"Haas Academician!" Seeing the pile of books and the waving hand, I rushed over, yanked the books on it twice, and then reached out and lifted it. He pulled out a skinny Little Old Man who was less than 1.2 meters tall. "Are you okay, Haas Academician?"

"It's okay, this Academician is strong, how can these books kill me?" The Little Old Man in my hand was sorting out his clothes. While blowing the cowhide, until I put him on the ground, he turned his head and said to me: "By the way, did you bring someone here for another test?"

"Yes, the three of them All need to be tested." I pointed to the three people behind me.

Haas Academician looked up at the three people, and then said: "Come with me." As the old man said, he turned and walked over to a door of the back room. I quickly signaled the priest MM. The three of them keep up.

After passing through that door, we entered a small library. After passing through another door here, we entered a long corridor and walked to the end of the corridor. After turning a corner, a door that looked special appeared in front of us. The reason why this gate is special is mainly because the structure of this gate is completely different from other gates in the library. All the doors we saw when we came in before were made of wood, but the door in front of us was made of slate, and there was a very complicated magic array drawn on it, and there was also an inlaid one in the position of the formation eye. A huge magic crystal.

Haas Academician walked to the door and lightly pressed his hand on the magic crystal. The two statues standing still on both sides of the magic crystal suddenly came alive and opened my eyes to take a look at Haas Academician and me. Then, as if suddenly reacting, he stood straight and bowed to the two of us. "Sir President! Hass Academician."

Has nodded and said: "Open the door."

I also nodded, and then the two stone statues turned around gently on the wall behind With one click, two round holes that were slightly thinner than a human leg were opened on the wall. The two golem guards glanced at each other, then the golem on the left stretched out its left hand, and the golem on the right stretched out its right hand. Both golems inserted their hands into the hole at the same time, and then turned to the middle at the same time. , Following the bang of the door in front of us, it rose sharply in just a second, opening the passage completely in front of us.

"Come in." Haas Academician walked in first after speaking. The three priests and I followed into the interior. After we entered, the two golem guards turned their arms back to their original positions and withdrew their arms. The door fell down the moment they let go.

After entering the gate, what we entered was not the target room, but a small space similar to an elevator. When we stood up, the room fell sharply, and then kept this speed down. It took more than ten seconds to decelerate. Finally, after waiting for the elevator to stop, the door we had just entered reopened, but it was already a different scene outside.

"This is the underground library of our guild library, which is dedicated to storing backup books." I explained to the priest MM: "All books in "Zero" except for skill books They are all durable, and there is no magic cultivator for books, so they can only be backed up. For example, many books in the guild library that are frequently borrowed will be damaged very quickly, so it is necessary to back up a lot of frequently used books."< /p>

The priest MMNodded and said: "The big guilds are really different. The details are much more comprehensive than the small and medium guilds."

We are talking, the Haas Academician suddenly Said: "Okay, it's here."

I turned my attention back when I heard Haas Academician's words. A few of us are now parked in a room that is not too big, and the room is basically empty. Only a disk like Transmission Formation is placed under the corner opposite the main entrance, but that disk is obviously not. Transmission Formation, because there are still many pipes under this thing that lead to a huge machine that looks like a console.

"This is what you usually use to test members?" Priest MM was obviously wondering why he could not test the martial skill training ground and came to this place.

I shook my head and explained to the priest MM: "Usually our guilds use large testers for income. This is a small one. It can only test up to five people at a time, but only three of you. So just use it. As for how to test it, it’s actually very simple. After a while, you will stand up, and after we start the machine, you will be sent out. After that, there will be various hidden prompts. As long as you can successfully complete the mission goal we want , Even if it is qualified. Of course, this test has a time limit. Impossible allows you to do unlimited tasks in it. The general test time is six hours. Of course, if you want to be shorter, we can also end the test early. Do you think about it? "

"Of course it's six hours. Isn't the short time a disadvantage?" said the warrior brought by the priest MM.

I laughed indifferent expression, and said: "Then you guys stand up."

When I heard what I said, a few people stood up together, and then Haas Academician Started a few machines, and finally said: "You first report your names, occupations, and levels, and then I will start testing."

After hearing this, the priest MM said first: "My name is Blood The sickle, the class is nether shadow Knight, level 901." I was taken aback when I heard the priest MM's words, because it was different from the level she said before, but I guess she wanted to keep some hidden strength at the time. The normal reaction of normal people is understandable.

The archer brought by the priest MM followed the priest MM and said: "My name is Blood Arrow, my profession is a soul sniper, level 897."

The last warrior said: "My name is Blood Sword, my profession is soul warrior, level 871."

After listening to the reports of the three people, the Haas Academician directly nodded and pushed the switch on the machine to the maximum, following the three people As if knocked out, they all fell all at once. "Okay, bring them here." Haas Academician didn't mean to panic when the three of them fell down. He just calmly pressed a few times on the console, and then five special cards rose on the ground. Fixed bed.

Actually, the thing just like Transmission Formation is not the real Transmission Formation. Naturally, it can't send people to the task world. In fact, the real body of that thing is a soul oscillator, which is basically similar to an electric shock device, which can knock people out in an instant. As for what I said before will send them to the test task, that is actually a lie to them. But I said that entering the task through this thing is correct, because the real test must ensure that they are in a sleep state before they can be executed.

Looking at the three beds rising on the ground, I did not express the slightest surprise. After all, this trick has already overshadowed a lot of people, but I personally let a few people go on it, so I am familiar with it. Set the process. Reached out and picked up the blood sickle and put it on the special bed, and then fixed her hands, feet, waist and most importantly with the head together with the metal fixator on the bed. After confirming that it would not loosen, I turned around and put it on the special bed. The other two also got the other two empty beds and fixed them.

Seeing that I fixed three people, Haas Academician clicked on the console again, followed by opening five openings on the top of the room and lowering five telescopic arms with many steering joints. . The telescopic arm itself is not sturdy, it only serves as a support. Each of the five telescopic arms is hung with a tube painted with densely packed magic patterns on the surface, and this tube is finally connected to a metal scorpion at the tip of the robotic arm. .

I first walked to the blood sickle, which is the priest MM, and then stretched out my hand to pull down the telescopic arm hanging above my head. Pull the telescopic arm all the way to the bottom of the bed, use the steering joint on the telescopic arm to turn the metal scorpion at the top over, and then insert it inward through the hole reserved under the bed. Hearing a click, the six legs of the metal scorpion that passed through the hole suddenly gathered up and jammed the neck of the blood sickle exactly. Following me, I pulled a handle on the telescopic arm downward, and the metal scorpion’s tail suddenly passed. With a ding sound, the pricking needle protruding in front was retracted, and a threaded hole was exposed on the back of the tail needle.

"Where is the medicine?" I looked up and asked Haas Academician.


Haas Academician picked up three crystal bottles as big as oral liquid from the console and threw them over. After catching the bottle, I put two of them aside first, and then screwed the mouth of the remaining bottle to the threaded mouth behind the scorpion needle. After confirming that the bottle was fixed, I pushed the handle that I had pulled down before, and as soon as I pushed the handle, I heard a sound, and the bottle on the back of the scorpion was pulled into the scorpion. A small amount of blood entered, and at the same time the scorpion tail needle that had just been retracted also popped out instantly, and its tip was still dripping with the green liquid in the bottle.

When I saw the tail needle pop up, I pressed a switch on the telescopic arm. The tail needle that was hanging behind the neck of the blood sickle suddenly retracted, and the needle was nearly two inches long. The needle with the silver light of Senhan instantly inserted into the spine of the blood sickle, and at the same time, the blood sickle was violently twitched, but he quickly relaxed.

After seeing the blood sickle relax again, I leaned forward and opened her eyelids with my fingers and looked at it. After confirming that her pupils were dilated normally, I turned and walked to the other two beds. After connecting the two in the same way, I walked back to Haas Academician and said: "Okay, let's start."

Haas Academician nodded, and then put a huge red on the console The button is pressed down.

As the Haas Academician turned on the machine, the three people on the bed were shocked at the same time as if they were suddenly electrocuted. Although many parts of their bodies were fixed, they almost started to support them. It's normal to leave the bed surface, if it weren't for the fixator, it is estimated that three people have already jumped up. However, this kind of convulsion only lasted for a few seconds before returning to normal, and then the three people stopped struggling. It was just that as the test progressed, someone would occasionally shake unconsciously, but the violent resistance like the previous one did not happen again. .

"It looks good." Haas Academician said.

I also stretched my head to look at the console, hearing this, and saw three crystal stones on the console that represent the test results of the three people already lit up. This tester judges a person's psychological characteristics through the behavior of the person in the artificial dream, and the first test of our guild is actually a psychological test, not the battle strength test that many people think. In fact, the three of the blood sickle didn't need to show much battle strength in their dreams, and it didn't matter even if their mission in the dream failed, because this test mainly measures their psychology rather than their strength. Compared with the requirements of completing the task, the most important thing is to be able to show solidarity and persistence in the task. Of course, it would be better if the task could be completed by the way.

Because the player accessing the game is actually in a dream, so dreaming again in the game is a dream in a dream. This superimposed form of dreams has a lot of computing tasks shared by the system, so the requirements for the human brain are very low, so even an ordinary person can easily withstand dreams at about ten times the speed. Based on this principle, the three of the blood sickle are actually in a way of fast forwarding time. We observed ten minutes of data outside for them to be actually more than an hour, and the whole mission The external test time is one hour, which means they only have ten hours in the task.

Since the observation time is not very long, I am very optimistic about the blood sickle, so I did not run around in this hour, but connected to the military god’s communication side and the army. God talked about some backlogs of guild work arrangements while observing the changes of the three.

Although the three people are doing tasks in their dreams, their bodies still twitch from time to time because their body signals cannot be completely isolated. What I want to observe is whether they have overreactions, because of that situation Generally, it means that they are in a state of extreme mental abnormality during the task, such as a near-death state or injured. Of course, in addition to observing their bodies, the number of crystal stones on the instrument also needs to be paid attention to. After all, that thing is directly related to their assessment results.

When the observation time passed for half an hour, that is, five hours in the mission time, the three people on the bed suddenly became a collective commotion. Although they didn't see any major movements, the three of them were constantly writhing like an insect on their bodies, very restless.

"It seems that they have encountered something more troublesome." Seeing the restlessness of the three, Haas Academician said.

I was nodded just about to take the call, and suddenly saw the blood sword on the bed at the end suddenly bowed upward, then slammed it back on the bed, and then listened to him. The liquid in the bottle fixed on the scorpion needle under his head was suddenly injected into his spine, and all the fixers on the bed, including the metal scorpion stuck on his neck, bounced together, and the blood sword He jumped up from the bed in an instant.

"Ah..." The blood sword that violently bounced off the bed slid to the ground. Before he stumbled, he waved his hand forward and made a stabbing motion, but When I stretched out my hand, I realized that it didn't feel right. I lowered my head and saw that my hand was empty. Looking around, I was still in the room where I entered the mission before, and the monster in the mission, including two of his companions, disappeared.

"Okay, don't be nervous, just now it was just a picture in the mission." I walked over and calmed the blood sword dao, who was still in a state of tension: "You should have died on the mission just now. I’m here, and now it’s been sent back."

Listen to me that he was sent back, the tension of the Blood Sword disappeared immediately, but his expression clearly shows his mood. Very low. However, when he looked back and saw the Arrow of Blood and the Scythe of Blood, he took a step back in surprise, and then watched me warily before drawing his sword.

"Don't be nervous, they are just doing the task, they haven't completed it yet." I explained to the Blood Sword: "Did you see this bed? You were doing the same task just now."

"Aren't we being teleported out?" The Blood Sword asked with some confusion.

"Not being teleported, but being knocked out." I explained to him: "I lied to you before, the purpose is to make you believe that you really entered the mission. In fact, yours The body has not been moved. The task just now was just a dream. The two of them are still dreaming, that is, they are still doing the task."

After listening to my explanation, the Blood Sword also relaxed. Of course it was not because he believed my explanation, but because he wanted to understand it himself. With the strength of me and the Frost Rose Alliance, they can do whatever they want, and there is no need to lie to them, so he feels that there is no point in guarding against me.

After believing my words, the expression of Blood Sword became lonely again. Looking at the two people on the bed, his expression seemed very complicated.

I have taken a lot of people for testing anyway, and I see a lot of expressions like the sword of blood, so I can see why he is in a bad mood at a glance. He didn't know that this test was actually just a psychological test. He thought he could only pass the task by completing the task, and he was killed only half of the task, which was obviously unqualified. With such an understanding, it is no wonder that he is in a good mood.

It’s really pitiful to see him like that. I’m sorry to make him sad again, and I directly ask: "Why do you look like this? Don’t you say you don’t want to join us in the Frost Rose League? What do you mean by my disappointed expression?"

The Blood Sword suddenly heard what I said and didn’t respond to it for a while, but habitually replied: "I won’t know this expression if I don’t want it. I was sad because I couldn't join! You still said that I passed..." The Blood Sword was suddenly stunned. "What did you say? I passed?"

I slightly nodded with a smile, then pointed to the console and said: "Twenty white crystals, you light up fourteen, red crystals One is not bright, if you fail, our Frost Rose League will at least wipe out most of the people."

"Wait...I can't turn it around. What do you mean by crystal?"

" p>

"Hehe, it doesn't actually mean anything, but what you just did is not a battle strength test, but a psychology test."

"What? This is a psychology test?" Blood of Blood Jian looked at me in surprise and asked.

I nodded and said: "Yes, this is a psychological test, which is designed to test the bright and dark sides of people’s psychology. In fact, there are many test scenarios about human nature in the task before, don’t you feel it? Are those scenes embarrassing for you?"

When I said this, I remembered the sword of blood. "That's right! I had a lot of scenes in the past, it’s hard for me to make up my mind. It feels as if those tasks are tempting people to fall!"

"That’s actually a task trap. You chose the right one in it. The option that is advantageous to oneself will seriously harm your partner. If you are a normal person, you may prefer to suffer a small loss and ensure that your partner does not suffer a big loss. However, if you are extremely selfish, you will choose Hurt your peers and take care of yourself. This kind of task is to test people’s psychological response. So, the task goals you got before are actually meaningless at all. Whether you complete it or not has absolutely no effect on whether you can join the meeting. The real score is all. It depends on your choices in those small tasks."

"so that's how it is!" The sword of blood suddenly realized: "Then what happened to the crystal you just said?"


"On these panels, 20 red crystals and 20 white crystals are used to represent the virtues and evil deeds of the tested persons. You light up 14 white crystals to show that you have 14 virtues. The fact that a piece of the red crystal is not lit means that you have not committed any evil in the mission. Although the mission time is not long, it does not mean that you have no shortcomings, but at least it can mean that your character is quite good."

"I'm dizzy, the income of your guild is not based on strength but character?"

"Almost. People outside think that our guild only depends on strength. In fact, our guild The elite mentioned is the elite of personal character, not the elite of battle strength."

After hearing what I said, the sword of blood looked at the control panel and asked: "This brightened ten white crystals. Whose test result is the one with a red crystal?"

"It's from the blood sickle."

"The big sister's head actually has a personality defect?" The blood sword sighed. I asked: "By the way, can you see the specific shortcomings or advantages of this thing?"

I nodded and said: "Of course, our technology is very advanced."


"Then what's the disadvantage of the red crystal on our elder sister's head?"

"Let me take a look." I glanced at the position of the lit red crystal, and said: "It's cowardice."


"Don't be so surprised, her strong white crystal is also bright. Human personality usually has two sides, and one person has both It’s not surprising to be strong and cowardly, not to mention that your eldest sister is a girl after all. Although she usually behaves very strong, it’s not surprising that there are some personality weaknesses?"

The Blood Sword nodded said: "That That's true." After he finished speaking, he pointed to the area next to him in surprise, "Isn't it? Why is there so many red crystals on Brother Arrow? Are you wrong?" (To be continued. If you like this Works, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote Recommended tickets, monthly tickets, and your support is my greatest motivation. )

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