"Are you designers?" The Blood Scythe looked at the group of people in front of him and asked in surprise.

"Why? Don't we look alike?" The headed one asked with a smile, a sturdy warrior in heavy armor.

Without waiting for the blood sickle to answer, a person next to him in a mage robe said with a smile: "Don't be nervous, you are not the first person to have such a big reaction. Actually, We are indeed designers, but we are not designers who design clothes and buildings."

"Yes." The heavy armor warrior said: "It's different from the guys who can only draw pictures. We The design is not a dead thing, but a living thing."

"Alive thing?" The blood sickle froze for a moment, and then suddenly reacted. "Could it be that you designed me?"

"It should be said that we design people, but now our design object is you, so it is not wrong to say that we design you."< /p>

"How can I design for a big person?"

"There are more places to design. For example, your height, arm length, weight, body, etc. ." The mage replied.

"These things should be designed too? I am not going to be a model!"

"no no no." The mage said very seriously: "The Frost Rose League is a transnational Super guild, as the backbone of such a guild, you must have nearly perfect performance in all aspects. If you can be the backbone of the Frost Rose League, then you should be a model or other career in the future. Can do it perfectly. Moreover, things such as height, arm length, weight, body shape are not only for your body, but more or for your battle strength."

"These things and mine Does battle strength matter?"

"Of course." The previous warrior turned to me and asked: "President, she has already signed the agreement?"

I nodded and said: "I signed it, it’s okay, you can tell her."

After hearing my words, the warrior triumphantly turned to the blood sickle and said: "In that case, then I Just tell you the most obvious and biggest secret hidden in this game, that is... damage value can be exercised, and the attributes that affect damage value are these seemingly irrelevant things such as height and arm length."< /p>

The blood sickle didn't feel any problem after listening to it, but she quickly reacted. "What? The damage value can be exercised?"

"Yes." The warrior continued: "Don't you find that two people with exactly the same attribute can often show obvious strength in battle. Ordinarily, if the attributes are the same, the battle strength only depends on the fighting consciousness, no matter how different the fighting level of two people is, it will never be too obvious, right? But the fact is that two people with the same attribute will often have The huge battle strength is bad, and what really determines the difference is the damage value."

"Isn't the damage value of the same attribute the same?" The Blood Scythe asked suspiciously.

"No, it looks the same, but it's actually different." The warrior explained: "If you look closely at the personal attributes, you will find that the damage values ​​in "Zero" are not fixed values, but An interval is generally the amount of damage. This damage interval is the reason for the difference in battle strength between two people with exactly the same attribute."

"Why do people with the same attribute have different damage values? The same?"

"No, their damage range was actually exactly the same at first, but the value generated by each attack is different. Most people think that the specific number of damage is the damage The value randomly selected in the interval, to put it simply, everyone thinks that the specific value of each damage is found within the damage range by try one's luck."

"So actually?"

" p>

"In fact, the damage value is the product of a combination of multiple factors. Each time the system attacks, the system does draw a random number as the benchmark ratio of the damage value, but this number affects only a small part of the damage value. And this random number is not completely random, but random according to the player's lucky value. A person with lucky 9 and a person with lucky 0, even if the other attributes are exactly the same, the attack damage must be the same. /p>

In addition, in addition to the lucky value, the height, arm length, weight and other data we mentioned before will also affect your final damage value. For example, if your arm is longer than others, a normal attack The enemy dodges in the middle, so because you have long hands, you may still be able to attack him or bruise him. At this time, when the same person as your attribute hits Miss or low damage, you may hit normal damage. This is the source of your battle strength gap. In addition, there is also your weight. If you use skills such as Barbaric Dash, two players with the same attribute, one is 1.6 meters tall, weighs 40 kg, and the other is two tall. Meters, weighing 120 kg, even if they have exactly the same attribute points, do you think they might have the same damage output?"

After listening to the blood sickle, he shook his head and said: "Listen It really makes sense, but I don’t want to train myself to have long hands, long legs and a fat figure! How can I see people in that shape?"

"hahahaha..." said by the sickle of blood The designers and I all laughed, only the sickle of blood was there alone with big eyes open, not knowing what to do. In the end, the mage couldn’t see it, so he covered his belly with one hand and wiped his tears and explained to her: "Fat has the advantage of being fat, and being thin has the advantage of being thin. Our designer’s job is to help you design according to your personal characteristics. A set of body standards and fighting skills that are most suitable for you is not to train you into a fatty or a thin man. Just now, for example, the Barbaric Dash used by a fatty is better than a thin man, but if you use a blitz skill, the thin man is definitely better than a fatty. With formidable power, what we want is to find the best match, and then guide you to practice the skills that are most suitable for you, instead of drastically changing your image."

"so that's how it is, scare me Jump."

"Haha, even if you want us to help you modify, we don’t have the ability." The warrior said: "If you can adjust the body of an ordinary person to what you want Form, then what kind of expert do we look for? Just pull someone over and transform it into the value we need. Can we mass-produce the expert?"

"That's it." Nodded, the blood sickle said: " So how do I design my skill mix now?"

"It’s not that simple. Before designing, you must first test your various attributes, and then calculate your physical mechanics. Finally, you can decide according to your needs. Adjust your skills, equipment, or change your body and habits through exercise."

"So complicated?"

"If it's not complicated, wouldn't any guild be able to set up battle experiments The room? The Frost Rose League players are better than the outsiders for no reason." After the mage finished speaking, he continued: "Since the guildmaster has handed you over to us, let's do some tests now. "

The blood sickle nodded asked: "What should I do?"

"You first come over and do some basic tests." The mage said that he brought the blood sickle to him. Next room. This is different from the place where we talked just now. The room just now looked more like a study, but this side was completely a gym, with all kinds of messy equipment everywhere, and the whole room was almost full. As soon as the mage came in, he said, "Sorry, it’s a bit messy here. Just pay more attention to your feet."

A large group of people followed the mage to the house, and then the mage brought the blood sickle to the house. On top of something that looks like a treadmill. "Okay, now you take off all the equipment on your body first. Don't attach any equipment with attribute to your body. Also, if you have the spell state on your body, remove it and keep the character in the most basic state, so that you can get the most accurate data. "

The blood sickle nodded unloaded all the equipment and messy jewelry and other equipment, followed her to stand on the machine and asked: "Is it right? Just run desperately?"

The mage quickly shook his head and said: "Don’t, don’t move. The function of this thing is actually very complicated, and it’s completely irrelevant to the treadmill in your mind." The mage said Then he pulled out four belts and a wide belt from both sides of the machine and handed them to the sickle of blood. "You put on this, and then fasten the belt to the belt."

The blood sickle quickly put on the belt and hung four fixed belts, and then asked: "What about then?"

The mage said: "I will start the machine in a while, and then the conveyor belt under your feet will start to move. All you have to do is to move according to the speed of the belt, try not to make the four belts taut, rely on Exercise your own strength, don’t let the belt pull you to run. Also, the speed of the conveyor belt below is not fixed, you'd better pay attention to it. This thing may suddenly accelerate or decelerate, or even reverse sometimes, you You must control your speed according to its movement. Understand?"

"Well, it doesn't sound difficult." The Blood Scythe said pointlessly. Although I know this thing is very abnormal, but since it is the test time, it is not good for me to remind her so as not to affect the test results.

After the blood sickle confirmed that he was ready, the mage looked towards the nodded follower behind, and the man immediately pushed up a guillotine next to the machine, following the treadmill. Started to move slowly. The Blood Scythe felt the rotation of the belt conveyor under her feet and followed it, but because the speed of the belt was very slow, she could only walk on it slowly with very small steps.

"This thing is at this speed?" The Blood Scythe asked slightly surprised.

The mage took the notebook and filled in some basic data on it, and then said: "In the beginning, it was just a warm-up to prevent your muscles from straining. The test program will not start until 30 seconds later. There are fifteen seconds left."

"so that's how it is." After confirming the situation, the blood sickle began to follow the machine slowly, only ten seconds later the machine began to accelerate gradually. The blood sickle could barely walk around in the first five seconds, but after five seconds she was forced to start trotting, and then the machine stayed in this state for more than ten seconds, and then suddenly began to accumulate and accelerate, the blood sickle eyes The boss who stared instantly changed her posture, but even though she used all one's strength to sprint desperately, she still couldn't keep up with the speed of the machine. However, because her waist is fixed by a belt, she can't fall down even if she can't catch up with the speed of the machine. She can only be dragged by the machine, feeling very embarrassed.

When the machine reaches the speed that the blood sickle can't catch up at all, it only lasts for two seconds and then gradually slows down. Sickle finally found the frequency of his steps, and he could be regarded as keeping up with the speed of the machine in front of him. However, she had just found the speed feeling, but the belt began to accelerate again, but the speed increased slowly this time, and the change was not large. The blood sickle tried desperately to accelerate, and barely adapted to this new speed, but didn't expect that she had just adapted, and the machine started to accelerate again. She could only accelerate without saying a word, but this speed has surpassed her extreme speed. No matter how she accelerates or is dragged by a belt.

The mage looked at the numbers on the crystal screen and said: "Not bad. The maximum speed can reach 27.6. In terms of attributes in a naked state, this speed is fast."

< p>The treadmill under the blood sickle had gradually reduced to the jogging speed when we saw the reading, so when we spoke, she also returned to her normal state, only breathing slightly. Hearing the wizard said that her speed can reach 27.6, she immediately curiously asked: "Is this fast?"

The wizard explained: "The attribute of the game character is an attribute that has been enhanced with equipment. You are You can reach this speed without the aid of equipment, indicating that your foundation is very good. If you can equip you with acceleration equipment, you are actually very hopeful to be an assassin."

"Unfortunately, I have already transferred. nether shadow Knight!" The Blood Scythe said disappointedly after listening.

The mage quickly comforted her and said, "Don’t worry, Knight is divided into speed type Knight and power type Knight. Your basic speed doesn’t mean that you are not suitable for Knight, but that your specialty is more suitable. Give full play to the speed advantage."

"Oh, that's it." After listening to the Blood Scythe, he asked the mage curiously: "By the way, how fast is President Purple Moon without wearing equipment?"

As soon as I heard the words of the blood sickle, all the people present stopped talking for an instant. In the end, it took a long time for the mage to open the mouth and said: "Leave him alone, he is a pervert, measured. No data can be used as a reference."

"Hey, did you ask me to test it, okay?" I couldn't help but say when I heard the wizard hurt me so much.

The mage didn’t care about my objection at all. He still confidently said: "You said what data you measured at the time? Although this is a game, the players’ physical fitness is stronger than that of real people. Many, but no matter how powerful you are, you can’t be less than 100 meters per second, right? Do you know what speed it is? The mounts and horses sold in the system store can’t run as fast as you. You said you can use data like yours as a reference Is it?"

"Hey, isn't it just a little faster!"

"Are you faster?" The mage pointed to the blood sickle with excitement: "People It’s 27.6 meters per second that is faster. You’re less than a second from 100 meters, and an average of 108 meters per second. When converted, it’s more than 300 kilometers in one hour. A sports car with a lower grade is not as fast as you. Did someone run out?"

"Damn, there is something wrong with running fast?"

The mage waved his hand and said, "Anyway, your data is abnormal data and cannot be included. Refer to the data of normal humans, otherwise you will be more crippled than others!" At this point, the mage turned the target back to the blood sickle. "Okay, leave him alone, let's do a variable speed test now. You can stabilize yourself and don't fall." The wizard pushed a switch next to it before the blood sickle answered, and followed the blood sickle's feet. Suddenly, her conveyor belt began to reverse, and the blood sickle she had made was crooked and almost turned over on the belt conveyor. Fortunately, the belt around her waist grabbed her body, so even though it crooked, it didn't fall down.

The blood sickle has just adapted to this backward running method. The belt conveyor didn’t expect a sudden stop, and then it started to turn forward at full speed, and the blood sickle was followed quickly. Changed direction, but she adjusted the speed back, but the speed of the conveyor belt suddenly slowed down, causing her to almost overtake her head again, but before she could adapt to the slow speed, the belt conveyor unexpectedly began to accelerate again, and suddenly The speed has risen to the extreme speed that the blood sickle can withstand.

In the following time, the sickle of blood has learned what it means to be unexpected. This damn machine under my feet will turn forward and reverse, turn fast and slowly. The snail crawls, and sometimes it stops unfathomable mystery for two or three seconds. In short, the speed of this thing is completely out of line like a convulsion, causing her two legs to almost cramp.

After more than ten minutes of variable speed testing, the wizard finally turned off the switch, and the blood sickle collapsed almost the instant the machine stopped. "Huh, don't you play people like this! Are you killing me?"

"It's just an extreme speed and variable speed test, don't you need to be so exaggerated?" I smiled and took the blood sickle from The machine was solved, and then together with the majestic warrior next to her, she was put on a machine next to her and sat down.

At first, the blood sickle thought we were kind enough to help her down and rest, but didn't expect her ass to be seated, and her hands and feet were suddenly locked by metal fixators. "What are you doing?"

"You may feel a little uncomfortable in the test of the following item. In order to ensure that the accuracy of the test results is not affected, you must be fixed first. Don't worry, although this test It’s a little uncomfortable, but it’s definitely not going to hurt you."

"hey hey hey, do you still say you won’t be hurt?" The blood sickle watched us spread her hands completely and He pulled out something like a skeleton arm made of metal and fixed it to her hand. Each finger of the metal skull just covers one finger of the blood sickle, and there are many ring-like fixing rings on the metal finger. After passing through the blood sickle's finger, it just can completely fix her. Every finger.

"Don't worry, this thing is just to test your body's flexibility, it won't hurt very much." The warrior explained to the blood sickle.

"Oh, it turned out to be a test of the flexibility of the body! Wait! What? Test the flexibility?" At first, the blood sickle didn't respond, but she soon wanted to understand the root cause . This thing fixed her body almost every inch of independent skeleton, and we told her that it might be a little uncomfortable. Isn’t it just making it clear that she will do some exaggerated body movements for a while? "Hey, please, can I not do this test? I have poor flexibility. Don't deadlift!"

"Don't worry, we will be very gentle." The wizard seems to have finished copying the data. , Came back here and took a sentence and immediately said to the assistant beside him: "Prepare to make a hip loop for her and see how flexible her legs are."

"What? Hip loop? What is that? Can you not do it?"

Although the blood sickle kept shouting, no one answered her. The two assistants pushed behind the fixed frame, and the two legs of the blood sickle began to lift forward involuntarily, as if a person was sitting on the ground with their legs straight. However, the hipbone loop does not end here only. As the holder gradually folds upwards, the legs of the blood sickle have changed from straight forward to a state where they begin to fold toward the top of the head, and as the holder goes on, Her legs are getting higher and higher.

"Hey, I can't fold it any more, I will break it again!" When the angle between the legs of the blood sickle and her body is compressed to only forty-five degrees, the blood is Sickle began to scream.

The mage glanced at the folding machine and said, "Why are you calling at this point? It's still far away!" As he looked towards the person next to him, he waved his hand and said: "Continue."


As soon as the blood sickle saw, the assistant began to shake the handle and quickly shouted: "Hey, we can't continue anymore. If you break it again, it will break. Don't... It's broken, it's going to be broken!"

"I can tell that it's okay, continue." The mage continued shouting vicious and merciless. As the assistants shook, the legs of the Blood Scythe were literally folded to the point where she could almost stick to her head, but at this time she could not speak at all, and she was also sweating coldly on her head. The mage glanced at the blood sickle and said: "It's almost there, this is probably the limit. There are still fifteen degrees left, which is not bad. Let go."

As the mage said, the blood Zhiscythe's legs were finally put down, but before she could catch her breath, she was bent back again. In the next half an hour, the blood sickle was almost broken up by that machine. This seemingly unremarkable device fully interprets how soft the human body is, and it can be bent into such an exaggerated angle, sometimes I even thought that the blood sickle was about to be cut off, but she actually bent over.

"The overall score is out." After an hour, I finally got all the basic data of the blood sickle. Although these things seem nothing special, many people don't know whether a player can To be truly powerful, in fact, the most important thing is these data.

"Very well, it seems that I was right. The blood sickle is indeed a talent worth training. You......"

I was just about to speak, but the communicator in my ear suddenly The voice of the god of war sounded. "Purple Moon, you better come to my side."

"What's so urgent?"

"Anyway, you can come over and talk about it."

"Okay, I'll be there soon." After replying to the military god, I temporarily handed the blood sickle to the designers, and then I quickly rushed to the military god's command center. I really don’t know what is so troublesome, I have to go to him to talk about it! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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