Although it’s not clear what exactly the Russians want to do to catch the Aurora, considering our current relationship, what Russia wants to do is definitely not good for us, so no matter what they do For what purpose, the treatment method is the same for me, that is, just destroy it.

Russians may catch the Aurora beast to improve the battle strength of a certain player or a certain group of players, or it may simply be a special requirement of a certain task, but no matter what the reason is, as long as they really catch it Aurora, then it is a kind of strength growth for the Russians, and it is a very bad thing for us.

After I understand the key, I no longer bother to probe the purpose of the Russians. I took back the pet and let the spirit of the void return first, and then I touched it by myself. Into the forest.

Judging from what the Russians arranged, they were obviously trying to trap the aurora beast. The unscented fruit should be the bait found by the Russians. The one we found on the road before should have been accidentally dropped during transportation. As for the strange trap devices that were just discovered, they were obviously specially prepared to limit the movement speed of the aurora beast and the ability of optical stealth. Those rice cooker-like beast-retaining clamps are obviously not light-weight. Once stepped on, the speed advantage of the aurora beast will be greatly weakened. The fire oil launcher located in the center of the trap group is an anti-stealth device. Once the dark and sticky fire oil sticks to something, it is difficult to get it off, and the large coverage area can ensure that the aurora beast will never escape being covered. The fate of the Aurora, and once the Aurora Beast's body surface was stained with these kerosene, the optical stealth ability that they were so proud of would be abolished. An aurora beast that can neither be invisible nor rely on the advantage of speed to fight, its strength will not surpass the 800-level devil beast, and this time the Russians are all elite players, and the average level should be above 930 Level 10. This way The team wanted to capture the devil beast whose strength was less than 800. It was really a sure thing. It can be said that if nothing happens, the arrest of the Russians will be a very simple operation. However, it is a pity that they didn't know that my huge accident was approaching quietly.

Unexpected This thing is called an accident because you can't think of it in advance. If you think about it, it's not an accident but an unexpected thing. For example, now, I originally intended to destroy the Russian trap equipment and make them have an accident, but didn't expect accidentally but directly rushed towards me. Just when I was going to destroy the nearest trap spot, I suddenly heard a very obvious explosion sound from behind.

"Strange?" I am completely confused about the source of the explosion, because theoretically the Russians' purpose is to trap aurora beasts, so they should not make noise. But what happened to this explosion?

No matter what the reason, the explosion sound is getting closer and closer. In order not to be involved in the battle by the unfathomable mystery, I just jumped on the towering ancient wood next to me, and then Hide yourself among the branches and activate the invisibility skills to gradually disappear from the branches.

I just hid it here, and I saw several white beams flying from below like laser bombs. The deflected light bombs directly hit the nearby trees or the ground and caused explosions again and again. , The sound I heard before should be like this.

Not long after those laser techniques appeared, two very embarrassed Russian players ran out of the woods, and then ran under the tree where I was hiding towards the center of the trap. Behind them, the intensive laser technology flew around the battlefield of the planet war, and the two people blasted scared witless and ran forward.

The two people here just ran not far away, and a huge white silhouette suddenly appeared in the direction they ran. The thing fell under the big tree where I was hiding, and it looked like an adult aurora beast. This thing stopped for a moment under the tree where I was hiding, and then suddenly raised its head and glanced at me on the tree. At that glance, my whole body was chilly and stood up instantly, not because I was scared, but because I was surprised. At the first glance, I was sure that the guy was looking at me directly, but the problem is that I am not only invisible, but there is also a large leaf blocking me. Even if that guy can turn invisible, the look in his eyes is very good. ? Besides, he was clearly chasing down the two Russian players in front of him just now. How did he discover me when I was so concealed?

I haven’t thought of a reason. The Aurora Beast looked at me and chased the two in front of me. Obviously, his goal was very clear and he didn’t take me. Seriously.

After confirming that the aurora beast was not interested in me, I quickly jumped off the hidden tree and chased it up. Although the guy is fast, it is impossible to get rid of me, let’s talk about it. He is chasing the two Russians in front of him, and he is not running and playing by himself. Naturally, he will not be so fast that I can't catch up.

Because this place is very close to the nearest trap area, the two guys in front finally ran into the trap area before the Aurora beast could catch up with them.

Although the two people don't know where the traps on the ground are buried, they know roughly where the trap area is. After approaching, they soon discovered the hidden marks left by their own people. Relying on these marks, the two of them rushed through the trap area smoothly after slowing down a little bit. However, the Aurora beast following them was unlucky first and stepped on the trap.

Only hearing a click, the right front paw of the aurora beast was suddenly fixed by a clip that suddenly closed, but because of the inertia, the aurora beast continued to rush forward and was carrying the first clip. After getting out of the ground, he quickly stepped on the second clip.

Actually, the reason why this Aurora beast was hit continuously was not because it was unlucky, but because the clamps around here were too dense. It would be strange if the Aurora was not stepped on it.

The Aurora beast caught in the clip felt pain and immediately began to struggle, but when the body moved, the nearby clip automatically jumped up from the buried place, and then one after another hit the Aurora beast. The two clamps on the two front paws, and a string of clamps that were just close together hung on the two front paws of the Aurora beast in an instant.

"Magnetic clips?" I instantly realized why those clips were flying, and then I quickly guessed the purpose of the Russians. Those rice cooker-like clamps have another function besides being used as clamps, which is to act as a weighing mound. Each of these metal clamps weighs at least a few tens of catties. The two front paws of the Aurora beast are already inconvenient when they are fixed. Now there are a pile of iron mounds hung on them. This speed can be faster. It's hell.

The struggling aurora beast, bound by a bunch of magnetic clips, roared angrily, but the transmitter in front of it suddenly activated in the next second, and a large group of black liquid flew up into the air in an instant. It exploded suddenly and dyed the surrounding forest and the aurora beast into black.

Although the aurora beast sprayed with fire oil was furious, it had no choice but to hold the clamps on its front paws. Even if it bit the clamps with its mouth and pulled it down and threw it out, its strong magnetism would After the inertia is exhausted, the clip is pulled back again, and the result is that it is useless no matter how to throw it.

"hahahaha, can't you do it now? Tell you to chase us again." The two Russians who ran past obviously discovered that the aurora beast had been trapped, so they went around again.

Seeing that the target he had chased and killed before ran back, the Aurora Beast seemed even more angry. He suddenly yelled at the two people, and then saw his forehead flash, a white beam of light flew out in an instant, and one of them blew up and played a backflip for two and a half weeks on the spot with a bang. However, even though the man was badly bombarded, the Aurora Beast was not much better. The kerosene near his forehead burned at the moment the beam was launched, and the high temperature when the beam was launched obviously ignited the kerosene.

The aurora beast that suddenly caught fire on his head immediately roared, but no matter how hard he struggled, the fire was immortal.

"hahahaha, told you to bomb me, is this unlucky?" The Russian player who was bombed got up again. It didn't seem that the injury was serious. It really was the information of the military god. That’s right, this beam attack of the Aurora beast has a very low formidable power single shot.

Looking at the aurora beast obviously suffered a big loss, I was about to help, didn’t expect suddenly heard the aurora beast below make an unprecedented roar, following his snow-white body All of his hair suddenly turned into scarlet, and after hearing a boom, the flame on the head of the Aurora beast instantly covered his whole body, not only igniting all the kerosene on his body, but also a few zhang highs. A large area of ​​the surrounding trees was also lit.

This sudden flame is obviously not caused by kerosene. It is true that kerosene is easier to ignite, but because there are too many impurities, the combustion effect is not very good, at least it will not produce too exaggerated deflagration. The effect just now is not the effect that kerosene can produce.

After the flames suddenly rose, the aurora beast suddenly roared again, and then moved towards the two Russians in front of it and rushed over. The two guys thought that the aurora beast was going to be finished, but they didn't expect that the other party suddenly ran away. Not only did they burn all the kerosene, but they also dragged the heavy clamp and rushed towards them.

If the two guys can keep calm and turn and run away at this time, the Aurora beast will definitely not be able to catch them. Even if the Aurora beast runs away, the clip is still around his paws after all. Under the drag, the speed will definitely not get up. It's a pity that the two idiots were really frightened. One frightened one sat on the ground and crawled backwards with all fours, while the other was shocked and completely unresponsive.

Although the speed of the aurora beast has decreased, it can still reach the movement speed of a normal person. He rushed over to bite the head of the guy who was standing in a daze, and then he raised his head and flicked wildly from side to side, and the neck of the guy who was picked up by him was obviously unable to support such a tearing force, and finally After being shaken back and forth for a few times, only a sound like a torn cloth was heard, the guy's body was directly thrown out, and the head was spit out in front of the other guy by the aurora beast.

The guy who had been crawling backwards saw his companion's head suddenly returned to normal, but at this time it was too late to run. The Aurora Beast went up and pressed it to the ground with a paw, and then bit the guy's head and tore it fiercely. The guy's head was instantly separated from the body.

The scene just now surprised me very much, not because the aurora beast can kill the two players, but because of the speed at which he kills the two. According to previous information, the level of the Aurora Beast is 900, but the two Russian players are obviously more than 900 elites. But is it possible for a player with level 900 or more to be killed by a monster at level 900? Even if the attack damage of the Aurora beast is relatively high, this value is too big, right?

Sure enough, after the aurora beast killed the two Russian players, I used the Appraisal Technique to scan the attributes of the aurora beast, and found that the level column was impressively written as one thousand and two hundred. The words.

"Leap the level?"

The sudden evolution of the aurora beast made me completely unaware. It shouldn’t be so awesome. After all, it’s only level 900. devil beast, it shouldn't be so strong. Moreover, being able to leapfrog will be counted in the monster's level under normal circumstances, that is to say, if the Aurora beast can leapfrog normally, then his basic level display should not only be 900. After all, the Aurora Beast does not have any obvious shortcomings in the attribute. Even if the system rating cannot be said that the creatures of the same level must be as powerful, it is too far to be as strong as the Aurora Beast. Therefore, I judged that the aurora beast did not suddenly leapfrog, but was released.

There are two main reasons for the large-scale level changes on the battlefield. One is runaway and the other is release.

Running is a kind of explosive temporary strengthening. The creatures that have this situation will have a short-term increase in strength after running away, and this improvement is usually a comprehensive improvement, not just a certain aspect of becoming stronger , But all aspects will be greatly strengthened, and some of the enhancements are more exaggerated, and even more than ten times the attributes can be strengthened at one time. Of course, this kind of sudden intensification is usually accompanied by serious side effects, such as sudden collapse after an outbreak or even some runaway methods that can cause permanent attribute declines. In short, this is an advancement in strength, just like bank loans. Although there is a lot of money to spend temporarily, not only will it be repaid, but there will also be interest.

Unlike runaway, the release situation is basically completely reversed. The creatures used to release are generally strong in their original strength, but for some reason they temporarily blocked part of their strength. In this case, the creature will show a much lower level of strength than the actual level, but when he believes that his suppressed strength cannot guarantee his own safety, he will release part of his suppressed strength. , Of course, it is also possible to let go of it all. When the strength is released, this creature will be like a martial artist who has been strapping a lead block to suddenly remove the lead block. The state of being completely unbound will produce an unimaginable increase in strength. The state is not an overdraft stimulating potential but only releases its original strength, so this state not only has no cost at all, and the duration is usually unlimited.

If the performance of the Aurora beast just now is runaway, then his 900th level is obviously a problem. System defines such a powerful creature as a 900th level creature, which is really not Reliable. Therefore, I guess that the actual situation is that the aurora beast did not run wild just now, but was released. The current state of level 1,200 may not be the strength of the Aurora Beast after the explosion, but his original normal strength, and there is even a possibility that this is not the limit state of the Aurora Beast, he may not be completely released just now. It may also only release 80% or 90% of his strength, maybe he can start a more exaggerated release state.

In any case, the strength of the aurora beast is stronger than that of the 900th level. There is no doubt about this. And all the plans laid out by the Russians are based on the foundation that the aurora beast is only 900th level. Up. So now... I guess I would be unlucky even if I didn't shoot the Russians. But I don't intend to leave it alone, at least I have to look at the situation. Anyway, I'm here, and I don't care about staying a while longer.

After killing the two Russian players, the Aurora beast suddenly lowered his head and bit the clip on his paw to try to get it off, but even though his strength has improved a lot, the magnetic clip still follows The brown sugar is dead and alive, just can't get it off. The furious Aurora beast first used its mouth to pull, and then tried to bite the clamps with its teeth, and finally even tried to pat each other with its two paws, but the results were the same, and it was impossible to shake the clamps. Even if some of the sucked clips are taken off occasionally, they will suck back again as soon as they let go, which is completely tossing people.

After tossing in vain for a while, the Aurora Beast seemed to be very tired, and the red fur on his body slowly returned to the white state, but the kerosene covered before was burned out. Now his fur looks abnormally smooth, and he can't even find any dust.

The Aurora Beast, who returned to the state of strength lockdown, was planning to think of other ways. Suddenly, he heard a familiar scream from the woodland not far away. It was clearly the Aurora Beast’s voice. of. The aurora beast who was working on the clamp straightened up as soon as he heard the sound, his head was straight in the direction of the sound, and his ears were also straight.

I probably didn't hear clearly just now, when the aurora beast was ready, there really was another scream in the woodland opposite. Listening to this voice, the Aurora beast on the opposite side is obviously not as lucky as this one. He should be injured, otherwise it won't make that miserable cry.

The Aurora beast on my side became agitated immediately after hearing the sound. His actions clearly expressed his intention to help, but after two steps, he stopped again because of the pile of clamps dragging on his paws.

I originally thought that Aurora Beast was going to toss those clamps there again, who knew that after stopping this time, this Aurora Beast suddenly moved its sight to where I was hiding. This time it was more direct than last time. The aurora beast not only looked at me stunnedly, but also stretched out a paw towards me, which obviously meant that I wanted me to help get the pile of clamps down.

To be honest, I was surprised by the situation before me. It was surprising that the level of the Aurora Beast exceeded the intelligence, and the intelligence of this guy was obviously not within the normal range. But think about it like this, after all, this guy is more than a thousand levels of existence, if the intelligence is very low, it will be abnormal.

Since the other party has shown such obvious meaning, I simply canceled the invisibility and walked out from behind the hiding tree. This guy's behavior shows that he knows that I have no malice against him, because wild beasts rarely ask others for help. Once asked, it means that the other party is not wary of you at all.

Although I don't know how this guy knows that I am not malicious to him, since he has expressed his wishes so clearly, I have to walk over.

There was no reaction at all to the guy who was approaching me. On the contrary, he held up his paw and waited for me to come and help me looking forward to it. After walking up to him, I looked up again for confirmation. I found that this guy really didn't mean to attack at all, and I didn't care about him anyway. At my level, even if this guy suddenly went crazy, it would be impossible to treat me.

A long string of clips hangs on the legs of the Aurora animal. Because of the strong magnetic force, they are very tightly connected. I tried to pull it first, and found that with my strength, I was barely able to pull the gripper a little away. After thinking about it for a while, I simply gave up the plan to pull down the clips one by one and throw them away, because that would be too much trouble and a waste of time.

After a little research, I decided to adopt the most direct method, directly take out Eternal to turn it into a small knife, and then directly cut the clip that clamps the claws of the aurora beast into two. Half. The clips behind are all because of magnetism, so they hang one by one into a string, but the clip itself does not stick to the body of the Aurora beast. The reason why it can’t be removed is because the first clip clamps the claws of the Aurora beast. . Now that the fixing clip is cut off, the lower clip also falls along with the first clip.

After getting a paw out, the Aurora beast was slightly snorted in pain, and then he saw a halo suddenly lit up on his body, and at the same time, the blood hole on his paw that I had just untied. Healed quickly at the speed visible to naked eye, and after ten seconds, the paw recovered to the point where there was no visible injury.

I’ve heard of the skill that this guy just used in the database of the military god before, but it still shocked me just now, because at the same time that the halo on that guy’s body was lit up, In addition to his own wound healing, my body was suddenly covered with a layer of aperture, and my attribute value also jumped up instantly. I almost immediately realized that this guy’s skill is not a single body, which means that he can strengthen the battle strength of his companions while fighting. Moreover, I also found a very shocking situation in the data, that is, this skill can not only cover the people around him, but it is also a fully attribute-enhanced auxiliary skill. After the aura extended to me, not only did I get the attribute for accelerating health recovery, but also all the attributes such as attack, defense, magic attack, magic defense, speed and endurance increased by 10%.

The full attribute is increased by 10%, and the blood is brought back to the devil. This Aurora Beast has battle strength, not to mention its own battle strength, just this auxiliary spell, he is at least one thousand level or above existence. I was not so sure before, but now it seems that I don’t have to guess. The Aurora beast is a devil beast of level 1,200 or higher. The normal level of 900 should be just a disguise for him.

After the treatment, the aurora beast saw me in a daze after his paw, and touched me humanely with another paw with a clamp. When I was awakened, I hurriedly used the same method to cut the first one in the other series of clips into two pieces.

After removing the second set of clips, I patted the shoulder of the aurora beast and said: "Okay, big guy, go and save your companion."

Wait until I finish. The aurora beast yelled at me, and then the halo lighted up again, but this time he didn't wait in place, but just ran out like this. Although he left, this has made me a new discovery. That is, the aura of the aurora beast was not supported by his own mana, because the aura on my body did not go out immediately after he left, but it was the same as the last time before it disappeared after more than ten seconds.

After guessing about the characteristics of the halo, I didn't stop much, and ran directly after the direction the aurora beast had left. Since the Aurora Beast has an unfathomable mystery to me, I will simply join them to make trouble for the Russians. The Aurora Beast will not attack me, so don't worry about becoming a three-way melee.

When I rushed to the place where the Aurora beast screamed before, there was already chaos here. Unlike the place where I found the Aurora Beast before, this area here actually attracted seven Aurora Beasts at once, plus the one I rescued. There are now a total of eight Aurora Beasts. However, there are not only two people on the Russian side, but a large group of people, and the traps are also super-level. Except for the aurora beast I rescued, all the other seven aurora beasts were hung on the clamps, and One of them turned out to have all four claws.

When I arrived, the Russians were fighting with the aurora beasts, and the seven clamped aurora beasts in the arena actually activated the liberation mode, that is, they all entered the 1,000-plus level. state. Because of the super-level performance of the aurora beasts, even though the Russians have an advantage in numbers and there are traps to help them, they are still embarrassed. As far as I can see, only one of the eight aurora beasts is seriously injured, but the Russian player must have lay down five or six people, and the rest of the people seem to be unable to hold it.

In fact, these people could still fight against these aurora beasts for a while. The reason why they were so embarrassed was mainly because of the aurora beast I saved. Although the Aurora Beast I rescued did not activate the liberation mode, there was no clamp on his paws. The aurora beast with its full speed is simply a killing machine. Its super explosive power brings terrifying athletic ability. In addition, this guy’s laser technique obviously has a shock retreat effect. Although the damage value is not high, it does those Russians. People are in chaos.

Looking at the Russians, I can’t stand it anymore. Who knew that there was a whistle in the woodland and a dozen Russian players ran away. One of them turned around and ran away after looking at the situation. , It looks like it's obviously going to call a helper.

Now the Russians don’t know that I’ve been here, so I didn’t plan to go out to help, but help doesn’t necessarily have to show up.

Because of the reinforcements of Russian players, the seven movable Aurora beasts were compressed to one side. Behind them is the Aurora beast that fell to the ground with serious injuries. There is no way to use that aura to heal, and the seven aurora beasts in front are busy fighting the enemy, and there is no time to help him, and in order to protect him, the seven aurora beasts are unable to carry out sports warfare, and their speed is limited. So it’s very difficult to fight.

Seeing that the aurora beasts are in a critical situation, I carefully walked to the back of the area where the aurora beasts are, and then carefully lurked behind a big tree closer to the aurora beast.

Sure enough, I just got behind the tree, and the eyes of the badly wounded Aurora immediately moved. There must be some way for these guys to sense people nearby, because the guy just turned his back to me. Even if his ears are good and the battlefield is loud, how could he hear my deliberately light footsteps?

Like the aurora beast before, this aurora beast looked at me pleadingly after seeing me, obviously treating me as a companion. Although I don't know why the aurora beast is so close to me, I have no plans to study this issue now. It is more important to find a way to help first.

I put my hand to my mouth to signal that the Aurora beast is quiet. Judging from the previous situation, the intelligence of these Aurora beasts is quite exaggerated. He really understood this gesture at a glance. After confirming that the aurora beast remained quiet, I carefully summoned Xiaochun.

Since our hiding place is not far from the seriously injured Aurora Beast, Xiaochun can cast spells on that Aurora Beast even here. The Russians in front were fighting well with the other seven aurora beasts. Suddenly, a spot of light appeared behind the group of aurora beasts, and then that spot of light suddenly covered the rays of light of the sun in an instant. The photo is white.

"Ah..." The light source that suddenly broke out was behind the aurora beasts, so the aurora beasts just felt that their surroundings suddenly lit up, but the Russians on the opposite side were unlucky. This sudden burst of strong light was more deadly than a flash bomb. In an instant, almost all of the Russians were recruited, and the aurora beasts also took advantage of this opportunity to pounce on and knock down seven players.

The aurora beast took advantage of the opportunity of the flash to burst into chaos again, and Xiaochun used this opportunity to throw an extremely effective resuscitation technique on the seriously injured aurora beast. Because the Russians were full of snowflakes now, they couldn't see Xiaochun's light healing technique at all. When their eyesight recovered, they discovered that the Aurora Beast had turned into eight fighting them together.

With one less drag and one more battle strength, plus just taking advantage of the flashlight, the aurora beasts finally turned the battle situation into an equal state. However, this state is obviously still unfavorable for the Aurora Beasts, because some of the Russian players have already reported, and follow-up reinforcements may arrive at any time. On the contrary, the Aurora Beast not only didn't know if there were reinforcements, but the pile of clamps on their claws made them toss even more. These clips are very heavy, and because of the magnetism between the clips, when the two claws are clamped at the same time, the clips on the two claws will always suck together. This effect is the same as the spring handcuffs, which force the aurora beasts. They had to resist this attraction forcefully to act normally, and as long as they relaxed a little, their clamped claws would all be connected together. Although this kind of resistance can temporarily support the aurora beasts to fight, it will inevitably be impossible for a long time, so even if the aurora beasts get back a round now, they will still lose after a long time.

However, the above situation is based on the premise that I do not intervene. Once I intervene, the meaning will be different.

Seeing that the group of Aurora beasts drew with the Russians, I took the time to beckon to the Aurora beast with a clip on one of its legs. I don’t know how the observation power of these aurora beasts came into being. Anyway, I was waving to the other side through a tree. I just wanted to try to see if the aurora beast could really see what is behind the object regardless of the obstacle, but I faced it. The Aurora beast actually gave up the enemy he was fighting and ran over.

Although I was the one who called that guy over, I was shocked to see him really come over. If these guys can find me close before, it would be nice to say a little bit. After all, besides using eyes to see and ears, many animals can also rely on smells or murderous aura to sense the existence of the surrounding creatures, but the situation just now has been completely Beyond the range of induction. I hid behind the tree and waved. The aurora beast over there was simply invisible, but he actually came over. What does this show? Explain that if the other party is not able to see through objects at will, then they must have the ability similar to telepathy, otherwise they can't explain their abnormal observation power.

After the aurora beast that I recruited went around the tree from behind, I immediately leaned forward and cut off the clamp on his paw with eternity, and then Xiaochun gave him an enhanced blessing Surgery. The speed of the blessed aurora beast broke out instantly, and the battle group was rushed back to the Russian player's team, and I took the opportunity to call the other aurora beasts one by one to release. They removed the clamps on their paws and added the blessing technique.

Originally, the eight aurora beasts with limited speed can be tied with this group of Russians, and now all the aurora beasts that have been blessed are just one top three. The balance of the battlefield tilted to the point of overturning in an instant, and the remaining Russian players were all killed before they even survived 3 minutes.

Looking at the aurora beasts that solved the battle, I directly waved and led them to evacuate the battlefield. There will be Russian reinforcements here for a while. It is useless to stay. It is better to look for other ones. Trap point, try to let the Russians not catch even an aurora beast. Of course, I have to figure out why these aurora beasts are treating me as a companion. It seems that these should be Light Element creatures? My affinity attribute should only be effective for Dark Element creatures, right?

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