As soon as the priest MM heard that someone was running away, he immediately pulled my saddle and jumped over and jumped behind me. I was shocked by her.

After the priest MM jumped up and saw me motionless for a long time, he patted me again. "What are you doing in a daze? Chase it!"

"Oh!" After I reacted, I didn't say anything. A MM doesn't care about sitting behind me, so what do I care about? I pinched Ye Ying's belly directly, and Ye Ying immediately looked towards the front one. The shocked priest MM hugged my waist, if it weren't for her hand, she would have to be thrown off.

"Your horse is really awesome!" Priest MM waited for Ye Ying to run evenly before speaking.

"Which eye do you see that I am a Malay?" Before I could speak, Ye Ying couldn't help but turn around and asked, scared, I quickly pulled on the reins and made him turn his head back. .

"Watch the road carefully! I don't want to hit a rock!"

Priest MM glanced at Night Shadow with a little surprise, and then said: "Your mount What kind of breed is it?"

"Please, can't you see such an obvious nightmare?" I looked back at the priest MM and asked.

"Nightmare?" Priest MM lighted his lips with one hand and thought for a while: "I've heard of nightmare, but doesn't it mean that nightmare is fire from the mouth and nose?"

"Giant dragons can also breathe fire. Do their nostrils emit fire when you see dragons?"

"Oh, I see. Nightmare fire is also a skill."


"That's not it. But this characteristic is not always visible. Oh, yes, I am more interested in you than my mount. I saw you as a priest before, right? Why are you holding a sickle instead of a staff?"

When I asked, the priest MM was very upset and said: "Do you think I want to? My profession is not a priest."


"Are you not a priest?" I planned to call the priest MM into our guild. The main reason was to see her priestly skills seem to be very good, but didn't expect to learn more about it, she actually said that she was not Priest, this misunderstanding is really big enough. "You are not a priest, so what kind of profession are you?"

"Guess what kind of profession I was before?"

"Is it possible that is a warrior?" Since she said She is not a priest, and she holds a sickle in her hand. It is estimated that the probability of the warrior should be very large.

Sure enough, the priest MMreplied: "Yes, the profession I chose when I first entered the game was the black warrior. After that, I took a 3S evaluation for the advancement task, and the NPC in charge of the transfer gave it to me. I sent a hidden mission, but I was so excited that I ran to do it without seeing what the reward was, and then I was transferred to the nether shadow Knight in the last link of the mission."

"What? You are Knight?" When the priest MM said that her career is Knight, I almost slipped off the back of Night Shadow.

"What's wrong?" Priest MM looked at me with a rare and strange expression.

"You, you...Where do you look like Knight in this outfit?"

"Has anyone set Knight's dress code?" Priest MM retorted unwillingly.

"There are no rules, but shouldn’t Knight focus on defense? How many defenses can you add to your robe?"

Priest MM said very helplessly: "Do you think Do I think? The squad I'm in hasn't joined any guilds. The equipment is all we played or bought. There is simply nothing good. This robe was accidentally exploded after brushing the BOSS, although it is related to my profession. It’s not the right way, but because the robe itself has a higher level, the defense and other attributes are much higher than my original equipment. I want to sell this robe for a set of Knight equipment with better attributes, but , You also know that it takes time to display exchange transaction information, and someone will exchange it as soon as you can’t hang it, so I can only wear it before there is no transaction!"

Priest MM explained Then I understood. In fact, situations like hers are not uncommon. Because there are too many types of occupations in "Zero", and the corresponding equipment is more, it is usually impossible for players to directly hit the equipment that they can wear. The most common way for everyone is to find a set of attributes in the equipment you get. The one that can be worn is worn first, and all other things are sold for money. The best set of your body is linked to the exchange and exchanged for yourself with the same level. Career-suited equipment, so that everyone can meet their needs by taking what they need. Of course, because the appearance of equipment is not stable, the equipment of various occupations is not immediately replaced by someone. There is also a professional equipment like ordinary warrior, mage, etc., it will be better to change, because there are many people selected, the explosion rate is also high, so you can often see it. However, it is more difficult for people with special professions like priest MM or me to get equipment. After all, although our profession has very good attributes, it often has a small number of people, and the corresponding probability of this equipment burst will be much lower, and it will become extremely difficult to exchange it.

Actually, it's lucky if you have a good set of things like Priest MM that you can hang out and wait for others to change it. After all, she still has some hope. The worst thing is that they don't even have good equipment that can be exchanged. Such people can almost only wait to get good equipment for the corresponding profession. However, if it is a player who joins a guild, especially a large guild, the equipment will be much better. Firstly, it’s easier for guild insiders to adjust equipment types. Secondly, large guilds like our guild may have specialized equipment manufacturing offices or equipment task release offices, and even have guilds as popular as our guild. Type equipment. In such a guild, even if you can't get special equipment, at least you can get a set of equipment that is basically sufficient for the attribute. Anyway, it’s better to ride a donkey to find a horse than not to sit and wait for a horse, right?

"Huh? That's not right!" I suddenly reacted and said, "The last time I heard from the Black Sun Alliance that you were not from the Blood Knight group?"

"We are just an employment relationship, just like the bandits who attacked us claiming to be the Black Sun Alliance. They are just attached to their guild and are not full members. Don't you also have reserves for the Frost Rose League?"

< p>"This is different. The reserve of our Frost Rose League is only paid less than the official members. From the list of system guilds, the reserve is still counted as the official establishment of our guild."

"Oh , Then we are the kind that is a bit lower than the reserve, probably equivalent to the same type as contract workers."

I nodded and said: "Then I understand. Oh, yes. Since you are now Freedom, are you interested in joining our guild?"

"What? The Frost Rose League is willing to accept me?"

"Do you have any bad records or battle strength is relatively mediocre? "


"Why don't you accept it?"

"But don't you only accept elites?"

"What you said is not wrong, but it is a bit off. In fact, we not only accept elites, in fact we also accept young eagles, and you are young eagles."

"Where am I? "

"Your robe is very young, and your sickle is also very young. By the way, are you not Knight? Where is your mount?"

"No "The priest MM replied super simply.

"No mount? Do you mean that you, the nether shadow Knight, don't need a mount or don't have a mount for the time being?"

Priest MM looked at me pitifully and said:" Do you think that a poor person like me has spare money to buy a mount?"

"If you don't have money to buy it, won't you go grab it yourself? Even if the high level mount is hard to find, at least get a horse first? "

"The problem is that my nether shadow Knight class can only use undead creatures as mounts to play its professional attributes. The mounts of other classes are the same as if they were not mounted."

< p>"Undead? Dark Element unfortunate?" When I hear the undead mount, I feel pain in my butt. Imagine you are sitting on the spine of a skeleton horse. What's the difference between sitting on the awl?

As soon as the priest MM heard Dark Element, he immediately complained: "Please, I'm only 801 Level 10, okay? Dark Element can ride up to 700 levels. It's just me. Do you think I can catch it at this level?"

"So it is. Then you mean you can ride it?"

"Of course. As long as it's dry bones, nether I can play professional attributes for the shadow, Dark Element, Demon and Dragon mounts. But at present, the only thing I can handle with my own strength is the Withered Bones, but you also know that the Withered Bones creatures simply can’t ride it! "

What the priest MM said is correct. Speaking of speaking, the creatures she can ride include five series of creatures, but the creatures of the nether shadow line are all non-physical below a thousandth level, which means that if you want to find a mount, you have to be at least one thousandth level up. But at that level, with the strength of a priest MM of more than 800 levels, don't even think about it. Dark Element creatures can be used as mounts if they exceed level 700, but the attributes are not good, and they are not easy to find. Besides, the 800-level player wants to catch the mount, at least one hundred or two hundred levels higher than the mount, otherwise it will be difficult to capture successfully. As for the Demon and Dragons, these two systems don't need to be considered directly. The dragon mounts are too strong, but the problem is that they are too strong. They can't beat them at all. The Demon Element is even more terrible, not to mention the fact that the number of skills is still weird.

"It’s really miserable to hear you say that, but if you join our guild, I can promise to help you get a complete set of special equipment, mounts, pets, etc., and If you perform well, our guild can also provide you with enhanced medicine and special personal task assistance to ensure that your strength may be improved in a short time. How about? Are you interested?"< /p>

"This..." Priest MM lowered his head and thought for a while and said, "Subjectively, I am not opposed to joining the Frost Rose League, and even said that I actually want to join your guild. After all, you Frost Rose League The treatment is notoriously good, and it is itself a super-class international guild. It is a good choice no matter what. However, I still have a few requirements. If I can be guaranteed to meet me, I will Join."

"You can talk about it first."

"The first and most important one. I have two very good teammates. We are in reality They are friends, so if you want me to join, let them join."


Seeing that I don’t seem to want to, priest MM Some worried asked: "What? Is there a problem?"

"There is a problem." I solemnly said: "Our guild's rule is to only accept elites. Before I went to dig those like When a high-level talent like you joins our guild, you also implement a non-linked strategy. No matter how close people are, they are not allowed to take the meeting casually. Although you are a talent with good potential, I can’t do it for you. One person breaks the rules of our guild, so even if you refuse to join, this is absolutely incompatible. Of course, I can test them, as long as they meet our guild’s income standards, even if you don’t ask me. They will be accepted. However, if the gate fails to meet the standard, then I have no choice."

Although the priest MM is indeed a talent with good development potential, just like I said, the rules of the guild It cannot be destroyed for one person, even if it loses the opportunity to recruit her as an expert, it is worth it.

Although the request was rejected, the priest MM actually wanted to join our guild. Originally, she thought it was nothing to make a request. I didn’t expect that I would refuse so simply. She is a bit dilemma.


"Actually, you don't need to worry about it." I reminded the priest MM: "We can give your two companions a test first, and they pass. If you are not qualified, we don’t need to say anything. If we are unqualified, can we think of other ways." My statement can be regarded as temporarily giving the priest MM a buffer time, at least before the test, she does not need to worry too much, and If she passed the test, she wouldn't have to worry about it.

The priest MM has nothing to do. Hearing what I said, he can only nodded and said: "Then when this battle is over, I will call my companion to test it first."

After reaching an agreement for the time being, I began to urge Ye Ying to speed up. In order to have enough time to talk to the priest MM, I deliberately slowed down Ye Ying. Now there is no talk anyway, so let Ye Ying returned to normal speed.

This Black Rock City is not big at first, and during the time we talked, Night Shadow walked a long section of the road even if it deliberately slowed down, so when we accelerated again, we almost only ran It took a few minutes to reach the deepest part of the cave.

"Why is there no way?" Looking at the rock face in front, the priest MM asked in surprise.

I did not directly answer the priest MM's words, but waved my hand to release a large group of ghost insects. As soon as these ghost worms left my side, they immediately spread out and started rummaging along the nearby walls and the few man-made buildings in the city. Although the dark Dao Idol designed by the Black Sun Alliance was supposed to be concealed, it was eventually turned out after searching for my ghostly Spirit Armor bug carpet.

"You said there is a tunnel below this?" Priest MM asked in surprise while standing in front of a huge pool.

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