The Black Sun Alliance has no other abilities, and the ability to escape is first-class. The secret escape route built by these guys was not built on the ground, but in the pool. This small fountain in the center of the square in front of the guild office is only tens of square meters in size, and there is a rockery fountain in the center, but the real secret passage entrance is actually in the rockery in the center of the pool.

After jumping into the waist-deep pool, I walked directly to the side of the rockery. From here, you can see that the rockery is hollow inside, which is like the kind of cave in the park for children to play. The same, except that this rockery was built in the center of the pool instead of on land.

I stretched my head and looked into the middle of the rockery, and soon I found a big hole in the center of the rockery. This big hole is sinking in the bottom of the water, which means that all of it must be submerged underneath. If you want to go down, you have to dive in, which is troublesome for the priest MM who is following me. After thinking for a while, I flipped through a set of relatively common Knight equipment from the Phoenix Dragon space, and threw it to the priest MM.

"What do you mean?" Priest MM obviously didn't understand what I meant.

"The hole is under the water. You may need to dive for a while. Your robe may be a good attribute, but how do you breathe in the water without a helmet? This Knight armor is equipped with underwater breathing function. You should change it first. Please."

"That's okay." The priest MM also knew that I was kind, so he took over the equipment and replaced the robe on his body before asking: "Can I go down now?"

I looked at the priest MM now with a weird frowned face, looked at it for a long time, until the priest MM was about to go crazy, then said: "Don't you think this armor is very inappropriate?"< /p>

"Inappropriate?" The priest MM remembered that when I said that, she looked down at the armor set on her body, but after reading it, she herself smiled helplessly. "It's not half-reversed. I was born with a relatively short stature. Your armor is men's. It's normal to be bigger."

"Forget it, you should take it off! I look at you like this. Don't be awkward, you won't trip yourself in this posture after a while." As I said, I flipped over a set of Knight-type equipment, which was obviously women's equipment, and handed it over.

The priest MM simply took it and immediately changed it, but she just finished the change, and the boss stared at her immediately. "This... is this Divine Item equipment?"

I don't care: "It's only Holy Spirit-level equipment, but this is a complete set, so it's relatively rare."

< p>The priest MM asked in surprise: "Do you usually carry such good equipment with you?"

"It can't be considered as a carry-on. This set was successfully killed during the guild mission recently. A BOSS broke out."

"You can explode this level of equipment casually?" Priest MM was obviously very surprised that I could explode such a good thing.

Compared to her astonishment, I was replied in an indifferent look: "Please, I am more than two thousand level, okay? The bosses I play are all at the same level as me or even higher. Existence, if you kill a two-three hundred-level monster and explode the newbie sword, you call it good luck?"

Actually, what I said is not an exaggeration. This set of equipment was actually obtained when directly hitting the Russian Divine Race. You want to kill a god to release a set of Holy Spirit equipment. Can it be considered good luck? Someday, if I kill a five-six hundred-level monster and explode a set of Divine Item, it will be called good luck. Killing a god can only explode the Holy Spirit equipment, it can only be regarded as normal performance.

The priest MM thinks about what I said and understands it. Enemies fought at my level are all high level creatures. High level creatures explode and high level equipment is not called good luck, it should be.

"If I join your guild, can such equipment be available for free?" Priest MM asked while looking at the equipment attribute.

"That's not true. Normal players can receive the standard equipment of the guild when they first join, but the attribute of that thing can only be regarded as slightly higher than the average line. If you want to change Good equipment, then you have to earn your own guild contribution value, and then use the contribution value to the guild equipment library to exchange equipment. Of course, the eliminated equipment can be used for part of the contribution value when it is recycled. But don’t worry, you belong to that kind of potential It's huge, and it can become the backbone of the guild in the future. So if you are willing to join, we are completely free during the Early-Stage training phase. As for the future, because experts like you do all difficult tasks, you will earn a contribution value. It’s very fast, and you can change to good equipment at any time. But like the front-line personnel of our guild, in fact, their equipment is not exchanged for points, but the guild contribution value is exchanged for an equipment task, and then pulled up. High-level personnel are dispatched together to complete this super-difficult task, and then they will be able to get the special equipment, which is definitely better than the things exchanged in the meeting."

"It sounds so tempting, but a pity I don't know if I have a chance to join the Frost Rose League!" Priest MM said with some worry.

"Can we discuss that matter again. As for now, let us catch those guys from the Black Sun Alliance first. I guess we won't be able to catch up later."

< p>"Okay."

When the priest MM changed his equipment, the two of us walked into the rockery one after another. Because the hole inside the rockery is not big, we didn't jump in directly, but plunged into it head-down like diving. Although it is very uncomfortable to rush down like this, it can at least move more flexibly. Otherwise, the foot is in the front, and it will be troublesome if the channel underneath is very narrow and stuck in the middle.

After diving down the submerged channel for seven or eight meters, the channel suddenly ended, and a huge underground cave appeared under the channel. Of course, this cave was completely submerged by water, and it was pitch black inside. Even if I had night vision, I couldn't see the walls on either side of the top, bottom, left, or right at all. It can be seen that this cave is absolutely super huge.

"Why is it so big below?" After the priest MM followed, he was taken aback by the huge void in front of him.

"Can you see?" I asked, a little surprised.

Priest MMNodded said: "Of course, I am nether shadow Knight, how can the Dark Element profession be afraid of the dark?"

"That's true too."

" What should we do now? Such a big cave, where the exit is still uncertain, how do we find it?"

"Don't worry about this." I waved, Grandma, The small dragon girl and Chili appeared next to us together. Anna is a mermaid, whether it is underwater combat or path-finding is first-rate. The small dragon female is the Divine Dragon, and the Chinese Divine Dragon has always lived in the water, and naturally it is also super suitable for the underwater environment. Although Chili is in human form, she is Sea Clan. Such a water world is like going home to her. "Please help me to find out if there are any other exits here."

Anna was nodded, then turned around and shouted into the water, but before she had time to report where there was an exit, it was the complexion. changed yelled: "A big guy rushed towards us."

"Small dragon girl."


Small dragon girl listening When I called her name, it was restored to its original form, and then I saw a huge black fish hit the center of the small dragon female coiled body. The small dragon girl who was hit showed no signs of injury. She turned her head and bit the back of the fish's head. After hearing a click, the fish's body was suddenly bitten from the middle. After two paragraphs, the mouth of the fish head sank into the bottom one by one, while the fish tail was stuffed into the mouth by the female small dragon claws and swallowed directly.

After eating the fish, the small dragon girl groaned comfortably: "Um...! The taste is great. I didn't expect black rock fish to exist here, this thing But it’s not even seen in the sea! I tasted a piece at Celestial Court last time. It tastes really good."

"Hey, please, next time you meet a good thing, think about someone else, OK? "Grandma looked at the small dragon woman with an unhappy expression and said.

The small dragon girl didn't feel angry at all when she heard Aanna's complaint, she curled her tail and brought up the fish head that had fallen before. "Hehe, who said I ate alone? Didn’t this leave you a head?"

Although this black rock fish is not very strong in battle, its size is not small at all, and its head is fast. It is the size of the trailer head, and with the size of a few of us, the remaining head is indeed enough to eat.

"Okay, put it up first, and talk about it later. First help me find the hole." I opened the Fenglong space and stuffed the fish head in and said.

Anna directly turned her head and said: "Master, you may not be able to catch up with those guys this time."

"Why?" I looked at it with a little doubt. Anna asked.

Anna directly pointed to the front and said: "This cave has only one exit, but the exit will start to branch when it is less than ten meters deep, and the Water Element behind it will follow the spider. The web extends in all directions. Although I can detect the general direction of the waterway, I simply cannot detect which way the person you are going to follow, so I can’t track it at all.

Priest MM is about to lament this time The mission failed, but the woman didn't expect small dragon said: "In fact, it may not be impossible to catch it. I can smell the other person in the water, and I should still be able to catch up. "

The smell is not that it cannot be transmitted underwater, but the nose of land creatures is useless in the water, so when they encounter rivers or lakes, the police dog will lose its target, but the shark can be in the sea. Smelling the smell of blood from a few kilometers away to find the target, this is because the olfactory organs of the two are different. The small dragon female obviously has an underwater olfactory organ similar to a shark, so it can easily find the smell signal in the water to track the enemy .

"Since you can smell it, it's easy to handle. Quickly show us the way. "

"Okay, hold on to me. "

Let the priest MM and I hold each of our two horns, and then the small dragon woman swung her body and swam towards the opposite hole. As a Divine Dragon, the small dragon woman's underwater speed is no different. It’s not slower than Grandma and the others, even faster. It took us almost a few minutes to rush to the exit opposite the cave. However, like the entrance, the waterway at the exit is very narrow. The original shape is definitely not going to pass. Fortunately, she still has a human form, but in this state, we can’t take us to swim quickly.

The small dragon girl who turned back into a human form first got into the waterway and started. Smelling the smell all the way and chasing forward, Anna and Chili helped me and the priest MM to chase the small dragon woman forward. Although the human form was restored, the small dragon woman was because of the water-sharing curse. The speed is still super fast, Aanna and Chili took me and the priest MM almost a bit unable to keep up with her speed. Fortunately, this weird underwater channel is not too long, and soon once again entered a wide area of ​​water.

"Why is there light on the top? "As soon as the priest MM got out of the waterway, she noticed a bright light above her head.

"It seems that he has reached the place. "I looked at the bright light above my head and said: "Let's go up first, pay attention to the slower speed, maybe someone guards it. "

It turns out that being cautious is always good. After we approached the shore carefully, I let the pepper sweep the shore with spirit strength, and found that there was a city on it.

"What did you say? Is there a city on it? "Priest MM looked at Chili in surprise and asked.

Chili nodded said: "There is indeed a city, and it is very large. My spirit strength can only scan to the port area, no matter how far away. The place can't be felt. However, more than two hundred advanced lifeforms have been found in the area I scanned. "

Listening to Chili’s report, I pondered for a while and said: "Small dragon girl, you and Adyna go back to the training space first, Sha Yezi, come out to help. "

"What did the master tell me?" "As soon as Sha Yezi appeared, the surrounding water temperature seemed to drop a few degrees.

"Go up and help me see if there is any suitable place for landing, and be careful not to be found. "

"Understood. "

As a kind of ghost, Sha Yezi’s advantage is that it can be invisible at will, and it can also directly pass through walls and other physical substances. The biggest role of this kind of physique is to be able to detect and engage in sneak attacks. Appear silently at any place you want to appear. For example, now, as long as you don’t run into the priests of Light Element, you will not have a problem. After all, even those who can detect invisible skills are impossible. Let’s play? And when you don’t use the skills, even if you can detect invisible people, you can’t see the invisible sand leaves.

The invisible sand leaves quickly pass through the book. After passing through the mud below the port, I entered the port interior, and then found an unoccupied place to easily emerge from the ground through the undead creature’s induction of the living. After careful inspection, the sand leaf sent back a safety signal, and then I climbed onto the shore together with the priest MM and Chili.

I didn’t feel that after listening to the description of Chili in the water before, after we went ashore and saw the huge city ahead with our own eyes, the priest MM and I I froze there almost at the same time.

"So big? "

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