Although Masaka Matsumoto has appeared, there was actually only one Chinese player who was killed at the scene. The remaining 20 people wanted to rush forward, but Masaka Matsumoto was still following him. In August, and because of the presence of Masaga Matsumoto, the remaining Japanese guild leaders also broke out, killing the 20 Chinese players in an instant.

As I said before, there are so many Japanese presidents at the scene. In fact, the battle strength has exceeded the battle strength of the 21 Chinese players dozens of times. The chasing situation is completely because of their selfishness, not because these guild leaders really can't beat those Chinese players. These Chinese players are said to be elite, but in fact they are just the elite players that our guild lost in Japan's elite Legion, if you compare them with the actual troops. They should be regarded as the top soldiers of the troop. Although they may be stronger than the general troops, they are still regular troops after all, and they are still different from the real special forces. Therefore, although these twenty-one people are relatively strong, they are also limited. As long as the Japanese presidents unite, they simply won't get any advantage.

After solving these 21 Chinese players, the presidents on the scene immediately gathered around Matsumoto Masaka and asked about the exchange of cities, but Matsumoto Masaka was a master. He waved: "Everything will wait until the end of the fulcrum city defense battle."

Hearing Matsumoto's words, the presidents understood that this is not the time to quarrel, and some people with more clever minds. It is thinking of other plans, for example-to kill a few companions in advance to reduce the number of dirty people.

The guild leaders here were playing their own selfish calculations, and suddenly they heard a blast in the sky, and then they saw a silver white light flashing by, and then a Fireball suddenly dropped from the sky directly. Smashed in the middle of the crowd. The Japanese guild leaders who had been surrounded by quite densely had no time to dodge such a fast Fireball. When the Fireball hit the ground, the shock wave immediately blew all the nearby people away.

Compared to those chairpersons, Matsumoto's situation is much better. When the shock wave arrived in front of him, it was blocked by an invisible energy shield, and Matsumoto Masaka was still standing there unscathed, but the Japanese chairpersons next to him were blown away. Flew out.

Those Japanese guild leaders who were blown away by the shock wave were blown away, but the injuries were not serious, so they all got up quickly after being blown away. At this time, they finally got a clear view of the Fireball Center.

The previous Fireball exploded as soon as it landed, but now only a shallow pit with a diameter of more than three meters and a slight depression remains at the landing site of the Fireball. The ground in the entire pit has been completely broken into powder, which looks like a desert, and there is one more person in the middle of the sand pit.

"Purple Moon?" At this time, I was standing in the middle of the sandpit in a straddle position, and my hands were folded together in an imposing manner and placed in front of me on the ground. Above the hilt of the Eternal Sword. Behind me, the silver light gleaming wings are slowly closing, and the red cloak below the wings is flying arrogantly with the wind blowing from the sea. This look can be said to be very coquettish, but no one in the room dared to say something like I was pretending to be, because no one other than me is suitable for such an arrogant look. Of course, in the mind of Japanese players, Masaga Matsumoto may also be able to pose in this way, but Masaga Matsumoto himself knows that there is still a gap between him and me. After all, he is now working for me.

"Listening to our guild's fleet report that your fleet is coming, I guess you must have come with it." Masaka Matsumoto and I stood face to face at a distance of seven or eight meters. Now, the nearby Japanese guild leaders looked left and right, and finally did not dare to interrupt our conversation in advance.

I turned my head and glanced at the corpse of the Chinese player on the ground, and found that two pieces of equipment had exploded. Seeing my sight, a nearby Japanese guild leader immediately rushed to grab the two pieces of equipment, but he listened to the bang before he touched the thing, and his hand suddenly became too much. Dao blood marks, even the flesh on it has been scraped off.

"If you dare to stretch out your paws again, I promise you will lose more than a piece of meat next time."

"Purple Moon will grow so powerful and prestigious. The kids are here." Masaka Matsumoto said something as if ironic as agreed in advance.

I turned my head and glanced at Masaga Matsumoto, and then replied faintly: "Children sometimes need to be properly disciplined. If you don't have the energy, I can do it for you."

"Then no need. This is Japan. I don't need to trouble you for the time being." Matsumoto said, suddenly reaching out to one of the equipment, the equipment immediately flew up and shot at him, but As soon as the equipment flew up, it was suddenly entangled with a red whip and pulled back to my side. At this time, everyone could see that the whip was changed from the eternal sword I stood on the ground at first.

After taking back one piece of equipment, I pulled the other one back and threw it directly into the Phoenix Dragon space. This is something that our guild players exploded. I don't want to make these Japanese people cheap.

After taking back the equipment, I looked at Masaka Matsumoto and said, "Matsumoto this Monarch, the two of us have spent a lot of time dealing with each other. Now I just want to ask. You feel confident about it. Conquer me? I know that you did win me twice before, but they were just bystanders. As the authority, do you think it is normal for you to win?"

Matsumoto is very honest replied: "I know that the two previous defeats against you were due to your own underestimation and unexpected reasons, but this is Japan, my country. Don’t say that I still have a little chance of winning. Even if there is no chance of winning, I have already retreated. No refund."

"Do you mean that I have to kill you?"

Matsumoto Masaka did not answer, but took the Divine Sword directly. come out. This was already the most direct answer, and beside him, August Xun had also taken out his weapon and put on a fighting posture.

The surrounding Japanese presidents saw that none of us planned to help in this posture, and they all retreated desperately in fright. On the one hand, it is because they know that they are not at the same level as us. Once they fight, they will only be slaughtered; on the other hand, it is also because they don't want to help Matsumoto Masaga.

Seeing that we were ready to fight with each other, I suddenly became frowned and straightened up and gave up the attacking stance. Just as the Japanese chairpersons around me were puzzled, I suddenly said to Masaka Matsumoto: "You have won this time, but don't be too happy, I will get it back sooner or later." I finished. He just turned around and jumped up. The passing bird caught me in the air and spewed out four flames violently and instantly led me to disappear into the distant sky.

Those guild leaders waited until my silhouette was completely out of sight and looked towards Masaka Matsumoto who were puzzled and asked: "What's the situation?"

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