Want to find out why the Aurora beast considers me as a companion, and how these guys discovered the invisible me, this task is obviously very difficult for ordinary people. However, if you also have a psychic master like Princess like me, then this problem will not be a problem.

"Mind detection. A domain-like ability." Princess took her hand from the head of an Aurora, then turned to me.

I looked at the aurora beasts in surprise and asked: "You mean they did not discover my disguise before, but directly sensed my thoughts and emotions?"

Princess nodded said: "That's right. These big guys have telepaths far more developed than ordinary creatures. They can vaguely sense the position of any creature within a kilometer, and as the distance gets closer, their induction will become more and more. Clearly, when the distance is close to within 100 meters, they can read your emotional information. The time you hid in the tree before, he did not attack you because he felt curiosity and surprise at the time, because He didn’t feel hostile, so he didn’t care about you. Later, you tried to help him when he was caught by the clamp. He felt kindness and worry from you at that time, so he was so close to you. Then he killed him. After the Russians, he took the initiative to ask you to help him drop the clip because he knew that you meant to help him, so he asked you for help."

"Damn it, this is really good. Ability! Although it has no offensive power at all, it is very useful to know how the nearby creatures feel about you!"

"In fact, this kind of sensitivity is more than just this. Ability. What I just said is that within 100 meters you can confirm your good and malicious images and general emotions, but if the distance is close to within 10 meters, he can directly understand your specific meaning. For example, now we are by his side, you You can even use your own thinking to tell him what you want him to go forward, back, and squat down. Of course, it just means that he can sense your intentions, and it’s his business whether or not he does it. In addition, this ability to sense is still There is a more exaggerated way of expression."

Princess said that she suddenly grabbed my hand and pressed it on the forehead of the aurora beast, and for a moment my mind seemed to be connected to a In the huge information network, I can actually "see" the locations of these nearby aurora beasts in this network, and can also sense many other creatures. The small lizards on the trunks are trying to camouflage themselves, the insects under the ground are trying to drill holes, and even every tree and grass in the vicinity can be sensed in this spirit net network.

"Understand?" Princess took my hand off and asked.

I was a little surprised nodded, and then put my hand on the forehead of the aurora beast again, and the previous network was connected again in an instant. After re-entering the spirit net network, I immediately conveyed a question to the aurora beast in front of me. I just asked him if he knows the location of other companions through the spirit net network. In fact, this question itself is not important, I just want to use this question to see if I can connect to the Aurora ** flow through the heart spirit net network. From the previous performance, the intelligence level of the aurora beast is very high. If they can clearly understand my intention through the spirit net network, then it will be very awesome.

Sure enough, just like I guessed, the Aurora beast really has this ability. After I finished asking, a blue halo burst out of the Aurora beast I connected in the spirit net network. This is of course not a real halo, but just a feeling felt in the heart's spirit net network. According to my judgment, the halo that feels like water ripples should be something like a soul shock wave.

Just as I was guessing the role of this circle of things, the expanding aperture of the circle had already rushed out of the telepathic range of the Aurora beast. The limit sensing range of these aurora beasts is one kilometer, and the creatures within this range will be displayed, but the closer the center is, the clearer the display, while the outermost place is like a scene in dim light. Extremely vague. As for the out-of-sensing range, it is basically a darkness, but although you can see nothing in the darkness in the spirit net network, you can indeed sense the darkness.

The image projected by this telepathic network in the brain is a bit like the feeling of you standing under a street lamp at night. Everything can be seen clearly in the brightest area under the light, but as the distance increases, things in the distance will become more and more blurred due to the dimming of the light, and in the place where the light cannot be illuminated, there is a vast darkness. . Although you can see the darkness, you don't know what lies behind it. This is how the spirit net network is displayed.

The rippling halo just now seems to be a light strip spreading out in this dark world. The dark area swept by this halo will immediately show the hidden scenery underneath. , But that way of display is very short, and the image will disappear after the halo is swept away. But anyway, this halo at least scanned the outer circle area.

From the range of telepathy before, the spread of this blue halo is obviously much farther, but just when it spreads to a radius of a little more than two kilometers, the aperture sweeps A bright spot suddenly appeared in the place. This spot was like a light bulb activated by an electric current. It instantly lit up a large area around it, and then I sensed two completely independent in the mental network. Telepathic circle. At that moment, I understood that the newly-appearing sensor circle was the psychic detection range of another Aurora beast. Just now, the Aurora beast beside me seemed to activate the connection between him and the Aurora beast. Then, it is convenient to transmit their own induction information to our network.

I just realized this situation, and an even more shocking situation emerged. After scanning the first Aurora beast, the blue aperture was still spreading outward, and although I thought about a lot of things, the actual spread of the aperture was extremely fast. It actually took a total of two seconds from the moment it erupted to when it spread to a radius of two kilometers and found the aurora beast in the distance. In other words, the diffusion speed of this aperture is actually one kilometer per second. After spotting the second Aurora, it took another three seconds for the aperture to disappear, which means its maximum detection radius was five kilometers. However, within three seconds after this, the aperture swept out more than a dozen groups of aurora beasts.

In the spirit net network I connected to, more aurora beasts were gradually swept out with the aperture, and the range of the spirit net network that lit up during this period also began to increase, and it was swept up in these After joining the network of Aurora Beasts, I actually saw those Aurora Beasts bursting out of their own blue apertures in the spirit net network, and then I saw that there were many more connection points in the spirit net network, and then These connection points also broke out the blue scanning aperture successively, and the information points in the network began to increase, and finally almost all of the nearby mountains were covered in the spirit net network.

These images that appeared in my brain made my whole body tremble with excitement. Don't say these aurora beasts have such a strong battle strength, even if they don't have battle strength at all, they are enough to rely on this spirit net network. Included in the scope of a thousand devil beasts. What kind of aurora beast are these guys in the spirit net network? This is simply a group of radars!

In this network, each aurora is a radar station with a detection radius of one kilometer, and each radar station has a wireless network. This kind of wireless network with a connection distance of five kilometers allows radar stations within a distance of no more than five kilometers to connect to each other, and then these radar stations can share information with each other. In this way, as long as these live radars are arranged in a suitable distribution state, they can even form a radar group similar to the skynet system in reality. Within the coverage of this radar group, there are no observable blind spots at all. Any creature attempting to sneak into this area will be immediately discovered, but the other party does not know that it has been exposed.

"Too terrifying! These guys' abilities are too terrifying!"

"What is too terrifying?" Princess looked at me puzzledly, she obviously didn't understand why I am Such a big reaction. I didn't explain, but directly grabbed her hand and pressed it on the head of the Aurora beast, and then the pupils of Princess instantly enlarged to the limit. "This...what's the situation? Is it possible to share the mind? It can actually form a multi-point network! Is this just a cluster of bio-detectors! Oh my God, I can actually see what the Aurora beast sees in the distance!" /p>

"What?" Princess is the Soul Master after all. Although she just discovered this network function, she found something new before me.

Princess knew that I hadn't found her discovery when she heard my question, so she said: "You focus on the center of any coverage area, and then pay attention to sense it."

According to Princess's description, I focused all my attention on a detection area in the distance, and then focused my mind on the center of that area, which is the body of the aurora beast that sent the detection signal. When my attention was completely focused on the Aurora beast, two images suddenly appeared in front of my eyes. One was the one seen by my body, while the other was clearly moving at high speed.

"This...this is the sight of that Aurora beast?"

Princess was nodded with excitement.

"Oh my God! I can still hear what he hears and the smell he smells! Ah... I can even sense his touch! The Aurora just broke A tree trunk. Wait, this guy is being chased and killed!" I was feeling well, and suddenly I found a group of Russians chasing him in the senses of the induced Aurora beast. Obviously this is a one. Successfully avoided the Aurora beast in the trap area, because the hot sensation on his body and paws all showed that this guy was injured.

Withdraw from the spiritual network, I directly summon the night shadow and turn it up, and then said to the group of Aurora beasts around me: "Quickly, there are companions who need your help."

In fact, I don’t need me. Said that those aurora beasts had also sensed the situation there, so when I stepped onto the night shadow, these aurora beasts had already started running.

Seeing the aurora beasts running, I also pulled Princess onto Ye Ying’s back, and then drove Ye Ying to catch up. While riding Ye Ying rushing, I asked Princess: "You are not a speciality in the psychic system? Is there a way for me to directly connect to their spirit net network without using the aurora beast? This network is really useful, but it will be a pity when I let go Disconnect!"

Princess said: "It can be possible, but only if the Aurora beast agrees to let us in. I can only simulate the Aurora beast’s psychic signal connection method, but I can’t force it. Enter the network. After all, this spiritual net network is the spiritual collection of all the Aurora beasts connected to the network. No matter how strong my spiritual ability is, there is no way to fight the collective will of so many Aurora beasts at the same time!"

"Then ask the aurora beast next to me. They were willing to let me sense the existence of the Internet through them. Maybe they will allow us to enter now."

After I said Princess, I tried to connect immediately. After connecting to the Internet, he sent a request to the Aurora Beast around him. The running Aurora was probably surprised when he sensed the signal of another companion around him. After turning his head and looking at us, he seemed to understand the reason, and then I felt that the disconnected network was back in an instant. . Princess also shouted at the same time: "Okay, they let us in. Now I am Master your network terminal, as long as I don't leave the sensing range of Aurora beast, I can connect both of us to the spirit net network."

"Very good, so it’s much more convenient."

With the spirit net network, it’s like a radar. Although the distance is still far away, I can I clearly sensed the location of the Russians and the injured Aurora, and I discovered that we can command the remote Aurora to assist in combat through this spirit net network. Some aurora beasts who had not discovered that the Russians were attacking them learned about the current situation through the Internet at the moment they felt the signal, and then they took the initiative to cooperate with us. Two of the Aurora beasts, which were very close to the injured Aurora beast, quickly outflanked the left and right sides. At this speed, they should be able to reach there much earlier than us.

Although we did not rush to the scene, in the spirit net network, we can call any Aurora beast’s perspective to observe the battle at any time, and we can even observe the battle in a way similar to the God’s perspective in a plane game. The entire battle.

"This goddamn spirit net network is very awesome! I have decided, and I must go back and pull these Aurora Beasts into the group. With Aurora Beasts, our guild will be able to completely enter the information age!"< /p>

"Master." Princess called me suddenly.

"What's the matter?"

"I have a new discovery."

"What's the discovery?"

Princess is a bit different Definitely said: "I seem to be able to directly kill the creatures in the network coverage with the spirit net network."

"What? How did you do it? Give me a demonstration."

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