"Don't talk about Brother Jian, sister Jian and I are both qualified, but you are not!" The Blood Sword finally shouted out the truth.

After the Blood Sword shouted this sentence, the Blood Arrow was stunned for a moment, and then after a few seconds, he suddenly laughed and said: "I can't think of Xiaojian to learn to joke. Well, as long as you are If you can figure it out in your heart, don’t hold it in your heart. If you vent it, you can feel better."

When the blood sword heard the blood arrow, I immediately wanted to explain it, but I stretched out my hand to pull him When he got to the side, he stood in front of the blood arrow and said, "Sorry, he is not joking. Both of your companions are qualified, but you are not qualified."

"What are you talking about? "The Arrow of Blood looked at me and asked in a daze.

"As the president of the Frost Rose League, do you think it is possible for me to joke with you?" I asked with a serious face.

It was probably my identity and my expression that played a role, and the smile on the face of the blood arrow finally disappeared. "You mean I am the only one who is unqualified among the three?"

I nodded and said: "Your score is unqualified, and the distance from the standard line of passing is very far away. I originally thought that if your score was just It’s a little bit worse and you can be accommodating, but unfortunately your grades are so bad, I really can’t accommodate!"

"Why?" The blood arrow shouted quite loudly, his The signs of hysteria were clearly beginning to appear on his face. "Why am I unqualified? Didn't they all qualify? They can pass the task after only half of the task is completed, I have completed all the basic requirements of the task, only the extra points are not completed, why they are qualified and I am not qualified "

"Because that task simply doesn't make any sense, our membership condition is not whether the task is up to the standard or not but the personal code of conduct that you showed in the task." I said to Haas Academician. Hooking his finger, Haas immediately knowingly pressed a few times on the console, and then a crystal stone dropped from the roof and projected an image around us.

The magical image records the scene of the blood arrow picking up a special grass during the mission, and a small piece of purple is growing around the special grass. flower. I pointed to the image and said, "This grass is your personal task item, but the purple flower next to it is related to the task scores of your two companions. Before you arrive here, you know that these two plants are mixed growth. Yes, and you clearly know the specific effects of the two, but because picking purple flowers will stain the body with the smell of the flower, and the target creature in the next task is very sensitive to this smell. You know it. Abandoning the picking of purple flowers will lead to a decline in the points of your companions. For your next personal tasks, without the slightest hesitation, you will give up picking purple flowers. It can be seen that your own interests are above all else in your heart. I'm sorry, to you Such a person is really unacceptable to our Frost Rose League."

"I was..."

"Please don't quibble, the psychology test system used by our guild is absolutely Notarized, even if there is an error, it will not exceed the displayed value of a crystal, but your score is really too far from the passing line, even if there is an error, it will definitely not be so bad, so..."

< p>"You lie, I was really..."

I reached out again and stopped the other person from speaking. "I said, your behavior is too far from the qualification requirements, and arguing with me will only be more detrimental to your future. If you don't mind, I can also show you your many self-interested behaviors in the task. If you think that’s better, I won’t mind."


The arrow of blood reached out to my nose angrily, but he just shouted I patted my finger to the side as soon as I uttered a word.

"I hope you pay attention to your emotions, and point to my nose when I don’t like other people talking. This time it’s because you’ve just been brushed off and you’re feeling down. I won't be polite to you this time."

Although it is a bit arrogant for ordinary people to say such things, it is appropriate to say such things in my current capacity. After all, I am the president of the Frost Rose League, and I rank first in the world battle strength list. If anyone can point to my nose and swear, then am I a bit shameless as the number one?

"Purple Moon, please don't be angry, Brother Jian is just impulsive." Seeing that the atmosphere is not right, the sword of blood quickly came out and tried to pull us away.

"Go away, you don't need to be here hypocritical." As soon as the blood sword came over, it was angrily pushed aside by the blood arrow, if it wasn't because he was a warrior, and the blood arrow was Archer type, if there is a natural gap in strength, it is estimated that this time the sword of blood must be pushed to the ground.

"Enough." The blood sickle who had not spoken suddenly roared, and instantly shook the blood arrow and the blood sword. "Blood Arrow, what are you nervous about? What did you say at the beginning? Passing is passing, not passing is not passing, what do you look like?"

The words of's roar were silent, and now he suddenly reacted and roared back with a louder volume. "Of course you look good after you passed it, but I haven't done it! You will be able to enjoy yourself after you join the Frost Rose League, but what should I do? You fucking..."

The blood sickle suddenly threw away a slap in the face and stopped the words of the blood arrow.

"hmph, if it weren’t for your brother, I wouldn’t be too lazy to carry you this burden. Well, if you can say this today, then I will be the best. From now on, I will never again Regardless of you, whether it is in the game or in reality, you should take care of yourself in the future. After taking care of you for eight years, I am right about your big brother. Now you can roll."

" Good you..." As soon as the blood arrow was about to let go, I grabbed my neck and lifted it up. No matter how hard he used his hands and feet, he couldn't get rid of my palm at all. "Woo... let go... let me go!"

"Listen to the bastard. This is Isinger, the site of our Frost Rose League, even the president of the world's top guild has arrived. We have to behave well here. Don’t be arrogant here if you are a nobody.” After I finished speaking, I didn’t wait for him to answer, and threw him at the door. Two NPCs just opened the door and came in. Live the blood arrow that hasn't landed yet. "Throw him out of Isengard."

The two guards heard the command nodded and immediately dragged the arrow of blood out, and the arrow of blood screamed as soon as the situation was wrong, but it was a pity The Blood Scythe was hurt by his words, so there was no reaction at all. Although the Blood Sword wanted to say something, but didn’t know what to say for a while, I could only watch the blood arrow being dragged out. Room.

"Okay, you two, it seems that you have already decided your choice. So, can you start the membership procedures?"

The Blood Sword turned his head and looked at me One glance, then another glance at the Blood Scythe, and finally said to me: "We won't join."

"Oh? It's because our guild's test made you discover the defect of the Blood Arrow. And cause your relationship to break?" I didn't have any surprised expression, but looked at the sword of blood with a playful look. The test that this kid just did, I remember clearly the result, just because he didn't light up a piece of red crystal, if he didn't get angry because of this, it would only show that our guild's psychological test was inaccurate. The fact that a piece of the red crystal is not illuminated means that the blood sword kid is a standard abuser, and the meat-feeding eagle refers to people like them. In terms of current social ideology, people like him are probably rarer than giant pandas.

"Right?" The sword of blood sent me Fire Dao as expected: "It's all you. We used to be good together, because of you, now it's done like this!"

Although the Blood Sword is scolding me like the previous Blood Arrow, I am not even burning at the moment. Instead, I am smiling and watching the blood sword that is getting angry and seems to cry at any time. To be honest, the character of the blood sword may be more like a child than a good person, so I will not be angry with him, because many of his actions may be unintentional.

"Did you finish?" I was tired of watching the blood sword scolding, and then I said: "When the anger is gone, go to the half of the procedure. I am quite tolerant to the members of this association."

< p>"I..."

As soon as the blood sword was about to explode again, it was pressed down by the blood sickle. "It's almost enough, don't play a child's temper."


"What are you?" The sickle of blood spoke to the sword of blood with a very fierce tone. "The way that guy looks like this is the path he chose. If you want to follow the same path as him, then you go, don’t take me with you."

"Sister, I didn’t want to fight with Arrow. Brother, I'm a bastard, I'm..."

"What are you?" The Blood Scythe didn't give the Blood Sword a chance to speak, and directly issued an ultimatum. "Give you one last chance, if you want to mess with him, then you can go now. If you want to be a serious person, just shut up and stand aside for me." The sickle of blood didn't wait to finish. The Blood Sword reacted and turned around and said to me: "President Purple Moon, it's so sorry, it makes you see the ugliness of the family."

"It's okay, it's not your fault. However, Now can we start to talk about the membership of you two?"

"Of course."

Although the blood sickle originally wanted to use my participation as a condition to let me put blood The Sword of Blood and the Arrow of Blood were both included in the Frost Rose Alliance, but her idea at the time was only to add some benefits to herself. Now it seems that the Arrow of Blood is simply someone who can’t be a companion, so she is very decisive with Blood The arrow broke. Speaking of which Blood Scythe may seem impersonal, but it is the best way to minimize everyone’s loss.

Under the supervision of the Blood Scythe, the Blood Sword finally did not dare to say anything, and obediently signed the membership agreement with our guild. In fact, he got angry just because he felt that the Arrow of Blood was pitiful, not because he really didn't want to join our Frost Rose League. The Blood Sword is just a bit of a good person, but he is not stupid. It is so tempting to join the Frost Rose League. He will refuse when he is stupid. It was just a moment of excitement before, and naturally I didn't say anything when I calmed down.

I quickly completed the application for the two of them to join the guild, and I took them to receive the guild benefits in person. The blood sword boy was quite righteous when he scolded me before, but he can wait until he gets it. When benefiting from the welfare, the boy's tone was all upside down. The horse was photographed. If I hadn't seen his psychological test before, I would have thought that this boy was from an insurance background.

After the guild benefits were distributed, the Blood Sword and the Blood Scythe were separated by me. Although the two of them were a bit reluctant, they are now members of the guild after all. Unlike before, there are many things. It is necessary to follow the guild arrangements. Besides, this separation is only temporary, and it is not that we will not be allowed to meet in the future.

In fact, it is impossible to separate the blood sword from the blood sickle. What I saw at the beginning was actually the Blood Scythe, and the Blood Sword was only an additional quota due to the Blood Scythe. Therefore, in my cognition, the Blood Sword is just an ordinary member, and the other ten members of the guild. Tens of thousands of members make no difference at all. But the Blood Scythe is different. Her potential is very large. As long as it is well cultivated, I believe that a guild expert similar to Kristina, True Red, and Gold Coin will soon be created.

The different positioning of these two people determines that the guild resources they can enjoy are definitely different. The Blood Sword is just an ordinary member. Even if it gives him some benefits because of the Blood Scythe, it is absolutely impossible to pay too much for him. The Blood Scythe is the future master of the guild's battle strength amount, so it is natural to focus on training. .

After separating the two, I gave the sword of blood to a few players in the guild who liked leveling, and asked them to take him to leveling and familiarize themselves with the benefits of the down club. The battle strength is improved. After seeing the blood sword and soon became familiar with the few people, the blood sickle no longer worried about being separated from him. In fact, I know that what the Blood Scythe is really worried about is that the Blood Sword is deceived. It is too easy for people to take advantage of the indiscriminate character of a child like the sword of blood. Fortunately, the people in our guild are all psychologically tested. Not to mention that they are all gentlemen, at least there are no bad guys with wrong intentions. On this point alone, our Frost Rose League is the most suitable place for the sword of blood.

After watching the blood sword and the new friends talking and laughing leave, I said to the blood sickle: "Okay, can you rest assured now?"

" Do you know what I'm worried about?" The Blood Scythe was obviously surprised by my discovery.

"I'm also a long time anyway. If I don't have the ability to look at people at all, do you think I can bring such a big guild? Besides, you are worried about the sword of blood. It’s written on the face, unless I’m blind if I want to be invisible!"

The blood sickle was just laughed at random when I heard my explanation, and then said: "Actually, the three of us are not friends, but It feels a bit like a family member. We..."

The Blood Scythe slowly told her about the Blood Sword and the Blood Arrow as if it were telling a story. In fact, the three of them are not too complicated. In reality, the blood sickle is a child from the orphanage, and the blood sword is the child she adopted in the orphanage. Of course, this kind of adoption does not mean being a son. After all, the blood sword is not a few years younger than the blood sickle. The Blood Scythe has been taking care of him as the dual identity of his younger brother and son. As for the Arrow of Blood, that guy is actually the younger brother of Blood Scythe who was the best playmate when he was in the orphanage, but that guy was said to have been adopted very early, and there has been no news since then. Because the Blood Arrow is the younger brother of that person, the Blood Scythe feels that he has an obligation to help him, so I have been taking care of him all these years, but the Blood Arrow is not as honest and straightforward as the Blood Sword, but rather lazy and greedy. Enjoy and cunning. It can be said that if it were not for the blood sickle, he would have become a gangster in society.

Today’s test is actually just an incentive. The blood arrow problem has actually existed for a long time, and it only broke out until today. Therefore, the blood sickle will be so simply and the other party. After being separated from the relationship, after all, even if the other party is a younger brother of his good friend, the blood sickle has no obligation to take care of him until he grows old.

Because I know that this thing must be uncomfortable in my heart, so the blood sickle said that I will listen. After waiting for her to finish speaking, I said a few words to comfort her, and then I quickly turned to the topic Said: "Let him pass the past. People still have to look forward. For you and Xiaojian in the future, you have to work hard."

"I understand this. I need to cooperate with you. Just order it," said the blood sickle.

"There are so many things that need your cooperation." I thought about it and said: "You should go and meet the professional designers of our guild with me first."

"Designers? What are you designing?" The Blood Scythe obviously doesn't understand why we should meet the designers of our guild. Ordinarily, even if the large-scale guild has a broader business scope, some designers can understand it, but it is a bit to take her there. It's surprising. Although the Blood Scythe knew that I planned to cultivate her into a future battle strength of the Frost Rose League, this is not in touch with the designers? To become the backbone of the guild requires cultivating battle strength instead of being a model. Is it necessary to design an image?

As soon as I looked at the expression on the blood sickle, I knew that she must be thinking about it, but the explanation was not clear, so I didn’t explain it at all, and said directly: “Anyway, you will understand when you see it, anyway. The kind of designer you imagined is right."

The bewildered blood sickle I was talking about was finally taken by me to a huge building in Isengard’s Sky City. Within, she finally met the legendary designers here, and their images really diverged from her imagination as I said.

"Are you designers?" The Blood Scythe looked at the group of people in front of him and asked in surprise. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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