Although the Aurora beast’s affiliation has been confirmed, we have to wait for us to return to Isengard before we can confirm the specific joining, but we have something more important before that Need to be dealt with.

"The number three is in place." An aurora beast in the spirit net network sent out such a message.

When this information was delivered to me, a complete map in the spirit net network appeared in my mind. Just after the Queen of Aurora Beasts agreed to incorporate the Aurora Beasts into our guild, I took them to plan how to completely kill the Russians. Although the aurora beasts had decided to leave here, they were forced to relocate by others for no reason. This hatred is always to be reported. Therefore, we decided to kill all the Russian elites who entered the national barrier before leaving, and then evacuate.

Aurora's beam attack is certainly powerful, but in my opinion, these guys' mind detection and spirit net network are their most valuable abilities. Since it has such a powerful ability, it should give full play to its role. Therefore, just now, we have made a group of aurora beasts move to the appropriate positions, forming a huge heart net network covering the entire forest of curses. . Now every creature in the entire cursed forest has been displayed in detail on the network map, where the position of the Russian is displayed on the dark blue background with a bright red, and the strong contrast makes it appear Very eye-catching.

In order to deal with these Russians, this time I used all the power I could think of. Although the battle strength of the aurora beast is also good, it is not a bad thing to have more helpers, so I took the time to go back and contact the skeleton lord, and then rely on my undead affinity and the hatred of the Russians and the undead, it is easy to do it Persuaded them to join our joint force.

After removing the aurora beasts used to build the spirit net network, our army still has 500 aurora beasts and tens of thousands of various undead, and the Russians who are our targets have a total of three There are more than a thousand people, and all of them are high level players selected from various guilds. Among them, the lowest level has reached 900 or more, and nearly 15% of the personnel have exceeded 1,000. Among them, more than 1,200 have reached the level. With more than forty people, this force can easily level a medium and large city in most places. But unfortunately, this is a cursed forest, not a city, and if you fight against the undead forces on Cursed Land, you must be prepared to be slaughtered.

"Now the units remain motionless. Let's start the sneak attack from the outermost area. Try to let the Russians in the center know that we are attacking them as late as possible, so that we can win a greater chance of winning."

"Understood." All participating units have been directly connected to the heart spirit net network by the Aurora Beast sharing their minds. This ability Aurora Beast was originally not possible, but Princess only studied it for a few minutes. This application mode is proposed. In fact, connecting other creatures to enter the network is itself the ability of Aurora beasts, but because Aurora beasts have never actively connected to other species before, they have never known that they have such an ability. Just like the kind of high-intensity mental impact that Princess thought of before relying on the energy in the heart spirit net network, that application mode is actually just a way to use the heart spirit net network, and it does not change the original Aurora beast. ability.

No matter how smart the aurora beasts, they are just a bunch of devil beasts after all. Failure to establish a civilized society like humans means that many of their inherent abilities cannot be fully developed. Just like the fighting skills used by humans, monkeys can actually learn. After all, humans and monkeys are not physically structured. There is not much difference. But monkeys don't know martial arts, they just scratch and bite instinctively. This is because they don't have a social group. Even if a monkey finds a better way to use its limbs, it can't carry it forward. The same goes for the Aurora Beast. They have a spirit net network and many kinds of light magic. If they are used by a group of humans, people will definitely be able to play a lot of tricks, but the Aurora Beast can't think of these. This is the shortcomings caused by the lack of civilization.

However, although the Aurora Beasts don’t understand these, they don’t have to worry anymore, because Princess and I do. The spirit net network of the aurora beasts is completely a set of fully automatic information warfare system, which can basically be understood as the integration of the latest digital warfare command system. In reality, the militaries of various countries have been studying digital command systems for many years, and various application methods have been developed quite well. Even if I am not doing such research myself, it is still okay to draw a bottle gourd. As for the light spells of the Aurora Beasts, this one-and-a-half time meeting is still unclear. After all, there are too many light spells, and they must be studied in detail to know how to match them. Of course, we have seen the most commonly used spells, and according to my guidance, the aurora beasts already know how to make better use of their specialties.

"Attention, the target appears."

I don't plan to participate in the sneak attack directly. After all, the Russians don't even know that I'm coming. But if I attack Russian players directly, they will know that I am coming, and then they will become very careful, which is not good for our plan. However, if I don’t participate, the Russians will only know that a group of aurora beasts and undead are attacking them, so they will only think that their actions have angered the local aurora beasts and undead. After all, they have offended these two creatures before. , So they won’t have any doubts, and we just took the opportunity to attack.

Of course, if I don’t come out, it doesn’t mean that I don’t do anything. Although I can’t directly participate in the war, I’m the best in mind here. It’s perfect to be a commander. Besides, I was not alone in the command. Ling, Xiaochun and the king were all serving as temporary staff by my side. Ling and Xiaochun had served as Goddess before, and they also had more than 100,000 troops under their hands. For them, commanding battles is the same as eating, it's so easy. As for the king, he is after all a heroic spirit, an existence condensed from the souls of countless soldiers on the battlefield. An existence like him may have problems with the strategic layout of command, but in skirmishes I can say that no one can surpass him.

With these three staff and my own command, dealing with three thousand Russian elites is definitely not a trouble. Moreover, the battle strength that we can command is actually only a little lower than the overall battle strength of the Russians. Even if we don’t use strategies to make a head-on battle, we will not necessarily lose.

After hearing the prompt from my heart net network, the two aurora beasts slowly retreated into the stones pile on the side of the road, and then their silhouettes gradually faded and disappeared into the pile of stones. Only two faint outlines were left. While the aurora beast was hiding, the two nether shadows also silently sank into the two dead trees on the roadside.

"Have you heard? Just now a team of unlucky guys ran into more than 30 aurora beasts in one breath, and the whole team was destroyed." A Russian taking pleasure in other people's misfortune said The news that I just heard. There are six people beside him, and they seem to be in charge of arranging traps just like the trap-buying squad I encountered for the first time. The Russians obviously don't know that we are attacking them in a planned way. After all, their casualties so far are caused by the Aurora beast, and they are actively catching the Aurora beast. It is not surprising that they were counterattacked.

This group of people talking and laughing laughed at the hapless group while walking towards the trap I set up. The seven people first passed the two dead trees with nether shadow hidden, but they Did not find the nether shadow that has completely entered the trunk. If it’s in other places, as long as the people of the light profession can sense the undead creatures hidden in the trunk or stone, because the light profession and the undead creatures are basically in an innate hostile state, it is very easy to sense each other’s breath. matter. But not here. This is a cursed forest, and there are dark spiritual Qi breaths everywhere. To feel the breath of undead creatures here is like trying to use your own sense of smell to find hidden flowers in a perfume store. The same kind of aura completely concealed Death Aura on the undead creatures. Even if there is a light sacrifice here, you can never find those two undead without using special detection techniques.

Seven people passed the two big trees unsuspectingly, and formally stepped into the Gates of Hell. The seven people who walked well suddenly changed their faces because they found an aurora beast walking out of the road ahead.

These people are here to catch the Aurora Beast. Now seven people encounter an Aurora Beast. It’s simply the same as picking up a piece of gold halfway. Don’t worry about it. Now this gang is too happy to be happy. NS. However, the aurora beast did not run away after spotting them, but suddenly assumed an attacking posture, and then the crystal above its head began to gather energy.

After all, they came to catch the Aurora Beast. These Russians have fully understood the Aurora Beast's attack methods before. Although there are some errors, they still recognize the skill in front of them. This is a concentrated attack of the aurora beast. The preparation time is slightly longer, but the formidable power is very large. Even if they are such elites, it is absolutely uncomfortable to be hit once. Therefore, when they saw that the aurora beast began to gather energy, those people immediately drew out their weapons and prepared to rush to interrupt him, after all, the time required for this energy gathering was not short.

However, just as the seven people had just pulled out their weapons and were about to rush forward, behind them they didn’t notice, two seemingly harmless trees gradually emerged. The nether shadow, then, just when they were about to rush forward, the two nether shadows almost simultaneously pounced on the two people behind them.

"Ah..." The five people in front of them who were about to charge were startled by the screams suddenly coming from behind, but they suddenly turned their heads to see the black energy surrounding the two companions rolling on the floor. Before the five of them could figure out what was going on, a phantom with a scythe and a ragged black robe under the ground in front of them was slowly rising from the ground. The person at the front of the team was being attracted by the companions behind him. Suddenly, he felt a chill coming from the front. He quickly turned his head back. As a result, he faced the face of a skeleton that was close at hand. Two bloody reds are gradually spreading in his eyes.

Plop. The leader of the foremost team suddenly fell. The sound of the corpse hitting the ground alarmed the other four people. They just turned back and they just saw the Death God projection floating in front and the Captain falling on the ground. You don’t need to guess them. Also know that Captain must be finished. Death gaze is the signature skill of Nether Soul undead creatures. If the soul strength of this thing is not more than twice the strength of the user’s soul, it will be instantly killed, and it ignores any defensive attributes. Basically, it can be regarded as a metamorphosis level. Skills too.

The four people who saw Captain’s death did not hesitate at all. They directly waved their weapons and slashed towards the Death God projection. But what surprised them was that the other party didn’t mean to fight them. Before they waved their weapons, they had already begun to retreat while sinking to the west. As a result, the four of them swung a knife and saw their original target-the aurora beast.

The first monster that appeared in the battle was the aurora beast in front, but the one after another sneak attack has caused the four people who can still fight to forget the original goal, and now the Death God projection in front suddenly After sinking into the ground, the aurora beast came into their sight again. It's just that after such a delay, the attack of the Aurora Beast that was never too late to gather energy has entered the completion stage.

Almost four people just realized that it was not good. The crystal on the forehead of the opposite Aurora beast flashed suddenly, and a thick beam of light of a bucket instantly hit the middle of the four people, with a thud. The individual flew out in four directions, but two of them just flew up, and two faint shadows suddenly appeared after the two piles of rocks next to them. If usually, the transparent shadow of this movement is still quite conspicuous, but the problem is that four people are now in the process of being blown up, even if it is four light bulbs, they can't pay attention, even more how are only four translucent shadow.

After the shadow jumped out, he caught the two flying guys directly in the air, bit them in midair, and then tore them to pieces and threw them out. The two guys who weren’t attacked didn’t have much to end. They were firmly pressed to the ground by a bunch of bone hands protruding from the ground, and then they had killed the two nether shadows of the first two people. Pounced on both of them.

The whole attack counted from the moment the aurora beast jumped out to the last two being invaded by the nether shadow. It only took less than fifteen seconds before and after the aurora beast jumped out. , Those people were in a daze for more than three seconds. It can be said that the entire plan of the attack is so fast that you can imagine it.

Looking at the completely dead Russian trap squad, the Queen of Aurora and the Skeleton Monarch sighed together: "It really didn't expect that fighting can be so easy!"

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