As the man shouted, the players on both sides immediately moved. The priest MM with the sickle came up and threw a black gelatinous substance like mud at the crowd.

Everyone here saw the flying black objects immediately dodge to the two sides, and one of them saw that it was too late to dodge, so he slashed with a knife. However, although his this blade cut exactly in the center of the gelatinous material, he underestimated the flexibility of the thing. After hitting his blade, the gel was actually pulled around the blade of the old man, and then because of inertia, it rolled back and wrapped around the blade for several times before it stopped.

Seeing that the thing got tangled in his knife, the player hurriedly shook the blade to throw the thing down, but before he got the thing down, he heard a chuckle , And his blade softened like noodles, and the signs of melting were still passing along the blade to the hilt.

"Ah, what the hell!" Seeing that the knife was spreading to the handle, the man threw the knife out in shock. However, although he threw the knife away, the priest MM on the opposite side threw a ball of this thing again, and this time it just hit him in the face with impartiality. "Ah..." The screams appeared at the same time with a burst of blue smoke, and the man covered his face while screaming and rolling all over the ground, looking extremely terrifying. After a few seconds, the man suddenly stopped screaming and sat up from the ground and looked around with his super big eyes.

It doesn't matter if he sits up, but the people around him are very scared by him, because at this time the face of this guy has been burned beyond recognition. The skin on his entire face has completely disappeared, and the remaining muscles are also extremely uneven from one piece to another, and in many places huge abscesses like the skin of a toad can be seen piled together. However, the most terrifying thing is to count his eyes and mouth. Since the lips have completely disappeared, his teeth are all exposed, and his eyelids are also missing, so the eyeballs appear to be particularly large, and it seems that a piece of it has emerged. This guy looked around with such a respect, no wonder everyone around him was taken aback by him. Thanks to it being during the day, if you don’t keep everything at night, you might even be scared to death.

The guy just sat there and looked around for two seconds, then suddenly looked down at his hands. Since he had touched the mucus when he was covering his face, his hands have now become the same condition as his face. The skin on the palm was completely disappeared, and the bones and tendons were exposed to the air, which looked scarier than a skeleton. Although the complete skeletons are all skeletons, they at least look clean and not disgusting. His appearance now is even more scary than skeletons.

After reading his palm, the guy suddenly opened his mouth again and let out a tragic scream, then suddenly fell back and stopped moving.

"Damn, just two tricks to get a person, this girl is too powerful, right?" I squatted on the tree and looked at the fallen guy and couldn't help but attack the priest MM. Li sighed. Although I have seen a lot of high level players, but even so, it is rare to see such a sturdy attack power as the priest MM. It seems that the system score is relatively low, but there are still many private experts with high battle strength.

One of the people on both sides was killed before they came into contact. The robbers were also taken aback, but they did this after all. It’s normal to have casualties in the battle, so there is no I was frightened because of the dead, but I charged even faster.

Although there are three melee personnel among the six opponents who seem to have a balanced attack power between distance and distance, an experienced person can tell at a glance that the three melee professions are not high in rank, but rather The battle strength of the two archers and the priest MM is probably quite impressive, so the sooner you get closer, the casualties will be lower. Otherwise, if they are pulled apart by such a long-range combat squad, they will have to wait for death. .

Just one person died on the robber’s side, the two archers on the opposite squad opened their bows at the same time, and the two feather arrows shot at the two robbers indiscriminately. He was shot through his throat without any response, and he was killed instantly before he even screamed. The other person obviously reacted much faster. With a flick of his hand, he struck the feather arrow that in midair flew, but the arrow still wiped out a bloody mouth on his neck, but it was not fatal.

Finding that the target squad battle strength is so powerful, the archer in the robbers team here quickly drew the bow and shot an arrow to fight back, but didn't expect that the opponent's archer actually shot a shot at the robber archer After the arrow suddenly raised his hand and shot an arrow. The two feather arrows collided in the air with a ding sound, and then both changed directions. The one that the robber flew out was knocked back, penetrating a robber's throat laterally, and the arrow shot by the target squad's archer was inserted into the eye socket of another robber in a wrong direction.

"Second-stage ejection?"

The so-called two-stage ejection is actually a high level skill of the archer. Using this skill can bounce back the arrows shot by the opponent and make His arrow changed directions and continued to fly. Of course, the two-stage ejection of the primary level can actually only shoot down the opponent's arrow in the air. Like this arrow just now, it not only turns the opponent's arrow and kills a target, but even the arrow shot by itself can continue to fly and hit a target. , This effect is definitely a second-stage ejection skill added by Level 20. If you only practice the second-stage ejection skills to the full level, that is, Level 20, then at most you can bounce your opponent's arrows back to hurt people, and your own arrows will definitely not be able to hurt people again. That archer can shoot such an effect, if he doesn't have equipment with this skill level on his body, it must be his own enhanced attribute with this skill.

The robber team had four dead and one wounded before contacting the target. Although the ten people still alive still had a numerical advantage over the six opponents, considering the opponent’s archer and priests So tough, in fact, the outcome has become very uncertain. But for the robbers, fortunately, they have narrowed the distance between the two sides. If the two sides are still 20 or 30 meters away, it is probably better for them to run directly.

After the two counterattacks, the front-end personnel of the two sides finally came into contact. The warrior of the robber jumped up first, but before he landed, he was enveloped by a large cloud of clouds thrown out by the priest MM. , When the few people wore on from the dark clouds, they all screamed and rubbed their eyes desperately, only to be chopped down to the ground by three melee personnel that had been prepared for a while.

At this point in the battle, the outcome is actually very clear. The squad where the priest MM is located is too closely coordinated. Among them, the battle strength of the priest MM and the two archers is too strong, and they can kill a lot of enemies at medium and long distances. With the cooperation of the priest MM, it is difficult to get close to the three teams with melee professional protection. . For a long-range damage team that can't get close, the best way is to use a stronger long-range output power than them to decide the victory or defeat at medium and long distances. If you want to close the combat personnel to attack, it is purely unpleasant to find yourself.

Although the situation is quite clear, there is no smart leader on the robbers' side, so they are still charging even when the situation is already quite unfavorable. However, this kind of charging behavior is obviously meaningless. Under the influence of the various auxiliary skills of the priest MM, the robbers’ battle strength has hardly been used for a while. This kind of strength has problems with those melee combatants. What's more, the opponent has two remote personnel behind the sneak attack, and this one-sided battle is completely over without two minutes.

"Okay, clean up and leave here." The priest MM commanded several others. Those warriors and archers were obviously accustomed to the command of the priest MM. Hearing her words, they immediately went to search the corpses on the ground. I originally planned to leave when I was scouting here. Now that I saw the robbery of those people, I can notify the people in the guild to deal with it. This kind of small gang can't do it myself, and I want to kill them back to Xinshou Village. It's not that I'm busy here alone. However, just as I was about to turn around and leave, the voice of the priest MM suddenly came in front of me. "The one on the tree, after following so long, don't you plan to do something and leave?"

The priest MM's words caught me for a while, didn't expect she had known me a long time ago. arrive. However, before I had time to react, I suddenly heard a voice on the tree trunk not far in front of me saying: "As expected of the blood sickle, you have discovered this."

If the words of the priest MM only surprised me a little, the sound that appeared just now made me startled. To be honest, I didn't even realize that there was a person hiding there. Although this is also related to my lack of attention, after all, the other party stayed near me for so long without being noticed by me. This can be considered a big mistake.

The man over there jumped out of the hiding place after speaking. The priest MM on the ground was not surprised to see the people coming, but there was an expression like that.

"Why? Does every team under the Black Sun Alliance have special surveillance?"

The person who just appeared looked at the corpse on the ground and said with disdain: "hmph, this kind of little role doesn't need me to go out in person. I'm here to stare at you."

"Aiya, that little girl is really honored!" Priest MM said deliberately Irony.

The visitor also knows the relationship between himself and the other party, so he simply doesn't care about the other party's frigid irony and scorching satire simply. "We don't need to play with those imaginary things anyway. Anyway, we don't have much friendship. Don't be hypocritical here."

"That's right." The priest MM put away the ridicule said resolutely: " Since you said you don’t want to talk about friendship, let’s just talk about business. Recently, have your paws of the Black Sun Alliance stretched too long? I have received more than 30 robbery reports about you this week alone. You said it yourself What should we do."

"I didn't say that your blood Knight regiment blocked our way of making money. You've come to count the ones who brought us down first." The visitor said very bluntly.

The expression on the priest MM's face immediately became cold when he heard the other party's words. "Very well, since we are all talking about it, let's all rely on our ability. Are you planning to leave now, or let us take you back?"

"Okay, let's do it in the future Wait and see." After the man finished speaking, he suddenly threw away a throwing knives towards the archer next to the priest MM. After the man was hit by the knife, the person next to him quickly helped him, but because of the delay, he couldn't find the black robe guy turned and escaped. When they thought about chasing, the other party had jumped up and was about to enter. In the woods.

However, the black robed man finally failed to escape into the woods. Just as he was about to touch the nearest tree, two rotating flies flew out of the treetop in front of him. Blade instantly cut his neck and waist into three sections. After the black robed man was killed, the two moon blades made a big circle in the air, and then flew back into the woods with two slight metal rubbing sounds.

"Who?" Priest MM looked at the woods with some worry. The thing just now is obviously a weapon, and the weapon itself will not hurt people, only the user of the weapon will hurt people. In other words, there was a person hidden in the woods, but she didn't know at all. However, although he was worried because he did not find the other party, the priest MM's worry was not strong, because since the other party killed her enemy, it means that the other party is probably not hostile to her, otherwise the two swords just now should be greeted first She was right.

Following the question of the priest MM, a heavily armored warrior suddenly appeared in the shadow next to the woods. The moment he saw this warrior, the pupils of the priest MM's eyes shrank sharply. However, she suddenly discovered that the archer next to her was pulling a bow and raising an arrow, and she hurriedly reached out and pressed the opponent's bow and pressed his hand down. "Don't move, that is Purple Moon's demon."

"Purple Moon? That Purple Moon of the Frost Rose League?" The archer looked at the priest MM in surprise and asked.

The priest MMnodded said: "If I remember correctly."

"You did remember correctly." The voice that suddenly appeared behind the crowd shocked everyone. , And when they looked back and saw that luck was standing behind them, they finally determined that I was indeed here. As my first Familiar, Lucky's popularity is still very high. It can be said that seeing him appear basically confirms that I am also there.

"Excuse me..."

"No need to ask, I am here." After a few familiars appeared, I walked out of the woods ahead, and those few The players were stunned after seeing me. Seeing their expressions, I looked down suspiciously before remembering that I still had Eminis' Camouflage Technique hanging on my body. "Emiennes."

"Sorry, my fault." Emiennes suddenly appeared next to me, and after a casual wave, I returned to my normal state.

"Hello, I am Purple Moon, the president of the Frost Rose League, but I believe you should all know me."

Priest MM stepped forward and asked: "May I ask Why do celebrities like you, President Purple Moon, have time to show up here?"

"In fact, the group of talents you killed just now are the reason why I am here."

The priest MMhearing this looked down at the corpse on the ground, and then suddenly asked: "You also came for the Black Sun Alliance?"

"Maybe." I said uncertainly. : "Originally, I just thought that a gang was robbing ordinary players who came to Isinger to trade items. This behavior will seriously affect Isinger’s normal business activities, so I plan to investigate the situation. I didn’t expect Another Black Sun Alliance came out. To be honest, I have never heard of this organization, so..."

"Have you never heard of it?" Priest MM has not spoken yet, the person next to her A warrior finally spoke first. "Is it impossible? Does the Frost Rose League have no intelligence collectors? Your guild impossible does not have such a department, right?"

The priest MM is much smarter than the warrior. She was before I answered. Just to the warrior: "Don’t talk nonsense, how can a guild as big as the Frost Rose League have no intelligence agencies. Some time ago, it was fighting against Japan and Russia. The focus of the Frost Rose’s intelligence must be concentrated abroad. I don’t know much about domestic affairs.”

I have to say that this priest MM is very smart. I guessed the reason before I answered her, but I still nodded to confirm her guess. . "Yes, during this period we did relax our domestic intelligence collection work. If it is not troublesome, I hope you can provide some information about the Black Sun Alliance. Looking at the situation today, our guild may need to clean up the domestic environment. "

The warrior who just interrupted heard me say to clean up the domestic environment, and immediately said happily: "haha, very good. The Frost Rose Alliance is willing to take action. Now the Black Sun Alliance will be unlucky. . Let me tell you..."

The priest MM interrupted the warrior before he finished speaking. Priest MM pulled the warrior behind him, and then said: "President Purple Moon. It is not difficult for us to provide information, but I have a small request I hope you can agree to."

"Speaking of Listen."

"I hope you can call our blood Knight regiment when you act."

As for the priest MM's request, I thought about it a bit, and then took it seriously. replied: "Sorry, I cannot allow the Frost Rose League to invite you to participate in our operations in an official capacity, unless your guild can pass our guild's allied assessment conditions."

If it is a general guild, When the guild war is launched, it must be anxious for someone to help. But our Frost Rose League is different. Our status in the country is somewhat similar to that of a semi-government department. Although the guilds in our country are not completely unified, because of the strength of our guilds, the Frost Rose League actually has certain government functions in China. For a guild like ours, if you take other guilds to act together, then this guild is likely to be considered by other guilds to have a certain law enforcement nature. In other words, if our guild takes the Blood Knight regiment to carry out the action to eliminate the Black Sun Alliance, other guilds will regard the Blood Knight regiment as the executor of our guild, so what will the Blood Knight regiment do in the future? Things will be directly counted on us. That is absolutely not allowed.

Seeing that I refused, the priest MM simply stepped back and asked: "Then what if you only take me alone?"

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