"I...I..." The president of the Black Sun Alliance was there for a long time and I finally failed to say a complete sentence. Instead, it was from our guild outside the city. The team moves faster.

After all the heavy infantry got off the airship, the huge airship slowly rose up again, and the air cavalry who followed our guild began to land in the open space of the vicinity. However, before most of the air cavalry had landed, the second airship flew slowly and landed on the ground steadily.

Seeing that our guild actually has more than one airship, the people in the Black Sun Alliance became more anxious than before. Being able to take out one airship can only show that we have the ability to manufacture airships, and the meaning of the two means that we can mass produce this thing. The gap is not generally large. However, what the Black Sun Alliance is most worried about right now is what is installed on our airship. The first airship just now put down almost 3,000 multi-loaded infantry, and so on, if this airship is still transporting soldiers, the number is definitely more than 3,000, because in addition to heavy cavalry and magic puppet troops , The heavy infantry is already the heaviest standard soldier on the ground. Except for the devil beast unit, the heavy infantry is the Third Layer type of troops on the ground.

Although the Black Sun Alliance is very worried that the second airship will bring another 3,000 heavy infantry, but when the second airship put down the units it carries, the Black Sun Alliance regrets that the ship has no more Three thousand heavy infantry were shipped. Because this second airship put down an artillery regiment that was stronger than the heavy infantry in the siege.

The only entrance to the Black Rock City of the Black Sun Alliance is a natural cave, and this cave has been sealed tightly by the people of the Black Sun Alliance with the city wall, except for the road from the center of the city wall. Except for the city gate, there are only shooting holes that can't even be drilled in other places. Faced with such a city wall entrance, it can be said that it is difficult to rush in with the general method, because in general city siege battles, the offensive team relies on ladders and other tools to climb up the city wall and then attack the city wall little by little. Into the city. But the problem is that the top of the city wall of Black Rock City is connected to the top of the cave. It is basically impossible to climb over. Similarly, in general city offensive and defensive battles, the offensive can also use methods such as throwing arrows to suppress the attack on the city wall from the guards on its own troops outside the city, but now because the city wall of Black Rock City is against the roof of the cave, it throws weapons. Can't fly over at all. As for the direct-pointing weapon, although it is possible to injure the person behind by shooting, but the accuracy requirements are high, the killing effect is definitely not much better. Therefore, for Black Rock City, what they fear most is not that there are too many enemy soldiers. What they are most afraid of is that there are more guns on the other side, because cannons are capable of blasting down the city wall.

"Quickly, quickly, set up all the cannons." On the landing field outside Black Rock City, an artillery commander of the guild was holding a communication crystal and shouted: "All gun positions quickly It’s a heavy shift to dispatch all the shells to each gun position. For the airship over there, please take off as soon as you finish unloading things, so as not to affect the artillery firepower."

At the urging of this player, we guild All of the artillery units soon deployed and entered the launch mode, and the military supply department behind also fired all the artillery shells to the artillery position. Finally, after all the artillery was in place, the airship just unloaded the artillery shells and began to lift off.

Seeing the airship leaving, the commander immediately turned his head and looked towards the wind direction and wind counter that had just been inserted on the ground next to him, and then shouted at the communication crystal: "Attention, all gun positions, up The distance ahead is 3,800 meters, the wind direction is 306, the wind speed is 18, all gun positions are aimed at standby, the benchmark squad is loaded with blasting incendiary bombs, and a test shot."

Boom. Almost just after the order here, there was a loud noise on the gun position, and a spot of light with red light flew into the cave where the black rock city city wall was located, and then the top of the cave was blasted with a bang. Out of a large pit, the sprayed combustion agent formed a large burning fire cloud on the top of the cave, and the fire star continued to fall downward, as if a waterfall of flames hung at the entrance of the cave.

The commander took the telescope and looked at the impact point and ordered again: "Decrease the elevation angle by three, load the ballistic marker, and try again."

Boom. There was another loud noise, a bright spot of light instantly left the muzzle and after flying for more than a hundred meters, suddenly began to pull out a red smoke trail behind the tail, and finally the trail penetrated into the cave. He flew all the way to the top of the city wall of Black Rock City by wiping the ceiling of the cave and exploded with a bang, forming a large burning mark.

After seeing the clear ballistic trajectory, the commander of the artillery group immediately picked up the communicator and ordered: "Attention to the full position, stop the coordinates, minus the elevation angle by four, and load the high-explosive shredded shells, 20 rounds. Free shelling."

As soon as the command was over, the artillery group immediately rang out. A large group of artillery shells pattered oh la la on the city wall of Heiyan City like a rainstorm, and instantly the entire city wall was on. It was completely covered by flames.

The members of the Black Sun Alliance standing behind the city wall didn’t expect our shelling to be so violent. Although the city wall blocked most of the explosion impact, but thought the explosion was too dense, so almost every shot Hot flames spurted out of the mouth, and the members of the Black Sun Alliance standing at the shooting mouth were almost all blown out by the blast wind, and many people were directly roasted by the fiery air waves.

As the first round’s fairly neat shelling ended, the subsequent rain of shells began to gradually mess up, but even the slowest firing position took only five minutes to shoot all twenty. Cannonballs are fired. At this time, looking at the city wall of Heiyan City, in addition to the ruined wall at the bottom of the cave, the traces of the city wall can be vaguely seen. The original city wall is almost completely gone.

"Boss, the city wall has been cleared, can we withdraw first?" Seeing that the entire City Wall section was gone after the bombardment was over, the artillery group commander directly asked with the communication crystal.

I checked the effects of the shelling, and after confirming that there was no problem, I agreed to withdraw the artillery group first, and then ordered the infantry unit to move forward. Of course, our heavy infantry team is not advancing alone, there is a circle of mobile angel guards in the vicinity around them. These mobile angels are all land combat suppression types, belonging to powerful ground units. If there are any remaining buildings such as bunkers in the Black Sun Alliance, these mobile angels can come in handy.

When our infantry first started to move, the defense forces of the Black Sun Alliance were almost unresponsive. The previous shelling was too violent. The entire city wall was bombed, causing the black sun. The alliance’s defense forces suffered heavy casualties. Moreover, the Black Sun Alliance is a small guild, unlike our guild that has so much money to buy NPC troops to assist in the fight, so after the city wall was bombed, they almost couldn't find anyone to defend the city.

As the large forces of our guild gradually advanced, the vibration of the neat pace finally awakened some members of the Black Sun Alliance who were crushed under the rubble. As a pile of rubble was pushed away, several covered in dirt players finally got out of the rubble, and as they drilled out, people nearby also crawled out of the rubble.

"Are there any people alive?" The president of the Black Sun Alliance who got out of the rubble yelled nervously, but there were few voices that responded to him. The entire Black Sun Alliance has a total of more than two hundred people, plus the NPC unit has only a thousand people. The number of remaining personnel just now is less than two hundred people with NPCs. It can be said that more than 80% of the personnel in the Black Sun Alliance were killed in that round of shelling. The official battle has not yet started, and the preparations for artillery alone have reduced their personnel by 80%, and the subsequent battles are basically no longer needed. There were not many people, but now there are simply a bunch of defeated soldiers left. If this can be won, it would be really unreasonable.

"President, let's run away? It's meaningless to fight like this!" A player covered in gray dust shouted to their president. Not far in front of them, the heavy infantry regiment of our guild was about to reach the front of the ruins.

The president of the Black Sun Alliance looked at the neatly lined team on the opposite side, then looked at the people around him, and finally had no choice but to order: "All NPCs left behind. , The player followed me and left."


The NPC troops of the Black Sun Alliance are not the expeditionary troops of our guild, but the city garrison. Once the city is destroyed, these NPCs can't be taken away anyway, it is better to stay and delay our attacking rhythm. As for the players, there are only two dozen people left anyway, and it doesn't make much sense to stay or not. It's better to run together without leaving the reputation of being a companion.

Let these guys from the Black Sun Alliance go desperately with us, they must be reluctant to push back and forth, but let them run away, this group of people is faster than one. Their president here just gave the order, and someone over there turned and ran into the city, and their president was stunned. However, the sound of footsteps getting closer and closer still allowed the president and other players to quickly recover and join the ranks of escape together.

Just when the president of the Black Sun Alliance fled with their members, outside of Black Rock City, I was complaining by the previous priest MM. "Didn't you promise to notify me?" Priest MM exclaimed angrily.

"Didn't I call you?"

"But you all have entered the city, what are you calling me to do?"

"This is also Don’t blame me! I notified you when we set off, but you didn’t arrive after our people arrived. And I didn’t expect the Black Sun Alliance to be so inadequate. It only took five minutes to bombard them. The line of defense is gone. I thought we would spend more than half an hour outside the city wall!"

"I..." Faced with my answer, the priest MM really didn't know what to do. said. After all, what I'm talking about is the truth. How can the siege between guilds enter the city within five minutes? We can't be blamed for this situation. The main reason is that the Frost Rose League and the Black Sun Alliance are really not a level of guilds. We used to face foreign coalition forces, or some super guilds, and rarely confronted such small guilds. Appeared, so we also habitually calculated the battle strength layout according to the way of dealing with those guild associations. As a result, who knew that the Black Sun Alliance and those guilds did not exist at the same order of magnitude. People can usually withstand our shelling for about an hour, but they didn't even last ten minutes.

"Okay, okay, don't blame me here. If you have this time, you might as well go and see if you can pick up a few leaks. Even later, even the rats in the city will be killed. Killed all."

"That's what I said." After hearing this, the priest MM immediately turned around and waved, a black space door suddenly appeared in front of her, followed her and stepped in. The door closed again in a second.

Seeing this priest MM suddenly disappear like this, I was also taken aback. When I saw her last time, I heard from the Black Sun Alliance that she seemed to be called Blood Scythe. At the time, her fighting style was obviously very strong, but it might be because the enemy was too weak, although she felt that her combat capability was good. , But I didn't care much about her strength. However, just now I found that the ability of this little MM seems to be far more than what I saw last time, at least this ability to open the Transmission Gate at will is quite amazing. I just don't know if her Transmission Gate is for single use or can take people through it together. If she can take people, then her skill can definitely be regarded as one of the quasi-bug skills.

It seems that it is necessary for me to win over this little MM. If we can dig up our guild to train her and get her a complete set of good equipment, I will not be able to train another one similar to Chris. A super expert like Di Na is here. After all, at least half of a person's battle strength is determined by equipment and his own attributes. Personal battle intuition is only possible when the attributes of both sides are similar. Otherwise, even if you play invincible in the whole world in reality and enter the game, it is impossible to use a one-hundred-level number to defeat a one-thousand-level player. After all, the attributes are too bad. A ranged attack is blasted out by others, and you will be finished no matter how good your skill is. Moreover, as far as I observe, the combat literacy of this priest MM is definitely at the top level, and his own profession and attributes seem to be good, but the equipment is a little bit poor and the High Level is a bit low, and it seems that she has not seen it. The summon Familiar helps. It can be said that as long as I help her to complete these external things, she will immediately become a first-class expert. If such a person can dig in, it is definitely a trade that makes a profit without losing money.

Since I have decided to dig a corner, I can’t let the priest MM go in alone. Unfortunately, although I can teleport, but I don’t have the speed of her, I have to ride Ye Ying to catch up. Fortunately, the distance was not far, and I was chased by me soon.

Actually, the priest MM itself didn't spread that far, she just teleported from where we stood before to our heavy infantry regiment a little bit ahead, but she came a little late A little bit. As soon as the priest MM stepped out of the space door, he heard a hum of bowstring trembling behind him, followed by a dense rain of arrows flying overhead, shooting the only one hundred NPCs in front of her into hedgehogs.

"Damn it, it's too late!" Priest MM looked at the corpse in a gloomy way and could only do it in a hurry.

"It's not too late, it's not too late." I rode Ye Ying from the side and looked at the priest MM and said: "I heard that the president of the Black Sun Alliance brought more than 20 players. Let’s run away first, these NPCs are just left behind. Are you going to chase with me? Or are you complaining here?"

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