"Then what if you take me alone?"

"It’s okay to take you alone, but I’d like to know why you must follow Let’s act together."

Priest MM generously replied: "Is it okay to have personal grievances?"

"Of course."

After I agreed with the priest MM After the request, the priest MM was also very happy to tell me all the news she knew about the Black Sun Alliance.

The Black Sun Alliance is actually one of two forces split from a guild. The original Black Sun Alliance was actually a guild alliance formed by anti-Japanese players rather than a guild. Its structure was a bit similar to the anti-Japanese guild that had stayed with the king. Its main body was a medium-sized guild, and the rest were Small guilds all follow this guild’s actions, but administratively, small guilds are completely independent individuals. However, a relatively good guy came from the Black Sun Alliance. This guy has very strong communicative skills. Under his mediation, the guild alliance quickly merged into a guild, which was the original Black Sun. alliance.

After the formation of the Black Sun Alliance, it probably lasted for a few weeks, and then some of the original real powers in the association, that is, the presidents of the original small guilds, felt that their status was weakened. These little guild leaders felt a little unbalanced in their hearts after they felt their status declined, and then another guy popped out of the meeting at this time. This guy entangled the unconvinced people in the meeting and finally got into a split, and then The Black Sun Alliance was split into two organizations, the Black Sun Alliance and the Black Sun Federation.

After the split of these two organizations, they are like most divorced couples. From lovers to enemies, as long as the Black Sun Alliance is doing things, the Black Sun Alliance must be against them. On the contrary If the Black Sun Alliance does something, the Black Sun Alliance will definitely follow suit.

Recently, the Black Sun Federation seems to be planning to carry out commercial activities, which is to buy equipment obtained from the players from the players, and then sell these things to large companies like our Frost Rose League. Can.

The business itself is not a problem, but in line with what the Black Sun Alliance does, the Black Sun Alliance must work against them. After discovering that the Black Sun Alliance intends to buy and resell the item, the Black Sun Alliance Immediately started a no-cost business, specifically robbing the Black Sun Federation and their customers and profiting from it. Originally, the Black Sun Alliance did this kind of robbery business only based on the idea of ​​doing it with the Black Sun Alliance, but after the robbery started, they found that organized gangs like them had a very high robbery success rate, and it seemed that it was still It was very profitable, so their robbery changed from being purely for frustration at first to being for profit now. Moreover, it is not only the Black Sun Alliance that is robbing, they have also developed a supply and marketing relationship, which has led to many robbers doing it alone.

The small gang that attacked the priests MM before is a gang brought up under this criminal structure. They themselves are not members of the Black Sun Alliance, but are only responsible for the robbery. The Black Sun Alliance will provide gangs like them with various ancillary services such as intelligence, sales, and transportation, and these gangs can consider whether to pay some information usage fees to deal with the robbed items themselves, or simply sell the things directly to the hackers. Japan Union. Of course, no matter how you choose, it is certain that the Black Sun Alliance will profit from it in the end.

The group just now obviously belongs to a more peripheral organization, because they will also go to Isengard to sell the stolen items, which shows that they did not sell the things to the Black Sun Alliance, at least not all of them. . This kind of team that does not sell the proceeds of the robbery to the Black Sun Alliance needs to pay some information usage fees, but compared to selling the stolen goods directly to the Black Sun Alliance, the profit will definitely be higher, but the risk is also higher. For example, a team like this one was targeted by me because of the issue of stolen sales channels. If they let the Black Sun Alliance sell them, it is estimated that this would not happen.

"Okay, I already understand the general information. Take this one." I handed a small crystal communicator out and said, "Take this with me, and I will pass it when I act. Contact you about this."

"What is this?" Priest MM obviously didn't know the crystal communicator.

"Just treat it as a magical phone."

"Everyone in your guild wears this?"

"Of course, otherwise How do we direct the battle when our guild fights? Okay, I have other things. If we decide to act, I will notify you. Also, don’t lose the communicator, and we will take it back later."


"Then I will leave first."

I returned to Isengard first after leaving the battle site, and first notified several members of the guild The commander in charge of the battle may need to be on duty recently. In addition, let the Intelligence Section of the guild prepare a case for the Black Sun Alliance, and finally ask the public relations department of the guild to contact the Black Sun Alliance. Since the Black Sun Alliance and the Black Sun Federation are now like fire and water, I believe we should be able to get more and more detailed information from them.

After explaining all this, I hurried to the devil beast lair, where the queen of the aurora beast was still inspecting the house. Although I arranged a receptionist, it was the race I found back after all. It was a bit unreasonable for me to be absent.

When I arrived at the devil beast’s lair, the queen of aurora beasts was designing their living environment with a group of elite aurora beasts. For the devil beast’s lair, which can design the environment according to the wishes of the living creatures The Queen of Architecture Aurora Beast showed great enthusiasm. I felt that she was playing our pet lair as a simulation construction game, but it wasn't me who lived anyway, and what she liked to be like had nothing to do with me.

After confirming that the Aurora Beast Queen did not need my help, I went to the military god to ask about the progress of the Black Sun Alliance.

"Which one is it now?"

After a glance, the military god threw a crystal to me. I've played this thing many times. I took the crystal and went directly to the console next to it and inserted it into the control slot. Then I clicked on the crystal and the things I asked for came out soon.

According to the record, the liaison staff of our guild have just come into contact with the senior leaders of the Black Sun Federation. The specific matter has not yet been discussed, but the combat team of our guild is almost ready. I have to say that the current Frost Rose League really reflects my original design concept. The combat department responded faster than all other departments. The unit that sent out to investigate intelligence has not returned yet, and the combat department has completed the reorganization.

After checking the progress data of the Black Sun Alliance incident, I went through the data on the Russian side, but the intelligence showed that the Russians seemed to have nothing to do during this time. The Aurora hunting plan was disrupted by me, and it has only been less than a day now. Counting the time, this will freeze Banshee. I'm probably still discussing the next action plan with the group of Russians.

Since there is nothing on both sides, I plan to check the preparations of the Aurora Queen’s lair first. However, I have just stepped out of the command center of the God of War, and the communicator on my body suddenly rang. stand up. I looked down and found that the information was actually sent by the military god. Looking back at the gate of the command center, I turned around and walked back without answering the communication.

"What's the matter?" I asked aloud after entering the command hall.

Military god probably knew that I would turn back, and as soon as he heard my voice, he pulled a piece from the crystal array above his head and inserted it on the console in front of him, and then on the big screen in front Click on the top to open a huge picture. When the picture appeared, the military god pushed the picture directly in front of me, and then he opened a new window and started to do his own business.

The screen that the God of War showed me was a top view of a battle scene. From the height of the screen, 80% of the screen came from Babel Tower. It can be clearly seen from the screen that the two forces are fighting each other.

There was nothing like this kind of screen originally, "Zero" was originally a fighting game, and it's normal to have group battles. But the problem in the picture now is that one of the two warring parties turned out to be the Aurora herd and my Qilin warrior, which is very abnormal.

"Damn, what's the situation? Who is this beating my team? Didn't you see the banner of our Frost Rose League?"

The god of war is busy with himself The distraction replied: "The attackers were all idlers, and no guild organization appeared in the battle, but from the screen, it can be seen that these idlers are organized."

"That means someone is commanding, right?"

"Yes, and the other party must be directed at us. Even if your Qilin warrior is not known to others, the banner of our Frost Rose League is impossible. I don’t recognize it. Since we know that this is our guild team, and dare to attack, it means that the other party’s purpose is not simple."

"Then what do you think their purpose is?"

The military god suddenly threw another picture in front of me, and saw a very large convoy moving slowly. It seemed that the cars in the team were loaded with a lot of things.

After throwing the screen over, the military god continued: "Their goal should be this team, but they seem to have gotten the wrong goal."

" You know?"

"Yes." Military god nodded and said: "This team is a transport team of our guild. The car pulls preliminary refined mythril ingots. The team is from the mining area. Before departure, our Intelligence Section sent a message saying that someone must attack our transport team, so I asked the team to temporarily change the route. However, what I didn’t expect was that the team you got back happened to happen at this time. It passed through the area that the transport team should pass through, and the size of the two teams is similar. I think 80% of the attackers regard this team as the original transport team."

"Halo, You didn’t tell me if you knew it."

The military god said indifferently: "Correct, what I know is that someone might attack our transport team, and I have already notified the transport team to change the route. So I don’t have a liability issue. Your team’s passing here is your personal temporary decision. You did not inform me of the team’s time and route. It is normal for me to be unable to provide information and support. The mistake is that you are not with me."

< p>"OK! OK! It's my fault, it's my fault. You guy is just admitting death." I finished saying: "Tell me where it is, I'll go see the situation."

"You Your personal communication terminal has a target guidance function, haven’t you used it?"

"Is there still such a function?" I was surprised to take out the personal crystal communicator, and then operated it according to the method mentioned by the military god. , It turns out that this thing can actually be used to guide the confirmed target location. Of course, it is incomparable with the GPS positioning system. At least this thing cannot be used as a guide and a map. It can only be used to guide the target when the exact location of the target is known. That's it.

With the positioning function of the communicator, I don’t need the military god’s guidance. I take the communicator and leave Isengard and teleport to the approximate coordinate range, and then go out of the teleportation hall of the target city and follow the communicator to I quickly found the location of the incident.

In fact, even if there is no communicator's guidance function, I think it is not easy to miss this battlefield, because the scope of the battle between the two sides is too large.

There are almost 1,000 Aurora Beasts transferred to our guild this time. Together with the 1,000 Qilin warriors I sent, there are nearly 3,000 combat units in total. The number of attackers on the opposite side is obviously dominant. That is to say, the opponent has at least 3,000 people, and depending on the number of enemies that the Qilin warrior and Aurora Beast on my side can deal with, the total number of opponents is probably at least 6,000. Because almost every Qilin warrior or Aurora beast on our side has to deal with two to three enemies at the same time, this number ratio is absolutely impossible for less than six to seven thousand people.

There are six to seven thousand people on one side, and three thousand on the other side. Adding a piece on both sides means 10,000 people fighting in a melee. This is a large scale of engagement. I want to ignore the past unless I am deaf and blind. .

After arriving at the scene, I did not immediately participate in the battle, but used the Camouflage Technique to mix in the crowd of onlookers and observe for a while.

Although they are at a disadvantage in terms of numbers, my Qilin warrior and Aurora have no obvious casualties. On the contrary, the attackers on the opposite side have suffered a lot of casualties. The dead bodies on the ground nearby almost looked over at a glance It's all theirs.

In terms of quantity alone, there are many more attackers than Qilin warrior and Aurora, but the rank of attackers is only between Qilin warrior and Aurora, which means that they have no obvious advantage in rank. . According to this power comparison, the Qilin warrior and the Aurora team should be defeated soon, but now the situation is completely reversed. The Qilin warrior that was supposed to be defeated and the Aurora Beast defended not one drop of water can leak out, but the attacking team suffered heavy casualties. According to my analysis, the reason for this situation should be the command system.

Although my Qilin warrior level is low, it is an established Army System after all. Although the aurora beast is a wild devil beast, it is now led by the ring tone Knight, so it can also be regarded as a military system. But the attackers on the opposite side are different. Although it seems that they also have a command, this command is only coordinating the attack rhythm between the various organizations. When it comes to a single combat squad, it is almost in a state of no command. With such two teams fighting together, the battle strength is naturally unbalanced. So it's no wonder that Qilin warrior and Aurora beast can stabilize the battle when the battle strength is relatively weak.

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