"So big?" Priest MM was obviously shocked by the city in front of him.

Actually, this city is not too big in terms of area alone. In our country, cities of this size don’t say 100 or 80, but those cities are all built on a flat ground. But the city was built under the ground. Let alone how difficult it is to find such a huge cave, even if such caves are all over the place, transporting building materials to such an inconvenient place to build a city is definitely more work than building the same city on the ground. Two or three times more labor is required, so it is definitely a miracle to be able to see such a huge city under the ground.

Although I was shocked by the scale of the huge city in front of me, to be honest, I would never choose to build a city here. It's not that Underground City is useless, but because of the location of the city.

No matter how big the city in front of us is, all we can see is the architectural area in front of us. The reason why the priest MM and I were shocked just now is because we saw the whole city at once, and the reason why we can see the whole city is because we are now located higher than the city. Yes, it is higher than the city.

I don’t know which designer designed the city before the donkey kicked his head. The main body of the city was actually built below the water line. The highest place in the entire city is the port area where we are now standing, and the entire port is a section of what can be said to be a city wall or a dam. After passing through this section of the port area, there are three relatively wide overpass-like roads connecting the city below with the port which is several tens of meters above the city ground. In addition to these three wide overpasses, there are still problems at the edge of the port. Few small stairs and manual elevators.

"Master, someone is here." Priest MM and I were observing the situation in the city below, but Pepper suddenly reminded us. I turned my head and looked at the direction that Chili was pointing, then I pulled the priest MM and hid behind a pile of goods next to me.

The area where we are standing is called the port area, but it is not called for nothing, because it is indeed a port. Although the water area we climbed up just now is underground, it is not closed. Our access to that water area is just a small crack in the rock formation, and this water area is also connected to two wide waterways. The smallest width in the visible range of these two waterways is more than 50 meters, and the top of the waterway is also sixty to seventy meters high from the water surface, and the water depth below is more than 100 meters. In other words, if the extended part of the waterway is the same as the one we have seen, then this waterway can definitely be used as a canal, and it is still a rather large canal. In addition, the materials piled up on the port and the dock with a ship not far away also show that the port is indeed connected to some place, otherwise it is impossible to repair the dock here, and there will definitely not be so many materials piled up.

When we all hid behind the cargo pile, a squad NPC patrol walked past us in neat steps, but the strange thing is that although the patrol team is very neat, but The NPCs that make up the team are obviously not a unit. The occupations and levels of the five NPCs in this five-person patrol team are completely unrelated to each other. Such a lineup is very common in player teams, but in NPC teams based on scale and collaboration spirit, Such a miscellaneous army is rather strange.

"The team just now...?"

"Did you find out?" I watched the patrol team go away and said, "If I guessed correctly , This city should not be a city independently built by a guild, but a shared city built by multiple guilds. The members of these patrols should be a mix of troops provided by multiple guilds, so it’s so messy. "

"Is that so?" Priest MM looked at the patrol going away and asked: "Should we enter the city to see the situation? If the guys from the Black Sun Alliance have no place here. If they are not, we might as well just go in and grab those guys and leave."

I thought for a while and said: "If they are just ordinary persons to this place, that’s nothing, I’m afraid they are here. It’s not an ordinary person. In case the people here are in the same group with them, we are not afraid of them in the Frost Rose League, but things will become quite troublesome."

"We still have to go ahead anyway. Let's take a look?" Priest MM said.

I nodded and said: "Then we will go to the city and have a look. Anyway, this is a city shared by many guilds. The personnel should be very diverse. As long as we pretend to be ordinary, it should not attract attention. Yes. But we have to leave this port area first. This place seems to be an area closed to the outside world. Our presence here will definitely disturb the manager here."

"Then let’s go ahead. Let’s leave here and talk about it."

After making sure of the plan, I asked Eminis to disguise the two of us first, and then put away Sha Yezi and walked out of the port with only the chili peppers.

The psychosensory of pepper is basically similar to bio-radar. Any thinking creature will be spotted when it enters this area, so we can just avoid the dense cargo and cargo in the port area without hiding at all. Turning back and forth between the buildings, in the end, no one touched the edge of the port area.

Unlike the previous port area full of cargo and buildings, the edge of this port area is not so good. I want to go down from here to the city below, except for the three large overpasses, I can only use small stairs and elevators, but the problem is that both manual elevators and stairs are exposed on the wall of the dam-like port area. Outside of the body, that is to say, we will be completely unobstructed within the equivalent to a dozen storey heights from the top of the stairs to the city below. During this period, as long as there is any guard below to lift it. Head, then we will be exposed immediately.

In fact, there is actually another way to safely go down the stairs to the ground without being discovered, that is, to use the Invisibility Technique. With Emmenes' illusion skills, it is really easy to keep us in a completely invisible state. However, it is a pity that this method simply does not work, because the stairs in the port area are all metal. After we became invisible, no one could see us, but nobody’s metal ladder clanked there. Could it be that the guards below were fools? When people hear the sound of the ladder and find that no one is visible, they will immediately think that someone will be invisible. When the time comes, when the alarm goes off, it is useless for us to be invisible. As for the manual elevator, although it is hand-cranked, it has a passenger box like an elevator. If the passenger box moves by itself without people, it will definitely attract a large group of guards faster than a metal ladder. So the invisibility trick is useless here.

Looking at the height of more than 40 meters above the ground, I thought for a while and suddenly turned around and asked the priest MM: "Do you mind if I jump down with you?"

The priest MM was taken aback by my question, but quickly reacted nodded and said: "It's okay."

Since everyone agrees, I'm not welcome. Quickly put away the peppers, let Emmenes add a wide range of invisibility to us, and then jumped out from the edge of the port area, and the wings on the back instantly opened to support the weight of both of us. Since I only need to land on the ground, I didn't even use a fan, so I let myself glide slowly to the roof of a building inside the city with my wings. After running two steps to stop the figure, I jumped down from the back of the building and landed lightly before putting the priest MM down and canceling the invisibility and continuing to activate the phantom to disguise as two ordinary players.

"Okay, don’t be nervous when you go out, just as if you are shopping in the system city."

Priest MMNodded said: "Don’t worry, I’m not stupid." Listen I could only laughed when she said that, and then took the lead out of the alley behind the building and turned onto the street.

The situation in the city is exactly the same as I thought. There are a lot of pedestrians going back and forth on the street, and there are all kinds of people. If there are too many, the two of us will not be able to see any abnormalities at all. Priest MM was still a little nervous at the beginning. It was obviously the first time to sneak in in such a disguise, but her adaptability was very good. After two minutes, she completely returned to normal, and she seemed to be shopping casually.

"Who do you think this city will be built?" Priest MM asked while observing the shops on the roadside.

"System repaired." I said casually.

"System repaired?" Priest MM was taken aback by what I said, and then asked suspiciously: "Didn't you say that several guilds manage this place before?"

< p>"Yes, this city is indeed jointly managed by several guilds, but you just asked who built the city. This city is a system city, so I said that the system was built correctly."< /p>


"No need, but this situation is easy to explain. Although the city was repaired by the system, it was beaten down. Now these guilds are in Managed together, so now the city is actually shared by these guilds."

"so that's how it is, it's no wonder the city is so weird. But how did you guess that this is a system city? Yes?"

"I didn't guess it, but saw it." I pointed to it and said, "I saw the Imperial Palace when I just came down."

The Imperial Palace is actually equivalent to the guild headquarters. Even if a general player’s guild establishes a city, it is impossible to make the entire city like a barracks. There are always districts such as Commerce District and living quarters in the city, and the guild headquarters are generally guild offices or office areas, and various administrative orders in the city must be issued here. The system city is the city established by the system in the game Early-Stage. Of course, it also needs to have an administrative unit that issues decree, but the system city does not belong to any guild, so the headquarters of the impossible cultivation society can only build the Imperial Palace. Because it is an administrative building built by the system, there are only a few architectural styles, and the structure is very different from the building built by the player. I just glanced around in the sky and found the Imperial Palace, so I was sure it was a system city. However, I also found several guild flags on the outer wall of the Imperial Palace, so it can be concluded that the player’s guild has taken down this place.

The priest MM also reacted when she heard my explanation, but before she could speak, our attention was attracted by the commotion of the crowd ahead. I saw a large group of people squeezing in at the entrance of a shop in front, and there were many people rushing there nearby. Although we really wanted to know what was going on there, because we were afraid of revealing our identities, the priest MM and I were afraid to ask people casually, so we had to squeeze over to see.

Because it was far away, many people had already entered when we arrived at the door of the shop, but it was not so crowded outside. The priest MM and I followed the tail of the crowd and entered the shop. Who knew that we saw a flash when we passed the threshold, and when we recovered our eyesight, we discovered that we had entered a huge space. Look at the area and the height of the building. , Is definitely using hyperspace technology, because the space inside is dozens of times larger than the house outside.

The internal structure of this shop looks very strange, not like a shop, but like a waiting room of a station. On our left hand is a long row of counters. Behind the counter stands more than 30 NPCs forming a row that looks like a ticket window. On the opposite side, the wall facing the gate and the wall by our right hand are rows of slides. On each slide, there are two people standing on the side of the slide and inserting some special signs with words one by one. The edge of the chute is then pushed to the center of the chute, and these connected characters can just form a row of text content.

I took a look at the text hanging on the slides. The content is basically all mission requirements, and there are mission rewards behind. From the perspective of these tasks, the things hanging on the two walls are actually equivalent to the task bulletin board in the professional union, but the arrangement method used here is higher level, which can display more content. Of course, if it is our guild, you can simply use the crystal screen, which is definitely much more convenient and faster than this kind of slide that requires manual change.

Although we generally understood the function of this shop after reading the task bulletin board and the row of counters, the tasks hanging on the wall surprised us, because the tasks displayed on it were actually None of them are normal tasks.

The so-called normal tasks are legitimate tasks issued by the system or guilds or even individuals. For example, a low-level player finds someone to bring him to level up and how long he promises to pay. This is a normal task issued by individuals. Some guilds sometimes issue tasks such as collecting resources, which are considered normal tasks. There are also various tasks issued by the system through various NPCs, which are all normal tasks.

However, the task here is different. The bulletin boards on the two walls are all abnormal tasks, such as one of the tasks. "Vengeance mission: kill the designated player at least once, the client is responsible for providing the target location information, the target person is a level 970 Thunder Element mage, the attribute is high, each time the target is killed, 200 crystal coins are awarded, no need to hand in the seized item , The task time limit is one week."

A task like this is completely a task of entrusting others to help revenge. According to the actual situation, this simply belongs to the business operated by the evil forces. Murder is almost the same. Of course, in addition to such tasks, there are many more exaggerated tasks. For example, there is a task to destroy the collective leveling operation of a guild, and another task is to sneak attack their damage output personnel while some people are scoring the BOSS, and so on, it is basically not a good thing anyway.

"Is this the mission center of the underground forces?" Priest MM looked at the mission on the wall and said in surprise.

Compared to the thoughts of the priest MM, I think a lot more. The Black Sun Alliance had nothing to do with our guild, and even for money, it didn’t make sense to target a guild like us that a hedgehog would never touch. If we contact the boss of the Black Sun Alliance to escape here after we hit the door, then it is likely to explain a problem. The mission of the Black Sun Alliance to attack our guild might have been taken here. That is to say, there may be someone else who is really hostile to us, and the Black Sun Alliance may be just an executor.

"What are you thinking?" The priest MM said a few words to me while I was in a daze. Seeing my reaction, he couldn't help but push me.

"en? Oh, I'm thinking that the reason for the Black Sun Alliance's attack on our guild is that it is also here to receive such a mission, right?"

Priest MM is about to answer , But suddenly pointed to the wall next to the right hand and said: "Look, the third row from the top is the row where the brand is changing."

I turned my head immediately after hearing the words of the priest MM. She discovered that a new mission was hanging on the slide she said, and its content was... "Attack me?"

That’s right, the new mission on that slide is attack My task, the content requirement is to attack me at a designated time and place and hold me for an hour. The task publisher will be responsible for guiding me to that place at that time, and the task-taking group will just wait and drag me there. The task requires that the group receiving the task must ensure that the player has no less than two thousand NPCs, and the minimum battle strength cannot be less than one thousand. The task reward is five million crystal coins and a 1200-level unknown breed familiar egg.

"Damn, which silly fork is this task? Hold Purple Moon for an hour, who is bored and dare to take this kind of task?" I just watched the task board and listened to someone next to complain. Up.

That guy's words seemed to resonate with many people. He just finished speaking and someone answered immediately: "Yeah! Isn't this nonsense? Isn't it obvious that I have to hold Purple Moon for an hour? Is it possible? As long as Purple Moon does not want to stay, who can stop him? I think anyone who can hold Purple Moon for five minutes is considered a domestic Peak expert."

"In fact, it can be delayed. There are not no people who live in Purple Moon for an hour." Another person interjected: "Unfortunately, people with that ability are basically in the Frost Rose League. The best people here can probably hold Purple Moon for ten minutes. . But the reward for speaking of which is really tempting! It’s a pity that I don’t have the ability to take it!"

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