The guild leaders waited until my silhouette was completely invisible, looked towards Masaka Matsumoto who was puzzled and asked: "What's the situation?"

"Look at Outside the city." Masaga Matsumoto let go of this sentence and flew towards the city wall first.

Seeing Matsumoto's arrogance, the surrounding chairpersons were a bit unhappy, but due to Matsumoto's strength, even if they were dissatisfied with them, they did not dare to express anything. They could only look at each other. After watching, we walked to the city wall to understand the reason why I left suddenly.

When those Japanese guild leaders arrived on the city wall, they saw a large swath of Japanese players cheering over there, and those who had guessed something rushed up. After walking through the city wall, I just happened to see the guild troops that were gradually moving away from outside the city.

"Is this a victory?" Seeing those Chinese troops who suddenly retreated, the presidents of these Japanese guilds still felt a little unbelievable. This victory really came a bit too suddenly, the first minute or the precarious battlefield, the one minute suddenly won, this contrast is indeed a bit unacceptable. But no matter how difficult it is to accept, you have to accept it, because this is the fact. Moreover, for the Japanese, this was their victory. Even if they were shocked, it was a surprise and not a panic. So the Japanese presidents were quickly infected by the excitement of the Japanese players nearby and cheered together.

According to the way of thinking of these presidents, the city belonged to Masaga Matsumoto. Victory or defeat has nothing to do with them, so they should not be so happy that the city was preserved. However, because he knew the situation of these chairpersons too well, the special envoy of Masaga Matsumoto had already agreed with them when the agreement was signed. Keep it, then the agreement they exchanged will be automatically invalidated, which means they won't get anything. It is precisely because of the clause in the agreement that the presidents of these Japanese guilds are so excited. They are not so much celebrating the victory of the Fulcrum City as they are celebrating their acquisition of a new city. Exchange Fulcrum City.

While these presidents celebrated the victory, Masaga Matsumoto was commanding the troops he brought out of the city to fight.

"President, why don't you let us pursue it?" An emotional Japanese player was standing anxiously in front of Matsumoto Masaga, shouting. "Such a good opportunity, if you miss it, you can never run into it again? Please, chairman, give me 100,000, no, only 30,000, give me 30,000, I promise to fight these Chinese troops. Destroyed."

"If you can really maimed the Frost Rose League troops, let alone 30,000, even 300,000 troops, I will try to get you together." I heard Masamoto Matsumoto. He said that, the Japanese player immediately wanted to show his determination with excitement, but before he could speak, Matsumoto Masaga said first: "But if I really give you the troops, then I will be crippled. It's not just you."


"Come on, Mr. Murata, listen to the chairman to finish." A Japanese player in a Japanese warrior costume Blocked the excited player who wanted to pull Matsumoto Masaka, and then said: "Why did we follow President Matsumoto, have you forgotten? It's because President Matsumoto's decision-making is always so effective. After many battles, even the country that has been completely occupied has been recovered. Do you still doubt the fighting spirit of President Matsumoto? So, since the president does not allow it, there must be a reason. You give me obediently and Honestly, just listen to the chairman."

Masaga Matsumoto glanced at the player who stopped the impulsive Murata, but he was secretly sighed not to be fooled. On the surface it looks like he is holding Murata, but in fact his words are to send a signal to Matsumoto Masaka, asking Matsumoto Masaka to explain the basis of his decision. In fact, in terms of thinking, this guy actually thought about the same thing as Murata, but Murata was a big boss, so he shouted out any thoughts, but this guy was a little more calm.

"You want to know why I didn't let you chase?" Masaga Matsumoto said this while looking at the calm guy, meaning to tell the other person that I know what you are thinking, and don't pretend to be innocent in front of me . Staring at the guy for a while, and after confirming that he understood what he meant, Masaka Matsumoto continued, "Okay, then I will tell you the reason." As he said, Masaka Matsumoto pointed forward and asked: "You guys. What do you see?"

"The Chinese who is escaping." Murata quickly communicated, but the calmer guy didn't answer, apparently thinking about the purpose of Matsumoto's asking this question.

Masaga Matsumoto didn’t expect them to answer the correct answer anyway, so he didn’t wait for the guy to think about it, and said directly: "What I see is an army that is moving."


"Yes, the Chinese troops are running away. Isn't it the same as what I saw?" The impatient Murata said again, but the guy next to him looked at Matsumoto as if thinking of something. Zhenghe is waiting for his answer.

"No." Masaka Matsumoto corrected: "We are seeing different things. You are talking about the Chinese who are running away, but what I see is the army that is being transferred. Attention. , They are not running away, but transferring."

The more calm guy didn't seem to understand until then and asked: "You mean... they weren't defeated by us. "

"Yes." Masaga Matsumoto replied affirmatively: "The Chinese were not defeated by us. They foresaw the result of the battle in advance, and they judged that the battle was not fought. It was necessary. So they chose to leave early instead of staying to complete the battle."

"Does it make any difference?" The fool Murata still didn't understand.

This time without Matsumoto Masaka’s answer, the calm guy took the initiative to replace Masaka Matsumoto’s replied: "Murata, it seems that we are really making a mistake. If the Chinese were evacuated by themselves instead of by us Defeated, it means that their battle strength is still preserved. The reason for their withdrawal is because they predicted that the loss is greater than the gain, so they voluntarily gave up. It is not that they really can't beat us. If we take the initiative to pursue them now, they It is entirely possible to form a counterattack on the spot to wipe out all of us. Without the help of the troops in the city, we are not opponents at all."

"The Chinese troops are so powerful?" Murata asked in disbelief. "If they are so powerful, why would they have to withdraw? Don’t tell me what the loss is, I can’t figure it out. I only know that if they can defeat us, then they can get the fulcrum city, and as long as they get the fulcrum city, Then they are the biggest winners. Where is the claim that the loss is greater than the gain?"

Masaga Matsumoto replied: "You still don’t understand. The Chinese believe that the reason for the large losses in the battle lies in us and the city. The troops are attacking them on both sides. Because of our attack from the rear, the Chinese can't fully exert their battle strength in the siege. In this way, they can't attack the fulcrum city at all, which means that their strategic goal cannot be achieved. What is the point of fighting a battle that is destined to fail to achieve strategic goals?"

"Then you said that they are better than us?" Murata still protested unconvinced.

"Yes, I mean they are better than us, not that they are better than Japanese players." Masaka Matsumoto said: "In the siege, they have to face in addition to us and Japan in the city. Players, and Fulcrum City's own city defense advantages can also play some role. But if you go for pursuit, then Fulcrum City’s defense and the troops in the city will not help you at all. Moreover, I need some troops to take over Fulcrum City. , So the troops you can bring to chase are definitely not all of us. Although the strength of this Chinese troop cannot compete with our entire Japanese troops, is there any difficulty in solving your chasing troop? Let’s talk about it. The order of their troops’ withdrawal is clear, the formation of the team is complete, and there is no sign of chaos. Generally, the pursuit of victory on the battlefield is to take advantage of the chaos of the enemy’s defeat, but is there chaos in the Chinese troops? They are not chaotic. You chase What do you want to use when you go up?"

After being taught by Masaga Matsumoto, the player was completely stunned. It was not because he was afraid of Matsumoto Masaka, but because what Matsumoto Masaka said was too reasonable, so he could not raise the will to resist. Just like the last sentence of Masaka Matsumoto, the pursuit of victory was to take advantage of the enemy's chaos. What did the Chinese do when he chased him up? Are you going to die?

Just when that guy was going to take people to Fulcrum City to take over the defense of the city, he didn't expect Masaka Matsumoto to stop him again. "Murata."

"Is there anything else to order, President?" Murata looked at Matsumoto Masaka weakly like a frosted eggplant.

Shoga Matsumoto laughed, and then said: "Go to order one hundred thousand troops, follow."

"Huh?" I was trained just now, but now I plan to He went to defend the city obediently and honestly, but he was dispatched with an army of 100,000. Murata was stunned by Masaka Matsumoto.

"What are you doing? Hurry up and order a hundred thousand soldiers to follow the Chinese troops."

"Don't you let me chase?" Murata gave a face. asked unfathomable mystery.

Masaga Matsumoto said angrily: "I said I wouldn't let you chase, but did I just tell you to chase?"

"Don't let you chase Why did you ask me to bring 100,000 people to follow the Chinese? See you off?"

"Yes, it's to see you off." Murata was just angrily, didn't expect Masaka Matsumoto actually said so . "Your task is to see off the Chinese people, and use 100,000 people to press the Chinese people's feet to walk. They go and you go, and they stop and you stop. If they chase you back, you will run with someone. Anyway, you They have to stick to them like chewed gum. But must remember it for me-no fight."


" No, it’s just forbidden to fight.” Masaka Matsumoto said very solemnly: “If you dare to bring people into contact with the Chinese, then you are ready to be expelled from the Ghost Dragon Society. And I tell you, I will not only expel them. You will send people to chase you all day long, and you will be responsible for all the consequences caused by this. You will become the sinner of the Japanese nation."

"What if the Chinese take the initiative to fight back? Do it? Is it my fault?" Murata asked.

"The Chinese take the initiative to counterattack you and let me run."

"What if you can't get away?"

"It's also your fault."

"That's okay?"

"Yes, that's okay. Of course, you can choose not to perform this task." Murata just wanted to say no I performed the task, didn't expect Masaka Matsumoto suddenly turned around and said: "But if you don't perform this task, you won't have to do it."

"I... Okay, I'll admit it, who told you to be the president!" Murata finally accepted the task helplessly, and then turned around and ran to order someone.

I just opened the mouth and said at this time with the calm guy next to Murata: "Song this Monarch, Murata's character is really not suitable for this kind of work, do you think I will let me too? Help him...?"

Matsumoto Masaka reached out his hand and stopped the other party's words. "Don't go to Shiyu-kun. This task is actually not a complicated task. Let Murata go only to get him more trained. If his character is not polished as soon as possible, he will suffer sooner or later. As for you Is it..." Masaka Matsumoto looked at the other party in silence for a long time, and finally suddenly turned the conclusion into a question. "Where do you think your problem is?"

Shigure was asked for a moment, watched Matsumoto stop for a long time before saying: "I think it may be necessary to hone the way of dealing with people. Come on!"

"Oh, that's it." Masaka Matsumoto deliberately thought about it for a while and said: "You may not look good when I send you a sentence, but it is crucial for you. Important words."

Shigure was once again taken aback by Matsumoto's words, and then frowned, "What does Matsumoto this Monarch mean?"

Matsumoto's no To answer his words, he said self-consciously: "This sentence is: in this world, although there are no lack of fools, but there are more smart people." After saying this, Matsumoto Masaka did not care when he was there. Yu turned around and said to the other people who followed him: "Go, collect the team and return to the city, we will take the Fulcrum City." At the call of Matsumoto Masaka, the large troops of the Ghost Dragon Society finally withdrew quickly The 100,000 elite with higher mobility was taken out by Murata and followed our guild’s troops all the way to the direction of Nine Provinces and left the fulcrum city.

While Matsumoto Masaga and the others are making strategic adjustments, I have also returned to Isinger. In the Issinger Conference Hall at this time, all the senior members of the guild had arrived. When I sat down, the military god immediately projected a map of the Sino-Russian border to explain to us, but didn't It was expect that the meeting was interrupted before the military god had time to speak.

We were about to have a meeting, and suddenly heard a bang, the door of the meeting hall was slammed open, and a high level NPC flew in from outside the door. None of the high level NPCs wearing this equipment did not know him, because he was the NPC guard responsible for guarding the conference hall, which meant that we had to pass in front of him every time we came to a meeting. However, now the guard was shot in from the outside. It seems that someone was planning to rush into the meeting hall, otherwise there would be a conflict between the impossible and the guard of the meeting hall.

Although he was beaten and flew into the conference hall, the guard here is after all the high level NPC in the guild, which is not comparable to ordinary trash fish. So even though he was knocked into the air, the guard did not suffer any injuries. He just rolled on the ground a few times and jumped up. At this time, we also saw a very crazy player rushing in, but This is the end of his crazy behavior, because as soon as he stepped into the conference hall, he was thrown to the ground by the two guards who jumped up behind him, followed by two guards who pounced and twisted his hand to the ground. Behind him and pressing his shoulders pressed him to the ground.

Despite being suppressed unable to move even a little bit, that guy is still struggling desperately. It's crazy and crazy, it looks like crazy.

Although the crushed guy is unable to move even a little bit, his mouth is not blocked. While struggling, he is still shouting: "Let go of me, I want to see the chairman. Let me go. I see President Purple Moon, you bastards, let me go. Ah... Let me go! I want to see President Purple Moon."

When the guy was struggling and screaming, the name on the ground The guard has gotten up, and his equipment seems to be the Captain of the guards. This Captain gave us a military salute immediately after getting up: "Sorry, President, this is my negligence."

I said more solemnly: "We haven't started discussing things yet, so That’s it for this time. But I don’t want another time."

The Captain quickly said: "Yes, there will never be another time." As he said that, he turned around and pressed against it. The guy's guard waved. "Drag him down."

Hearing Captain's command, the guards who were pressing down on the guy immediately dragged the crazy guy out, but the guy on the ground struggled even more crazily. , And shouted: "President, President Purple Moon, Purple Moon... I have something to say. I have something to say! Let me in, let me in." Seeing that we didn’t respond at all, the guy suddenly bowed his buttocks upwards. The bullet smashed the two guards away from him, and then twisted forcibly and pulled off the joint of one of his arms, so as to get a chance to break free of the two guards who were pressing on him, and then he violently got up and pushed inward. While Chong used the other hand to dislocate the hand, he forcibly took it back. But it is a pity that his efforts only made him rush forward two steps. The guard behind was knocked away and immediately jumped back and hugged him and threw him to the ground. These guards are all elite NPCs with super high level, and the battle strength is not a little bit strong. The reason why he can pass through the guards of these guards and enter the gate is entirely because the guards think he is a member of our guild, so he hasn't played. Just heavy hands. The best proof that the guards’ weapons are still in their sheaths so far.

The guy who was thrown down by one of the guards still wanted to move forward, but the other two guards also jumped up and pushed him out again, but the guy wriggled like a caterpillar. When he reached the door, he stretched out his hand to grasp the door frame and did not let go. If the three guards at the back carried him out, it would not take much effort, but it would be more difficult for him to pull the door frame like this.

Seeing that this guy is not letting go, the Captain who was shot in before is obviously angry. The NPCs that can be arranged to guard such important places as the conference hall are all high level NPCs with high level intelligence, and they all have their own independent character traits and emotional systems. This guy's tossing like this obviously made Guard Captain lose face in front of us, so he is very annoyed now. He drew the sword from his waist while walking towards the man. This was the first time the guard had used a weapon. "Give you three seconds, I'll just chop off your hand without letting go."

"No, I don't, I want to see that bastard Purple Moon." I don't know if it's anxious, that guy. Actually scolded me.

It was shameful that the Guard Captain was intruded into the guarded conference hall by someone else. Now not only let the person break in, but also let him scold me. Now he is True Fire. Not counting the seconds, then Captain raised the sword directly and was about to cut it down, but when his sword was raised to the highest point and was about to go down, I suddenly shouted: "Wait a minute." Hearing me Guard Captain's voice turned his head and glanced at me. I knew he was asking, so I said again: "Let him go. Let him in, I want to hear why he scolded me."

Since I have spoken, Captain also It's hard to say anything, he immediately waved his hand to let the guards let go of the guy, then walked over and lifted the guy who was still holding the door on the ground and threw it into the middle of the meeting hall. Since the floor of the conference hall was made of smooth stones, the guy fell on the ground and slid all the way to the center of the conference hall just like falling on the ice. The Guard Captain over there drove away the other guards and turned and closed the door. , But he didn't go out himself, instead he walked to the wall of the conference hall and stood there preparing to take the loss and drag the guy out again.

The guy was thrown into the middle of the conference hall and immediately got up from the ground. Then he gave the Guard Captain a provocative look, then turned to me and asked fiercely: "We are about to win. Now, why did you let us retreat?"

The guy’s bad attitude made me eyebrows slightly frowned, and then I stared at the guy silently, and the guild on both sides of the conference table When the other leaders saw me staring at the guy without speaking, they turned their heads and looked at the guy silently. The guy had an arrogant attitude at first, but after all, those present were the most high-end personnel in the guild. Not to mention personal strength, status alone was not an existence that he could scorn casually. Being stared at at the same time by so many people whose status, status and personal strength were higher than him, the guy's arrogant mania gradually cooled down, and in the end he even got a little stage fright.

People are actually the same. Whether it is sadness or excitement, all kinds of extreme emotions are usually unable to be maintained for a long time. So many guild leaders on the scene stared at him coldly, and the repressive atmosphere was like a solemn trial court. People who were in this atmosphere for a long time, no matter what their original mood, would soon be suppressed by this atmosphere. Out of breath.

"Are you calm?" I asked coldly after seeing that guy's state of being a violent patient turned into a quail-like state.

As soon as I heard my voice, the guy couldn't help but shivered, and then he hurriedly said nodded with a "hmm" as an answer.

"Since you are calm, let's talk about your purpose first." Although it is a question, I said it in a commanding tone.

The guy was already about to change into a quail shape, and immediately excited after I asked this question, but the imposing manner has been suppressed, and after being excited, he can barely speak normally. "That, I just want to ask, why did we suddenly withdraw."

"Your identity?"

"Oh, I am the head of the Sixth Army of the Field Army Command me the pigeon."

"Handsome? I think you are a crazy pigeon."

"Hey, it's not a handsome man, it's a cricket's cricket, a pigeon's pigeon."

"Well, Comrade Ji Ge, I will ask you a few questions now." Nodded Ji Ge said yes, and then I asked: "First, what position do you and I have in the guild? Higher?"

I was stunned by the question. It was not because the question was too difficult, but on the contrary, it was because the question was too simple, so he was stunned. However, although he was stunned by my question, he quickly responded and replied: "Of course you are taller."

"Then I made military transfers to the troops in the guild, why? I want to inform you first?"

"I didn't..." As soon as I heard this, the pigeon wanted to refute it, but I was one step ahead.

"Don’t tell me what you don’t think so. If you don’t think so, why do you come to question my arrangements? As the guild president, do the guild transfer arrangements I made need you? Didn’t agree with the permission?"

"I'm not..."

I interrupted the excuse of the pigeon again. "I know you want to say that you don't think so, but you did it, and used the most inappropriate way. The Frost Rose League Conference Hall is the meeting place for the veteran members of the guild. You are only the sixth Legion. Mr. Legion, the guild status is just a high-level member. Why did you break into the conference hall without authorization? Also, I heard you scolding me just now. As a member of the guild, you publicly insult me ​​on this occasion , What does this mean?"

"I'm not..." My pigeon has been incoherently asked by me to speak unfavorably.

"Do you still want to defend?" I continued to pressure.

"I...I was wrong." Helpless, I thought about it for a long time, but I really couldn't find any reason to justify my behavior. Regardless of the purpose of his previous visit, at least not only did he wrong in the few things I asked, but he was still very wrong.

Seeing that he finally bowed his head, I said, "Fortunately, you can tell right from wrong. If you insist on not admitting your mistake, I can only expel you from the guild this time. Frost Rose The league doesn't need someone who can't tell right from wrong." I was taken aback by my words. Deportation of the guild may not be a big deal in other guilds, but for our guild, the punishment is very serious. After all, our guild’s welfare benefits and other conditions are much better than other guilds. Being expelled by our guild is basically equivalent to losing a diamond job. Of course, such unlucky things do not want to happen. On myself.

After scaring me, I made another big turning point and continued: "But... since you can still tell right from wrong, I can take it lightly this time. .From now on, your sixth Legion will be taken over by your deputy, and your Legion chief will be revoked and downgraded to an ordinary soldier, deducting 500 guild contribution points, which will take effect immediately."

"President... …" I was fooled by me all of a sudden. Although this punishment is better than expelling, it is definitely not lighter. After the resignation of the chief Legion, it is miserable enough, and the guild contribution value has to be deducted. That is a super valuable thing! In the black market within the guild, a contribution value is now copied to twenty renminbi, which is more valuable than crystal coins. If you deduct five hundred points of contribution value at a time, it is equivalent to erasing 10,000 yuan at a time. Is this lesson bad enough?

"Are you not convinced?" I asked in a cold voice.

I wanted to defend myself, but after thinking about it, I didn’t say anything. I could only say with a downcast, "I accept."

"Very good, not bad Know how to advance and retreat. As a reward, at least let you understand it.” When I heard what I said, I looked up in surprise. I didn’t know what I meant, but I didn’t have time to care about him, so I just said. : "Don't you want to know why I let the troops attacking Fulcrum City withdraw?"

When I heard this, my pigeon nodded desperately. Today he forcibly rushed into the conference hall for this matter, but he had forgotten his original purpose by the punishment I had just now. Now when I mention him again, I remembered the purpose of this time. If he was punished for nothing if he didn’t figure it out this time, then he would be unlucky. Knowing the reason now makes him feel better. At least the punishment is not everything. Didn't change it.

Seeing that he understood it, I said, "I know that you are angry at first because you think that my order gave the Japanese a chance, and we lost the opportunity to take back the Fulcrum City in vain. Opportunity, am I right?"

"Yes." I was nodded and said: "We were almost on the city wall of Fulcrum at that time, but the military god suddenly ordered a retreat. , My mood at the time was really..."

"I can understand your feelings, but I don’t agree with your behavior. Regardless of whether our decision is wrong or not, you, as the Legion commander, are themselves You are obliged to obey orders, and you actually tried to resist. If it were not for the military god to have high level command authority, our guild might have suffered a great loss this time. I didn’t punish you afterwards, didn’t expect you to turn to yourself I came here, you said I won't punish you who will be punished?"

I felt so depressed when I heard what I said. After doing it for a long time, he had already escaped a catastrophe before, but he himself had to hit his gun with his head upright. Isn't this courting death? "That...I..."

"Okay, don't say anything, the punishment is punished, and I don't want to hold you to other responsibilities. In order to convince you, I will make an exception this time. Explain clearly to you. Although you had captured part of the city wall at the time, Masaka Matsumoto and the three Japanese angels also arrived in the city. The special squad that broke into the city at that time have all been killed. As long as they slow down, you are in the city. The advantage on the wall can be reversed in a blink of an eye. Also. At that time, Matsumoto Masaka’s Ghost Dragon Society brought 200,000 troops to kill from behind you, do you know?"

I nodded and said: "I know."

"Know that you are still rushing? Do you still attack a city where you are beaten by the enemy?"

"I was thinking, anyway I have already taken advantage of it. It’s better to fight, in a spurt of energy, to hit the pivot city. Then..."

"Then I will be snatched back by the Japanese inside and outside?" I interrupted my game. Pigeon said: "I was worried just now if the punishment was too heavy, but now it seems to be not heavy. Do you think about how you looked like a Legion commander? You are a red-eyed gambler, always thinking As long as you press a big one, you can definitely win back all the previous bets. Fight for it? Lost your thoughts. We have already used the sand table to simulate the situation at that time, but the result is that you are about to The final suitable force for the capture of Fulcrum City was exhausted and ultimately failed to capture Fulcrum City. Even if there is an error in the calculation, you finally obtained the right to occupy the Fulcrum City, but you absolutely did not have much force left at the time. The Japanese battled in the homeland, soon. We can gather troops again to launch a counterattack, and our guild’s troops are far away in the country. Re-arrangement of troops and reinforcements will not be able to keep up with the next Fulcrum City battle. Eventually, the city will still be lost. The only difference is that we can retreat early. In the end, although a deadly battle can occupy the city for a while, it will ruin our last bit of strength in Japan."

I have said so much, I finally understand a little bit. Occupation of a city can only be profitable if it is occupied for a long time. If a city is occupied by two guilds for three days and five days, then neither guild will be able to obtain even a copper plate in the city. benefit. Therefore, even if the Sixth Legion can occupy the Fulcrum City, it will be snatched back by the Japanese in the subsequent battles. This process will not benefit us at all. On the contrary, retreating early as it is now, at least those troops are saved. And as long as this force exists, and the troops from our guild are transported from the mainland, the chance of attacking from both sides will be much greater than it is now.

Ten thousand steps back and said, even if the preserved troops cannot capture Fulcrum City again, there is such a troop squatting on the Japanese mainland, at least it will make the Japanese not dare to be too arrogant, after all, although this troop Insufficient offensive strength, if you want to defend, it is still quite powerful. This kind of existential effect is far more valuable than pulling this unit directly and desperately fighting the Japanese. This is something I can think of as a pigeon who can rise to the sixth legion legion.


"Needless to say, I know you understand your mistake, but you didn't understand it on the battlefield. As a Mr. Legion, the inability to make accurate judgments on the battlefield itself is already a very serious problem. The key is that you actually try to resist after the superior has commanded. This is absolutely intolerable. So, remove your Legion. The long post does not treat you badly."

My degenerate nodded said: "I understand, what the president said!"

"Just as long as you understand, now you You can leave now."

I was nodded, and then walked towards the gate sullenly. The Guard Captain helped him open the door, then followed him out of the conference hall and brought the door up.

After the gate was closed again, the eagle suddenly asked, "Is this punishment too severe?" Actually, the eagle wanted to say it before, but because my own pigeon was present at the time, the eagle suddenly asked. I haven't spoken. Even if you want to help him intercede, you must never let him hear it, otherwise it will only have a counterproductive effect and make the punishment meaningless.

I turned my head and looked at Eagle and said, "Although from the point of view of the damage caused this time and the starting point of the incident, his punishment is indeed too heavy, but what I said is not all wrong. He did have a disobedience, and he was unclear on the battlefield

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