Along with the system hint sound, the entire arena was suddenly swept by a white light. The original various sections were all disappeared at once, leaving only a deep pit. That's right, it's a deep pit, and it's still a man-made pit. Why is it artificially constructed? The reason is... have you ever seen a naturally formed pit with tiles around it?

While I appeared at the bottom of this pit, which looked like a swimming pool but was N times larger, the others who participated in the competition were teleported to the surroundings of the pit and stood on top of the five large pits. Above the platform.

As everyone stood still, a robotic arm was suddenly lowered from the void at the top of the arena, and then the robotic arm with many joints stretched directly to the black on the podium outside the arena. In front of the Queen of Peach. "The opponents of the contestants are asked to place additional bets on the difficulty. This level will increase the difficulty of the level according to the value of the item. If it is not placed, no difficulty will be increased. After this level is over, if the contestant wins, the bets of both parties will automatically merge and belong Owned by the other party, if the other party does not place an item, the item is directly owned by the other party. If the other party fails in the level, the bet items of both parties are automatically merged and returned to you. If the other party does not place the bet item, the item will be returned directly."

"Why do you still have this to say?" Gun God asked in surprise.

The queen of spades put a stone that looks like can be seen everywhere on the tray handed over by the robotic arm and said, "This is also part of the chessboard. If you are afraid, you can give up."

The gun god glared angrily at the Queen of Spades but did not speak, while the robotic arm took the stone back, and then stretched out in front of me and said: "Please place the difficulty of the contestants. To offset the bet, this level will reduce the difficulty of the task according to the value of the item you placed and the remaining value after the value of the other party’s item is offset. After placing the item, after the level is over, the opponent's item will be handed over to the winner based on the victory or defeat."

I thought about it and asked: "Is the higher the value of what I put, the more difficult the task will be. Low?"


"Then can I put a lot of things on it?"

"The bet item can be multiple, but it must Can be carried by a pallet. In addition, after the level is over, the opponent’s item will be merged with all the items you placed. The winner can choose to absorb the attributes of the opponent’s or the own item and merge them into the other’s items. If you win and choose to keep your own item, the other party’s item attribute will be evenly distributed to your multiple items and the multiple items will be associated with attributes. Therefore, it is recommended to place a complete set of items, and the number should not be too much. If you choose to keep the other party’s item, you All of the items will be integrated into the opponent’s only bet item. Please decide the number of bets based on the information."

"Can I ask what the woman puts and what is the value?" This bet seems to be used to strengthen equipment, this is definitely a good opportunity. You know that the opportunity to strengthen equipment is much more cost-effective than acquiring a new piece of equipment. For example, if you have a helmet with very good attributes, and then give you a helmet with similar attributes and a chance to strengthen the helmet, which one would you choose? Of course it is to strengthen his helmet. No matter how good the attribute of the helmet is, it is similar to the one you wear. You have only one head. How can you use a helmet with the same attributes? So, strengthening opportunities is definitely a good thing. Originally, there are many options for strengthening equipment in the game, but without exception, it is difficult to encounter, and even if it is encountered, it may not be 100% successful. Many enhancement opportunities have a failure rate. Some of the higher level failures are just the loss of materials and this opportunity. Some garbage and even equipment exploded together, so it is true that such a chance of 100% guarantee for the success of the enhancement is true. Of rare.

This level system seems to be very patient, and I immediately replied after I asked: "The other party placed a perfect Divine Rank soul core, and the internal seal has a Divine Rank Artifact Spirit that can evolve infinitely. The value of the system is The score is 750 million points."

"What does this score mean? Does it correspond to the number of crystal coins?"

"The score does not correspond to currency, and is only used as a reference for increasing difficulty. "

When I heard the answer from system, I immediately tried the Fenglong Space, and found that it worked. It should be the system that allows me to take things and temporarily release the restrictions.

Draw the Eternal Sword directly from the Phoenix Dragon Space, and then ask the robotic arm: "How many points can I get if I bet this thing in my hand?"

" The name of the instrument is eternal, the weapon of the rule type, and the score is 2.390 million."

The crowd outside the venue hummed together when they heard this reminder. The soul core of the Divine Rank of Perfect level is already priceless, and when that thing only scored more than 700 million points, my eternity actually got nearly 2.4 billion points. This value gap is too big. Bar?

The queen of spades jumped up from her seat and rushed to the edge of the podium, yelling at the court: "This is impossible! You must be wrong. Even if the sword can be deformed, Is it more than three times the core of my soul?"

The old man system immediately replied: "Check the score again. Eternity has the cut-off rules, which can cut everything, including matter, energy, time, and even cause and effect. Harmony itself is no longer in the category of general weapons, so it has received a score of 1.5 billion."

"1.5 billion? Then how do you say more than 2.3 billion?"

"Because Eternal also has the Artifact Spirit. Although the level is not as good as the Artifact Spirit you took out, it is also worth 600 million points. The remaining part is the scores of various attributes attached to Eternal. The final total score is 2.390 million." /p>

After listening to system's explanation, I immediately smiled and took out the entire Divine Dragon suit, and then asked system: "How much is this equipment worth?"

"9,8 billion Ten million."

Boom. The auditorium exploded again. This score is simply scary, more than 9,8 billion, which is almost 10 billion, and the perfect soul core of the queen of spades can be thrown away.

After getting the exact score, I asked again: "If I put Eternal and the Divine Dragon set together, if I win and choose to keep my equipment, what effect will it enhance?"


"Sorry, because the fusion itself is random, it is impossible to know the specific results before the fusion is completed, but it can be completely certain and will not cause negative effects. The worst case is nothing more than a few invalid or duplicate attributes. It won't reduce the effect of the original equipment."

Hearing the guarantee from the system, I immediately put Eternal and the Divine Dragon suit on the tray carefully without the slightest hesitation. The reason to be careful is because this tray is really not too big, so many things can easily fall off if you don’t put them properly. After putting things down and thinking about it, I couldn’t help but ask: "Well, can I put something on it to integrate it into my suit and sword after winning?"

"No Yes. Fusion can only use items added by one party as raw materials to fuse all items on the other party, and it is not possible to freely specify raw materials and fused objects."

"That's it, let's start quickly."

"Understand, the bet is accepted." The robotic arm quickly retracted into the void overhead, and then I was lifted up by a force of unfathomable mystery, and flew to the same platform as the other five standing. Height. The difference is that there is a platform under their feet, and it is located on the edge of the big pit, but I am suspended in the air, and in the middle of the big pit. But having said that, although this pit looks a bit like a circular swimming pool, its area and depth are definitely not smaller than some large artificial lakes.

Just after I didn't understand why I was lifted up, the system hint sounded again. "According to the basic difficulty, start to arrange the environment and fill it with toxic sewage." As the prompt ended, a large amount of turbid sewage suddenly appeared at the bottom of the pool under our feet, and the water level was still rising rapidly, and it rose to our feet within a few seconds. , But the sewage stopped when it reached the height of our feet and did not continue to rise.

After the water surface stopped rising, the prompt sounded again: "Sewage filling is complete. Low-level pollution, visibility of two meters, and light toxins can cause a slow decline in life value. It is expected to cause death after one hour of continuous exposure. The monster will be loaded below."

Hula, suddenly there is a group of ugly monster fish around us. Although the volume of this thing is not very large, it is densely packed with tens of thousands of them, and looking at their large teeth exposed outside the mouth, it is not difficult to imagine the habits of these things.

Sure enough, the system immediately said after the strange fish appeared: "The enchanted piranha was successfully loaded. Quantity: 20,000. The difficulty of the task will be added below, and the difficulty of the task will be added based on the enemy's bet item score. The change is poisonous. The sewage is a highly toxic mud, with zero visibility and a high amount of toxins. It will cause severe pain immediately after contact, and it can be fatal in seven minutes."

With the system hint, the originally gray and black liquid in the pool suddenly changed. It became black mud, and it kept turning bubbles. Although sewage can also poison to death, it has an hour anyway, and you can swim in the water. Now this is over. I won’t say anything that is highly toxic. It is nothing more than shortening the mission time. The key is this mud attribute. As long as you can swim in the water, there is nothing at worst, but in the mud you will be over. No matter if you are the champion of synchronized swimming or the national diving team, you will not have a second chance after sinking into the mud.

I haven't adapted to this environmental change yet, and the system hint is ringing again. "Change the monster's data to strengthen the demonized piranha into the abyssal food Corpse Insect." As soon as this reminder ended, all the piranhas around us who were hovering in midair and struggling desperately suddenly became a body length of more than eight meters. A disgusting creature that is as thick as a well, with a dark skin and thorns. However, the most frightening thing is not their appearance, but the eight circles of teeth in these guys' mouths. Yes, it is indeed eight laps. These guys have eight fangs like shredders in their mouths. It is estimated that being bitten by them is definitely not a pleasant thing.

I haven’t finished turning piranha into a large insect, and the system prompts: "Additional monsters. The current number is 20,000, which has been increased to 40,000." Needless to say, the system just finished talking about the large insects. All of them had a split reproduction, and then 20,000 Insects became 40,000. The most abnormal thing is that they are still the same size after splitting, and they are still so big.

Seeing these monsters, the Queen of Spades' expression eased a little, but before her smile had time to expand, she suddenly froze on her face. Because the system hint is still ringing. "The difficulty increase bet has been completed, and now the difficulty is reduced according to the player's bet item score. Change the highly toxic mud to ordinary river water, with a visibility of 8 meters, non-toxic, and soaking for more than ten hours may be fatal." With this prompt, our feet are disgusting. The mud suddenly turned into a kind of liquid that was a bit like rice water. Although it was not clear, at least it seemed not dangerous, and it didn't have the strange smell of the mud before.

As soon as the water surface has changed, the system hint immediately said: "Change the monster data to weaken the abyssal eater Corpse Insect as a poisonous jellyfish." The monsters around us that are more than eight meters long and the size of a well suddenly snapped. They all became a kind of poisonous jellyfish that was less than the size of an apple, translucent, with a lot of red and blue dots on the surface, and it looked like a mushroom with tentacles. After these things appeared, the system explained: "Poisonous jellyfish, a poisonous creature without intelligence, will not actively attack, but when it comes into contact with other creatures, it will use poisonous tentacles to entangle opponents to attack. The toxin has a slight paralyzing effect, continuous Sting for fifteen minutes can cause death."

After listening to this data, the queen of spades entered a crazy state again. Although people can poison to death in fifteen minutes is quite powerful, but the system is talking about continuous stings. Would ordinary people be stung and ignore them, and then let those guys continue to sting themselves alive? Obviously that is impossible. With the size of these small things, as long as they are stung, they can be killed by two hard blows, and then the sting will stop. As for other poisonous jellyfish, these little things are passive and aggressive anyway, so just be careful not to run into too many, right? So, these little things are not so toxic, but more appropriate to say that they don't have offensive at all.

As if feeling that the queen of spades was not angry enough, system even continued after publishing the poisonous jellyfish data: "Reduce the number of monsters. The current number is 40,000, reduced to 2,000." The small things around us are missing a large area, and the group of jellyfish that seemed to be dense has changed to only three or two kittens. Each of these two thousand jellyfishes is less than the size of an apple, and the area of ​​this pond is comparable to a large artificial lake. Even if all these jellyfish float on the surface of the water, it is impossible to enclose the entire pond, let alone suspend them at different depths. In the water. It can be said that two thousand poisonous jellyfish are thrown into this pool. As long as they are careful to avoid, the probability of being touched is almost zero. Moreover, even if they encounter a few, their toxicity is not fatal at all. Although they don't know what the task is, the audience already understands one thing-this task must be passed.

The facts are similar to what everyone thinks. The task announced by system afterwards was completely trifling. The task requirement was to let me go to the bottom of the water to retrieve two keys, and then help the two locked up team members to unlock the handcuffs. After that, I only had to swim to the side of the three opponents and push them into the water one by one. According to the initial difficulty of the task, it was not impossible to find the key in the water with a visibility of only one meter, and to deal with Piranha, who was constantly attacking, and then to save and push people. Although it was not absolutely impossible, it was difficult enough. After the difficulty is increased, let alone the one. To find the key in the mud of such a big pool, even if there is no such insect, it is definitely impossible. Don't forget that the mud is poisonous. I can only stay in it for seven minutes. However, the task now has become a children's game.

Two thousand jellyfish thrown into the pool are indeed super sparse. The average distance between two jellyfish is more than two meters. Such a big seam can be easily passed through as long as you are careful. The part of finding the key was originally difficult, but now the visibility of the pool is as high as eight meters, so this task has become much simpler. The entire pool is only eight meters deep. After diving to a depth of two meters from the bottom of the pool, my eyes can still cover a large area of ​​water, and I found two keys after just a few laps. Needless to say the final opening of the handcuffs and pushing people into the water. It's just obstacle swimming in the water, and you can get to the target point with a little care. As for the issue of the opposition's personnel resistance... It seems that my weapon hasn't been lost yet.

"Congratulations on your completion of the special level. All levels are cancelled and you have won the final victory. According to the agreement, the gambling items will be integrated. May I ask which attribute will be extracted and integrated into the other party's item?"

"Extract the Divine Rank soul fusion to my Divine Dragon suit."

"The equipment fusion is completed. For your privacy, the equipment has been automatically handed over to your previous storage space. Please check it out later. attribute."

As the prompt ended, Logan and I were all teleported to the podium, and the other party’s personnel were also teleported out, and the arena below was automatically restored to the podium. Colosseum pattern composed of yellow sand.

Before we had time to congratulate our return, the gun god rushed to the queen of spades and shouted: "Now that I have won, can I make any requests?"


"Impossible, this impossible!" The queen of spades screamed frantically, not knowing if she couldn't accept it or wanted to pretend to be crazy and take the opportunity to renege on a debt.

The gun god didn’t give any face, and he roared: "Hey, old woman, can you clear our accounts if you are going crazy?"

"No, we Do it again." The Queen of Spades said excitedly, clutching the shoulder of the gun god, looking like a gambler who lost the red eye. Seeing the gun god remaining unmoved, she said again: "This time you win me everything belongs to you, as long as I have, including my subordinates and myself, it is all yours."

The gun god pushed the queen of spades away and said, "You old woman, what do I want you to do? Don't be disgusting, okay? I just want her." The gun god suddenly pointed at the man in the cloak who had been following the queen of spades. Said.

"pu..." Hearing the request of the gun god, I was taking a break and squirted out all the water in my mouth. "Damn, the gun god, your taste is too strong? You paid such a high price to ask me to help you just to find a male pet?" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to start (qidian. com) Voting referral votes and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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