"How do you plan to dispose of us?"

"It is not my job to dispose of you, I am only responsible for arresting you."

"Even if we know a very important news, is it the same?" Pastor MM suddenly said something that interested me very much.

I had planned to leave after a few people surrendered, and I suddenly turned back. "What do you mean?"

Priest MM said with a smile: "Purple Moon, the chairman, has everything to do. I think there must be no time to care about the lives of us rookie players, right?"

"You don't have to run on me, just tell me what you have. I will naturally care about what should be done. If you don't care about it, I won't interfere."

"Sure enough The level of the president of the big guild is not the same." Pastor MM said: "In that case, I will just say it. President Purple Moon, do you know what we were hunted down for?"

" The notice I received was that you killed the guards at the exchange and then escaped."

"Yes, but do you know why we clashed with the guards?"

I shook the head. "The notice was forwarded by the guild information center. I don’t know why you clashed with the guards. However, the guild’s guards are usually led by elite NPCs, so it’s unlikely that you will be troubled deliberately. If I It’s a good guess. You probably violated the rules of the exchange, or you simply committed robbery, stealing and other acts."

"Indeed. In fact, we robbed the exchange’s item, so that’s why. Will conflict with the guards and be wanted. However, what I want to say is that although we violated the rules of the exchange, we did not do anything excessive logically."

Although Pastor MM's words seem to be a bit inconsistent, but I am not stupid, and I immediately thought of the reason. "What do you mean is that the things you grab should belong to you logically?"

"Yes." The older warrior said, "The things we grabbed were originally ours. I typed it out, but it was snatched by a group of people. Later, we chased the thing all the way to this side, and found them on the exchange."

"So you just grabbed it back? "

"No, we didn't succeed!" The warrior helplessly said: "Your guards are too strong and too many, we just started to attract a large group of guards, the result..."


"hahahaha... The guard level of the exchange is configured according to the battle strength level that is sufficient for ten second-tier players. I think the four of you at most are just enough to pass the third-tier players. If you can It’s weird to grab something at the exchange."

"We know that we are not good enough, but you don’t have to ridicule us like this, right?"

"I'm just explaining the facts , But I don’t think the reasoning you said is enough to convince me. "Zero" is originally a combat game. The order here is based on strength. Many things in reality are not applicable here. It is indeed unfortunate that your things were robbed, but we have our trading rules here. Things are protected by the Bank from the moment they enter the exchange. If you rob things on the exchange, you are challenging our behavior. The order will be established, so since you have done it, you must be prepared to bear the price."

The pastor MM suddenly said: "If I say that the group of people who robbed us is specifically doing this What about it?"

"Do this? Which one?"

"It's robbery." Pastor MM said: "Their work every day is to rob people like us to go to Ai Singh is going to be a trading player, today is what we are forced to rob your exchange, and there will be more people who will be forced to take back their own things in the future. Even if your guild’s battle strength is strong enough to be able to Stop every such thing, those players who come to trade will also be hit by it, so..."

The priest MM was about to continue talking, but I reached out to stop her first. "I am not a rookie who can manage the Frost Rose League to what it is today. If the group of people you are talking about is really specializing in robbing players who went to Isengard to trade, then it is attacking us Frost Rose. Alliance’s business reputation, so, as long as what you say is true, I guarantee that they will be extremely unlucky."

Priest MMsaid with a smile: "In this case, then, in exchange, you just need to exempt us I’ll tell you who they are."

"You don’t need to tell me." As I said, I turned to the guard behind me and said, "Send them to the city management office. "

"Wait a minute. President Purple Moon, don't you want to know who is robbing the trading players?" Priest MM yelled nervously when the guard came over.

As I walked out, I said: "I have a way to find them. You should keep your message for yourself."

"But I can save you time."< /p>

"You have delayed me a lot of time."


I didn't wait for the priest MM to tell her, but I was finished. After leaving the encirclement, the content behind it will naturally be inaudible. I don't really care about these players, this is just a very ordinary robbery, it is not important at all. What I really care about is the robbery gang they are talking about. Although the status of the Frost Rose League is now very high, it is difficult to establish reputation, but it is very easy to destroy it.

Although this robbery gang is a player who came to Isengard to sell things, and the things they grabbed were sold to our guild, but because of their robbery, other players came to Ai Before Singer sells things, he will consider various costs and risks. This undoubtedly reduces Isinger's commercial competitiveness in many cities and thus affects Isinger's series of interests. If the robbery gang is really doing this as the priest MM said, then they are equivalent to parasites on our guild. For such parasites, naturally, the sooner they can be dealt with, the better.

After leaving the port, I found a guild player in charge of logistics and took the Queen of Aurora Beast to settle in the devil beast lair. As for myself, I went directly to the exchange. The exchange of our guild has a very comprehensive transaction record system. If things are really like what the four guys said, then it is necessary to check them carefully.

"President? Why are you here?" As soon as I stepped into the door of the exchange, a member in charge of the exchange greeted me.

"Just found a suspicious situation, come and look at the transaction record."

"Oh, okay." The player immediately beckoned to an NPC to let him take me Arrived in the archives room, and soon after I asked the exchange guards, I found the problem in the information.

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