"Then what shall we do now?" someone asked.

"This is the key question I want to talk about." Masaka Matsumoto said resolutely: "The number of troops left by the Chinese is very large. It depends on a certain or certain guilds alone. Can’t stop them. So, we need a force that can react quickly and suppress this force."

"Do you mean let us merge into the Ghost Dragon Club?" Yiming is more impressed. The president asked aloud.

Matsumoto Masaka immediately shook his head and said: "The merger of guilds is not a good idea. My Black Dragon has already verified this. If we can regard a guild as a company, then We can find the answer from the modern and perfect business philosophy. A company that is large and large, produces everything and is responsible for everything, it will definitely not develop. Even if it is a relatively well-known modern enterprise group, that is also It's just that they are linked to each other in the industrial chain, and the various companies in the group are still independent. Such a merger can strengthen the strength of an enterprise, and a completely unified monster-like guild cannot give full play to its own capabilities. Ability. The original Black Dragon meeting is an example. The original Black Dragon meeting was only a few thousand people in my hands. We have already played against the Chinese many times. At that time, it can be said that we have never eaten. Unfortunately. However, as my philosophy went wrong in the later period, I thought that the bigger the guild, the stronger it was. As a result, the Black Dragon would continue to grow and eventually included almost 90% of the players in Japan. However, the number of players increased. With the increase in materials, the internal problems of the Black Dragon Club have also increased exponentially. A series of problems such as waste of resources, inefficient government orders, delaying each other, laziness and slippery, etc. have led to the continuous weakening of the Black Dragon Club. It can be said that the original Black Dragon Club was not defeated by the Chinese, but defeated by ourselves. Therefore, it is not a good way to merge the existing guilds into a super monster."

"Since this is not possible, what does this Monarch mean?"

"My idea is very simple. A unified super-large guild is not a good way, but we can refer to the United Nations peacekeeping force. We formed a rapid response force in this way. We..."

Matsumoto was about to go down, and suddenly someone stood up loudly shouted: "Matsumoto, this Monarch, you have a problem with your head, right? Don’t you know what the battle strength of the United Nations peacekeeping force is? Can a unit that has a dozen or so commands command a messy force to fight?"

This president is not aimed at Masamoto Matsumoto. He, but Masaga Matsumoto's comparison with peacekeeping troops really scared people. The United Nations peacekeeping force is composed of multinational coalition forces. Although each unit is under the command of the peacekeeping force general headquarters in name, the troops of various countries still have their own command system. Generally, all orders from the general headquarters are sent to the troops first, and then the troops check the orders and then ask their own country whether they will implement them. The troops will only execute the orders when their own government says yes. In this process, the order is to turn the boss around the whole world, let alone the reaction speed of the anti-troops, even the general national defense forces are several times faster than their reaction speed. The main reason why the peacekeeping forces with such low efficiency so far have not had any major problems is that most of the peacekeeping forces are sent by developed countries, and the soldiers and equipment in them are basically world-class, and they need to be vigilant and deterrent. Most of the armed personnel are scattered arms that are more guerrillas than guerrillas, and most of the time the peacekeeping forces are even acting as police. Using a top-level unit that is more advanced than the regular army to act as a police officer, even if the command system is extremely inefficient, it is not so easy to figure out problems.

But. The peacekeeping force is a peacekeeping force. Although Masaga Matsumoto uses a peacekeeping force as an analogy, the Japanese players below know that they are not a peacekeeping force, and the enemy they are going to deal with is not a guerrilla. Although most of the remnants of this guild are cannon fodder units, the main force in it is still very strong in battle strength, and the Japanese themselves are also impossible to use advanced weapons that have outstripped each other several times like peacekeeping forces. Weak enemy. Even if the situation is just the opposite, the Japanese need to use weaker weapons to deal with enemies with super-battle strength. In this case, the inefficiency of the command system will be extremely fatal.

Seeing that the opponent reacted so strongly, Masaga Matsumoto quickly explained: "Please don't get excited. I'm just making an analogy. I don't really want you to come out and form a miscellaneous army belonging to different guilds. We all know how the battle strength of this miscellaneous army is, so I won’t do that kind of stupid thing."

"Then you mean...?"

"Actually I want to rearm a super-powerful combat guild based on a certain guild. This guild does not have a commercial department, no logistics, no scientific research and development, they just fight."

" If you don’t do commercial activities, where does the money come from?"

"This is the key." Masaka Matsumoto said: "What I said is that everyone should work together to form a peacekeeping force. A certain amount of funds and materials, and then use these funds and materials to raise such a full battle-type guild dedicated to fighting."

Matsumoto finished speaking, the following guild leaders are all It sank, and the Japanese players watching the conference nearby also began to think. It can be said that this method of Masaga Matsumoto is both new and old. It is new because this idea is very unique. No country has used this method to form its own battle strength before. It is old because there is a perfect application of this theory in reality, and it has been used for thousands of years.

"Do you mean to form a national defense force?" Someone finally figured out what Matsumoto Masaka meant.

"Yes." Masaga Matsumoto said excitedly: "Like the real army, they can fight very well, but the weapons and ammunition used by the army are not produced by themselves. The army is an individual. The allowance is not earned by the army itself, and the high-tech weapons used in the army are not researched by the army itself... Oh, at least most of them are not researched by themselves. In short, the army hardly engages in any activities that are not related to combat, even if it occasionally participates. Rescue and other operations are also temporary tasks, not the main task of the army. I just want to follow the model of the National Defense Forces to form a Japanese rapid response guild. We guilds, and even free players, can use taxpayer methods. Provide funds or material support to this guild, and even provide high-level combatants. These tax-like funds paid by everyone will be used for the leveling and fighting of this guild, so that this guild can It is equivalent to completely getting rid of things that have nothing to do with the battle, and can maximize its battle strength. On the other hand, it is precisely because this force is formed using the money of us "taxpayers", so its command system It is completely independent. We are only responsible for paying money, not for command. In this way, this branch will have the greatest independence. They don’t need to ask any guild, they can directly launch battles based on their own judgment. The command system without forks will have ultra-fast response speed, and the powerful battle strength cultivated by the use of national resources will also ensure that it can fully resist the Chinese invasion led by the Frost Rose League."

Masaka Matsumoto said such a long time, but the guild presidents sitting below reacted coldly, and had been stunned for a long time without seeing anyone standing up to speak. When Matsumoto Masaka wondered why these people were completely unresponsive, someone finally stood up. "Chairman Matsumoto, I have thought about the method you said. I am sure that the guild formed in this way will indeed have super battle strength as you said. The business theory in modern society has also proved that your idea is correct. . The more professional the enterprise is, the more competitive it is. This theory is also completely suitable for this guild. It’s just...I’d like to know. Such a sword of the country that is built from the resources of the whole country in one place should be built by Who will hold its hilt? Yes, you said that we do not participate in command, but this guild always has a president. According to your statement, this guild is an army, and their guild The commander is basically the commander-in-chief of the army. But what if this guild leader uses this guild to attack other guilds in the country? This sword of the country, which is made by focusing our nation’s power, is sharp to attack the enemy, but if Wouldn't it be too weak to turn around and chop yourself?"

When this person said that, the people below also became noisy. The fact is just like what the man said, this guild is like an army, but this army is not responsible to anyone, then the head of this army has become a local tyrant? He can do whatever he wants, and no one can stop him.

Matsumoto Masaka first stretched out his hand to signal everyone to be quiet, and after the venue was restored to order, he said, "In fact, I think this problem can be solved very well. In reality, a force like this is completely unconstrained. It's really easy to rebel and overthrow the government, but here is a game with a complete contract system. Don't underestimate the contract system provided by the system. If you use it well, this system is even more useful than Divine Item-level equipment. For example, for the guild we formed this time, we can write the contract before forming the guild. First of all, restrict the guild to not allow it to own the city. That is to say, the guild cannot be built, purchased, occupied, etc. Obtain city ownership in any way. Secondly, we can stipulate that this guild is not allowed to engage in commercial activities, and that this guild is not allowed to participate in trading activities. This can fully restrict its capital flow. Once it does any behavior that is detrimental to the country, then we As long as you stop funding it, this guild that is completely unable to replenish itself will soon be over. Of course, the actual rules are definitely more than these two, we can make full use of the system contract to establish a complete contract to completely restrict the guild’s behavior , This allows it to have full autonomy within a limited range without harming its own interests."

Listening to Matsumoto’s words, Fulcrum Castle fell into silence again. Everyone is thinking about what Matsumoto Masaga said just now. If such a contract is really signed, it seems that this guild can be completely restrained. Just as Matsumoto said, as long as the guild is restricted and not allowed to occupy the city and trade in any form, it will become a deformed monster that is powerful but does not know how to eat. When the idea of ​​killing the enemy, everyone can feed him, but once the monster tries to fight back against the owner, it's simple, just don't give him food. Even if he can harm some of the owner's interests, the monster who cannot eat will soon starve to death by himself. Besides, this is a guild and not a real monster after all. The leader of this guild must also understand that he cannot harm the guild in the country, so he simply won't do those things.

After what Matsumoto Masaga said, after everyone discussed it, they found that the guild really had the possibility of being formed. Modern business operations have proved a fact countless times, that is, the company must be professional. For example, the company that designs clothing is specifically responsible for the design, and the production of clothing does not need to be considered at all. That is the responsibility of the manufacturer. There is no need to control the sales of clothing, it is the retailer’s business. In short, a company cannot do everything. It must ensure specialization. Even if a chain enterprise is formed, it must ensure that each chain node is completely independent, otherwise it will become a bloated and inefficient enterprise. The same reason. A guild is responsible for too many things, and the result will be the ability to disperse the guild, and as a result, the overall efficiency of the guild will be low.

If Masaga Matsumoto proposed this theory in another country, the people below may not be so easy to accept it, but in Japan, they are the most easy to accept this theory, because Japan Players have seen two extreme applications of this theory. One of the extremes was the original Black Dragon guild, which almost pulled all Japanese players into one guild. And the other extreme performance is our Frost Rose League. Although the current battle strength world is the first, the number of guild members is not even the top 50 in the world guild rankings.

In fact, the Japanese still lack investigations. If they are allowed to know the situation in Russia, they will definitely support Masaga Matsumoto to form this guild, because the house of snow demon in Banshee is an extreme one. Streamlined professional R&D and command guilds. Their guild does not have a dedicated business department, not even a guild guard. However, it was this Snow Demon House that actually relied on its own technology output to become the leader of Russia's guild. Moreover, they even rely on their commanding ability to lead Russian players into the hinterland of China. You must know that this is something that Japanese players have always wanted to do but have never been able to do. If they knew that the Snow Demon House relied solely on research. With this, it is estimated that 80% of Japanese guilds will transform into a single professional guild overnight.

"Song this Monarch. We think your method is indeed feasible, but...what about the source of the guild's personnel? No matter how independent, these people must have had a guild. Isn’t it the same as the peacekeeping force and the command is blocked?"

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