Looking at the book that was about to fall to the bottom of the power room, I stretched out my hand directly at it. According to my idea, the book should be under my traction. It flew directly into my hands. However, just after I used the traction skill on that book, a huge force suddenly spread to my hand. If I hadn't reacted quickly, this one almost dragged me off the platform. As for that book, as I staggered forward, it fell on the bottom containment of the power chamber, which was eight meters deep, with a loud noise.

Seeing the book fell below, I had to stand up and jump off the platform. But even though I was mentally prepared, I was taken aback when I picked up the book. The first thing I felt after I started the book was that it was heavy. If it weren't for the fact that I knew it was heavy, and with my hands, I would almost never be able to pick it up from the ground.

Although the volume of the book in my hand is indeed not small, the cover that is about the same size as a 17-inch screen plus the thickness of 8 cm should not exceed 20 kg. Even if the outer shell of this book is made of metal, the weight is too abnormal. You must know that my basic strength points are nearly double that of the average player. That is to say, my strength at level 500 has surpassed that of many people at level 1,000, and now I have more than two thousand. It's level, but I still almost didn't pick up this thing. Judging from the feel of the hand, this thing weighs at least three or four tons, and it may even be more than that. I thought that the small box was just for protection. Now it seems that the thing not only plays a protective role, but also has a hyperspace-like setting inside. Not only does it contain a book larger than the box in such a small box. Book, but also hides the outrageous weight of this book.

I took the book to my eyes with great effort, and I carefully observed the appearance of the book. The outer shell of this book seems to be made of metal. Huang Cancan's outer shell is engraved with complicated route maps, the density of which has reached the point where naked eye can hardly recognize it. There is no trace of the paper on the side of the book. The pages of the whole book should be made of metal like the outer cover, and the connection between the pages and the pages is extremely tight. When they are closed, there are simply no gaps. I didn't know it was a book, I almost suspected it was a whole piece of metal.

"Can you see anything?" I handed the book to Ling and asked.

Ling carefully stretched out his hand and closed his eyes and stroked the surface of the book, then opened his eyes and said to me: "The main part of the shell is made of salapamian alloy, and the surface is covered. The layer of fine gold may also be mixed with stardust sand or crystalline salt produced in the Sea of ​​Eternal Night. Anyway, there is an efficient magic guiding medium."

"Stop, I don’t know those things. , You can just tell me the specific effect."

"The outermost fine gold is the protective shell. You also know that fine gold, besides being hard, never wears out. Corrosion resistance, high temperature resistance, etc. are good. Another thing is that adamantine does not block magic, although it cannot be used as a magic guide, but at least it will not weaken the magic effect. It is a very good material to be used solely as a shell. You know the output of fine gold. The outer shell of this book is worth at least half a million crystal coins."

"I know fine gold, what about the characteristics of the other two things?"< /p>

"Salapermia alloy is a super strong magic material. It can allow magic power to pass through itself when it has no magic power, but when its interior is filled with magic power, it will become Magic semiconductor, only allows magic to move in a fixed direction, and does not allow the reverse to pass. The Salapamiya alloy in this book restricts the release of magic, so it only allows magic to enter its interior, but prevents all magic from flowing out Phenomenon. As for the starsand and the sea salt in the Sea of ​​Eternal Night are actually magical materials, we generally use them to draw magic arrays, but in general, they will not be everywhere like this book. This amount is not only wasteful , And it will seriously affect the stability of the magic power. The highly excited magic power may explode when passing through such a magic array. It is a very dangerous production method."

"You mean this book Will the book explode?"

"This is exactly where I am puzzled. According to the current theory, this book should be like a bomb. Just a little bit of energy can make it explode, but just now it After absorbing so much energy, there is no reaction at all. This is completely different from the theory I know. I don’t know why it exists, but it does exist."

"The situation in the book What?"

"I don't know."

"I don't know?"

Ling shrugged and said, "I just don't know. Salapamea alloy is obviously in a state of magic saturation. Now it does not allow any magic power to leak out. The magic power I used to detect can easily penetrate into the book, but it can’t be recovered, nor can it be passed on to me. Situation, so I don’t know anything about the situation in the book."

After hearing Ling’s answer, I wanted to open the book immediately to see what was recorded in the book, but in the end I still Held back. I am not a rookie just entering the game, so I know more than the average person. This book has just absorbed a large amount of energy generated by Isengard’s power core. Now that the Sarapamia alloy on the outside of the book blocks the energy outflow, the book seems calm, but who knows what’s going on in the book ? In case there is no storage or energy-consuming device in the book, the most likely possibility is that the energy absorbed by the previous book will be released as soon as I open the page, and the energy it has absorbed just now wants to easily blast off this power. The room is definitely not a problem, so I decided to find a safe place to experiment again.

Leave the power core with the book, and then we went directly to the new continent research base, where we have all the core technical departments of our guild. If you need to figure out the secrets in the book, this is the right one But that's it. Under my brief introduction, a group of researchers from different research departments gathered here temporarily, and the book was placed on a solid glass base.

After the book was put away, the researchers brought in all kinds of protective equipment, and after confirming that everyone was okay, they asked me to turn the book.

At first, I was just a little worried, but I was more nervous than before because of this guys. Cautiously walked to the glass platform, and then reached out and touched the corner of the book page as cautiously as dismantling a bomb. It took some effort to lift the cover of the book, and then turned around when the page was opened. Run, for fear that the thing will explode. However, after waiting for me to run into the crowd hiding behind the protective equipment, the book was still flipped there, and there was no sign of exploding.

"It seems that this book can automatically store energy." A researcher in charge of energy research stood up and said carefully. Although it is estimated that this thing should not be dangerous, we still dare not relax too much. If this thing has a characteristic of delayed detonation, then we will be out of luck.

After waiting for a long time to confirm that the thing really won't explode, I was pushed out by those guys and carefully approached the book again. When the group of researchers who were afraid of death pushed me out, they still confidently said that they only have one life, and that things like sending me to death should make me not afraid of death. There is no way, because of the idea of ​​protecting the technical staff of the guild, I still have to go.

Carefully moved to the edge of the book, and then observed. When you open the first page of the book, you can see the densely packed lines inside, and its shape is almost the same as the outer cover. People who look at the dense lines are dizzy, but there is no word on it, even if it is incomprehensible. Anyway, there is a word we can find someone to translate, and now there is no word at all, we don’t know this. What book should it be called?

Seeing that I stayed next to me for a long time and nothing happened, the timid experts finally came over and started to study the book.

After a short period of analysis by this group of researchers, we have also obtained some superficial information about this book. First of all, we confirmed that there are only twenty metal plates in this book. Two of them are used as the outer shell. The main feature is that they are obviously larger than the middle eighteen, and the thickness is also slightly thicker. . In terms of material, the twenty metal plates are exactly the same, except that the middle eighteen pages are slightly thinner.

In addition to the basic data of the book, we also studied the patterns on the book. According to our comparative analysis, it can be determined that the lines engraved on the twenty metal plates are all different, and there are a small part of the repeated patterns, all of which are in line with certain characteristics of the text, that is to say, this can be used as The thing that Tie Tuo smashed people is really a book, and it does record a lot of confidence. The only problem is that we don't know what is written on it.

"Have you analyzed anything for a long time?" I waited for the guys to analyze for a long time and finally couldn't help but ask.

One of the studies said: "The only ones you can be sure about right now are the ones you just saw, but we have a speculation."

"What speculation?"

"We speculate that this book should be the "Book of Energy"."

"How do you know?" I asked seriously. It’s not that I don’t believe their speculation, but just want to know the basis for their inference. After all, the previous book just eaten up a lot of energy in Isinger’s power core. If this is the "Book of Energy", it would be just right. Can explain the phenomenon that this thing swallows energy before.

The researcher quickly replied after hearing my question: "We still can’t find definitive evidence, but we are not completely unfounded. We suspected that the lines on the book are magic arrays before, so just now We compared the lines on the book with the basic structure of the magic array we already know, and the result really made us find a basic structure."

"What kind of structure is it?"

"It is a kind of energy extraction circuit. Many magic arrays that automatically gather energy from nature have similar components, but they are slightly different in details, but you can wait to verify if this is energy in the book. The functional modules are gathered. But we did find that the combination pattern of this module has been repeated many times in the book, and each time it is combined with different patterns. From this we infer that those are special magic arrays, and we The identified piece is their energy circuit."

"Then quickly verify whether the module in this book is an energy circuit."

"Don’t you Urgent, this is already being verified."

"How did you verify it? Is it troublesome?"

The researcher smiled and said: "In fact, it's easy, just find A random magic array that we have mastered, and then remove the energy-gathering circuit in it, and replace it with the section recorded in the book. If the magic array works normally, that part is indeed an energy circuit."

"Oh, it's so easy. Just make a magic array." I said, looking around and asked: "Which side is doing it? I'll go and see."

"There." The researcher pointed out to me.

Following that guy’s fingers, I saw a group of researchers who were busy carving the magic array. I quickly walked over and found that their magic array was obviously almost finished. Seeing me approaching, a researcher in charge of the structure of the contrast magic array took the initiative to introduce their work to me, which is actually the same as the guy said before. After he finished speaking, I asked: "What kind of magic array is this you made?"

The researcher immediately replied: "This is the magic array that our guild researched on its own. The function is to gather Water Element and make it spray upward for a certain distance."

"Isn't that a fountain?"

"Yes, it is a fountain. In fact, this magic array is our verification of the principle of the magic array. It’s a small magical array that I combined to play when I was playing. Now Isengard’s fountains basically use this kind of magic fountain. The jet is highly stable, never wears out, and automatically gathers energy without external energy input, so to speak. It’s quite perfect as a fountain."

The magic array has been sculpted in the kung fu we talked about. Because we only used a fountain magic array, and the volume is not big, so I just finished it. Those researchers couldn't wait to activate the magic array, and then... disaster happened.

Boom... According to the normal situation, the fountain magic array, which is only the size of a basin, should be able to produce a small water column about half a meter high, but the actual situation is that the magic array is at the moment of activation. It's like a fire hydrant that has been broken. No, a fire hydrant does not have such an exaggerated flow. The magical array with the big basin spouted out a terrifying water column as thick as itself at the moment of activation, and the water column shot up into the high altitude of several hundred meters in one breath, and it was still rising. Due to the huge reaction force produced by the jet of water, the stone slab used as the base of the magic array instantly squeezed across the workbench below and fell to the ground, and then... and then even more unfortunate things happened.

Originally, the magic array just sprayed water into the sky and there was nothing at the worst. At most, it would be artificial rain for the new continent. As long as you turn off the magic array, everything is OK. However, because it straddled the console, the magic array tilted during the fall, and then this thing began to crash wildly in our experimental area under the reaction force of the water column. To make matters worse, besides the thing itself, it will hit people everywhere, and the water jet behind it is also like a high-pressure water cannon. People swept by the water jet will be thrown out instantly, and it feels like being hit by a car. Still miserable.

Looking at the chaotic experimental field, I knew that it was better to turn off the magic array than to save people. Seeing the location of the damn magical array, I waved away a steel cone directly, and the steel cone was knocked out by the water column as soon as it flew halfway. The steel cone that was bombed not only didn't injure the demon array, but it almost pierced a researcher's head.

I looked at the steel cone embedded in the ground with surprise. I don't dare to use long-range weapons anymore. At least this kind of thing that may be bounced back can no longer be used. Spread its wings and flew directly towards the magic array, but the thing kept jumping on the ground. I don’t know if it was because of the uneven strength of the water jet or it hit something. In short, the magic array never walked. Straight line, coupled with its fast speed, it is really not easy to catch up.

"Lucky, plague, mistress, crystal, hold down that thing for me."

As soon as the four dragons appeared, they surrounded the magic array in four directions, but just When luck was about to hold it down, the magic array suddenly hits an instrument that fell on the ground, and then the magic array turned around in place, and the jet of water knocked the lucky one into a stagger. A backflip in place, followed by the magic array and changed direction again, and this time it soared into the sky and went directly to the sky. The magic array Fei Tian originally came to be nothing, but the problem is that it went up, but the water was all down. The high-pressure water column violently hits the ground under the dual effects of gravity and jet power, and then spreads all around like a shock wave. The terrifying water flow instantly turned the crowds who had just gotten up on their backs, and by the way, they were on the ground. The equipment rushed all over the floor. At that moment, I even had the illusion that a flood broke the embankment.

Seeing that the damn magical array rises higher and higher and is about to disappear, I don’t know what it hit again. Anyway, the magical array suddenly played a big turn around. Then he rushed straight down towards the ground.

The magic array was originally fast, and when it rushed down from such a high place, it was certain that it would smash by itself, but it is estimated that the ground of the new continent floating island would have to be hollowed out by it. Of course, the above speculation is only possible if it can hit the ground, but I will not let it land. I didn't catch it before because the time was too short. It has only been more than ten seconds since I started it. There is no chance to start in such a short time. However, now it hits the ground straight, without the interference of the water column, which happens to be the best chance to start.

"Mira, tank."

As I shouted, two thick rays, one red and one blue, suddenly shot straight from the ground into the sky, instantly blasting the magic array It became fragments of the sky, but a large piece of water passed through the pile of exploded fragments and slammed onto the ground. The people who got up for the second time smashed onto the ground again.

Although the magic array was finally destroyed, I couldn't help but yelled looking at the vast experimental area around me: "Which bastard just told me that it was just a fountain?" (to be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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