This guy is an outsider anyway, even if what he says is reasonable, I’m also impossible to believe everything he says just by listening to his unilateral words, so after listening After this guy's introduction, I took him to the Constructed Biology Development Center. Jiaha's body has been moved here since we discovered it last time.

"The output here is too high. Reduce the power a little bit. If this goes on, you will have to twist the main bearing a few times. And the transmission group, what are you doing? The output power is high. You won’t change to a better general contract?"

"But the price of the B-type general contract is too high. If it is a mass production machine, we may not be able to bear the cost!"

< p>"It is the guild management's business that can bear it. We are the research department. Our only goal is to design the strongest construct. If we can't make it, it is the guild's mismanagement and has nothing to do with us."< /p>

I heard a quarrel as soon as I walked into the laboratory with the magic puppet, and Jiaha's voice was obviously the loudest. "I said Jiaha archmage, although I said that you can not limit your research funding, but you have to be considerate of us? We can't make an exaggerated magic puppet!"

Listen When my voice Jiaha turned around, he didn't pick up my words immediately after seeing me carrying a magic puppet, but instead focused his attention on the magic puppet in my hand. "What is this? Why does it look so familiar? But this doesn't seem to be the model I produced after I got here, right?"

"Don't you remember me old friend?" Hear Jia Ha, the guy I was holding also spoke.

"It's you!" Jiaha's voice was obviously several times louder, and the entire laboratory was shaking, and many researchers covered their ears.

Looking at the scared witless researchers around me, I pointed and said: "Is it inconvenient here? Why don't we talk about it below?"

Feeling that this is really not a place to talk, so the huge body immediately moved and drove towards the special elevator. Originally, Jiaha’s body has become a large instrument similar to a giant computer, but after our guild, for the convenience of experimentation, he designed for himself something that looks like a tank chassis, which can make his The head rotates on this thing and can move on this thing. Of course, as a research madman, he has not forgotten to install sixteen robotic arms for himself, which makes it more convenient for him to perform some of the more important experiments in person.

After Jiaha stepped on the special elevator, the elevator automatically began to descend, and soon we arrived at the Jiaha special workshop located underground. This is not the main laboratory, it is mainly used to verify some theories and the like for Jiaha, so the equipment is not too much, and no one comes here except him, and it can also be used as a reception room.

After being carried by me into this room, the magic puppet was very polite. He directly grabbed a piece of metal ingot next to it and merged it into his body, and then transformed into two legs, like this You don't need to be carried around by me.

I didn't care about his changes, anyway, even if this guy wants to do anything bad, I can stop him. Let’s talk about what Jiaha means, they should be very familiar, so the probability of this guy’s previous words is quite high.

After we all entered the room, Jiaha first said to me: "Where did you find this guy?"

"A little bit of an accident." I simply took After discovering the magic puppet, he asked directly: "Listen to this guy, neither you nor he is the real Jiaha, but just a copy of himself made by Jiaha?"

After being silent for a while, Jiaha suddenly said, "Yes, neither I nor him are the real Jiaha."

Suddenly hearing this answer made me and the demon puppet stunned. I thought Jiaha would deny what I said, but he did not expect it. Originally, according to my idea, if the magic puppet was telling the truth, then this Jiaha should think that he is the real Jiaha, and thus deny what I said. However, if the magic puppet is telling lies, then this Jiaha is the real Jiaha, then he will still deny me. In other words, no matter what the magic puppet says is true or false, Jiaha will definitely not admit it. However, what surprised me was that he actually admitted. He actually said that he was not really Jiaha.

While I was surprised, the magic puppet cried out in surprise. "What did you say? I heard you right? Didn't you always say that you were really Jiaha, did you almost destroy me because of this? Why did you admit it suddenly?"

Ha paused for a long time before responding to the demon's words and slowly began to speak. "Actually at first, I really thought I was Jiaha. After all, my memory told me that. However, because of your firm denial, I also had a little doubt about myself. Later, after the two of us separated, I I used the magic puppets around me to help me establish a secret experimental base. Although the equipment there is not as good as here, after all, after so many years, I still produced some research results. The most important point of this is— —I found that my soul is a man-made soul."

The so-called artificial soul is a man-made soul, like the one inside a mobile angel is an artificial soul. Of course, in response to the existence of artificial souls, natural souls are naturally formed in natural organisms. Generally speaking, the artificial soul is very close to the natural soul. This will become more difficult to distinguish after the intelligence of the artificial soul is improved. The soul used by Jiaha is originally used to assist in the experiment, and it is even difficult for the artificial soul to be flexible. He has all the copied creativity, which makes his soul more difficult to recognize. However, although it is difficult to identify, Jiaha finally proved that his soul is a man-made soul. However, in Jiaha's memory, the real Jiaha is a human. He had parents, wives and children, as well as his own teachers and friends, and eventually died of physical exhaustion. All of this shows that the real Jiaha is a natural person, and his soul should not be an artificial soul.

The Jiaha of our guild itself is a thinking system created for research purposes, and its intelligence is definitely not low. With his intelligence, after discovering that he was not a natural soul, he naturally knew that he was not the real Jiaha. After all, even if the real Jiaha did try to transplant his soul into the body of the current Jiaha, but since the natural soul has not been transplanted successfully, then this Jiaha is definitely not the original Jiaha, at least for the original Jiaha. Not personally.

Seeing that we have been quiet for a long time after hearing this answer, Jiaha said: "After discovering that my soul is not a natural soul, I have simulated the situation at that time, and finally I came to the conclusion that , Even if Jiaha himself really intends to transplant himself, he will never make him like me. After all, Jiaha is a human, no matter how his thought changes, he will subconsciously think that he is a human, so he Even if you want to transplant yourself, you will definitely choose the shape of a humanoid doll instead of a thinking machine like me that can hardly move."

I patted Jiaha's iron arm to comfort him: "Anyway, you You also have your own soul, so you are you, even if it’s not the original Jiaha? Will we change our attitude towards you just because you are not the real Jiaha?"

Jiaha also reacted. "Yes, I am Jiaha, not the one who died at the beginning, but me, Jiaha, the magic puppet."

"Hey, big head, you are the magic puppet Jiaha, then I am What?" The demon puppet yelled immediately when he heard Jiaha's words. "At the beginning I said I was Jiaha, you had to fight with me, now I say I am the magic puppet Jiaha, you are fighting with me again, are you sincerely looking for it?"

"Yes Ability, come here. Don’t think that you have the ability to blend. I’m afraid of you. Tell you, as long as I want, my mind force field can instantly turn you into a pile of fly ash and then tear your soul into pieces."

"You two can't help but quarrel?" I stopped Jiaha who was quarreling like two children, and said: "Now I will name you." I said and pointed to our guild This Jiaha said: "Don’t call the magic puppet Jiaha anymore. From now on, your name will be Jiaha, so everyone will get used to it." Then I turned to the magic puppet and said: "You still use your magic puppet. The name Ou Jiaha, so there is no need to fight."

The two Jiahas agreed upon hearing what I said. After all, Jiaha is now my subordinate, so naturally I have to show the least to the Boss. Respect. Besides giving him the name Jiaha, he didn't suffer at all. As for the magic puppet Jiaha, firstly, this is the name he thinks, and secondly, he is still a prisoner now. Of course, he who is smart knows that it is absolutely no good to offend me.

"Since you have accepted the name, let me know something about it now." As I said, I looked towards the magic puppet Jiaha and said: "You said that Jiaha used to want to transfer his soul Into your body, but you said that you are not the Jiaha you used to be, so what about the soul of Jiaha?"

"The real Jiaha is transplanted into my body after the soul Only survived for a year and then dissipated," said the magic puppet Jiaha.


"Yes, it dissipated because of unstable energy." Moou Jiaha said: "It turns out that my structure is still not suitable for carrying natural souls. , Jiaha’s soul can’t be kept in my body for a long time. But because there is a buffer time of one year, Jiaha finally completed my improvement plan before he died. Unfortunately, the final process was a little too late and he didn’t. Can catch up."

"Then how did you appear?"

"That was a year after the real Jiaha dissipated. Although the real Jiaha's soul dissipated , But my soul carrier has been transformed into a structure that can adapt to and nourish the natural soul, and then in this year’s time, the vacant soul carrier automatically absorbs the free soul energy, and finally forms my first A consciousness body. I don’t know if it’s because Jiaha himself left his soul characteristics in the carrier. My first consciousness body has most of Jiaha’s cognition as soon as it is formed, and will be able to Constantly learning new things. After that, my soul was accidentally extracted twice, but I found that it was only a copy of my personality, but I was still me."

I Surprised and asked: "putting it that way before we pulled out of your soul is a fake?"

"No, you did pull out a soul, not a fake, but that soul is just I have my surface consciousness and all the soul energy, but my body is fine. After that, as long as the carrier absorbs enough free energy, I will awaken. Even if the soul is extracted many times, I just enter sleep, no Will really disappear."

"so that's how it is." I nodded, and then paused for a while before putting on a rather solemn expression and saying, "Now I have a very important question. You solve it, you have to figure it out."

Jiaha and the magic puppet Jiaha were both taken aback, then looked at me together and asked: "What's the matter so solemnly?"

I thought for a while and asked: "Who made Noreen?"

"Norrain?" The two Jiahas were obviously taken aback.

Seeing that they stopped talking, I added: "Norraine said she was Jiaha’s daughter, but then we discovered that she was actually a lifeform, and then we inferred that she should be The magic puppet made by Jiaha is so perfect that Jiaha has always been raised as a daughter. Later, Jiaha told me something about Norin, because at that time he didn’t know about your affairs, so I didn't think too much, but now it seems that Norin may not be made by you two, so...In short, I don't want her to be harmed. Although Norin is just a constructing creature, her mental state is completely pure and innocent. If you let her know that the real Jiaha is already not in, I think she will be very sad."

Hearing my words, the two Jiahas really fell into a long silence. Among them, I have been waiting for heavenly demon for quite a while. Ou Jiaha said: "Strictly speaking, Noreen should be our three daughters."

"What do you mean?"

Jia Ha interface explained: “Norraine’s design concept was proposed by Jia Ha, but it was not completed until Jia Ha died. Later, because I competed with this guy for the original sound of Jia Ha’s name, he was given more knowledge. I drove out, so Noreen built it to the point of completion under my attention. But..."

"However, his research on the soul only stayed before Jiaha’s death. Part, and the last year Jiaha transferred to me was the time when he really thoroughly studied and understood the mystery of the soul, so only I understood the soul part, but he didn’t. In the end, he gave Nolene away in desperation. I arrived at the disguised Temple of the Mother Earth, which is the lair I built after I was driven out of Jiaha’s original laboratory. Noreen was finally given a soul in my hand and completed it. But at the time, he had no human form with his head. So he didn't want Norin to see him, so..." The magic puppet Jiaha stopped here, but he didn't say the rest of the matter and I understood it.

I tried to prove: "In other words, Norin has never seen the real Jiaha. She always thought that Jiaha should be your magic puppet Jiaha, but in terms of construction, you two and The real Jiaha actually participates in the production of Noreen, right?"

"It should be like this."

I nodded and said: "Then it will be easy, at least in the future It won’t hurt Norin’s feelings, you can tell her the facts. Anyway, she has no feelings for the original Jiaha. But you’d better make yourself the real Jiaha when you first met her. Ha's appearance, then she might be happier." I said to the magic puppet Jiaha.

The magic puppet Jiaha nodded and said: "That’s natural. Our three Jiahas are actually the same in our feelings for Norin. But it’s really troublesome to create that kind of human form. Yes, I need more energy and metal."

"As long as you don’t mess with me, this is okay."

Jiaha followed: "President you Don’t worry, I can guarantee the credibility of Jiaha, the three of us are trustworthy people."

"I don’t doubt this. Oh, by the way, besides Norin, there is Lund And Yurina Fanka, they both said that they are Jiaha’s discipline, who did they receive the discipline?"

"It's me." The magic puppet Jiaha said: "I Because there is no fixed nest, I often walk around and have more contact with people."

Jiaha also said: "My appearance is not suitable for going out, so I have hardly left the experiment in these years. Room."

"Then it will be clear." I said, "But it's better to call all of them over to let you clarify things, so as not to make any troubles later. Of course, You have to strengthen your body first.” As I said, I said to the magic puppet Jiaha: “What do you need to strengthen your body besides soul energy? Just metal? Any kind of metal will do or different metals will affect your body. The attribute?"

When I heard that I wanted to strengthen the body, Jiaha said: "My fusion ability is based on soul energy. The more energy, the more fusion. The metal changes faster, but no matter how much energy it has, it has no effect on the attributes of the body. In theory, I can use any metal, but the body hardness and power attribute after synthesis need to be absorbed. The attribute of the metal, so the better the absorption, the stronger my body will be, and if there is a formula, I can directly absorb a variety of metal elements, and I can automatically form an alloy according to the ratio of the formula. If it can There are more formulas and metals. I can even change the alloy ratio on my body as needed to achieve the purpose of changing body attributes. For example, I can turn my body into a flexible metal with good elasticity, or a firm with high hardness. Metals, even those that are just cold or heat-resistant. In short, as long as you let me know the proportions and ensure that the required ingredients are available, I can change the proportions of metals in my body at will."

" What's the matter with the weapons you made before?"

"That is the same as the metal formula. As long as I understand a certain mechanical structure, I can imitate it. I was in the hole over there before. The reason for imitating the mobile angel of your guild is because I contacted and tried the structure of the mobile angel and found that the design is very reasonable, so I borrowed it."

Upon hearing that guy's words, I suddenly thought of a question. "So what, if I give you a pile of metal, and then provide you with energy, and then let you condense the body according to our needs, and then remove your soul carrier and replace it with an artificial soul, so that you can use it? The manufacturing capacity of the magic puppet to mass produce it?"

The magic puppet Jiaha said with certainty: "Yes, if it is what you said, it can be done, and all the magic puppets synthesized by me It can be seamlessly spliced, and if others want to disassemble it, I can’t even find a seam. In fact, I don’t need to synthesize a magic puppet one at a time and then disassemble my soul carrier and replace it with a new body. That would be too troublesome. Yes. As long as the soul energy is enough, I can completely form hundreds of identical magic puppet bodies at a time. After they are formed, I only need to cut off the parts connected to them. In this way, I can produce them in just a few minutes. Thousands of magic puppets. Of course, just like many people can’t do different actions with two hands at the same time, although I can make many magic puppets every time, they must all be the same. I can’t produce a thousand different looks at the same time. The magic puppet. There is also my production method, which at most saves you production time and the materials that should be consumed, but I can’t save it at all."

"Of course I know this. .I’m very satisfied that you can help us quickly produce magic puppets. As for energy and material issues...When I take you to see the spirit gathering towers of our guild and the veins of the steel city, you will feel that it’s none of them. That's a problem."

What the magic puppet Jiaha needs is soul energy, but what is the job of the Spirit Gathering Tower? Isn’t it gathering soul energy? So soul energy may not be easy for other guilds, but it is too much for us to use. As for steel materials, don't worry about it. If the big steel mound in Steel City is all melted into metal to make a magic doll, then it is estimated that our magic doll Legion will be able to go from Isinger all the way to Washington, even if we only use one-tenth to produce the magic doll. The guild is absolutely endless.

"Okay, now that the problem is solved, then we still have to sign an agreement before helping you formally strengthen your body."

Although the magic puppet Jiaha has already said that Joining, but that is an oral agreement after all, so I still have to sign an agreement according to the rules to rest assured. The magic puppet Jiaha probably also knew my worries. After all, his body was indeed very dangerous after being strengthened, so he didn't refuse, and he readily signed the "Deed of Selling Body". After I got this thing, I no longer had any reservations about him. I first threw him a bunch of metal formulas and blueprints for the mobile angels so that he could remember them clearly, and then I pulled him directly to the Spirit Gathering Tower.

"This...Is this Divine Vestige?" When I saw the soul energy outside the Spirit Gathering Pagoda that was so concentrated that I could almost touch it with my hands, the magic puppet Jiaha was no longer excited. I know what to say. In the past, he was as if the residents in the desert were eager for water, and occasionally he could be excited for a long time when he encountered a puddle. Today, he suddenly saw a turbulent river. What do you think he can think of? After being stunned for a few seconds, the magic puppet Jiaha rushed to the Spirit Gathering Pagoda, and at the same time shouted: "I have decided, I will never leave here again, this is simply heaven!" (To be finished! Continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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