Seeing that these guys cooperate so well, I asked, "If so, let me talk about how long you have been here?"

" Once, this is definitely the first time."

"The first time?"

"Yes!" said the guy who took the lead: "We used to take tasks to make money. Yes, recently, it’s mainly because of the eagerness to spend money, plus the fact that we happened to see a group of people rob other gangs to rob missions and rob equipment, and then we wanted to imitate it, so we started with you. I promise, this is really the case. For the first time, we have never done such a thing before."

"That's it." Seeing that guy seems to have plans to continue talking, I couldn't help but interrupt them: "Stop talking, I am not asking how many times you have intercepted others, I am asking how long you have been taking these black tasks."

"Oh, this!" The player didn't ask when he heard it. The robbery was relieved a lot. "A few of our group joined later. Datou and I entered the business earlier. We used to mix there when we were in Beicun."

"Wait, wait! What? Beicun?"

"Don't you know?" The man showed a surprised expression when he heard me ask this: "You don't really know that, right? Beicun was the predecessor of the city of chaos. Beicun is the same place as this chaotic city, but the scale was still small at the beginning, and there are not so many tasks that can be accepted, and the profit is much lower. At that time, many buddies could not persist and finally changed their lines, but there were some problems. The young gang took off and started a guild, like the Guangming Alliance that was destroyed by your guild was originally from Beicun."

"Where did the Guangming Alliance go out?"

"It's not here, it's Beicun, the predecessor of this place. The old sword of the Bright Alliance killed many people, that is, the shadow dancer who was retrained later. He was actually one person. He led the team to take over the task in Beicun. I started the guild after a lot of money, but unfortunately I met you and I ended up."

"I didn’t expect that the original Bright Alliance still has this history. But listen. You mean as if I should know Beicun, is Beicun famous?"

"It is very famous in the social network of people like us, but the information channel of ordinary person is not clear. As for you...don’t you really know?"

"Should I know?"

The player nodded and said: "Isn't Kitamura that your guild will be destroyed? Why? Why don’t you know?"

"Our Frost Rose League also attacked Beicun?"

"It was not an attack, it was completely wiped out. The current chaos Among the city’s managers, the most powerful party is the original owner of Beicun, and the other parties are the better teams in Beicun. However, they are now making a lot of money from running the chaotic city, which is not so much. I’ve accepted the task. Unless it’s a very large task with a lot of rewards, they will only act as a middleman."

I nodded and said: "The situation you said is also normal. Assault orders issued by other members of the guild, the Frost Rose League is not the only one who can use foreign troops, and our guild has a lot of troops. If it is a battle with less than a thousand people, it may not be reported to the top."

< p>The man nodded and said: "That's right. Although the team that attacked us was from the Frost Rose League, only five-six hundred people came. But those people are really amazing! Beicun’s. When the guard met them, just like cutting melons and vegetables, let them cut them off. I heard that many people who took the task bought and ran away and were killed together. Thanks to the day I went out on the task, otherwise it would be unlucky. Up. But speak ing of which I was wrong enough. I finally completed the task and came back to find that Beicun was flattened. I didn’t even have the place to hand in the task. The whole task was done in vain. I didn’t even count it, but I took in more than a dozen crystal coins. The cost fee. "

I raised my hand to stop the guy from nagging, and asked directly: "You said the manager in this chaotic city is still taking the task? "

"Yes, but they only take on large tasks, and they have to be paid high enough. "

"What kind of tasks are considered highly rewarding?" "

"I don't know about this, but in my opinion, it is worth tens of millions of crystal coins, and there are additional rewards. "

"Do you know what conditions are required to publish the task here?" I am referring to the tasks specific to those city managers. "

This guy in front of me is obviously a Ghost Spirit Essence, and as soon as I heard my words, I immediately guessed my intentions. "You don't want to use the task to draw them all out, and then start to eradicate them completely. ? "

I didn't deny my intention, but continued to ask: "Do you know how to do it?" "

The guy heard my question and didn't answer me immediately. Instead, he lowered his head and meditated for a while, and then said: "Can I take a step to speak?" "

"Small dragon female. "A huge ball of light suddenly wrapped me and the guy in, then moved to the surface of the water and quickly sank to the bottom. Only when the sphere completely touched the bottom did I open the mouth and said: "Now I can say Bar? "

The guy first looked at the huge hollow water polo from left to right, and then said: "Originally, you want to eradicate this chaotic city because it has nothing to do with me, but the brothers are helpless to eat here. Yes, so if you shovel here, we won’t say that we will be hungry in the future, but at least our lives will be greatly affected. But, to stop you... we don't have the ability, and we don't dare to do that. "

"So what? "

"So I want to discuss with you, if you can give our brother a way to make money, we will naturally help you wholeheartedly. After all, the task of this city of chaos is not so easy to take, and it is a bit profitable if it is done. Once the task fails, it will be worthless! If there is a safe way, who would do this? right? "

"What can you do for me?" "Although this guy is a little slick, his mind is very clear. He just asked me for a way to make money, instead of asking me to pay them, so that they can develop for a long time, and secondly, it is not easy to arouse my disgust. After all, the way to make money is just a way. If they want to make money, they have to work hard to create wealth. That is to say, even if I provide such a way, I don’t need to pay them directly. It is just that they are making money to support themselves. It’s easier for me to accept it.

The guy knew there was a way when I asked him what he could do. He quickly explained: "If you want to bring all those guys out, you have to It is a large task, but the other party is very cautious when accepting the task. If it is your guild or those irrelevant personnel that your guild finds to perform the task, you must pay the full amount of the task in advance, and the other party may not take your task. After all, only care in this line can make Wannian Ship, the task of strangers basically unacceptable. But it would be different if it was me. As I said before, I got mixed up with the big head when we were in Beicun. For them, I am considered acquaintance, so if it is through the task I introduced, the credibility will be much higher. In addition, the most important point is that if I introduce you, you do not need to pay all the task rewards in advance. You can pay a tenth of the deposit first, and take out a piece of collateral or bet the money in a certain place. People take care of them, and then wait until the task is completed before transferring them, so that you don’t need such a high cost to get rid of them. If it weren't for the calculation to kill them all, the deposit you paid would not be able to get back. "

I nodded and said: "In this way, you are really very useful. "

In fact, this guy still has nothing to say, that is, they already know our plan, so in case I disagree, he can go back to tell the secret. It just offends us Frost. Rose League, he didn’t get any benefit in the second, so he didn’t mention it at all, lest I think he was threatening me, but it would have the opposite effect.

"Since the president of Purple Moon Agree, then we...? "

"We have a kind of low-end magic puppet for sale, but the sales volume is not very large at present, of course, as long as it is because we don't pay much attention to sales. I can give you the agency of this thing. Even with the current sales, it is absolutely no problem to ensure that you have enough food and clothing. If you are willing to expand the sales area and increase sales, it is not impossible to make a small fortune. "

"many thanks President Purple Moon. So shall we go and trick those guys out now or wait? "

"Wait, it takes time for our guild to gather forces, and we just killed the Black Sun Alliance before, and their president came here. I guess this may cause the manager here to be wary. Heart, so it's best to wait a while before talking. In addition, we may need professional intelligence personnel to come and investigate the details here. You can cover our intelligence personnel first. "

"Don't worry about this, I will take care of it. "

After talking about some arrangements with this guy, I asked the small dragon girl to send us to the surface again, and then he and his companions talked about our agreement, and his companions are very much about it. Excited. After all, our guild belongs to the super guild. It is big business for them to take out any business. I am not idle when they communicate with each other. Through the crystal communicator, I let Isinger over there. The army god from the guild sent me a few intelligence personnel to stand by in the nearby area. As for where to meet, we have to wait until we go out to know.

After we have communicated with each other, we will restart.

He got on his own boat and drove downstream along the river. Of course, he was still lucky to pull the boat. He wobbled his tail in the water much faster than we were rowing.

According to According to the person we bought, there are actually two Underground City cities upstream of the river where we are now, but they are both system cities, and they are not as big as this one, and there are almost no players in them. In the downstream direction, which is our current direction, there is only one city. That city itself is also the exit of the river.

With the help of luck, we quickly reached this exit city, and then We have seen the concealment method here. It turned out that the exit of this underground river was blocked by an artificial building, and the river water will be connected to the distant Yangtze River by an artificially dug underground passage from the ground, so that it is not Some people may wonder why there is so much water flow in the port in the city.

Ships from the underground river can only stop at the secret port in the city. Goods and other things must pass through here. Transfer to an outside port for loading to enter the Yangtze River Water Element, and the personnel also disembark here and leave here in other ways. If you don’t know the inside story, you can’t find that there is an underground river passing under the city, let alone I know that the warehouse connected to the mountain behind the city is actually a secret port.

"Is this city also controlled by the manager of the City of Chaos? "After leaving the port, I asked those guys.

"You can say yes, or you can say no. "

"How do you say it?" "

"This city is actually just a system city, but the managers of those chaotic cities have a lot of influence here, and on the surface their guild headquarters are also built here. The hidden warehouse we came out just now is one of the guild industries, so the management NPC in the system city can't control it at all. "

After listening to this guy’s introduction, I can understand their operating mode. The entrance of the underground river was actually built in the warehouse belonging to the guild. People and goods will be diverted and transported here. Then enter the Yangtze River secretly through the underground passage. Externally, because the big hat of the system city is on it, no one will find any tricks in the city. Even if someone enters the city internally, as long as they don’t get permission from their guild, They also couldn’t enter this disguised warehouse belonging to the guild industry, so they would actually block off the entire river, making the three underground cities connected by the river their unique city.

Although I understand the situation here, but because I do not intend to attack here immediately, this information can only be recorded temporarily. When the group of guys who were bought by us introduced us to the situation here, our guild The intelligence personnel finally arrived here and successfully joined us.

This time, the military god sent a total of eight people over. I divided them into four groups. One group of two joined as new team members. The team of the guys we bought, so that the two of them can follow this group to investigate the intelligence of the Chaos City. As for the other six people, I divided them into three groups evenly. They will act separately, one of them The team cooperated with the group of people who joined the team to investigate the situation in the City of Chaos, and the other two groups will be responsible for exploring the situation of the two system cities upstream of the City of Chaos. According to my intentions, if we want to eradicate this If it’s a chaotic city, it’s best to control the two cities upstream of the river and the outlet city together, because the Water Element composed of these four cities is just a natural secret underground stronghold, at least a little modification can be. Used to house some factories and personnel that need to be concealed.

After arranging the intelligence personnel, there is nothing wrong with me here. After watching them return to the underground river together, I went to the priest with MM. Chi Cheng pulled up two companions of the priest MM, and then the four of us returned to Isengard together.

According to what I had discussed with the priest MM, we need to test each other for her two companions. If they are qualified, then the priest MM does not need to ask for it, and if they are not qualified, then we have to continue discussing what to do. Of course, that can’t be decided until the test results come out.

After arriving at Isengard, I took the priest MM and her two companions through the outer city and entered the exclusive area of ​​the guild that was not open to the public. The priest MM and her two companions kept going all the way The pointing fingers of the surrounding environment made a sound of admiration. Obviously they were all attracted by the inner city environment. Although Isengard’s public open area and our guild’s area are not much different in architectural style, they are in the details. However, there is a big difference, at least the dense magic puppet troops in the inner city and the high level de The vil beast is not something you can see in the outer city.

After crossing several streets in the inner city, I led the three of them to an extremely magnificent building. In front of this huge temple-like building, there is a super ladder with more than 300 steps. After climbing to the top of the stairs, I passed through the row of huge support pillars that looked like the Heavenspan Pillar before officially reaching the gate of the building. However, when I walked into the gate, I found that the next three did not follow.

"What are you doing standing there? Hurry up?" I turned around and found that three people were standing together under the doorpost in a daze, so I called them out loud.

The priest MM was surprised when he heard my cry and pointed to the door above his head and asked: "What kind of building is this? Why is it so big?"

"This is Isinger In the guild library, all books of the guild that are open to members can be found here, among which is included various materials and documents also include many learnable skills."

"You mean Is there a skill book here?" the archer brought by the priest MM asked in surprise.

I nodded and asked, "Is this weird? It seems that generally a guild with a little higher grade will have its own guild skills for members to learn, right? Our Frost Rose League is also world-class at any rate. The guild of guild, it doesn’t make sense even this one?"

The archer quickly explained when he heard me: "I didn’t mean that. I mean there are so many skill books for your guild. To the point where a library needs to be built, is this too scary?"

"Well...the library is not specifically used to store skill books, but our guild’s skill books are taken out. It’s true that you can fill a medium-sized library. Okay, if you can become a member of our guild, you can read these books for free. If you can’t become our member, then I’m sorry. So, now Let's do a test first?"

The three of them heard me and nodded followed. After taking them into the library, the three of them were surprised by the book catalog area on more than a dozen floors, but in the end they followed me into a small door on the side of the lobby on the first floor under my urging.

"Has Academician? Where are you? I brought three people over for the test. Haas Academician?"

"Ah!" There was a loud noise, and then we found that a huge pile of books appeared on the ground, and a ladder was crooked beside the pile of books. In addition, we also saw a hand waving wildly in the air on the side of the pile of books. Yes, this nerd is buried by books again!

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