The information on the exchange is actually not very comprehensive, but even simple information is enough to reflect many problems. In that data, I found a guy whose trading name was Yiya Qijirou, whose transaction records were dense and somewhat outrageous.

There are all kinds of players who come to the exchange to trade. Regardless of whether it is a personal transaction or a team transaction, there will inevitably be a time interval problem. If Qijirou Yiye only trades a relatively large amount of goods, it may also be because he is an agent of a certain commercial organization. After all, there are many records like exchanges. However, the situation of Qijiro One Night is completely different. His transaction records show that the number of items he trades at a time is basically only seven or eight, sometimes it can reach 20 or 30, and if it is less, it may only have one or two. This kind of transaction volume is generally speaking more in line with a three. The trading situation of a small team of fifty people, but the trading frequency of this one night Qijirou is completely unstable. Sometimes he just came to trade once, 30 minutes later he suddenly brought a lot of things to trade, and sometimes he only had one or two items for two or three days. This situation is very abnormal.

If the person who comes to the exchange is a purely commercial team, it means that his items are collected from others. Regardless of whether it is for convenience or for quick withdrawal of funds, traders will try to maintain a stable trading frequency, such as visiting the exchange once a day or two days. It is an abnormal situation to run three or four times in the afternoon like Yiye Qijirou or not see people for several days in a row.

If he is relying on his own team to sell equipment, then this situation is even more abnormal. Because our guild trades all preferential policies, and you can enjoy low-cost replenishment discounts when you sell things on our exchange, but this Qijirou only buys a small amount of medicine each time, which is obviously abnormal. Monsters of the same level as the player usually have weaker battle strength than the player, and much more blood volume than the player. Therefore, killing monsters is usually more expensive than hacking people, but the probability of casualties is much lower. Qijirou bought few medicines overnight. One situation was that their team was small, but this was not in line with the sales volume of their equipment. Another situation is that their personnel have super strong battle strength, and Daguai hardly get injured. But this is not in line with their situation, because there is really that level that is not as good as joining a major guild as a high-level member to receive wages. The last situation, and the one I least want, is that these guys are not killing monsters and blasting equipment, but killing people and looting equipment. However, according to the current record, this is what they are doing 80% of the time.

"Military God."


"If I can submit a time record, you can find someone who has appeared in Isinger People?"

"The records within three months are all OK, and you won’t be able to go further."

"Check it for me, three hours ago on the exchange side The player who traded a match record. His name is Yiye Qijirou. In addition, there was a transaction record at 9:37 yesterday evening, and a record at 5:08 pm yesterday."

"No, insufficient information. Are there more transaction time records? According to the information you provided, I selected eight people in these three time periods and were present three times."

I checked The record said: "There is a record at 1:04 pm the day before yesterday."

"Target retrieval is complete. Only one person is present in the four records, and the judge should be the person you are looking for."< /p>

"Pass over his video record for me to see."

"I will be there soon."

I took out my record crystal and input a little With magic power, I soon saw the crystal projecting a silhouette forward.

The screen shows a well-equipped warrior. This guy does not look like a dutiful person. At first glance, he looks like a very scornful character. However, the equipment on his body is almost all good things. Although it doesn't look like a complete set, the attributes should be well matched.

"Are you looking for this person?" asked the military god.

"I'm not sure for the time being, but I should be able to confirm it soon." I asked, "Do you have this guy's recent location record?"

"The magic eye of L82A47 just saw him passing within the surveillance range 3 minutes ago."

"L82A47? Isn't that about to reach the city gate?"

" It should have not arrived yet, because the magic eye of the city gate did not record his appearance. Oh wait, there is a new situation. The target has just entered the surveillance range of the magic eye of L83A47 and is moving."

"Which is the most recent Transmission Formation?" I asked directly.

"The Transmission Formation in the city of No. 3317 is the closest."

When I heard the report of the military god, I sent it directly, and in the next second I walked out of the Transmission Formation. .

Because Isengard is relatively large, the general transportation system alone cannot meet the traffic needs in the city, so we have repaired a lot of small Transmission Formation in Isengard, so that everyone can directly send it to Hope The area reached.

As soon as I left Transmission Formation, the military god immediately reported: "The target contacted three players, and the four left together. They are now turning to you, and will enter the line of sight after fifteen seconds at the current speed. Range."

I ran a few steps forward and stood at a T-shaped intersection, and then looked around, the target person immediately came into my sight. "Okay, the army god, I see the target, you don't have to worry about it."

After explaining the army god, I immediately ducked into a shop on the roadside. To know if these four people are robbing the players who came to Isengard to trade, it is obviously the most unwise way to ask directly. Even if those guys did rob, they would definitely not say. So, I plan to follow them first to see what these guys do. If they go to the leveling area to fight monsters or purchase equipment, that's okay, but if they really attack other players, then it's time for me to intervene.

The four people seemed to be communicating with each other. They didn't notice my presence. They walked past the door of the shop where I was hiding, and then moved towards the city gate. I followed the four of them from a distance and watched them reach the city teleportation hall. After they teleported away, I immediately used the guild leader's authority to know the target of their teleportation, and then I asked Emenes to disguise it for me, and then followed the teleportation over.

The target location of these four guys is not a city, but a leveling area. When I first saw this place, I thought I had made the wrong goal, because if the four guys were specifically for robbery, they should block people on the road instead of coming to the leveling area. However, this idea of ​​mine was overthrown by myself after only a few seconds, because the four guys were running outside the leveling area.

Now there is obviously one more person in the four-person team. It seems that this person is responsible for leading the way for the four. Under the guidance of this person, the four quickly ran out of the leveling area, and then ran towards the nearest city. However, these four guys did not run to the nearest city. Instead, they ran into another person on the way. Then the original four, plus the guide and the person waiting on the road, left the road after a few exchanges with the person on the road. They ran into the woods next to them, but they did not leave the road so far, but kept walking through the woods on the side of the road.

Because there is not too much industrial and agricultural land in the game, the vegetation coverage rate is very high, and both sides of the road are basically forests. Generally speaking, it is possible to reach nearby cities along the forest, but there is definitely no road to walk in the forest. Unless it is to avoid people on the opposite road, or to follow someone, normal people are definitely not. Will walk through the woods. For this reason, as soon as I saw those guys digging into the woods, I knew that these guys must be close to the target.

When I followed those guys into the woods, they were moving fast not far in front. Seeing that their attention is in front, I quickly followed along.

After a few people trot for a while, the last person who responded to them suddenly waved back, and the speed of the few people immediately slowed down, and then trot lightly and quickly followed along. Not far in front of them, seven players with fairly good equipment were walking forward at an unpleasant speed, and in front of them, there was another player carefully observing something.

The six people who catch up from behind and the eight people in front add up to fourteen people. This configuration is a bit too much for leveling, and there are too few people playing BOSS. A little bit, but if they are specialized in robbery, it is just right, because the average player squad is mostly three to ten people, and their 14-person team can completely suppress an ordinary player leveling squad, which is just suitable Robbery.

After finding that the group of people behind had caught up, the group of people in front immediately made a concealed gesture to them, and then the six people in the back approached them more carefully, and they had already reached them. On the big tree above my head, I have also seen the target they are tracking.

Because the attention of these fourteen guys is all on the player squad on the road not far ahead, even if I'm on top of them, these people still don't notice. In fact, even if they are not paying attention to those people, it is probably difficult to find me. After all, I am still in a semi-invisible state. It is not so easy to find me among the dense foliage.

There are six players in the team being followed. Among them are two sword warriors and one Dark Knight. In addition, there are two beautifully equipped archers and a Dark Element priest. Speaking of which The three melee occupations are nothing special, but the other three seem to be quite noticeable.

The equipment of the two archers seems to be at least Holy Spirit suits and the like, and the bows in their hands are not ordinary goods, because even if they are so far apart, I can See the stars twinkling on the bow. The ability to emit such bright rays of light indicates that the bow has powerful magic skills, otherwise it would never be so shiny even with gems.

In fact, apart from the archer, the priest is the most noticeable. Generally speaking, when it comes to priests, everyone will think of the image of a white robe holding the Bible in hand. This image of a Light Element priest can be said to have been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. However, the one in front of him is not the kind of Light Element priest who looks white, but a Dark Element priest. She is indeed wearing a long robe, but the color is black with red edges instead of white with gold edges. Also, this lady priest not only had a different color of her robe, but also had different things in her hands. The ordinary Light Element priest either only has a bible in his hand, or he has something like a scepter, but this Dark Element priestess is holding a sturdy giant sickle nearly three meters long. Seeing a petite MM who is less than 1.6 meters tall holding a giant red scythe that is almost two taller than her, the huge visual contrast can definitely shock many people. However, the 14 robbers who are being followed are obviously not within this range.

"The previous thing was shot?" Seeing a few people leaning forward, one of the people in the front team slowed down a bit, and then whispered to the guy behind.

Yiyeqijirou, who was in charge of the transaction before, leaned forward and replied in a low voice: "We are all released. But we are too urgent to ship, and the price can’t be raised!"

"No way, boss. You need money to buy equipment, so you lose a little bit. How much did you sell this time?"

"Thirty-one thousand crystal coins, shouldn't it be enough for the boss to buy equipment?" asked Qijirou Yiye.

The person in front said: "I don't know if it's enough now, but it will be enough after finishing this ticket." The tone of the person's speech was obviously very excited, and the one night Qijirou immediately heard it. The meaning of his words.

"The few fat sheep in front have good things in their hands?"

After being asked, the man's originally proud expression collapsed. "Things are good things, at least worth this number." The man stretched out his hand to make a five.

Yiyeqijirou looked at it and asked in surprise: "Fifty thousand crystal coins? So many?"

The man shook the head and said: "It's not fifty thousand but five One hundred thousand. And this is still a conservative estimate. If it is auctioned off, the price will definitely go up."

"Five...500,000?" Yiye Qijirou was also taken aback by the price. Then he asked suspiciously: "Why are you frowning with so many? Is this the idea to get involved?"

The man pointed to the front and said: "I saw the little girl in the team with the sickle. Didn’t you?"

"That's very beautiful?"

"Yes, it's her." The man said with a little fear: "Before we always thought she was a priest, but in the end, When fighting the boss, she suddenly made a big move, and cut the boss seriously in one move. I estimate that her damage output is at least tens of thousands. We estimate that few of us can stand it."

"What should I do? Don't grab it?"

"Don't grab it?" The man suddenly loudly said, "Don't grab us for so long? Why don't you run here for a walk?"< /p>

"Who?" Suddenly came a tenderly shouted in front of him, followed by a red light flashed by, and several people hurriedly scattered to avoid them. The large trees around them were instantly cut off by the red light and zhi zhi crashed down in the rumbling sound of quack.

Until he was attacked, the man remembered that he had spoken too loudly, but his whereabouts had been exposed, and it was useless to regret. The guy simply waved forward and shouted: "I was found. Everyone. Let's go together."

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