"Be careful, something is rushing towards us." Adina cried as soon as she got into the water. Because she just dived under the water when the wave on the opposite side rose, she didn't see the rising wave.

"I have seen it." After receiving a sentence, the small dragon woman suddenly jumped forward and rushed forward to meet the objects in the water. We only saw two huge silhouettes slamming into each other in the water. , The water flow of the whole river was blocked for a moment, and the erupting wave directly lifted Amana and I away far away, but it seemed that the underwater stability of both of us was good, so the wave just passed us Then he rushed back.

However, although we rushed back, we were limited to reaching the place where we stopped before. It is simply a delusion to want to get closer to the front. The small dragon girl didn’t know what she ran into. The two big guys churned Heaven and Earth turning upside down under the water. The river water was full of sand and big rocks. It was originally clearly underground. The river instantly became something similar to a mudslide.

"Damn, what the hell did you bump into and make such a big movement?"

"I don't know." Ayanna tried to grasp a rock to stabilize herself and replied it : "The sound waves over there are too messy, my sonar doesn't work at all."

"It's really troublesome." I looked at the battlefield that was still splashing in front of me, and finally had no choice but to control Victoria was released. At this time, finding a helper for the small dragon girl is the most suitable choice, but the river is not too wide. The small dragon girl and the things are not small in size. Even if I let them out, they wouldn’t be able to insert them. Get started, and small creatures are not useful in this kind of battle, so in the end I can only choose helpers from the auxiliary system as much as possible.

After Victoria appeared, she was surprised to find that half of her body was soaked in the water, and then she realized that she should help reinvigorate her. Victoria immediately assumed her classic look, stretched her left hand forward and grabbed the bow of destiny that suddenly appeared, and followed the right hand on the bowstring that did not exist, and quickly pulled it back, an arrow of destiny shining with golden radiance. It appeared between her fingers for an instant, and then saw the entire underground river suddenly shine, a huge golden demon appeared in front of Victoria, that huge golden demon array shone with gorgeous golden light, and the whole river A piece of gold and jade in glorious splendor by Duan Duan.

After posing, Victoria’s right hand suddenly loosened, and she shouted at the same time: "Go, the arrow of destiny." Following the arrow of destiny, it passed through the Wheel of Fate in front of it and turned into a golden light shot into the water.

I didn't even look at the golden light small dragon girl shot from behind. She knew the attributes of the Arrow of Destiny, so she didn't care about it at all. But the monster opposite her was taken aback by the golden light. He twisted his body desperately at the expense of the small dragon female's claw and used the small dragon female's body to help him block the golden light. However, what surprised him was that the golden light passed through the body of the small dragon woman unaffected, and then accurately hit his body and instantly made him feel a feeling of general weakness.

Seeing the golden light shooting into the creature's body, Victoria smiled contemptuously. "hmph, I want to avoid the arrow of my fate. It's purely a dream."

"What attribute is there that you are so proud of?" I looked at Victoria and asked.

Victoria quickly replied when I heard my question: "Good luck, I got a disease attribute."

When I heard that, this attribute also relaxed a lot. The disease attribute of the Arrow of Destiny can make all the skills of the target malfunction, and it also causes the target creature's attack power and movement speed to be reduced by 20% at the same time. Although I haven't figured out what kind of creature it is for the time being, no matter how strong it is, it is impossible to beat the small dragon girl in the water, so it is an evenly matched state to kill them before. Now that creature's speed and attack power were suddenly weakened by 20%, and the skills were blocked. If this persisted, it would be a miracle.

Sure enough, just when Victoria prepared the second arrow to give the small dragon woman an arrow, the creature suddenly threw the small dragon woman away and ran away upstream of the river. But even though it ran away, Victoria's arrow didn't stop. It directly hit the small dragon girl, and then a golden light shone out.

I saw the target running away from the small dragon. The woman was planning to chase it. Suddenly she got an arrow of destiny. What's more depressing is that it was the arrow of fear, although this The decline in the attributes of fate is not serious, but the key is to weaken the speed too much, and now I have no hope of chasing it.

"I'm sorry, the small dragon girl, today we have an oolong again!" Victoria looked at the small dragon girl who resurfaced and apologized sorry.

The small dragon woman waved her hand helplessly. It was a pass. Anyway, the probability of Victoria's Arrow of Destiny is not reliable and it is not a day or two. Everyone has long been used to it. To say that this skill is weak, sometimes it has the opposite effect, it is indeed weak enough, but it is strong enough, if you get the Death Attribute when confronting the enemy, the characteristic of High God's following all spikes is absolutely strong to abnormal. In addition to the top ten High Gods, even Hong Jun’s Sect Lord or Heavenly God Zeus’s existence, once hit by the arrow of death, it will be killed with one arrow, and the arrow of destiny can’t be dodged or stopped. Victoria can precisely control this attribute, which is simply the first skill below High God. It's a pity that this wheel of fortune is really unreliable, and it is better to count on your own sword to produce double critical strikes than to count on the Death Attribute.

Since the thing has run away, it is useless to chase it now, so I simply took back Victoria and moved forward with the small dragon girl and Grandma. Although the small dragon girl was slowed down by the Arrow of Fear, the victory was that it was large enough to threaten some small dragons. Besides, although Victoria's Arrow of Destiny cannot be lifted voluntarily, Victoria can shorten the action time of undesirable attributes. So as long as it takes a while, the attributes on the small dragon woman will probably return to normal.

Upstreaming the underground river, the river in front of it began to slope downward, obviously entering the depths of the ground. Although it is said that water seeks its own level, it is said that the upper reaches should be higher than the lower reaches, but the underground river may go the other way. Unlike open surface rivers, underground rivers are often fully enclosed, and a pressure balance system similar to U-shaped pipes can be formed inside. As long as the source of the river has a relatively high topography, the middle part will not be a problem even if it is deep. The water pressure generated by the height difference in the upstream will naturally cause the downstream water to flow from low to high.

The river course began to become horizontal after more than 50 meters deep down all the way, but the width of the river course here began to decline linearly, and the relative water flow speed also increased significantly. The small dragon girl was affected by the current because of her too large body. I simply took her back. Aanna and I were less affected because of their relatively small bodies, but now even we can’t. Swim upstream in the water, and can only crawl upstream by holding the cave wall with both hands. The thrust generated by the swimming wings or tail alone can only ensure that we stay in place and not be washed away. We want to move forward. It is fundamentally impossible.

After climbing forward for a long time with both hands and feet, the river finally reached the narrowest throat, where the entire river was shrunk into a small hole with a diameter of more than one meter. . Don't think that a hole with a diameter of more than one meter is no longer small. That's right, if you want to drill through a person, the diameter of one meter is really not too small. Even if it is half a meter in diameter, it can be squeezed through unless it is Big Fatty. However, it is important to know that the downstream river is more than 50 meters wide and more than 30 meters deep. Such a large river has to be reduced to a small hole with a diameter of only one meter. Even if the original river flow is not fast, The water flow at the entrance of this cave is definitely not much lower than the flow rate of the fire brigade's high-pressure water gun. In addition, even if we can move forward at such a flow rate, we will definitely not be able to pass through that hole, because once our body enters the hole, it is equivalent to blocking half of the hole. When the time comes, the water flow will become even more. Rush, even if I use the eternal grappling hook into the rock, I don't expect to be able to fix myself. So, trying to squeeze through this hole is simply an impossible task. And... "Where did that big guy go?"

Although I didn’t see clearly what it was with the small dragon girl just now, I could still vaguely see that it was a snake with a snake. A long creature with the same body, and the volume of that thing is not much smaller than that of a small dragon female. So how did the big guy squeeze through this small hole less than one meter in diameter? Isn't it made of sponge?

"No, there must be a divergence ahead of us that we missed. A Dina, check it with sonar."

A Dina replied without even checking it at all: "I have been checking the surface of the river channel on the way here, and I didn't find any forks. The creature either changed its shape and got through the hole, or it blocked the fork with something after entering the fork, so I couldn't check it out. "

I also thought of this possibility after hearing Aanna's words. After all, sonar is no better than human eyes. If the creature seals the hole with a big stone, it really won't be able to detect it. But as the most powerful animal trainer in the game, I can naturally give full play to the all-rounder of the animal trainer. Although Granda's sonar doesn't work anymore, I still have other familiars.

"Chili." With my summon, Chili immediately appeared next to me, and then at my request, she began to explore the nearby cave wall with spirit strength. According to Chili herself, her spirit strength can penetrate into the rock at a depth of eight to ten meters. That is to say, unless the guy can block the front part of the real fork with a cylindrical plug of eight to ten meters, don’t do it. Expect to escape the spirit strength scan of pepper.

Sure enough, after we fumbled for more than ten meters along the river, Chili immediately pointed to the top of the cave ten meters away and shouted: "There is a fork over there."

As soon as I heard Chili's guidance, Anana and I swam there immediately, but after turning around the top of the cave twice, I couldn't see where there was a divergence.

"Chili, where is the fork? Why can't it be seen?"

Chili pointed to a slightly protruding rock above our head and said: "This is the thing, it's blocked The entrance of the hole."

When I heard the pepper, I hurriedly went over and pushed it up, but unfortunately it didn't work well in the water. The thing didn't even shake at all.

Seeing that I can’t move the thing, Chili said, "This stone is very big, and I may need lucky help from them."

I nodded to let Granda and Chili stand back. Then came out the lucky summon. Because of his size, he was lucky enough to step on his hind limbs on the river bed, and then use his shoulders and forearms to push the rock. Even without considering the issue of strength, this method of exerting force is much more convenient than mine.

With the sudden force of luck, the huge boulder was lifted up with only a bang, and we immediately felt a stream of water flowing out of the gap around the rock. But fortunately, I got stuck there and couldn't push it anymore.

"Lucky, lift the rock? What did you stop for?" Looking at the luck of reassuring the rock, I asked suspiciously.

Before I was lucky enough to answer Anana, she explained to him: "Master, there is no way to open it here. The passage above is a straight pipe, and this rock just happens to be at the end of the pipe. The narrowest exit is sealed below. If you want to remove the stone, you must push the stone all the way up the tubular channel, and wait until the open section of the river to remove it."

"What? How could there be such a river? How long is there?"

"Almost three hundred meters."

"So long?"

Grandma Na nodded: "The nearest open water is 300 meters away from the entrance of the cave. As long as you get there, you can lift the rock." "I said Boss, there is no place for me to push this 300 meters alone!"

I took a look at my luck and looked at Aanna, and finally said angrily:" This damn monster, deliberately forced me to do a trick! You all go back to the training space first, and I will blow up this damn stone."

Although I want to push this stone into the passage with my strength It's not easy on the other side, but it is too simple to dismantle it. After taking back the familiars, I directly used Eternity to open three holes in the stone, then stuffed three magic crystal vapor bombs in, and finally hid in a far place, first brushed myself a bunch of defensive skills, and then took it. Gently press the detonating crystal.

Boom, the players along the entire underground river saw the water squirt up suddenly, and many people standing by the river were flooded in an instant, but no one complained, because These people thought it was my fight with the monster who attacked the exploration team that made such a big move.

When the river stabilized, I quickly swam back to the fork. At this time, most of the rock blocking the road had been blown off, but the strange thing was that the last small piece was obviously bigger than The passage is much narrower, but it still doesn't go down. After swimming up to the small half of the rock in doubt, I was surprised to find that a chain was inserted into the rock, and the other end of the chain extended to the top of the passage. Obviously, the impossible thing is natural, which means that the stone blocking the road was simply prepared deliberately, and the other party even specially designed a chain to tie it behind in order to fear that the stone would fall.

Although I knew that the monster would block the road with stones, I didn't think about the high intelligence of this thing, but now it seems that this thing is not only high intelligence. The ability to process a stone chain, this thing, has shown that this thing has the ability to use complex tools. At least the chain is different from ordinary sticks and swords. Its structure is more complicated, and it is not something that can be made by low-level intelligence. Of course, there is another possibility that the intelligence of the monster is actually very ordinary, the thing is made by others, it is just using the ready-made items. However, although this assumption may happen, I think the probability is not big.

Anyway, you have to find that guy before you can figure out the reason. Going around the small half of the rock, I suddenly spread my wings and slapped the water to accelerate my body upward.

Although the channel blocked by rocks is more than three hundred meters long, its angle is inclined upward. If the vertical drop is calculated, the top of this channel may be higher than the bottom. Seventy-eighty meters, including the previous downward inclination of the underground river, the top of this passage should be exactly the same height as the underground river on the other side of the City of Chaos.

Swimming along the channel to the end, the water channel suddenly expanded to form a pond-like area. However, the area of ​​this area is not too big, just wider than the passage below.

When I floated to the top of this pond, I found myself re-entering the air. The surrounding area of ​​the pond is not a water environment, but a land cave, but because the water is more than four meters high from the shore , So I can only see the top of the cave in the water, and there is nothing on the shore.

Raise your hand to shoot a dragon tendon cable to the top of the hole, and then use the wire take-up device to lift yourself off the water. When my height surpassed the rock on the shore of the pond, the sight of the cave finally came into my sight.

"Damn, I'm making a fortune now!" As I had just risen to the top of the cave, I only felt that my eyes were flashing and sore. There are crystals everywhere in this cave, white, black, and colorful. Almost all the crystal varieties I know can be found here. Although many kinds of crystals belong to the kind with large output and relatively cheap varieties, the few special crystals alone are definitely considered a windfall. But... what I call getting rich does not refer to these crystals, but the things that make these crystals shine with dazzling rays of light.

As I said before, my eyes flashed and hurt when I first reached the top of the cave. Although crystals have very good light reflecting ability, even if there are crystals everywhere in this cave, there should be no reflections. Now these crystals are indeed reflecting light, then there must be a light source here, and when I really see that light source When exactly, I felt my whole body trembling with excitement.

"The sun, how can such a ghost place have this thing?" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets, you The support is my biggest motivation.)

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