"What happened again?" I asked as soon as I rushed into the command center of the military god.

The military god didn't even lift his head when he asked me, so he threw a crystal to me. "See it for yourself."

I have become accustomed to this attitude toward military gods, and arguing with computers is a real number of idiots. Catching the crystal and plugging it directly into the console by the wall, a picture was immediately displayed on the big screen. The scene in the picture is obviously in a cave, and the surrounding space is quite wide, but rather dim. But these are not the main points, the main point is the pile of broken pieces in the middle of the picture. No, it shouldn't be considered tattered. Although this pile of things are very broken, it can be roughly distinguished from the remains of the TX series and the mobile angel series artificial lifeform produced by our guild. The most complete one is half a wing of a motorized angel plus an arm. This part looks like a new one, except that there are a bunch of wires and a twisted steering mechanism hung on the connecting part of the shoulder, which is not normal at first glance. Disassembled.

If I just saw a pile of parts of mobile angels piled together, I might still think that this is a garbage dump of our guild. However, when I saw a mobile angel leaning on a workbench and looking intact in the center of the parts pile of the mobile angel, I immediately understood what it was. If I'm not mistaken, this should be the secret factory of a mobile angel that is trying to restore our guild.

The mobile angel is an important weapon system that the guild has spent a lot of effort and invested a lot of money and manpower to complete. Its value is great, whether it is from the input cost or the benefits that can be generated in the future. That said, it would be unimaginable. Regarding such a combat tool that is extremely terrifying in terms of input and output, our guild is impossible to give it to others. Now someone is trying to copy our mobile angel. This kind of behavior is unforgivable.

"Where did I find this?" I immediately asked aloud after reading the picture.

Military god seemed to know that I would ask this a long time ago, so he directly adjusted the picture I was looking at on his big screen, and then swiped the picture directly to the next page. The second picture obviously shows a new cave similar to the one just now. There are also many golems and golems. Although they are all finished products or semifinished products, their appearance is a rough and shoddy imitation. Products, and our guild's gorgeous mobile angels have no comparability at all. Although the completeness of these finished products or semifinished products is much better than the remains of the mobile angel in the previous picture, I know that in terms of value, the complete golem and golem in this house are not as good as any mobile angel. Fragments.

After turning over the second picture, the military god pulled the picture back again, and the third picture was no longer a cave, but a distant view. Judging from the situation on the screen, it seems that this screen shows a city, and it seems to be a bit familiar.

"This is...the city of chaos?" After looking at it for more than ten seconds, I finally remembered where I saw the city in this picture. This is clearly the chaotic city we chased after the president of the Black Sun Alliance. Although we later gave up on hunting down the president of the Black Sun Alliance and the others because of the discovery of the huge dark trading center, but now it seems that the only thing we found in the City of Chaos is the tip of the iceberg, thanks to Later, professional intelligence personnel were sent to investigate the situation, otherwise such important information might be missed.

After I guessed the location, the military god said: "Yes, this is the city of chaos, but the picture was taken from another angle."

" Where are the two caves where the magic dolls and mobile angels are stored?"

"It is in the deepest part of the City of Chaos. There are many such caves over there, of which two are the largest."

"Do you know where their research is going?"

Military god nodded said: "What can be found is that they have worked out the structural principles of the mechanical department. And the formula of the metal material seems to be analyzed soon. However, the artificial souls of our guild destroyed themselves at the moment they were scrapped, so their analysis progress on artificial souls and driving magic arrays and the like are still less than 100%. Fifth, it can be said that it just touched the side."

"What about the thruster technology on the mobile angel?"

"They really understand the principle, but The principle of the propeller is very simple, but the difficulty lies in the accuracy of the processing. Everyone knows what the principle of a jet engine is. How much power can be built depends on the technical strength. Although they know the technical principle of the jet thruster, It is completely impossible to replicate. Moreover, the thruster principle they have researched lacks one of the most important things, so even if the processing level reaches our level, their thrusters will be inferior to ours in terms of performance. A big chunk."

"Anyway, it’s our technology. It doesn’t make sense to just give it to others for no reason. Has the secret mastermind of this chaotic city been found out? This force? Absolutely can't stay anymore. Help me gather the elite who played the Divine Race in Russia last time. I want to pull up these forces by the roots."

"Understand. Do you need to assemble now? "

"Stand by here for now, I'll go over and see first, if you can kill their technical staff first and then destroy the technical data, it's best, if I'm found out, you can attack again."

"Then I will gather people on standby first, and wait for your news before launching an attack."

"Okay, I will go to the City of Chaos first."

After leaving the command center of the God of War, I teleported directly to the city that sealed the exit of the underground river. It was not that I didn't want to teleport directly to the City of Chaos, but that the City of Chaos did not have Transmission Formation at all.

The reason why the guilds that control the chaotic city chose to disguise the underground river exit that connects the chaotic city, because they don’t want others to enter and leave the chaotic city at will, and if the chaotic city has Transmission Formation, even if the list of transmission personnel is set, it will attract the attention of others, and as long as the guild with Transmission Formation will find such a city that refuses transmission by others, isn’t it the same as a clumsy denial resulting in self-exposure? ? Therefore, the managers of the City of Chaos have not repaired the Transmission Formation after they took the City of Chaos. In this way, there is no Transmission Formation in the City of Chaos, and the City of Chaos will not appear in the Transmission Formation catalogs of other guilds. Name again.

Because there is no Transmission Formation in the City of Chaos, the only way to enter and leave the City of Chaos is the hidden underground river. Of course, we can also go in the same road we followed when we chased the president of the Black Sun Alliance, but the narrowest part of the road is only enough for one person to walk through, and it is necessary to dive for a long distance under the water, so come normally. Said that basically can not be counted as a channel.

This time I returned to the City of Chaos. I didn’t plan to walk out of the warehouse. When I entered the place, I needed a password and some other identification information. I didn’t want to call the people who bought me out to pick me up. , I don’t want to risk sneaking in, so I just don’t go that way. I first teleported to this intersection city, and then I went backwards and came to the edge of the Yangtze River, then I found a river bank and jumped down.

Of course I am not going to commit suicide. Besides, even if I want to commit suicide, I can't drown in a Divine Dragon suit. I jumped into the river just to find the exit of the underground river. The camouflage warehouse in the city is just a center for the transfer of people and goods. The river will not stop here according to people’s thinking. If it simply blocks the exit, the river will be able to take the whole city in two days. So in order to conceal it from being discovered, the guilds jointly built an underground pipeline to transport the river water from the city to the Yangtze River and then divide it into multiple outlets to discharge into the river, so that ordinary people will not be affected by the flow of water. Found an underground river.

Although this design deceives ordinary people, it is useless to me who knows that there is a water outlet nearby. After entering the water, directly summon Ayana. With the help of her underwater sonar, we quickly found a disguised water outlet.

This water outlet was disguised as a pile of big rocks, and the real outlet is in the middle of the pile. The water from the underground river emerges from the middle of the pile of water and then flows out from the gap between the piles of rocks. The water sprayed out after being diverted by the rocks is mixed with the river water. If you are not paying attention, you can hardly see that there is extra water injected. .

Although the rocks pressed near the water outlet are not small, they are in the water. The rocks look big, but they are not as heavy as the shore. I lifted the top big rock along the direction of the river. Without the pressure of the top stone, there was a small exit in the middle of the pile of rocks underneath, and you could see that the clear river water was gushing out from that exit.

After seeing the exit, Anna and I got into the passage one after another, relying on Anna's sonar positioning along the way, we quickly swam to the location of the warehouse where we disembarked last time. From here onwards is a big river, so I didn't let Amina lead the way, I just put her away and stealth underwater by myself.

Actually, my underwater sports ability has always been very good, after all, I also have wings. Although generally speaking wings are used to fly in the air, as long as your wings are strong enough, they can also produce huge propulsion underwater.

Waving my wings and stealth underwater at high speed for a while, I noticed an obvious turn in the river channel. This place is the only obvious place on the river channel from the city of chaos to the outside. Turning, so I remember it very clearly. After turning this turn, 500 meters forward is the port area of ​​the City of Chaos, so after turning, I started cautiously approaching the stealth of the river bed. After all, this is already a densely populated area.

After easily lurking under the harbor, I first released a group of ghost worms. After making sure that there were no ships passing by, I activated the stealth mode and climbed onto the shore. After steaming the water on my body with magic, I ran directly to the place where the side of the port and the wall of the cave were connected, and then climbed up to the top of the cave along the wall of the cave. After successfully reaching the top of the cave, I hung it upside down and walked directly into the city.

It used to be inconvenient to carry the sickle of blood, but now it’s much easier to leave me alone. No matter how complicated the road is, it’s not a problem for me. Even if I hang upside down on the top of the cave, I can still Run faster than others on the ground.

According to the information obtained before, the research facility for storing the remains of mobile angels and those trial-produced magic dolls should be in the deepest part of the cave where the City of Chaos is located, so I completely ignored the parts of the city, and I just breathe it out. Ran to the deepest part of the cave.

I don’t know if it’s because I feel that the city of chaos is concealed enough and does not require special protection, or the manager here does not have that strength. In short, there are only 20 guards guarding this magic puppet experimental base, and it seems They are all just eight or nine hundred level NPCs. Don’t think that this power is not too thin. You should know that the Mobile Angel Development Office of our guild is guarded by two hundred thousand-level NPC guards. Besides, the Mobile Angel Development Office of our guild is not an independent organization. In fact, it was repaired on the floating island together with many other research project teams of our guild, and the floating island of our guild has independent guards in addition to concealment, plus each unit’s own guards. It can be said that our research institute is more difficult to conquer than a city. After all, the city is too big and the guards can’t take care of it. A research institute is such a big place. So many guards can be said to have been surrounded by iron barrels. It's the same.

Although I don’t know why there are so few guards here, but I’m here to do sabotage anyway, it’s good for me to have fewer guards, so I didn’t think much about it, and just fell from the top of the cave in stealth. The ground then lightly fell into a small courtyard of the research institute.

This so-called research institute does not actually look like a formal research institute. Except for the second layer building in the front, there is a small courtyard and a dozen caves on the back wall. . After my observation, the row of second layer buildings in front of the courtyard are basically guarded places and some reception rooms. There is no need to investigate at all. The only thing that really needs attention is the row of caves in the back.

Carefully bypassing a dozen hidden traps hidden in the yard, I leaned very carefully to the outside of the cave area. A small platform was built here, from here it can be connected to a dozen caves of varying heights on the rock wall.

Because I don’t know what each hole does, I can only choose to start exploring from the top holes. After all, the holes above are generally very small, so I don’t think there are too many. People, if you start investigating from below, the probability of finding a large number of people will increase, and once I am exposed, it will not be easy to investigate other caves quietly. Therefore, the safest way is to start from the caves above which are not easily exposed.

After planning the exploration sequence, I touched the side of a cave at the highest point on the left, and after looking around, no one noticed this side, I carefully picked up the padlock on the gate with eternity. Then he pushed the door open a small gap and got in. However, as soon as I entered that door, I was shocked by what I saw when I looked up. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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