When I asked the blood sword, I also noticed the blood arrow data. On our display board, everyone’s virtues and shortcomings are represented by twenty crystals, and the blood arrow displayed at this time is three white crystals and seven red crystals. Although the seven red crystals have not reached half of the total, the problem is that according to the psychology test data of Haas Academician, a person who can light up more than six red crystals on this machine already shows that the person's character is very good. There is a problem. The number of red crystals for a normal person should be between two and five. If the number of red crystals is less than two, it means that the person has a good character. However, the arrow of blood can actually light up seven red crystals, which is too high. Six yuan is no longer considered a serious person, seven yuan is simply hooligan's character standard.

We were talking here, and suddenly I heard Haas Academician say: "Don't talk about it, I think this guy has more than this."

"What? He still has shortcomings?"

Haas Academician said: "This dream task is step by step, step by step to test people's psychological response and the final decision in an emergency. Now the task is over. Halfway through, he actually lighted up seven red crystals, and then I don’t know how much it can light up. But in my opinion, people are more likely to make mistakes as you go to the back, because many things hidden in the depths of human nature are extreme afterwards. It will only break out under the environment." Haas's voice has not fallen yet, and there are two red crystals on the control panel. "Look, I'm right. This is nine yuan."

In the following time, the crystals of the blood arrow and the blood sickle were constantly lit up. It's just that the sickle of blood lights up white crystals, and the arrow of blood lights up a bunch of red crystals.

When the mission was over forty minutes, the blood sickle suddenly slammed upwards, and then fell back to the bed again. All the liquid in the scorpion needle syringe was injected into her spine in an instant, followed by the fixator all automatically bounced, and the sickle of blood jumped out of the bed.

"Calm down, you have come out of the mission." Holding the trembling blood sickle, I quickly signaled that she was all right, and the blood sword next to him also ran over to help comfort The sickle of blood.

The blood sickle is obviously more aware than the blood sword. After seeing the two of us, the blood sickle immediately calmed down, but she obviously understood the mission the same way as the blood sword. Goal, so after reacting, she sighed dejectedly: "Didn't expect even I could not complete the task! I was in vain before using my own membership as a condition for you to join the meeting!"

The Sword of Blood heard the words of the Scythe of Blood and immediately wanted to explain, didn't expect Scythe of Blood, but at this time saw the Arrow of Blood lying on the bed, she immediately acted with the previous Sword of Blood The same reaction came out, but under the explanation of Blood Sword and I, I quickly understood it.

"You mean we didn't complete the task, it doesn't really matter at all?" The Blood Scythe looked at me and asked.

I nodded and said: "Yes. This is a psychological test, not a battle strength test. The mission objective is just a bait to tempt you to move forward. The real test items are your various choices during the mission. "

"Then I...?"

"Of course I qualified. And not only you, but the Blood Sword also qualified. And he has a much better grade than you, not only takes time It is very short, and it lights up fourteen white crystals, but the red crystal is not bright." I followed and explained the meaning of the crystal and the sickle of blood.

After hearing the meaning of the crystal display, the blood sickle looked at the display result on the test bench with a little surprise and said: "I actually only lighted up thirteen white crystals? And it was still bright. Three pieces of red? Huh? What's the matter with the arrow of blood? Why are there so many red crystals?"

Hearing the question of the sickle of blood, I helplessly explained: "It seems your companion It's not as upright as it seems. I said you don't be angry. His character has strong traits such as greedy for petty cheapness, cowardice, bullying and fear of hardship, and rudder, but this is not the worst. The worst is this. Three red crystals, they respectively represent: the possibility of betraying friends and abandoning principles for profit; strong jealousy, hating others and laughing others; being extremely flustered and unable to calm thinking in an emergency. The bank's request for membership is white crystals Light up at least eight pieces, and no more than five red crystals. If the white crystal reaches fifteen or more, the red crystal can be appropriately relaxed, but it must not exceed seven. However, the above three special red crystals only Light up any one of them, even if one of his other red crystals is not bright and the white crystals are all bright, we will definitely not accept it. Because as long as these three most serious problems are attached to any one, this person is absolutely impossible to become a person Good comrades. The elite policy of our Frost Rose League normally refers to this kind of good comrades. When you feel that your companions are solid and reliable, you can often burst out with battle strength above the normal level, but the team If there is a teammate like a pig, the whole team is not far away. Therefore, as long as one of the above three crystals is lit, the testee will be rejected by us, and your companion... …"

Although I didn't go on, the meaning is obvious. In fact, even if these three particularly important crystals are not included in the calculation, the test result of the Blood Arrow definitely does not meet the requirements of our guild. This kid actually lights up fourteen red crystals before the test is over, and he actually lights up the three most undesirable red crystals. What's even more annoying is that this guy's white crystals have only lighted up eight of them so far. If this score can join the guild, our guild will not need to be assessed, and the door will be opened directly. Even if we randomly pull ten people on Isinger's street, nine and a half of them will have better grades than him. How dare we want such a person?

"President, shall we continue the test here?" Haas Academician asked me back.

I looked at the Blood Sword and the Blood Scythe, and then shook the head, the Haas Academician immediately turned around and hit the stop button hard, and the injection needle inserted into the Blood Arrow’s spine bounced instantly He came out, but the liquid in it was not injected, and all the fixers fixed on his body immediately bounced up, and the blood arrow suddenly opened his eyes, with obvious consternation in his expression.

"Brother Arrow!" Seeing the Arrow of Blood opened his eyes, the Sword of Blood hurriedly moved up to help him up.

"Have I timed out?" The first question Blood Arrow asked after sitting up was his mission. Because we closed the test system ahead of time, he was suddenly caught halfway through the mission. Wake up, it feels like waking up from a dream.

"Brother Arrow, we..." The Blood Sword pressed the shoulder of the Blood Arrow sadly to tell him that both the Blood Scythe and himself passed, but he hadn't. However, before the Blood Sword had time to speak, the Blood Arrow had spoken first.

"Little sword, don’t be sad. If you don’t pass, you won’t pass. Brother, I will be a member of the Frost Rose League from now on. Although you can’t join the Frost Rose League, it’s okay. What can I do in the future? Things will think of you."

Hearing the words of the blood arrow, all the people present except him were obviously taken aback. Well, this guy probably thought of the mission in the dream just like his two companions. It is the income assessment condition of our guild. I remember this test seems to be able to complete the task in the first forty-five minutes, the latter part of the explanation to the testees is that the task is more difficult to get a higher level of evaluation. Although Blood Arrow was kicked out in advance by us because of the failure of the assessment, he was kicked out for more than forty-five minutes, which means that his mission in the dream has actually been completed, and what he is doing now is The task of increasing the score, so even if he is kicked out, he still thinks that he has reached the target, but the score is relatively low.

The Arrow of Blood lasted for forty-five minutes in the test, but the test was carried out by three people together. During the task, the three of them interacted, so he clearly knew the sickle of blood and blood. When the sword of the sword died, the task had not been completed, and his words to comfort the sword of blood came precisely because of this. In his consciousness, he was the only one who passed the level, and the Blood Sword and Blood Scythe were eliminated.

"Brother Arrow." The Blood Sword shook the Blood Arrow fiercely, hoping to interrupt him. After all, he said that now, the actual High Level So the Blood Arrow was mocking himself, but he is now I don't know yet. But this is a fact that has happened after all. Sooner or later, he will know what the fact is. What he is saying now will hit him deeply after he understands it, so the more he speaks for a while, the more sad it will be. In the test result of the Blood Sword, the red crystal is zero, which means that he is almost a good person. Seeing the arrow of blood hurting himself there, he naturally wanted to stop it.

Unfortunately, although the idea of ​​the blood sword is very good, the blood arrow obviously did not notice the strange atmosphere in the room. He still said to the blood sword in an aloof and remote tone: "Calm down, you have to be calm. Even if you are not reconciled, there is nothing you can do. This kind of thing depends on your strength, but you have the foundation. Brother believes that as long as you practice more, you will have the opportunity to enter the Frost Rose League sooner or later."

"Sorry, people who fail the guild test will not have a second chance to be assessed." I said aloud at the right time. In fact, this is not because we are harsh, but because we are doing a psychological test rather than a strength test. Personal strength can be exercised. As the player's level rises, combat experience increases, and the equipment and familiars are fully equipped, battle strength can rise sooner or later. However, the psychological situation is an inherent behavior pattern formed by a person’s unnoticeable influence in the process of growing up, as the saying goes it is easier to change mountains and rivers than to alter one's character, unless it encounters a major life turning point, otherwise the character and behavior of ordinary people The model will not change at all, so if a person fails the first test, he will never pass the test 10,000 times.

"What? Can't test it a second time?" The Arrow of Blood said to the Sword of Blood in a rather fake tone: "Aiya, it's a pity! Little sword, I..."

"Don't talk about Brother Jian, sister Jian and I are both qualified, but you are not!" The Sword of Blood finally shouted out the truth. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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