The magic puppet Jiaha spent more than half an hour in the Pagoda before being dragged away by me, or else he would have to suck for ten days with his temperament. Half a month will think of leaving.

After dragging away the magic puppet Jiaha, we went to Lay Steel City again. The same as the previous time, this guy was crazy when he saw the steel full of the world, and threw himself into the steel jungle. After absorbing it for half an hour, I still didn't mean to come out. Of course, I dragged it out in the end.

Speaking of which I haven’t noticed before. The abilities of this magic puppet Jiaha seem to be more than just fusion of metals and metal shaping. He seems to be able to use some unknown method to make metals. The volume changes. The guy absorbed more than half an hour in the steel jungle, and the metal he gnawed away was more than 20,000 square meters, but in the end he actually turned himself into the size of the original human Jiaha, which is one cubic meter. Less than the volume. Even if this human figure Jiaha's body is completely solid, its volume is at least 20,000 times worse, and the volume lost in it is unknown how he changed. And looking at the way he walks, it seems that not only the volume of the absorbed metal is gone, but also the weight. Otherwise, even if he really squeezed 20,000 cubic meters of steel into less than one cubic meter, then based on the area of ​​his feet, it is estimated that each step can make a half-foot deep footprint on the steel floor. As for other ground, think Don't even think about it, the rocky ground is probably similar to the swamp for him.

"Okay, so I can meet Norin." The magic puppet Jiaha walked to me in the image of a human Jiaha and said.

I circled him twice, then walked over and knocked on his body, and then asked in surprise: "How did you get your body? Just over 20,000 cubic meters of steel What? There are more than 20 kinds of rare metals I prepared for you according to your request. Where did you go? And how is the flexibility of your body the same as that of Daoist? Don't you have to change metal?"

When I heard so many questions at once, the magic puppet Jiaha not only didn't have a headache, but she was very proud and said: "Hehe, this is my special skill. How about it? Isn't it very? difficult to deal with?"

"Awesome is amazing, but how did you do it?"

"Actually, this thing looks amazing, and it’s just a matter of fact. It’s nothing surprising."


"Do you know the space equipment?"

"Damn, you won't make it on yourself I put all the steel in a space equipment, right?"

"Almost. But it’s not that I use steel to form space equipment, but my soul carrier comes with a Soul Space. You can carry metals according to your own soul energy intensity. The more soul energy I have, the larger this space will be. In theory, as long as the energy is enough, this space can expand indefinitely. Of course, this is just a theory, in fact, if the energy is enough , In the end, it will still be limited by the upper limit of my soul carrier, otherwise the carrier will collapse if the space is too large. However, as far as I know, the safety range is below one million cubic meters, and 20,000 square meters of metal It’s only one-fiftieth, it’s too early to be full."

"The problem of metal volume is really simple, but what is the material of your body? How does it feel? It’s the same as muscle tissue? Are you not made of metal?"

When I heard my question, the magic puppet Jiaha did not answer immediately, but instead asked, "Have you touched Noreen’s skin? ??"

"Huh?" I was taken aback for a moment, and then suddenly asked, "Is this the special material that forms Norin's artificial skin?"

" Special materials are indeed special materials, but their essence is still metal."

"This thing that feels like meat is metal?"

The magic puppet Jiaha has such a strange expression that you rarely see. He looked at me and said, “Don’t think that metal is cold and hard. The elasticity of high-quality spring steel is better than that of many people’s muscle tissues. If it is not harder, it will feel like this. But my metal muscles The characteristic of the is even more magical, because it has two forms. First is the way it is now." As he said, he pressed his arm with his hand, and the skin on that arm immediately dented a pit. "See? It's super soft, just like daoist. However, if I activate the magic power converter and channel the magic energy into this metal muscle, then it will be like this." He said suddenly took out a metal part to face his arm He tapped again, but this time there was no such thing as the dent of the last time. On the contrary, the part and his arm collided and made a sound of metal crash.

"Variable hardness of metal?" I was surprised to reach out and touch the guy's arm. It was actually as hard as steel, and it didn't feel as soft as before.

"It should be called Magic Metal, not just variable hardness. The technical content of this is much worse."

I nodded in surprise. : "That's right. By the way, is this a technology that was invented after the original Jiaha transferred his soul to you? How come that Jiaha doesn't know at all?"

"Yes , This is a technology developed after the original Jiaha transferred his memory to the current Jiaha. However, the current Jiaha is not completely ignorant of this, but it is not detailed."

I nodded did not continue to inquire. After all, the two Jiahas are now members of our guild. The technology they know is naturally the technology of our guild. Although it may take some time to be converted into weapons and put into use, it is still on the agenda. Isn't it?

After fixing the physical problem of the magic puppet Jiaha, we returned to the new continent floating island. Although Norin herself is a Taiwan Demon puppet, her usual performance is completely indistinguishable from others, and her technical attainments in Demon Puppet do not seem to be much lower than Jiaha, so she is now also a technician in our guild. Of course, occasionally she will also appear as a combatant. After all, her terrifying power and impervious to sword and spear body can definitely cause most people to have a headache.

"Norraine." Pushing open the door of the research room, I shouted directly into the room.

"What's the matter?" Norin, who was lying on the table and engraved the formation diagram, turned her head back, but she was stunned when she saw the silhouette next to me . With a cry, the engraving pen in her hand fell directly onto the table. "Dad...father? You..."

"I'm back." The magic puppet Jiaha walked towards Norin with his arms outstretched and excited.

Seeing that the other party came over, Noreen was obviously nervous, but in the end she took the initiative to walk to the doll Jiaha’s side and hugged him, while still asking "Father, you have lost your body? Why did you suddenly recover?"

Next, with my help, the magic puppet Jiaha explained everything to Norin. Of course, Jiaha has a big head. I was also invited to participate in the understanding together. It took more than an hour for Noreen to fully understand the complicated relationship between several people.

"You mean, the current magic puppet Jiaha is the father in my memory, but the Jiaha father here also participated in my manufacturing, and there is a real Jiaha design I’ve lost my infrastructure, but I’ve never seen him before, haven’t I?"

I nodded and said: "Yes, this relationship is indeed a bit more complicated, but it can still be sorted out. By the way, Do you know this will not be sad to be careful?"

Norraine hearing this immediately shook the head and asked: "Why should I be sad? Not only did I see the real father, but I also got an extra father, I Nothing has been lost, why should I be sad? As for the father who has disappeared, although I would like to see him, since we have never seen each other, there is nothing sad or sad."

"It's best if you can think like this."

Since Noreen said that she didn't care anymore, we were naturally very happy. Of course, what is different from the joy of the reunion of the three of their families is that I am pleased with the leap forward in magic puppet technology.

Imagine the magic puppets produced by our guild before and the mobile angels produced after Jiaha joined them. They are hardly a type of thing. Now although another Jiaha’s joining will not necessarily make a technological leap like last time, but at least the skills of the magic puppet Jiaha can definitely be added to the magic puppet of our guild, and once this The generation's magic puppet is put into practical use, I believe we have the capital to challenge any country in the world.

Leaving Jiaha and the three of them to experience the feeling of family reunion, I left the floating island first. Before leaving, I did not forget to let the two dísciples of Jiaha also go to reunite together. .

After returning to Isengard, I didn't run around. Instead, I went to the military god's side first. I want to know the current situation of the cultivation, so it's better to ask the military god directly.

As soon as he entered the command center of the god, the military god threw a crystal over without seeing it. I grabbed the crystal and plugged it into the reader next to me and asked: "What are you giving me?"

"The current state of the chaotic city system." The military god finished. Then I looked up towards me and asked: "You just want to know about this when you came here?"

I didn't look towards the opened screen. Since what is recorded here are all dynamic images, you can see the development of the entire battle more intuitively.

The system city where the exit of the entire underground river system is located has now been completely occupied, but the destruction in the city has not stopped. According to my vision, in the future, an underground ship production base and research institute will be built here, so this city blocked at the mouth of the river will become a natural bridgehead. Of course, as a bridgehead, it is impossible to use the structure of a general city. It must be built into Fortress City. This city was a commercial city before. We really don’t know how to transform such a city structure, so we just The entire city can be overthrown and rebuilt, so although the battle has been over, the city's demolition plan is still in progress.

Passing through the city at the mouth of the river, the first city inside is the City of Chaos. This side is now basically controlled by our guild, only a few areas still have sporadic resistance, and it can be said that it has entered the stage of mopping up.

Passing through this city and down there is a system, but according to intelligence, there are also the industries of a few guilds that preside over dark trades, so there is also sporadic resistance here, but the strength is not enough. Not as good as the previous chaotic city. It is estimated that according to this progress, it might be possible to complete the occupation ahead of the City of Chaos.

Across the city and then forward is the last city on the underground river mentioned in the intelligence. The area of ​​this city is not large, and the level is also very low, plus there are no people from the guild to make trouble, so it has been occupied by the troops of our guild.

In this last city, it’s basically a dead end to go upstream. Although the upstream river water shows that the water is open, because the top of the cave directly touches the water surface, unless you send People dive in the past, or use a submarine, otherwise the above part will basically be difficult to get through.

I just finished browsing the information here, and I just wanted to say that I don’t need to intervene, but didn’t expect Military God swiped on the screen in front of him and threw a set of data directly to my side. on the screen. I just glanced at it and was stunned.

"I rely on, what's the situation? Only seven players and eight NPCs were killed in four cities. Why did the exploration and river channel lose three players, five NPCs and two underwater maneuvers? Angel?"

That's right, what the army god just threw over was a casualty report. The three cities in the whole underground Hanoi plus the export city outside. Even the player and the NPC have killed more than a dozen people. As a result, the frontline commander of our guild sent people to the city in front of the dark river. After exploring the upper reaches of the river, the exploration cost the entire squad and also brought two underwater mobile angels. The player is dead to nothing, but resurrected without losing Level 1, and he returned to practice within a few days. But the lost NPCs and mobile angels are all money!

"What the hell is going on?"

The military god did not answer me, instead he opened another scene. This picture was obviously taken underwater, and it should be a picture recorded by the battlefield record crystal on the mobile angel in the water. The mobile angel in the picture was swimming well in the water. Suddenly, a black silhouette flashed from the side, and then the picture was interrupted. The military god said immediately after the screen was interrupted: "This is the last screen sent back before the two mobile angels were destroyed. You can hardly see the silhouette of the attacker from the screen. Obviously the opponent has a super fast underwater movement speed and attacks. The power is also quite high. Since the water-type mobile angel does not need to consider the weight problem and has to resist water pressure, its defensive power is considered high among all mobile angels, but that thing can actually make the mobile angel lose its function instantly, even I don’t even have time to see what the other person looks like. This shows that the thing has an extraordinary attack power."

"Stop it. You just let me see what attacked us. People? Can’t I go? You don’t need to explain the truth to me.” I know I can’t talk about military gods anyway, and it seems that I’m the only one to go for this matter. The attack power of that thing is obviously not average, and the most powerful person in the guild is probably me, except for the gang of great gods. It’s not easy to let the Peacock Pluto go out for this, right? Anyway, I'm going to check it out on the battlefield, so let's do a mission by the way!

After confirming to accept the task, I sent directly to the city located at the mouth of the underground river. Because it has been occupied for a long time, Transmission Formation has been restored. Of course, there is only one bare Transmission here. Formation, other things are still being demolished.

After entering the underground river from here, I rode the night shadow all the way through the water. First, I went around the city of chaos and solved the two stubborn enemy strongholds and here. The Chief-In-Charge of the company checked the situation and confirmed that there was nothing to help. After I went upstream along the river, the city below was already occupied by the time I arrived, so I just watched it. Just move on.

The last city was already occupied when the military god showed me a video. Now I’m just looking for the Chief-In-Charge who sent a search for squad to understand the situation. . Through his explanation, I realized that they didn’t just send people out for reconnaissance, but because there are free NPCs in the city who said that some strange animal corpses would occasionally float down the upper reaches of the river, so the commander wanted to send them by the way. People go to see where the upper reaches of the underground river is. What he didn't expect was that the person who was sent out was killed in an instant, and the few players who got back didn't even know how they died.

After understanding the general situation, I went directly to the underground river. This underground river didn't turn into an underground river directly on the side of this last city, so I still rode the night shadow to run upstream, but the further upstream I ran, the closer the river surface was to the top of the cave. At the beginning, there was a cave top more than ten meters high. After running seven or eight hundred meters forward, it was only more than three meters high. With Ye Ying’s height, it’s a bit troublesome to ride him on the river. After all, the cave roof is not smooth. The hanging stalactites are often one or two meters long. It is entirely possible for me to ride on Ye Ying’s back. Bumped into these things.

Anyway, I can’t ride the night shadow, so I just summon the small dragon girl and the grandma directly into the water. Anna's underwater detection capabilities can provide me with alert and prevent me from being attacked by that kind of fast-moving creatures. As for the small dragon female, that is the most powerful underwater guard. Divine Dragon is invincible as long as it hits the water. If the small dragon girl and the lucky girl can barely match evenly in the sky, when it comes to the water, it would be impossible to tie up ten lucky ones to a small dragon girl, so Divine Dragon is invincible when it comes to water.

"Anna, test with your sonar to see if there is any danger nearby?"

"Didn't it mean that the attacked team is still a little ahead?" Anna asked.

"No one has stipulated that the creatures that attack the exploration team cannot go downstream! What if it comes down? You should hurry up and detect it. I don't want to be attacked by some monster unfathomable mystery, although that Most things can’t bite me at all."

Amina sank into the water as she said and began to explore, but before she had time to send out the sonar signal, the water in front of us Suddenly, there was a huge wave. Through the waves, I could clearly see something rushing towards us at high speed under the water. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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