"No.1 Forest Avenue, Prison Snake residential area, intruders kill without mercy, the death toll has been 77617 people." After reading the text on the sign at the entrance, the ghost turned doubtful. I looked towards me and asked: "This is really the location of the treasure? How come it doesn't look like it?"

"This is the picture drawn, no matter if he goes in and sees it. Anyway, I I didn't expect the treasures, as long as the prison snake really lives here."

Listen to me, the ghost and the Queen of Blades had to follow me in. The place where the prison snake lives is in a cave. The exit of the cave is a slightly raised hill, covering an area of ​​about a few hundred square meters, and the highest place is only about six to seven meters above the ground, which is basically not a mountain.

The entrance of the cave is on the side of the mound. The entrance first extends upwards diagonally for more than two meters, and then begins to spiral down, like a spiral staircase. The difference is that there are no steps here. Only smooth ground. However, speaking of smooth ground...

"What is this?" Queen Blade knelt down and touched the pale-cyan on the ground like jade stone and asked. Although she is only constructing creatures, because of her special ability, she has the same sense of touch as ordinary creatures, and can feel the texture of different materials.

After the Queen of Blades asked, I said with a smile: "You'd better not know it."

"What the hell is this? Why should I not know it? "The Queen of Blades asked suspiciously.

"Are you sure you want to know?"


I said with a smile after thinking about it: "This is a snake like creature Skin secretions are a bit like the layer of mucus on fish, which can play a lubricating effect. Even if there is no prison snake in this place, there are definitely a large number of snake creatures that often pass by here. Over the years, such a layer of solidified mucus is formed. The slideway."

When the Queen of Blades heard that it was a snake’s skin secretions, she quickly threw everything off her hand. Although she is a constructed creature, her soul is based on a female design. Certainly, and women rarely like disgusting things.

Hovering down the channel full of dried mucus, at least a few kilometers underground, this damn revolving channel finally reached its end. However, the end of the passage is not a cave, but a Transmission Gate.

"President, shall we enter or not?" The ghost of Transmission Gate and the Queen of Blades stopped before him. Transmission Gate and Transmission Formation are not the same. If it is Transmission Formation, at worst can come back after the past. However, transmissions are classified. In addition to the two-way Transmission Gate, they are actually more one-way Transmission Gates, which means you can’t come back once you have passed. Therefore, like this kind of Transmission Gate, you must not rush into it. If you rush in without getting ready, you will probably be trapped alive. It would be better if you can go home and resurrect after death. In case it is an independent world with an internal resurrection system, you can’t get out even if you die. Just like the previous Dragon Island, the players who were trapped there before the official opening simply couldn't come out. Even if you die, Dragon Island has its own resurrection hall. You can't go anywhere else to resurrect, so no one will simply come out before Dragon Island officially opens. If this Transmission Gate is also connected to a similar location, and this happens to be a one-way Transmission Gate, then it is really troublesome.

After a little hesitation, I decided to go in and take a look. First, the passage here and the signs outside show that it does not look like a one-way street. Secondly, even if you enter a closed space, you should be able to get out through some methods. Thirdly, there are obviously people who have visited before on the scroll. The record left by the player shows that at least someone has left. Since someone can come out, I should be able to come out too, so don't worry too much. Fourth, and my greatest guarantee, that is, I have the door to the earth. In case I really encounter the Independent Space that is completely impossible to get out, I can enter the back garden of the Mother Earth God, and then borrow from her to return to the outside world, so that nothing can seal me.

Because I have no fear, I was relieved to take the ghost and the Queen of Blades into the Transmission Gate over there, but when we came out, I was dumbfounded.

"What's the situation?" What appeared in front of us was a passage, and it looked very familiar, because we just came down from this passage. I turned my head back suddenly and found that the Transmission Gate behind it was still there. I reached out and tried to make sure it was not a one-way door. Then I checked the passage carefully. After repeated comparisons, I even let the white waves come out to smell the smell, and finally determined that this is the way we just came down.

"Is this a reflection gate?" I finally thought of what the thing that looks like a Transmission Gate is. This is not a Transmission Gate, but a reflection gate. Unlike the Transmission Gate, the reflection gate will not send people to any place, but will only make you turn around. Suppose the door of your house is a reflective door, and then you stand outside the house, and then you open the door and step over. If it is an ordinary door, you should step into the house one step at a time, but the reflective door will make you step back to the outside of the house one step at a time, and people will turn around, and the door will appear behind you. Of course, this kind of reflective door does not reflect people, it actually reflects everything. For example, if you throw a stone into the door, the stone will fly out the moment it flies into the door, and it will most likely hit yourself.

The reflection door is called a door because it has two basic functions of a door-blocking and passing. When the reflective door is activated, it can completely seal the space behind it, because every time you try to pass through the reflective door and enter the space behind it, you will be reflected back, so you will never get through. Of course, the reflective door is not a wall, it can also allow specific people to pass through. Of course, this must be set by the door owner.

The Queen of Blades turned unbelief in evil and slammed into the launching door, but she emerged from the door again in the next second. After seeing us again, she was obviously taken aback, then immediately turned around and went back, but when she came out again, we still waited for her outside the door.

Seeing that she still means to try, I simply reminded: "No need to try, you will still be here even if you wear it back and forth 10,000 times. The reflection door simply cannot be lifted by brute force."< /p>

"What should I do then?" asked the Queen of Blades.

"There are many ways, and as far as our situation is concerned, the easiest way is..." I suddenly pulled Eternity out, and then continued: "Cut it directly."

When I finished saying the last three words, the sword-shaped eternity has been cut into the launching door by me, and then suddenly a piece was cut out of the reflection door that was originally silver white like the surface of the water. black cracks. After cutting with one sword, I quickly drew out the eternal and cut a few horizontally and vertically. In the end, I cut a big black hole in the Silver White Transmission Gate, and the other places around it flashed endlessly, as if it would go out at any time. .

Looking at a completely different passage exposed behind the big hole, the ghost asked with a little doubt: "President. Didn't you say that the reflection gate can reflect everything? What is your sword? The one that cuts to the door?"

"Eternity is a regular weapon, with cutting rules, it can cut off everything, including space. This reflection door is actually just a variant of the space door, I can even space Isn’t it a trivial thing to cut open and break the door? Okay, hurry in. This door has the ability to repair itself. After a while, it will be restored."

Under my urging, the ghost and the queen of blades quickly I got in, and I also hurriedly followed, and quickly jumped into the reflection door that was about to be repaired.

The environment behind the reflection door is very different from the slide that came down before. This is not a narrow passage, but a gradually enlarged cave. The cave is full of red, glowing mushrooms, so the cave is much brighter than the tunnel. However, those mushrooms did not attract my attention because I saw something that caught my attention better.

"Damn, is this hell here?" Although I have seen a lot of corpses, the concentration of such a large-scale appearance is quite shocking. The ground of this cave is densely packed with a layer of corpses of various creatures. Among them are large creatures comparable in size to giant dragons, and small animals less than one meter tall, but without exception, these creatures are now dead. And the most disgusting thing is that many of them are very difficult to deal with, which are already rotten, not only smelly but also looks extremely disgusting.

The ghost asked me uncertainly: "President, is the prison snake really a descendant of Nuwa? Nuwa is God of Life! How can her descendants behave like the Great Demon King of hell? Here? Is it even more terrifying than a slaughterhouse!"

"Nuwa is indeed God of Life, but her ability not only gives life, but also deprives life. The prison snake's ability is specifically to deprive life."< /p>

"No wonder this ghost place is like a slaughterhouse!" The Queen of Blades asked after speaking, "Will the ghost and I be immune to the attacks of the prison snake? Our life forms seem to be normal. The creatures are not the same, right?"

"I guess you are probably immune to the eye of death, but the prison snake is not only this move, so you still have to be careful. Moreover, the eye of death I'm not sure whether you are immune or not. I'm just guessing that this trick may be useless for you, but I'm not sure. So if you run into a prison snake and use the Eye of Death on you, it's best to avoid it."


After talking about the precautions with the blade and the ghost, we continued to move forward, but because the ground was full of disgusting corpses, we all chose Walk to the top of the cave. Fortunately, all three of us have the ability to hang upside down on the ceiling of the cave, otherwise we feel numb all over if we want to drip through those disgusting corpses.

Move along the top of the cave all the way to the deepest part of the cave, where there is a small hole connected to a new cave on the other side. I stretched my head and took a look, but fortunately, it's not as disgusting as here. After crawling through the cave, this side is a clean rock cave, but I don’t know why there is no such luminous mushroom here. Fortunately, the three of us have dark vision, otherwise it would be really troublesome.

This hole here is obviously different from the previous hole. The previous hole was basically in the shape of a sausage, while the cave on this side was crescent-shaped, but the entrance we entered was not on the sharp horn of the crescent, but in the middle. There is a large cave space on both sides of us. The difference is that there is a passage at the bottom of the cave on the left front, which should be connected to other caves.

After confirming that there are no prison snakes in the cave here, we touched the cave opening over there, but we were dumbfounded as soon as we got through.

"en?" As soon as we entered the hole, we discovered that it was actually a small hole that was less than two square feet. It is estimated that some people's toilets are larger than this. There was no way to hide anything in such a big cave, and we confirmed at a glance that it was a dead end. The cave here is a dead end, so we stepped back and searched the other half of the crescent again, but found nothing.

"It makes no sense?" I stared at the empty cave in a daze.

The ghost asked: "Is it possible that the prison snake went out? You know that some BOSS-Rank monsters don’t always stay in the den. Maybe he goes out. "

"No." After hearing the ghost, the blade immediately retorted: "We absolutely missed something. Don't forget that the prison snake is the treasure guard here. Even if the prison snake can run, What about those treasures? The prison snake can't take the treasures out for a walk, right?"

Just as the blade was finished, the ghost suddenly staggered back two steps like being bored with a stick. , And finally sat down on a big rock behind. However, even though he was almost fainted, he shouted: "Be careful, something is attacking me."

Whhhhhhhhh, the claws in the hands of Queen Blade and I bounced out together. But looking around, I can't see anything, not because of the blackness, but because there is really nothing that looks offensive. In this whole cave, except for the stalactites above the head, which are big rocks on the ground, there is simply no existence that looks like a lifeform, so for a while we can only stare at us with our weapons, and don't know what to attack.

We are looking for a target here. Suddenly we saw the Queen of Blades in a defensive posture as if she had been hit by a bullet. The whole head suddenly leaned back, and then the whole person also retreated backwards. It took a few steps before I tripped over a stone and sat on the ground. When I found the Queen of Blades fell to the ground, I suddenly felt a sharp pain in my head before I realized what was going on. It was like being slammed with a stick on my head. I instantly felt a golden star in front of me and my body was out of balance. It took a few steps to retreat in a sense before holding a big rock safely without falling down.

"Damn, Soul Attack Wave!" After recovering from the vertigo, I immediately knew what was going on. The feeling that my head was smashed by a stick is very familiar to me. . Once I joked with Princess and made her irritated, but she played the Soul Attack wave with me once. The feeling was the same as it is now, but the degree is less. , Of course impossible to explode with all strength.

"President, are you okay?" The ghost who was first attacked there has stood up from the ground. In any case, his soul is combined with the soul of a Divine Race, and its strength is roughly equivalent to the soul strength of a Divine Race, plus the overload protection ability of the soul carrier itself. In theory, the ghost and the soul The soul defense of the Queen of Blades should be much higher than that of Divine Race.

I didn't have time to answer the ghost here. I just opened my eyes when I saw the ghost's body crooked again, and then fell directly to the ground. It seems that the opponent is still launching an attack, and the soul battle is obviously not what I am good at.

"Lingkuai, help!" I felt a hit in the head just after I yelled. This time it was obviously worse than last time. I was paralyzed when I hit it.

"Ah..." As soon as I fell down on my side, Ling appeared beside me, but she was immediately targeted. However, Ling is also a soul expert after all, it is not so easy for the other party to attack her. As Ling clutched his head and fell to the ground in exclamation, a black object not far in front of us should also fall to the ground.

Now we finally found the goal. The one who attacked us was a small snake, a super small snake less than 20 centimeters in length and no thick fingers. However, despite his compact size, we did not dare to neglect at all, because I had read his identity from the attack prompt—the prison snake.

To be honest, I never expected that the Prison Snake Club was only this big, otherwise I wouldn't miss it. This guy has actually been hanging on the stalactite above our heads. We didn’t find it because it was too small. After all, according to our original idea, the prison snake should be a big guy with a length of tens of meters. Who would have thought that this guy is only one chopstick long?

We succeeded in a continuous sneak attack. This guy thought we were all easy to deal with. After Ling appeared, he threw a Soul Attack wave over without even thinking about it. Didn't expect Ling actually had something on his body. Soul reflection ability, as a result, a Soul Attack wave hit Ling's body and immediately bounced back and stunned the prison snake. Just like us, after being stunned by the Soul Attack wave, you will temporarily lose your ability to control your body. As a result, the prison snake hanging on the stalactite falls directly to the ground.

Although Ling engaged in both sides suffer in the first encounter with Prison Snake, we have an advantage, that is-we have a lot of people.

"Yeyue, Princess, Chili, Xiaochun, let's go together."

"Everyone close their eyes." As soon as Xiaochun appeared, a small piece was lit up. The sun, then moved towards the prison snake and threw it over, and then there was nothing to see in the entire cave. With our dark vision, we are not afraid even if it is dark, but the current state of over-illumination doesn't matter what vision you have. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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