"Damn, you have too much taste, the gun god? You paid such a high price to ask me to help you just to find a male pet?"

Listen By the time I finished shouting, the gun god almost fainted. "Which eye did you see that she was a man?"

"Have you seen a woman with this figure? Do you think she is a silverback gorilla?"

I just finished talking, and suddenly I saw the man in the cloak next to the Queen of Spades on the opposite side. Suddenly he lifted the cloak and handed out a heavy sword with both hands and pierced my eyebrows. However, her sword was just pierced in front of me. One hand was pinched.

After the ghost squeezed the opponent’s sword, the woman was still pushing forward. There was a harsh noise between the blade and the ghost’s fingers rubbing, but in the end the woman still couldn’t fight. Over the power of the ghost, the tip of the sword was forcibly stopped just two inches away from my forehead.

After feeling that the sword could not be pushed, the woman immediately raised her other hand and grasped the hilt, and then used both hands to rotate the sword abruptly, even though the ghost kept holding the blade. Hold on, but the opponent's strength is amazing, and he even took the entire body of the ghost away from the ground. Because of the loss of friction with the ground, the spiritual power cannot stop the sword no matter how strong the spirit is. However, after the ghost left the ground, two small cannons suddenly and quickly popped out of the shoulders, facing the woman with two powers of light. ball. When the woman saw the electric ball flew out, she immediately drew her sword back and flew one electric ball with her horizontal sword. Then she smashed the other electric ball with a lightning bolt, and followed her figure suddenly and rushed in front of the ghost. It's a pity that before she moved, a muzzle enough to put her head in was already on her face.

"The little girl doesn't have a bad temper." I walked over and stretched out my hand to push the ghost's barrel. The ghost immediately retracted the cannon and retreated to the side, but the woman suddenly activated it when the ghost retreated. Yijian slashed towards my neck.

"Ah...!" Without any movement, the woman's sword suddenly broke in two when it was about to slash my neck, and then she lost it because of a sharp swing of the sword. The balance fell out.

"This is a small warning. I don't guarantee what will happen next time." Although the opponent is the person designated by the gun god, it doesn't mean that I have to accommodate her. That's right, I did accidentally involve her because of joking with the gunman before, but even so, it would be too much to hack me.

Actually, that woman is not the kind of burly muscular woman like we said before, and I have seen this a long time ago. I said this before just joking with the gunman. The woman may be tall enough, but she is definitely not stout. The reason she looks like a muscular man is mainly because she is covered with heavy plate armor and a super thick long cloak. It looks like she is wearing a cloak. A muscular man, so I ridiculed the gun god and said that he found a male favorite. didn't expect this woman was so uncomfortable, she lost control as soon as she heard me say that she was a muscular man. However, even if I offend her by speaking, it is indeed too much to make heavy moves repeatedly.

After the long sword was broken by me, the woman didn't make any pause when she heard my warning. She got up and rushed towards me. I stepped a little and let go of her fist, then stretched my foot and hooked her ankle, and the woman's weight was unstable and immediately fell forward. However, she did not jump to the ground, but was supported by the gun god.

"Hey, Purple Moon, it's the woman I'm fond of anyway. Give me a little bit of face, right?"

"I warned her, she insisted on messing with me. "After I finished speaking, I looked at the mad queen of spades and said: "Besides, don't you still agree?"

When I reminded the gunmaster, he finally remembered the key point, hurry up. I went back to find the Queen of Spades and started the theory, but the Queen of Spades seemed to be ready to resign.

"Are you really going to fall back on your account?" The spear god who had failed to negotiate has already begun to show signs of madness.

The queen of spades immediately retorted: "I'm not trying to retreat, just want us to compete again. As long as you win, everything about me is yours, including her."

"The agreement only said that it will be a match. I will accommodate you for two matches. You are now better than the third match. If I agree with you again, you will have a fourth match and a fifth match. Until the game I lost, I saw a lot of people like you. Now let me know what to say. Whether you give or not, I only want the answer, don’t listen to your sophistry. If you dare to say anything else The content, I will treat you as saying no."

"I didn't lie to you, as long as you bet on the third place with me..."

The gun god did not wait for the other party to say After that, he turned and shouted to the audience off the court: "Everyone has heard it. It is more than once outside the agreement that I have given her face. For this kind of person who wants to deny the account, if I tolerate it, I will violate the contract. The spirit of equality is a challenge to the rules, so I will defend the rules. Now, I officially declare that the Holy Gun League and the Poker League are in a state of hostility until one of us is disbanded and one of us and the Queen of Spades are killed. Novice Village or quit the game forever."

"No, I'm not..." The queen of spades became anxious when she heard that the battle was about to start. Throw it away.

"I'm not the kind of character who can be bullied casually. Even if someone can bully me, it's definitely not you. You are not qualified enough." The Gunmaster said to me and Logan. They recruited and said: "Let's go, accompany me to have a drink, and tomorrow I will start a guild war."

"Vice-President......?" One of the people brought by the Queen of Spades The guy pulled the queen of spades and reminded him. Seeing that the other party wanted to beg the gun god, he quickly grabbed her and said, "Useless Vice-President. You really did too much. They are also on our American battle strength list anyway. First, not to mention that the Holy Lance League is not an ordinary guild. You are arguing in front of so many people like this. It would be strange if they can compromise!"

"Where am I arguing? I... "

Slap. Just as the queen of spades was still trying to defend, a man suddenly strode in from the outside, and then slapped the queen of spades out. This loud slap not only stunned everyone around, but also stopped the gun god.

The man over there didn’t even look at her situation after playing the Queen of Spades. He directly pinched the neck of the cloaked woman who was about to run to help the Queen of Spades, and then dragged her backwards. Walked to the side of the gun god and threw her at the gun god's feet. "Sorry, Mr. Gunman, I am the presidential king of the Poker League. I am very sorry about the Queen of Spades. Now this woman is yours. I hope this misunderstanding will not cause any unpleasantness between us." /p>

The gun god looked down at the woman who was getting up from the ground, and then said: "I'm not interested in your guild, I just want her. But you don't count, she must admit it in person." Pointing to the queen of spades over there and said.

As soon as the king of the square heard this, he turned and walked towards the Queen of Spades, and I took the opportunity to get to Logan and whispered: "Why does the gun god want this woman to ask the Queen of Spades? "

Logan shook the head and said: "I don't know. I used to be a free player who played competitive games here. This time I was invited because I was a good spear. I didn’t know before that the bet he wanted was a woman. But speaking of which is really weird. That woman is obviously a player, how can it be like a thing?"

I heard Logan’s question I knew he didn't know more than me, and quickly moved to a follower under the gunslinger. This guy is a follower of the Gun God, usually equivalent to the Secretary of the Gun God, except for the task of the Gun God, he basically follows the Gun God.

Sure enough, this guy knows more than Logan. As soon as I said, the guy immediately wentssiping to me in a low voice: "I said you don't want to spread it." When I heard nodded, he said that it is absolutely confidential, and then the other party immediately began to say: "In fact, it's nothing. This woman There seems to be a problem with her spirit. She thinks that she is a slave specially trained to serve the nobles, and she thinks that as long as she meets the requirements of the master, she will be very excited." At this point, the guy deliberately smiled in my ears. Bian whispered: "This meeting requirement includes all requirements. Including that aspect, as long as you say, even if she wants her to self-harm or even commit suicide, she will execute it unconditionally, and she will be very excited because she has met the owner's request. It’s like taking drugs. Although a woman like her is a bit perverted, but speaking of which is really a man yearn for something even in dreams!"

I finally understand what happened to this guy. Why does the Gun God want to get her so much? To put it bluntly, this woman is a hobby who tends to be abused and enslaved. Although this behavior appears to most people to be mentally ill, she has such a hobby. However, this behavior is indeed abnormal for women, but not necessarily for men. Some spiritual defenders and men with unique tastes may not be acceptable, but for most men, such a woman is simply a living doll, although men will not treat her as a lover and wife. But most men dream of having such a toy that is completely at their mercy. Although speaking of which is a bit evil, it is a fact after all. The reason why human beings have not become angels is because there is always something dark in our hearts. Although it is suppressed, you cannot deny its existence. If you are sure that you have never had any evil thoughts, congratulations, you can claim that you are a birdman in heaven with only a pair of wings.

When I inquired about the special hobby of the Gunslinger, the square king over there was punching and kicking the Queen of Spades, and the latter besides holding his head on the ground while crying and begging for mercy There is no meaning to resist at all.

"I don't want to watch your drama performances, I just have to get her." Gun God urged to the square film king: "If you want to play your perverted game, please wait until I'm gone. Play."

The king of squares quickly kicked the queen of spades twice, then grabbed her hair and lifted it from the ground, pointing to the cloaked woman over there. : "Quickly, tell her that she is now a gunman."

The queen of spades was pulled by her hair and said to the woman in pain: "Fairy, you are the gunman from now on. The new master of, I will no longer be your master. Do you understand?"

It’s a little surprised that the woman who was enslaved by the hobby was called a fairy, but it seems that there is a sacrifice in Greek mythology. She is a fairy with a mission, and it is estimated that her name comes from this.

After hearing the words of the queen of spades, the fairy did not answer her, but walked directly in front of the gun god one-knee kneels and bowed her head: "My master, the fairy is willing to be your slave, Regardless of any request, please order me."

"Oh..." I patted the shoulder of the gun god and said: "Can we go back and do the disgusting part? Let's settle our accounts first. Let me go first."

I just finished talking here, and the fairy stood up and punched me, while still yelling: "Don't be rude to the master."

"Fine, can't I not touch him?" I raised my hand and stepped back while watching the gunman jokingly.

Military God also knew that I was joking with him. While restraining the fairy so that she must not be rude to me, he said: "Your reward will not be lost to you. Let me deal with the matter here first."

Because I got it. The woman he wanted, so the next thing was very simple to deal with. It was nothing more than the two guilds expressing goodwill and other meanings to each other. Following the gun god, they proudly took us back to the holy. Gun League headquarters.

"Okay, can you give me my reward now?" After the gunman sent Logan and Jasna away, I said to him again.

The Gunslinger was obviously well prepared and threw a scroll directly to me. "This is a reward. We will not owe each other from now on."

I took the scroll and unfolded it, and then said with a smile: "Happy cooperation, if you have anything to help next time, just speak up. Of course the reward It's inevitable."


In the grumble of the gun god, I waved my hand with my back to him as farewell, and then took the ghost and the blade. The queen left the Holy Lance League together. Of course, I didn't return to Isengard directly, but replaced the flying bird with the ghost and the Queen of Blades and flew all the way south, and finally entered the tropical rain forest of South America.

"President, what exactly did the Spear God give you so happy?" I have been silly since leaving the Holy Spear League, so the ghost and the Queen of Blades are very curious about the scroll. What is recorded makes me so excited.

I didn't answer their question at all, but passed the scroll directly. The ghost and the Queen of Blades took the scroll and looked at it again, but they were even more confused after reading it, because the scroll was recorded on the Treasure Map, and according to the notes beside the scroll, the treasure did not seem to be very attractive. , At least for me these treasures are purely dispensable things, ordinarily I should not be interested in these things.

"Sorry, President, I am confused after reading this." The ghost handed the scroll back to me and said.

I smiled and retracted the scrolls while leading them down, and said, "I didn’t go for the treasure. The treasures in there are nothing but ordinary gems. Although they are also worth some money together, I don’t need to pick it up personally. What I saw was the last boss guarding the treasure."

"You said that big snake?"

The Treasure Map is clearly marked on the top , There is a high-level outrageous snake-shaped creature guard around the treasure. According to the system records of the players killed, the name of this snake-shaped creature is called "hell". The name Prison is definitely very strange to most people, but according to the information I have received, Prison is a very important existence, because she, Yeyue and Princess come from the same ethnic group-Nuwa Divine Race.

The descendants of High God Nuwa left in the world are divided into three systems. One is the clan who fully retains the human form and masters the eye of charm, among which Princess is the last bloodline of the clan. The second branch is a family of snake monsters with petrified eyes. Because this branch was once widely distributed, it has different titles in different regions. For example, Naga, Snake Monster, and Medusa are actually small branches of this big family. As the only descendant of Medusa who exists and has a very pure bloodline, Yeyue can be regarded as the representative existence of this big branch of Nuwa Divine Race. And the "hell" I just mentioned is the third branch, a family of infernal snakes with a complete serpentine shape and the eye of death. However, unlike the previous two races, the Prison Snake race belongs to a single race, which means that this race has only one individual and uses asexual reproduction to continue offspring. When a new generation of prison snakes are born, it is when the older generation of prison snakes die, so this race will always have only one individual.

Originally as the master of Yeyue and Princess, the temptation of the prison snake's death focus on me is not great, although this terrifying skill is more abnormal than death gaze, but I don’t have to Not possible. The key is that Princess and Yeyue accidentally mentioned a message not long ago. According to their inherited memories, the descendants of the three races should be able to cast several combined spells, and these spells should all be spells cast by Nuwa himself. Although I am not sure what spells will appear, I don't know how mighty these spells can be, but just knowing that these spells have been used by Nuwa is enough for me to pay attention. You know that Nuwa is High God, no matter what status she is in the real mythology, at least in this game she is above the existence of the entire Celestial Court. In her capacity, there will never be ordinary small spells that can be used, so I look forward to seeing the formidable power of this joint spell. Besides, these spells are just additions. Even without these spells, the prison snake itself is definitely a Peak-level familiar. After all, they are also descendants of Nuwa, behind the authentic fame!

"It should be this place, right?" When the three of us easily found the position of the superscript on the map, I almost doubted it was a trap. As for the reason...Have you ever seen a monster insert a sign outside the treasure it guarded with his name and the number of people who died here? (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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