Although the words made me think about it, the ice-bound Banshee actually knew that it was simply impossible to block our revenge. All she can fight for is the final loss ratio.

As a world-class super guild, the Frost Rose League’s battle strength is recognized by the world. Frozen Banshee, as a world leader-level player, must be very clear about this. As the president of the Frost Rose League, I am here to say that I want to retaliate against them, and I will definitely retaliate against them. So, according to my words, our guild will soon launch an invasion operation against Russia, and the Russian player as the defender, no matter how strong the battle strength is, is impossible to gain any benefit in this war.

War is originally a kind of consumption. If the economic invasion and resource plunder after the war are excluded, then no matter the victor or the loser in the war, they will only gain losses, but no Benefit. Of course, if this is a war of aggression, then if the aggressor is victorious, they can carry out resource plunder or economic invasion after the war, and the benefits of these actions will likely make the victorious invaders. Get benefits. However, for the ice-bound Banshee, this condition does not apply because they are the defensive side. If our guild launches an invasion, then the war must be fought on Russian territory. No matter what the battle strength of the Russians is in the war, the loss of personnel and materials is unavoidable, and resource plundering and economic invasion can not be discussed at all, because the war took place on their own territory, and what was under their feet was originally theirs. There is no way to plunder. Moreover, a battle must cause more serious damage to the battlefield. Therefore, the defender has a natural shortcoming that no matter what the battle destroys, the loss has to be borne by the defender, and the attacker will win even if the attacker has captured a dilapidated city. It's also in vain, it's easier to beat it, just pat your butt and leave. However, no matter whether the defender wins or defeats, he must bear the war losses in the end. This is the helplessness of the defender.

When the Russians invaded our country before, our guild coordinated the guilds to evacuate their important supplies, and temporarily blasted the entrance of the mine. Even the mining equipment could be moved, but not moved. Dismantle the core components or simply blow up the mine together. Although this series of actions did not benefit the Russians in the war, it was actually just a desperate tactic for us to bite each other when we were dying. In fact, our losses did not get much relief.

Although the destroyed mines and equipment were not used by the Russians, the cost of reopening the mines and manufacturing equipment after the war was also a lot. If we did not destroy these equipments, then we would In fact, the loss will not be much greater than it is now. In other words, our original plan did not reduce much loss for our country. The only effect of that plan was to make the gang of Russian robbers work in vain.

Of course, this plan itself is still constructive. After all, to launch such a large-scale invasion war, the consumption of Russian players is certainly not small, and they were driven back to the country without any benefits. There will definitely be many problems. Although we don't know what will happen inside the Russians, we at least know that this plan will make Russian players very unhappy, which is enough.

Because the Russians caused huge losses to our country when they invaded us, retaliation is imperative. There can be virtues such as tolerance and understanding between natural persons and natural persons. However, whether it is a country, a company or a guild in a game, these organizations should actually be understood as interest groups. The core meaning of their composition is to serve Some or all of its internal members seek benefits. So, since these organizations are all interest groups, how can we expect any virtue between them? As an interest group, the meaning of its existence is to obtain as many benefits as possible. Even if it exhibits some seemingly unpaid behavior, it must be for better benefits in the future. Therefore, as two independent interest groups, the invasion of our country by Russian players is impossible and forgiven. Even if our guild does not take the lead, someone will come forward sooner or later.

"Ice-bound Banshee, don't feel wronged. You have to pay back what you have done. You should have thought that there would be such a day when you invaded us, and today is just the beginning."< /p>

"I won't argue with you, when the time comes, everyone speaks by strength. If you dare to come, you must be prepared to be beaten back by us."

"hahahaha... This is the funniest joke I've heard recently. You will have a chance to try to achieve it soon, but... I don't think you have a big chance." After I finished speaking, I waved forward and said, "Okay, Hurry up and get rid of all these guys, we still have a lot of things to do."

Although the subsequent battle cannot be said to be a unilateral massacre, the damage ratio of the Russian players is definitely higher than ours. A big chunk. The level is not dominant, and there is no long-range weapon in the jungle environment. I was slammed by the aurora beast with long-range advantage and my familiars, and then when the defense line collapsed, he was close by the super strong aurora beast. Under these many drawbacks, even if the Russian players are not all killed, even if they are good.

The battle lasted from the evening to the end of the day. We deliberately controlled the time of the battle when we started the battle. The spirit net network of the Aurora Beast can be used as a radar. Under the dark night, the Aurora Beast’s battle strength is almost unaffected, but the Russian player’s battle strength has to be discounted. In addition to the previous reasons, even if it is Experts such as Frozen Banshee are also very difficult to play 100% of their strength in group battles, and they are even more likely to take advantage of them.

After the second day dawned, as the personnel were scattered and the line of sight was added, the advantage of the spirit net network of the Aurora beast was gradually offset. After a night of battle, the scattered Russian players mostly figured out the tactical characteristics of the Aurora beasts, so their resistance capabilities also increased significantly. Under such circumstances, it is no surprise that someone succeeds in breaking through. Of course, one of the reasons why I didn't directly participate in the war was that I would spill all the Death God guards out, and that amount would be enough to cover a large area of ​​the surrounding jungle. Although the level of Death God guards is not high, but also not very low, and a feature of Death God guards is that battle strength will greatly increase in cursed or desert environments. This is the forest of curses, which happens to belong to the environment that Death God guards like. In such an environment, Death God guards can fully display the battle strength of high level players. It is not impossible to keep all these elite players behind. However, keeping a few people appropriately and letting them run out can produce a kind of psychological hint, which will make the Russians more likely to collapse during the next fight, so I did not kill to the last one, but let the Aurora and them fight and run on their own ability. They are unlucky if they can't lose, and it's luck to run away.

"There is no longer any hostile lifeform nearby." When the sun almost rose up, the Queen of Aurora Beast sent me a reconnaissance report from the spirit net network. The detection signals sent by so many aurora beasts around can be described as all-round without blind spots. Since they all think that there are no enemies, they should really be gone.

I nodded to issue an order through the spirit net network: "All the aurora beasts gather, we will evacuate here as soon as possible. If the Russians are unwilling to kill again, we should be unlucky."

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