"Don't you understand?" The pastor MM angrily explained: "That is a military port. It is full of warships. Everyone on the ship knows each other. Why do you Maybe we can go up there?"

"Maybe we can pretend to be NPC?"

"NPC? You thought it out." Pastor MM wanted to slap to death. This guy said, "Are NPCs so camouflaged? The NPCs on warships are all combatants, not comparable to free NPCs in cities. If you want to get in, you must first get a set of their equipment. . Besides. Players can know each other, don’t NPCs know each other? If you stop in the middle, you will be recognized in three seconds."

"Then we are not Are you dead?"

"Yes, you are indeed dead."

The sudden voice shocked all four people, but all four were obviously The veteran who often mixes in the monster area, although he was taken aback, his reaction was not slow at all. As soon as my voice appeared above their heads, the four of them immediately jumped out from behind the box. Two warriors quickly stood in a row with shields and swords to protect the two behind, while the archer MM instantly drew an arrow and opened the bow. In the middle of the two men, the arrow was stretched out from the shoulders of the two warriors. As for the pastor MM, she was actually the fastest responder of the four. Not only did she immediately protect her four after turning over and avoiding it, she also gave her four people two layers of protection, and she also threw out a large range of "mind". Deterrence suppresses possible attacks.

"The reaction is good, but you seem to be mistaken." I gently lifted my hand, and suddenly a large group of city defense soldiers appeared on the roof and the ground around them. Enclosed completely.

"Are you Purple Moon?" MM, the archer among the four, was the first to spot me because she immediately drew her bow and arrow to aim.

"Do you still hold the arrow if you know it's me?"

"I...!" Archer MM just wanted to defend but found that she had nothing to say, but her arrow was so right First it dropped, and the opened bow was also relaxed, but she did not remove the arrow. If necessary, she could still shoot the arrow in her hand within one second.

Although the archer MM just put the arrow down, the warrior next to him, who is well equipped, asked nervously: "Why didn't you aim?"

" But that is Purple Moon!"

"What's wrong with Purple Moon?"

"I'll tell you what's wrong."

My voice is not from From the top of the pile of boxes, it appeared in front of the warrior instantly. Suddenly hearing the sound of being close at hand, the warrior was taken aback, and he immediately swung his sword down, but this close-range blow was completely empty, and the sound appeared again behind his back.

"Understand? The difference between me and you is that even if you attack, you can't touch me at all, so your companion is very wise, at least she can let me down a bit more polite to you. "

"Ah..." The warrior obviously did not believe what I said, because just after I finished speaking, he suddenly swung his sword over, but the sword still swung without suspense. It's empty.

"I told you, you couldn't hit it."

Just after I finished speaking, the priest MM next to me suddenly reached out and threw away a halo from the top of my head. , And when the halo flashed, nothing happened to me. In fact, this trick will not be useful to all normal people, because just now it is just a skill to detect illusions, not an attack skill, so unless it is an illusion, it will not be useful.

Just now, Pastor MM saw my silhouette constantly flashing around the warrior, so she treated me as a phantom body, so she experimented with the detection divine technique, but the result was nothing. No reaction.

After the test, the pastor MM directly shouted to the warrior: "Don't do it, his speed is not what you can match."

"You compare It’s not only speed.” After I finished speaking, I suddenly appeared around them in a circle. The priest MM was surprised at first, and then he reacted and quickly brushed the detection technique on each of me. As a result, None of them responded.

"How is it possible?" Pastor MM was surprised after the detection and didn't know what to say. I have only one person, that's for sure, but there are so many me around them at the same time, which means that at most one of them is true, or even none of them. However, not only did her detection result fail to find out which I was real, but none of them could be detected. According to the information she gave back to her skills, these should all be true, but the fact is that I only have one person, so the information she gave back to her skills is definitely wrong.

"Are you surprised?" My voice suddenly appeared at the top of the pile of cargo boxes where I was sitting when I first appeared, and the eyes of all four people gathered in an instant. "I said, you simply can't touch me. No, maybe it should be said that you simply can't find me. The detection spell of the priest lady may be effective for normal phantoms, but it is not good for my phantom bodies. No effect. Even now, can you be sure that the me who speaks must be the real me?"

With a crisp sound, a sword fell to the ground. The young warrior looked at his companion in surprise. "Why did you throw the sword?"

"Give up. We have no chance of winning." The warrior persuaded his companion.

The archer MM also threw his bow to the ground, then turned his head and said to the warrior: "Don't be willful, it's useless."

The warrior looked around. See, I had to put down the weapon in the end, and still mumbled: "It was you who said that you were robbed, but now it is also you who are going to surrender. It seems that I was wrong."

"Okay, okay, I know we are hurting you." Pastor MM patted the warrior on the shoulder and said: "Give back the thing. At worst, it shouldn't be kill to the last one. "

"A very wise decision." All the images surrounding them suddenly disappeared. Even the one sitting on the top of the box disappeared, and there were less than two meter away beside the four. In place, my silhouette gradually emerged, and beside me stood a wolf-shaped devil beast the size of a rhinoceros.

This silhouette is my real body, and the one beside me is naturally the Queen of Aurora Beasts. In fact, we arrived here long ago, but we didn't show up. The optical stealth ability of the Aurora Beast Queen is very good, and at such a close distance, these four people have not found it for a long time.

"What do you plan to do with us?"

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