I heard Princess say that she can use this spiritual net network to directly kill the creatures in the coverage area. I immediately asked her to demonstrate, but Princess reluctantly said: "No, use this This ability requires two prerequisites. The first is that I am within the coverage of the spirit net network, and the second is that the target must be near me, at least I must be able to see him. Also, the formidable power of this method of killing depends on As for the number of Aurora beasts connected to the spirit net network, if there are only three or five, the formidable power may not be as good as my direct attack, but as the number of Aurora beasts connected increases, the formidable power of this attack method can continue. Increased."

"Can it increase infinitely?"

"That won’t work. The upper limit of formidable power is limited by the teleportation ability of the aurora beast and my own control, but At present, the main bottleneck should be the conduction ability of the aurora beast. If there is only one aurora beast as the connection relay between me and the spirit net network, then the formidable power attack will be limited by the conduction of the aurora beast."

Princess explained all the way to me, and I finally understood what she meant. In fact, Princess's attack method is to extract the spiritual energy from the spiritual net network, and then form a spiritual impact to hit the target's soul. Because the energy source of this impact is Princess and all the Aurora beasts connected to the network, the intensity of the final psychic impact cannot be simply understood by the psychic impact. According to my understanding, the psychic impact launched in this way is different from that. It is better to call the mind storm than to call the mind storm. Originally, Princess was a great psychic, and its own psychic strength was much higher than that of ordinary creatures. However, after connecting to the heart spirit net network, Princess's spiritual energy will be greatly improved. This kind of formidable power of all living creatures in the entire network can be conceived to be unstoppable.

However, as Princess said. Although in theory the attack method of this network can be infinitely strengthened, in fact it still has limitations. The first is that Princess must be able to control this energy. In this attack mode, all Aurora beasts are energy providers, and Princess herself is equivalent to the transmitter. If the energy is so strong that Princess can’t control it, then naturally it’s impossible to talk about it. How to attack. In addition, the transmission capacity of nodes adjacent to Princess is also a problem. In this attack mode, we can understand Princess as a light bulb. The brightness of the light bulb depends on the voltage level, but the voltage that the wire itself can withstand is also limited. No matter how large the voltage generated by the power supply on the other side is, just connect it directly. The wires of the bulb cannot withstand that voltage, so high voltage is useless. In the same way, if the energy of the entire heart spirit net network must pass through a certain Aurora beast to connect to Princess, then the most huge might attack that Princess can release is only the transmission limit of the Aurora beast plus Princess's own. It's just energy, but if Princess is densely packed with Aurora beasts, the situation is completely different.

Anyway, the formidable power of this skill that Princess discovered is absolutely terrifying, and although there are restrictions, I think it shouldn’t be a big problem, because if there are really aurora beasts on the battlefield. the vicinity, then it should all be clustered together, it is unlikely that they will be scattered.

While Princess explained to me the new skills she discovered, the two Aurora beasts copied from the side bread in the heart spirit net network have successfully merged with the injured Aurora beast. . The number of Russians chasing the injured Aurora beast is far more than three. Therefore, even if two Aurora beasts arrive, the scene is still a situation where there are more fights and less, and the Aurora beast is in an extremely disadvantaged situation. However, there are two uninjured aurora beasts, and they have no clips on them, so relying on the super high speed of movement, they can barely contain the group of Russians.

"haha, we should be lucky today." A Russian saw the two aurora beasts that suddenly ran out, instead of being afraid, on the contrary, he was extremely excited.

The Russian man next to him also smiled when he heard what the man said: "Yeah, yeah, today is really our lucky day. I encountered an aurora beast that was injured and escaped halfway. Said, I actually ran into two more here. According to the rules stated beforehand, the aurora beasts we caught were provided for the people of our guild first. With these three aurora beasts as demon pets, our guild’s The battle strength can at least rise a lot."

"Hehe, the third is just the beginning. Our goal is to let everyone in the guild get an aurora beast pet." The person who spoke before Excitedly said: "This Aurora beast not only has extremely strong battle strength, but also has anti-stealth ability. The most important thing is that this guy is fast and can be used as a mount. As long as our elite troops are equipped with Aurora mounts, next time we invade When the Chinese territory is in China, they will not be affected by their harassment tactics. When the time comes, with the speed advantage of this aurora beast, don’t we attack wherever we want to attack?"

The person next to you also followed He echoed: "Yes. With the speed advantage, we will only have our part in harassing the Chinese in the future. How can it be as big as the heads of their elite squad last time! This time their elite squad will dare to come to us again? To make trouble, we will use the Aurora Beast Cavalry to kill them back and forth."

The two Russians said it was good, and I heard it very well. Don't forget that I can now share all the senses of the Aurora beast in the network through the spirit net network. These Russians thought that the aurora beast could not understand human words, so they did not shy away at all. Although they didn't expect the aurora beast, I could hear their voice through the ears of the aurora beast. In this way, if their words are heard by the Aurora Beast, it is equivalent to being heard by me.

Since I have figured out why the Russians caught the Aurora, I can't let them do what they want. Just like those two guys are obsessed, this creature has super speed and terrifying anti-reconnaissance ability. If there were aurora beasts in the Russian team during the last invasion, it doesn't need to be too many, as long as there are thirty or fifty, then our harassment plan would have to be ruined. Firstly, the Aurora beast warned that our harassment squad could not be trusted at all. Secondly, even if it was close, at the speed of the Aurora beast, this squad would probably never get out again. Therefore, the Aurora beast is simply a guerrilla nemesis, and this powerful creature cannot be obtained by the Russians anyway.

Just when the two Aurora beasts were fighting with the Russians, the eight Aurora beasts beside me and I had rushed to a place less than two kilometers away from the battlefield. However, it was not us who came to the battlefield first, but another wave of aurora beasts.

Since the spirit net network was activated, the aurora beasts now know the current situation. It can be seen from the aurora beasts possessing this kind of shared spirit net network that the aurora beasts are a very united species, otherwise they would never have evolved an ability that only large groups can use. For example, the tigers in the jungle have always been alone. It is rare to meet each other once and they can fight. It is meaningless for them to pay attention to the spirit net network.

Aurora beasts have a high degree of unity, so the spirit net network has a super-imaginative effect on them. I didn't know the situation before, but now that an outsider has planned to arrest his own kind, how could the aurora beasts sit still?

Just before we rushed to the battlefield, more than a dozen aurora beasts have joined the battle group one step at a time. Those Russians were very happy to see the aurora beasts appearing one after another. After all, according to their agreement, whoever caught the aurora beasts would belong to their guild and equip them first, and if the guild was fully equipped, the extra parts There are commissions to transfer to other guilds. Driven by such interests, the aurora beast is no longer a devil beast in the eyes of those Russians, but a pile of walking crystal coins. However, although the Russians really wanted to get the Aurora, they did not become stupid. At first, the reason why they are happy to see the aurora beasts increasing is that they know that catching these aurora beasts can make a fortune, but when the number of aurora beasts gradually exceeds the upper limit of the number they can deal with, these people begin to worry.

The group of Russians who chased the injured Aurora beasts had only seventeen people in total. To deal with the uninjured Aurora beasts, it would take about two elite players like them to hold one back and want to catch them. Then at least three to four talents are needed. If you follow the distribution plan of two people holding one end, and finally leaving three people to catch one by one, then these seventeen people will be able to deal with eight aurora beasts at the same time at most. Of course it was okay to chase an injured Aurora at first, but it was nothing difficult to ran out two more later. After three or four came out one after another, although a little messy, they still managed to control the situation. However, the smiles on these people's faces disappeared when the eighth Aurora appeared.

Although the seventeen people can control eight aurora beasts based on the best condition, it is the best condition after all. Of course, one of the eight aurora beasts was seriously injured, so it can only be counted as a little more than seven. However, even seven are enough for these people to worry about. If it is a coincidence that two aurora beasts ran out halfway, three or four later can be understood as a small probability event, but the appearance of the third wave aurora beast is obviously abnormal. One after another encountered so many aurora beasts, these Russians are thinking about a question now-"Should we run into the aurora beast den, right?"

Be a Russian After the player asked this question, the player who led the team immediately cursed: "Idiot, the aurora beast is a light creature. This is a cursed forest, a standard dark area. How can light creatures build nests in dark areas? These should They are all aurora beasts attracted by the fruitless fruit."

Another player asked while resisting the attack of the aurora beast in front of him: "But this is too much, right? Now this It’s already the upper limit we can fight against. What if we run into a few more?"

This player will have the nickname of Crow’s Mouth after today, because just after he finished talking In less than two seconds, before their Captain had time to answer him, eight aurora beasts suddenly burst out of the jungle next to him.

"Damn, it's dead now!" The Russians were dumbfounded when they saw the eight aurora beasts running out. Seventeen people who want to capture aurora beasts cannot exceed eight aurora beasts at most, and now including the injured one, there are already 16 aurora beasts on the scene. What is the result of 17 people dealing with 16 aurora beasts? The answer does not even have to be thought of.


As soon as the pair shouted and ran away, there was a sway in the jungle, and three aurora beasts suddenly moved from behind them. Jumped out, and then more than a dozen aurora beasts popped out of the jungle on their left and right. The number of aurora beasts on the scene broke through the 30 mark in an instant. Not to mention the escape of these 17 people, even if they united to resist, they would definitely not last 30 seconds.

When I rushed to the scene with the group of Aurora beasts beside me, the group of Russians had been torn into pieces of flesh, and the injured Aurora beast had also been used by the companions. Healing Aura healed the wound on his body. With our participation, the number of Aurora beasts in this area reached thirty-nine in one go. Even if such a large group of Aurora beasts encounter traps, even if they hit a small army, they have the power to fight.

"What do you want to do now?" I asked the aurora beasts in the spirit net network.

The aurora beasts first communicated with each other for a while, and soon they reached a will to fight to the end. Obviously, the intelligence of aurora beasts is not the intelligence of wild beasts, because wild beasts usually do not have the ability to associate. Aurora beasts can realize that if they simply leave now, then those who come to catch them will inevitably harass them again. Although they successfully rescued their companions this time, what should they do next time? They cannot guarantee that they will not lose their companions every time, and it is not a long-term solution to keep fighting like this, so they unanimously decided to take advantage of this opportunity to completely defeat the enemy in one breath, so that the other party can no longer be tempted.

Since the aurora beasts are determined to beat up the Russian players, I just continue to follow them to cause trouble to the Russians. Although the detection ability of the Aurora beast is very strong, it is relatively strong when conducting detailed reconnaissance within a certain range. If it is a large-scale reconnaissance, it is actually my ghost bug that is faster.

After releasing the large group of ghost worms, I told the group of Aurora beasts to ask them to find as many companions as possible to help. As a result, when these Aurora beasts called in the spirit net network, they immediately had counts. A hundred aurora beasts gathered towards our area. From the spirit net network, there are probably only so many aurora beasts in this nearby area, because as the aurora group approached, we never found a new aurora beast signal on the Internet.

When all the nearby aurora beasts gathered near us, I counted the number of aurora beasts in the spirit net network, and found that there were more than 580 aurora beasts in this group, and According to the meaning they conveyed, all the aurora beasts that appeared here were grown-ups, and there were many small aurora beasts in their dens. In other words, the number of Aurora beasts around here is at least over a thousand.

Imagine that there are more than a thousand species of the aurora beast in this area, and these guys still exist at more than a thousand levels. With such a high density of high level monsters, you can imagine this country What the barrier means to the average player. In other places, it can be a monster of the BOSS. There are more than miscellaneous soldiers here. The average person entering here is purely courting death.

When the aurora beasts all gathered together, my little scouts finally found the information we needed, and at this time, two of the aurora beasts just came out of the group. The aurora beast is a giant aurora beast that grows several times.

Although the Aurora Beasts I have seen since I met the first Aurora Beast have differences in body shape, in general, the body shapes of these guys are roughly the same. However, the two aurora beasts in front of them were obviously big and outrageous. In fact, the two Aurora beasts in front of them are of different sizes. The smaller of the two extra-large aurora beasts is about two meters high at the shoulder. Standing there feels like a bus stopping in front of you, and the other one is even more outrageous, just four legs. I caught up with the height of the one in front, and after adding his body height, the extra-large guy in the back was at least 3.5 meters tall. If it wasn't for this guy who was also in the spirit net network, I would even think he was another creature.

"Hello outsider." After I looked at the two big guys in front of me, the smaller one opened his mouth and started talking.

The aurora beast can think and communicate. I know, but it can speak human words. This is the first time I have heard it. Although I can’t say that it is too surprising, it at least surprised me.

Probably knowing that he was talking strange, the Aurora Beast explained: "I am the queen of this herd, and next to this is the leader of the herd, my husband. Thank you very much. For everything we did for us, if it weren’t for your timely help and let us get an early warning, maybe now many of our companions have been killed."

"Helping you is just by the way, I am not here specially. I'm here to help you. Actually, I am in a hostile relationship with the group of people who want to capture you. So in my opinion, the enemy's enemy is a friend, so helping you is also helping myself."

After listening to my words, the Queen of Aurora Beast said: "Anyway, we got help, so we will write down this kindness, so you don't have to guess. In addition, I want to ask you something."

"Please tell me."

"You said you and them are enemies, then you should know something about them?"

I nodded and said: "Understanding is I will definitely understand a little bit. After all, it’s not the first time we played against each other. But I don’t know what you want to know. Even if I send someone to investigate the enemy’s situation, I can’t say that I know everything, right?"

The other party immediately said: "It's not too complicated. I just want to figure out why the other party has our idea?"

"Oh, I happen to know this." I will go from there before. Several Russians heard the situation and my own analysis and explanation to the queen, who also kept nodding along with my narration.

"So it's like this!" After thinking about it, the queen turned to the oversized guy next to him and said: "My lord, I think we should consider relocating after this battle is over. The other party's purpose is to catch Capture us and become familiars. In that case, even if we drive them away this time, they will come again. If we want them to give up completely, unless we expel them again and again, and in the process, they can’t be captured by them. Any one. Once let them catch our members and taste the sweetness, those guys will swarm like carrion monsters who find dead bodies. If I say to repel them, I don't think it is difficult, but I have to promise us No one member here has been taken away, this is unlikely. So since we can’t do it, we might as well relocate before, so as not to kill our companions in vain."

The Aurora Beastmaster hasn’t spoken yet. I said first: "Well...may I ask where you are going to move?"

The Queen of Aurora Beast heard me slightly hesitated for a while, and then said: "Maybe move to the west Let’s go to the mountains. But there is the territory of the Steeltooth. We may need to grab territory with them when we move there, but it’s better than always beware of those people here."

"You are just Moving a little bit westward, the distance hasn’t changed much. Don’t you think those guys will find it soon?"

"But there is no suitable place for us to live in the east, and the north and south areas are also there. No, we can only deal with the steeltooth in the western territory. The owner of the further territory is too strong. Although it can be defeated, the loss is too great and it is not worthwhile!"

"Do you have any Ever wanted to move to the city to live?" The little horn on my head finally started to appear.

"What? Move to the city? But there..." The intelligence of the aurora beast is really amazing, especially this queen, who is even smarter than many humans. When I just said that I wanted them to move to the city, she guessed what I meant. "No, although we are very grateful for your help, we would never agree to ask us to be your familiar. We are a self-conscious species and don't want to be a familiar with the soul imprisoned."

"Imprisoned? Not as exaggerated as you said?" After being arrested, the familiar will forcibly separate a part of the soul fusion into the master's soul. This is why the master's death familiar will also die with it. Also, the level of the familiar cannot surpass the master, this is also limited by the soul, and the master can be assigned to EXP during the battle of the familiar, which also comes from the role of soul connection. However, although objectively speaking, becoming a demon pet will indeed divide a part of the soul by the owner, but when it comes to imprisonment, it is indeed too serious. Of course, I mean don't encounter abnormal animal trainers. After all, most animal trainers have to increase their loyalty, so being good with demons is the basic condition. To abuse one's own demon is something that abnormal perverted brains can do.

The Aurora Beast Queen seems to be very disgusted with the separation of the soul, so as soon as I finished speaking, I said: "You don't need to talk about this, we will not join."

"Do you not go even if you don't need to pay for soul restraint?"

"How can there be a contract that does not require soul restraint?"

"Did I say to sign the contract? "I said with an anxious expression on your face: "I am a guild leader, and I have a large guild under my staff. You may not know that if wild creatures agree, large guilds can recruit these creatures to become their vassals. This kind of vassal race can move freely in the city where the guild belongs to, and the guild will be obliged to provide the vassal with all the necessary conditions for survival. Of course, becoming a vassal race must also pay some price. This price is the vassal race. Every official member of the guild must be assigned a member of the same clan as his comrade-in-arms, and when the guild city is attacked, the vassal is obliged to help defend the city. This vassal race is called the guild guardian beast to us. A highly liberalized method of cooperation. How about it? Can you accept it?"

"No." The queen vetoed: "First, we have too few races to guarantee a formal service for each of you. The members all arrange a companion. Second, we are not used to living in the city. It’s fun to live for a few days occasionally, but we can’t bear it if we live in the city all the time. Third, and the most important point . If we send a companion to become your member’s comrade-in-arms, wouldn’t it also be controlled by you?"

I also said in the words of the queen: "First, the first benefit of the guild guardian beast is to become After the guild guardian beast, the number of this race will increase sharply under the blessing of divine force. Within three days, the population can definitely guarantee the needs of one comrade-in-arms for each of our members, and there will be a lot more. Second, we The Frost Rose League is different from general guilds. Our guild has a special building called devil beast nest, which is connected to an Independent Space. This space can be adjusted to the most suitable environment according to the needs of living creatures, except for an entrance and exit. Apart from connecting our city, this space will be completely independent, except for the creatures you allow, no dangerous creatures can enter. You can usually live in this space that can be expanded according to the number of your races. As for the city Here, you can come out if you want to come out, go back and live if you don’t want to come out. As for the third point, I have already said that it is to become a comrade-in-arms rather than a familiar. The aurora beasts sent to our members only need to fight with our members. Others You don’t want to listen to things, and the two parties don’t have to sign any agreement. Your members are completely free. Apart from being unable to leave the guild, you can even change your comrades at any time."

"It sounds like Not bad? What do you think?" the aurora beast queen looked towards her husband and asked.

The Aurora Beastmaster who had been silent, pretending to be cool, finally spoke, but this guy almost didn't let me pass out without a mouthful, not because of his loud voice or something, but because of this guy’s tone. The villager who came out of the mountain and his wife were completely at two extremes. "Then what...I don't know. You know I'm stupid, and I don't understand these things. Fighting makes me okay. I just want to...!"

"That's it!"

Seeing that the other party was still hesitating, I simply summoned all the guardian beasts I was carrying to let them speak out. With such a group of creatures that have become guardian beasts appeared to say, the Queen of Aurora Beast quickly asked all the details she wanted to know.

Actually, I really didn't lie to them. Unlike the familiars, the guild guardian beasts are actually just a vassal relationship. There is no strong restriction at all. Unlike the familiars, they will be forced to rewrite their souls after they are hatched by their masters. Will lose hostility to the owner. Of course, the initial loyalty of the familiar will not be too high, but the situation of completely confronting the owner as soon as it comes up will never happen.

After asking all the details, the Aurora Queen finally nodded and said: "Okay. I agree to join your guild as a guardian beast."

Almost nodded by the Aurora Queen At the moment I got the news that the system hint guild guardian increased, but if I want to have the guardian of the aurora beast, I have to wait for me to bring them back to Isengard. Of players.

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