Although the beam attack ability of the Aurora beast looks very aggressive, but just like the magical attack ability of Dragon Clan is often ignored because of their melee ability, the melee ability of the Aurora beast is often Covered by their long-range attack power. In fact, what the Aurora Beast is really powerful is not their long-range attack ability, but their melee ability.

The super speed gives the Aurora beast super high attack accuracy, and the power brought by the huge size also increases their attack formidable power. As a species with the dual advantages of speed and power, the melee ability of the aurora beasts will not be too low in any way, not to mention that these aurora beasts also have super intelligence and can give full play to their own advantages.

"Retreat!" Frozen Banshee watched the players who were thrown down and shouted nervously, but her command was useless at all.

as the saying goes defeated like a mountain, once the line of defense collapses, its overall battle strength will suddenly drop to more than ten percent or even a few percent of the original. After losing the overall advantage, it will be in the line of defense. The battle strength of soldiers will drop drastically, which is almost an insurmountable problem.

The high-speed advantage of the aurora beasts determines that they can quickly insert the defense line, making the overall advantage of the defense line impossible. Although the ice-bound Banshee brought all the elite players from Russia, no matter how powerful they are, they are still players. Except for front-line personnel like me, ordinary players cannot rely on their personal strength to reverse the battle of the entire line of defense. even more how This is not a general leveling point. Those elite players will be able to bully ordinary monsters in groups. It is no problem, but when faced with high-level creatures in the national barrier zone, that's not the case at all. As a high-level species within the national barrier, the battle strength of the Aurora beast far exceeds that of ordinary creatures. These elite players have no advantage at all in front of the Aurora beast.

Although the ice-bound Banshee issued a retreat order, the Russian players who were entangled by the aurora beast were unable to retreat for a while, and the result of being entangled by the aurora beast was that they were trapped in the end. Fight to death.

Seeing that the people around him are fighting less and less, Bingfeng Banshee is desperately desperate, but she has nothing to do. Although with her strength, she can easily get in and out of the Aurora Beasts, but she can only say that she guarantees her safety. It is basically impossible to completely block the Aurora Beast's attack.

"Purple Moon, you bastard, always trouble us, I will return it to you ten times sooner or later." Under the anger, Banshee was forced to scold the street.

"Do you think you have that ability?"

The sudden voice frightened Bingfeng Banshee, and she suddenly turned around to realize that I was sitting not far behind her. I watched them leisurely from a big tree at the place where they were attacked by the Aurora herd.

"You bastard!" Suddenly seeing my frozen Banshee, he rushed in angrily and cut the big tree where I was sitting with a sword, but before the tree fell, I went first. He jumped down from the tree in one step, then spread his wings and landed on the ground lightly.

"Why? I got angry?" Looking at the already a little eagerly frozen Banshee, I deliberately said in a very deserves a beating tone: "At the beginning, we were inseparable from the Japanese. When we stabbed a knife in the back, you should think of today. Don’t worry, this is just the beginning. Since you have caused all the interests of our guild in Japan to be lost, then this gap can only be recovered from you. "

"Don't think about it."

"Then we will wait and see."

************* *********

Today, I only updated a thousand to report to you that I am back. The baby has been born, although it will still be very busy, but it is already free, so the update will resume from tomorrow.

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