The evacuation work is much faster than expected. Of course, this is mainly because the aurora beast and these undead creatures are local tyrants, so the road is relatively familiar.

After meeting the two guides, we returned to the mountain city, but we had a little trouble passing through the city. After all, Aurora beasts belong to high level creatures. With such a large group of Aurora beasts acting collectively, many players thought it was a monster siege. As a result, I explained it for a long time before explaining the situation.

After entering the city, the aurora beast tribe was divided into two parts. Among them, several elite aurora beasts were led by the queen of aurora beasts and returned to Isengard with me, and the aurora beast group was Their king led the team back to Isengard on foot. After all, the price of Transmission Formation is too high, and there is also the probability of transmission errors. So the collective use of Transmission Formation by battallion personnel costs a lot. It is almost inevitable that ten or eight are lost in the middle, so the safest way is Let everyone walk. As for the part of following me back to Isengard, they mainly do the preliminary preparations first, such as preparing a suitable living environment for them in the devil beast lair.

However, although the Aurora Beasts have to walk to Isengard, they still have to lead the way because they don't know the exact location of Isengard. Besides, the aurora beasts are devil beasts after all. To allow such a large group of devil beasts to traverse the entire China without supervision, it is really an act of making trouble for themselves, let alone whether the aurora beasts will attack passers-by in the middle of the road. Even if they don't take the initiative to attack, what if other players attack them as ordinary monsters? Therefore, in order not to cause trouble, some escorts still have to exist.

Among my summon creatures, the most suitable escort is the Qilin warrior. After all, it is an organized troop. Together with the leader group formed by the ring tone Knight, such a regular militarized troop will not It is easy to cause misunderstanding. But just in case, I still sent Asuka and my two guardian long spears to this unit, and asked them to play the banner of our Frost Rose League. Long spear is the iconic guardian beast of our guild. There are very few people who don’t know. There are three long spear creatures flying overhead. As long as they are not deliberately looking for faults, most people would not recognize them as wild devil beasts. .

After sending away the Aurora Beast formation, I entered the Teleportation Hall with the Aurora Beast Queen, accompanied by twelve elite Aurora Beasts from the Aurora Group. These so-called elite aurora beasts are not the same as the elite players. The elite players among the players usually refer to the players who are more able to play or with higher levels, but in the Aurora herd, the elite means the type with higher intelligence. Like the king of the aurora beast, although he is a king, he is not elite, because he is only good at fighting, and his brain is not very smart.

"Wow...Is this Isinger? It's spectacular!" As soon as he appeared in Isinger's teleportation hall, the Queen of Aurora Beast cried out in surprise in the spirit net network, and followed her The aurora beasts together were also surprised one by one. Although they haven't left the teleportation hall yet, the scene in front of them has already surprised them.

Isinger is different from ordinary cities. Because its ground floor is open to the public, in addition to the guild, there will be many other guilds or scattered people here. In addition to the large area of ​​Isinger itself, the flow of people coming in and out of Isinger is incomparable gigantic every day. With such a huge passenger flow, it is obviously not enough to put a circle of Transmission Formation in a hall-like building like an ordinary city. Therefore, what we are using here is a multi-story three-dimensional building model similar to an airport.

After entering from the entrance of the teleportation hall, in the lobby of the teleportation hall, you can see various diversion guide signs, and then according to these signs, you can go up and down the stairs and finally reach the designated portal. On these final transmission platforms, there will be ten to hundreds of Transmission Formations of varying sizes according to the flow of people. The people who arrive here are basically people who go to the same place because they have completed the directional diversion. It eliminates the time delay of different personnel alternately waiting for the start of Transmission Formation. And there is another advantage of using Transmission Formation in combination with multiple people like this that it saves money. Transmission Formation can only connect to one target each time it starts, and it cannot accurately send multiple people on Transmission Formation to different targets. It can only send all the people standing on it to one location at a time. This feature determines that the transmission is like a direct long-distance bus. If ten people are going to different places, the bus has to be delivered one at a time, and if ten people are all going to one place, it only needs to be done once. . In this way, there are nine fewer trips, and the energy consumption saved can be transferred to the passengers, so that the purpose of reducing costs can be achieved. Of course, such a complicated guidance system actually has its drawbacks. For example, if you encounter a super road idiot, you will be fainted on the connecting passage between the floors, which is almost inevitable.

"Does it feel spectacular?" I looked at the densely packed crystal channel in front of the spider web and asked the Queen of Aurora with a smile: "Don’t you think it’s messy?" Although Isinger teleported The road system of the temple was designed by professionals hired by our guild. At the beginning of the construction, the dual indicators of beauty and practicality were considered. However, after all, there are too many roads and multi-level intersections, and chaos is inevitable.

The Aurora Beast Queen was so dissatisfied with the situation in front of her, she was very confused and asked: "Will it be messy? I think it's very good! You see, such beautiful lines are intertwined, not only are they different from each other. Conflict can also play a guiding role. How can things that integrate beauty and practicality be messed up?" The Queen of Aurora Beast turned her head and asked other Aurora Beasts, and they all agreed on this structure. very beautiful. Regarding their aesthetics, I can only say that it is probably the difference in aesthetics caused by the differences in species, while the Aurora Queen insists on changing their nests to this structure. Naturally, I am happy with them, anyway. It's not that I live, and it's their business to dizzy.

Under my guidance, the Aurora Beast Queen and her entourage followed me out of the small Transmission Formation where we appeared, and around us was a large densely packed small Transmission Formation. This platform is a public Transmission Formation area, which is specially prepared for cities with small passenger flow. Because some Transmission Formations located in remote areas have very small traffic, it is not cost-effective to reserve a Transmission Formation specifically for them. Therefore, for this type of Transmission Formation, we adopt a centralized arrangement of multiple small Transmission Formations. The equivalent to is an individual who arrives here. You only need to connect to the Transmission Formation where you need to go. And the reason why all densely packed are small Transmission Formation, it is because these transmission locations will not be too much even if someone goes to it once. The large-scale Transmission Formation consumes too much energy to start one time, and it is not as cost-effective as using a small Transmission Formation. This is like the regional flights at the airport are all small planes, with few people, and it is obviously not cost-effective to use large planes.

Out of this dense transport area, there is a connecting passage outside, through this translucent crystal spiral staircase to reach the lower platform, and then turn a few passages according to the guide signs and use the vertical elevator twice. We finally reached the ground floor lobby of the Teleportation Hall.

Different from the densely packed channels above, the first floor of the transmission hall does not have any Transmission Formation other than the channel, but it is still densely packed here, but it is not the channel and the Transmission Formation densely packed, but the human head. packed. Imagine the train station before the Spring Festival, and you can think of the scene on the first floor of Isengard’s Teleportation Hall. Various strangely dressed people and even non-human creatures shuttle here and there. The scene is more than the space transit station in the planet war. Be exaggerated.

"Lots of people!" This is obviously the first time the Aurora Beast Queen has encountered this situation. As soon as she got out of the elevator, she was shocked by the large head of people in front of her.

"This can be regarded as Isinger’s feature. Just get used to it. But if you don’t like the crowds, it’s okay. Isinger’s space is still quite large, except for Teleportation Hall and Commercial Street. The place is basically empty." The area of ​​Isinger almost catches up with the area of ​​a province. In addition, Isinger itself is a multi-layer structure, in addition to the ground, there is an underground part, and then count in the sky and the ground city is like a reflection in a mirror. Existing Twin Cities, Isengard's Inner City located deep in the earth's crust and Isengard's mobile fortress above Sky City. Add one block to all of these areas, and then expand the entire area of ​​Isengard onto a flat surface. This total area is almost equal to the area of ​​Xinjiang Province. With such a large area, even if a large part of it is a restricted area, the remaining part is absolutely terrifying. In such a wide land, if there is a crowded situation, there are only a few popular areas with a relatively large flow of people. If you want the whole city to be full of people, Isengard has to swarm over a billion people at once.

"In fact, we don’t mind the number of people. The Aurora Orcs are social creatures and they are not withdrawn. As long as they are not hostile creatures, we basically don’t mind being with them."

" Then there is no problem. All the allies or neutral units of the guild can enter Isengard. If hostile creatures appear here, then the whole city will be under martial law. Speaking of which your aurora clan is very suitable for capture Intruder. Although Isinger is big, as long as you spread out, you can immediately form a spiritual net network covering the whole city. When the time comes, scan for the presence of hostile consciousnesses nearby, and you can find the intruder in one click. "

The Queen of Aurora Beast said: "We are good at this, so we can just notify when we need it in the future."

"Warning, there are violations of law enforcement personnel in D32A14 area and Law Enforcement Group. In the conflict, there were casualties in the Law Enforcement Group, the offenders absconded, and the various departments pay attention to the arrest. The following releases the information on the offenders:..."

The sudden sound of the prompt stunned me until Aurora Beast The queen realized that I had been in a daze and called me before I recovered. "It seems you are really talking about something!"

"Huh? What do you mean?" Although the Queen of Aurora Beast is now the guardian beast of our guild, the prompt I just heard is OK. From the crystal communicator, all people within the city of Isengard will receive the communication. The Aurora Beast Queen does not have a communication machine, so she did not hear the notification. However, after I explained the situation to her, she immediately agreed to help us arrest people. As for the lair, she was not in a hurry anyway.

Although the Aurora Queen promised to help us catch people, after all, they only came with twelve elites. In addition, the Aurora Queen herself has only 13 Aurora beasts. It is obvious that they want to cover the whole city. Is impossible. Fortunately, even if the entire city cannot be covered, the powerful detection distance of the aurora beast is enough to pull out a detection line such as a realm line, and then all the aurora beasts can keep this line moving forward, like a comb. Cheng Du gave it to him, and soon the target person was found.

"Boss, isn't it wrong for us to do this?"

Outside the dock somewhere in the Isengard Wharf area, several players gasping for breath are hiding Rest behind a pile of goods. A player who seemed to be well equipped said with a worried look to an older player next to him.

The older warrior replied: "Someone robbed us. What's wrong with us taking it back?"

The well-equipped player immediately said: "But they It was robbed in the wild. We robbed it on the exchange. The Frost Rose League’s exchange has executed the cargo records even if the exchange is owned, if we grab it this way, we are robbing Frost Rose’s things. Just now, the boss. Two exchange guards were also hacked to death. How to calculate this account?"

"Idiot, how easy is it to be caught by Isinger? Besides, there are often fugitives in reality. How about getting out of the law, is the police in the game better than in reality?"


"Why do you have so many problems? Okay, don't worry, Anyway, robbed and hacked, and now it’s useless to regret it. If you have time to scare yourself, think about how to get out."

A female priest-type player Said: "When I entered the city before, I saw that the city gate has a lot of guards, and there are huge might weapons on the city wall. We definitely can't get out from there."

Another one The female elf archer also said: "The guards of the teleportation hall are only a lot more than the city gate, so don't count on that."

The player who had been worried about this before suddenly said: "Right. , Aren’t we in the harbor? There seems to be no guards here. Why don’t we go by boat?"

"hey hey hey? You don’t have a fever, right?" Fairy MM asked: "I know why Ai All entrances and exits of Singh are guarded, only the airport and seaport are not guarded?"

That player shook the head. "Do you know the reason?"

"Idiot you, everyone here except you knows." The priest MM said: "Isinger's sea and air ports are all dedicated to the Frost Rose League. There is no Civilian ships, of course, do not need to be inspected."

"We didn't inspect it, didn't we just get in?"

"Don't you understand?" The pastor MM angrily explained : "That's a military port. It is full of warships. Everyone on the ship knows each other. How can you get up there?"


When I was about to update, the baby suddenly had a bowel movement. The storm I changed my diaper for the first time in my life, and it was a mess. It’s not easy to be father and mother! Too many emergencies!

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