of the old district!" The female NPC immediately relaxed after seeing me, and she patted her chest with lingering fear while talking.

"Ghosts?" I can't understand the behavior of these two guys seeing me feel more relaxed than seeing ghosts. It seems that I am more dangerous than ghosts, right?

The other party took my surprise as a question and directly explained it to me. After working for a long time, there was a ghost story circulating on their side, that is, there is a terrifying ghost in the legacy of the old library that has not been remodeled. Later, this entertaining legend was later because many people solemnly vowed to guarantee that they had seen that ghost. After spreading the evil cry, no NPC in the entire library dared to enter this abandoned area in the end. Of course, the main reason why this kind of legend can spread and take effect among these NPCs is that they are all civilian NPCs. If they are fighting NPCs, they must be killed directly.

After I figured out the legend, I didn't take it seriously, but soon I suddenly thought of a question. "Ling."

"Understood." Following my prompt, Ling snapped his fingers, and a blue shock wave visible to naked eye swept across the room in an instant, followed by an ash-gray silhouette. Fell off a pile of tables.

Seeing the translucent phantom, the two NPCs on the opposite side immediately screamed again. Ling probably thought they were rather annoying, so he simply passed over with a mental shock and stunned both of them.

While Ling stunned the two noisy guys, I also walked to the translucent ghost and squatted down. The other party squeezed on the ground for a while before raising his head, revealing a terrifying face that can definitely scare the child into tears. Of course, this trick is useless to me. Seeing that big ugly face, I directly slapped the other's head with my hand, and slapped the guy on the ground again with a chirp. Before the other person got up again, I reached out and grabbed his hair again and lifted his face.

"If you don't want to be beaten anymore, just be honest. Who do you want to scare me when you become so disgusting?" I almost put my face on the guy's nose and cursed at the ugly face at close range road.

The guy who was raised by me immediately cried and grieved as soon as I heard what I said: "My lord, I was wronged! I didn't mean to be so scary. When I died, I was burned to death by the fire. Yes, so the ghost I became is also like this ghost, and my ability is too low to transform my appearance, otherwise the ghost will have such an ugly face on the sky."

"You were originally Ghost."

"This..." That guy was choked by me without knowing what to say.

Looking at the unlucky look on his face, I said directly: "Well, you are also a bad luck. I will not bully you. Anyway, you and I have no direct conflict of interest."< /p>

"Many thanks, Lord."

As I said, I touched the bag of black liquid again, and the crystal came out and swayed twice in front of the guy until his eyes almost turned After the pendulum, he asked in a tone that blamed Uncle to deceive little loli: "Do you want it?"

For the undead, black liquid crystal is a natural Shiquan Dabu pill, and it has no side effects. The only problem is that the effect is relatively low for the undead with relatively high strength, but it is still extremely precious to the low-level undead.

When I heard what I said, the guy was desperately nodded and stretched out his hand, but I threw the bag to Ling to grab it, and then said: "I have so many things, but I can’t give it in vain. I’ll answer my questions if I want. I’ll give it to you if I’m satisfied."

"As long as I know, I must tell the adults." For the black liquid crystal, I guess it’s even now. He would immediately agree to let that guy learn how to bark a dog.

"I don't ask you any troublesome questions, I just want to know if you have heard of the book of the world."

The ghost did not immediately answer when he heard the name. Instead, he shook the head a little regretful for a while and said that he didn't know. When he wanted to come, I would definitely not benefit him if I didn't get information, so he was also very depressed.

"It doesn’t matter if you haven’t heard of the book of the world, have you heard of "Book of Energy", "Book of Time" or "Book of Space"?"

Hear this After the question, the ghost was thinking for a while, and finally said helplessly that he hadn't heard it, but when I was about to give up, he suddenly said: "Although I haven't heard of it, it doesn't mean there must be none here. After all, I was just a warehouse clerk in this library before I was alive. I don’t know exactly what books are in the library, and I rebuilt it once after the library was destroyed. Some books will definitely be lost during this period. I will add some more, it is hard to guarantee that there will be no books you want. And..."

"And what?"

"If you can't find what you want in the library here Book, you might as well go and take a look."


The ghost pointed to his feet and said, "It's under our feet. This utility room is actually just This is a disguise. You only need to turn the doorknob to the end, and then turn it back three times to open a secret passage. This passage is connected to a secret library below, which are some of the most precious books and books in the original old library. Some banned books are stored below. Because the library is now built on the basis of the original library, no foundation was dug, and no secret room was found below."

"You mean The following things don’t even know who from the White Cross Alliance?"

"Yes, I have been in this library since I died. No one knows that there is a secret library underneath. "

I nodded and said: "Then I'll just start looking for it here. I guess the book I'm looking for will never be in the public library area." As I said, I walked to the door and followed that. The ghost's guidance turned the doorknob twice. Sure enough, when I finished the last lap, a stone sculpture of a broken figure with no nose placed in the corner suddenly sank down slowly with the pedestal, and as the sculpture fell to the ground, one was blocked. The stone steps appeared in my sight.

"Come with me." In order to earn that black liquid crystal, this ghost worked very hard. As soon as the cave opened, he immediately walked to the front and showed me the way.

Because this secret room contains very important books, there are also many organs installed in the passage below, but because this ghost understands the settings of all organs, these seemingly powerful organs are It's all a furnishing. Under the guidance of that guy, I easily entered the secret room without touching any mechanism. Even the code lock on the door was opened by the ghost after telling me the code. My usual brute force method was not sent at all. Useful.

"This...this is the library?" As soon as the door of the secret room was opened, I was completely stunned by the sight in front of me! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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