"Where are you in such a hurry?" Seeing the Japanese players rushing over, the row of Chinese players in the way asked deliberately mystifying.

The Japanese player on the opposite side was not eager to speak, but first looked down at a few corpses at the foot of the row of Chinese players. That's right, it was from a few Japanese players and NPCs. After all, this place is a city, impossible without the Japanese passing by, and these ordinary persons encounter the elite troops of the raid, and there is no second way to go except death.

After confirming the corpse, the leader among the Japanese players spoke, but instead of answering the Chinese player on the opposite side, he said to the people around him: "Come over."

oh la la A row of weapons from the Japanese player was drawn out, and then they rushed up without waiting for the opposite Chinese player to speak, and the Chinese player on the opposite side quickly drew out their weapons after seeing the opponent's actions. Rushed to the other side.

"go die for me!" A Japanese player jumped up violently and slashed at the Chinese player in front of him, but he was still in the air and was kicked back by the opponent's sword. On the ground, but as soon as the Chinese player kicked the man down, he was slashed in the shoulder by the Japanese player next to him, and blood spurted out of his body. However, the Chinese player who was slashed had not landed yet, and the Japanese slasher The player was first blasted into a blood mist by a beam of light that did not know where it came from.

The people on both sides didn’t use the ordinary battle method to fight at all, but were desperate. Everyone took out their trump card stunts, and only saw numerous skills flying on the battlefield. Fly away, a layer of corpses was quickly spread on the ground in the blade light and sword shadows, and the players on both sides of the battle were rapidly decreasing at an extremely fast speed.

"Get out of the way." A Japanese player jumped up sharply in the air and slashed an inverted Chinese player in half, but he just got away from the person who was split. Passing through the middle, two Chinese players on the left and the right hugged their legs and pulled them down to the ground. Then, before he could find a way to fight back, a heavy sword soldier had already picked up the giant sword and smashed his forehead fiercely. Go down. In a critical situation, the man blocked him with a horizontal sword, but the heavy sword’s attack power was too strong. First he easily smashed his sword, and then split him into two pieces from the top to the next, as if he had been hit by him before. The same as the Chinese player who split.

"Watanabe Captain, this won't work! The Chinese defense is too strong, we can't make it through!" A Japanese player clutched the bleeding wound and hit the ground with a handle. Reported to Watanabe, who led the team.

Watanabe looked at the two players who were in a ball in front of him, and his mental strength was also desperate. The elites on our side were definitely not here to enter the city to fight them in the street, so Watanabe was sure that these were definitely not all of our elites. In other words, there are still some of our elites who are doing something somewhere in the city, but they are not yet sure for the time being. They are now blocked here. It seems that the battle seems to be in a state of no distinction between superior and inferior, but our purpose is to intercept, and their purpose is breakthrough. In this case, the stalemate in the battle is actually the victory of the defender. Bian knew that this seemingly tied battle was actually a disadvantage.

Watanabe was frowned in that dilemma, the city wall led the team to stay to resist the elite Japanese leader on the city wall, but suddenly felt the pressure lightened. Suspicious, he looked up and found that there seemed to be chaos in the rear of the Chinese troops, but he could not see exactly what happened when the distance was too far, and he knew that the Chinese troops were definitely in trouble. While he was guessing the reason there, he suddenly saw three white and one red four meteor-like light clusters rushing towards the city wall at lightning speed in the distance. After discovering the four light groups, the air combat mobile angels in the city suddenly accelerated towards the four light groups, but just after the fastest mobile angel and the front light group met, it seemed to be As if the comet hit an airplane, the intercepting mobile angel suddenly exploded in mid-air and turned into a big Fireball. At the same time, the ball of light had passed through the Fireball, and it was not until after it left that there was a large amount of it in the Fireball. The parts patter oh la la down.

The mobile angel who had been showing off one's military strength on the top of the Japanese head can be said to have hurt the Japanese players below, but didn’t expect that the four beams just appeared and there was nothing. Just do it and crash a mobile angel easily. This strength is really envious of the Japanese players below, and their hearts are also unusually relieved. After all, they have been bullied by mobile angels for so long. Clean up these flying iron bumps.

After the first light group crashed into a mobile angel, the remaining mobile angels immediately changed their strategies. Unlike the player, although the mobile angel is equipped with an artificial soul, its main body is still a constructed creature, and its characteristics are closer to a robot than a living person. When the first mobile angel was crashed, the other mobile angels immediately received damage reports, and instantly they understood that the enemy’s defense strength was far above them, so these mobile angels immediately collectively changed their strategies and quickly let go of those. Light group.

Seeing that the mobile angel in the sky would take the initiative to avoid the light group, the Japanese below all howled excitedly. This is the first time they have seen the mobile angel retreat since the war began. The attacks of mobile angels on them almost didn't even bother to hide, and that kind of naked contempt could make people alive.

The mobile angels did not leave after dodge the flight path of the light group, but went around to the side of the light group, and then the arms of all the mobile angels participating in the pursuit suddenly opened an opening at the same time, and then A circle of small missiles that looked like a bracelet appeared on their wrists. After all these missiles were deployed, all the mobile angels seemed to have received a unified order, and suddenly two missiles were launched at the same time. In an instant, the Japanese players below saw dozens of small missiles flying out from the wrists of the mobile angels dragging white smoke, chasing the light groups and rushing past.

For the huge might of the missile launched by the mobile angel, the Japanese players below have a personal experience. Although those liquefied magic crystal missiles are only as big as a pen, their formidable power is no less than the largest caliber of the magic crystal cannon shells. Even if they are hit only once, they can easily kill people. Moreover, as long as a generally speaking missile hits the ground, it will usually not kill one or two people.

Seeing so many missiles flying wildly, those Japanese players are all worried. Although it was not them who were being chased, from the previous situation, these light groups clearly helped them, so they all hope that the four light groups will not be hit. That is the only favorable situation since the start of the war. If they are shot down , The confidence of Japanese players will definitely be hit hard.

However, just as the Japanese players below prayed that the four light groups would not be hit, the four light groups suddenly stopped suddenly, and then they seemed to be blooming towards the four. The direction flew out. The missile that was originally chasing the target immediately started to turn after it found the target turned. The so-called missile can naturally be tracked, otherwise it should be called a rocket instead of a missile.

After the four light groups turned around, one of the ugliest light groups began to climb up vertically, and then suddenly stopped and dived down after flying for a certain distance. The missiles that were chasing after them were too late. Turning around, the ball of light passed through them, and after the ball of light passed by, the missiles suddenly collectively exploded in the air, but the ball of light had already flown past, so there was nothing at all. Injured by the explosion.

At the same time that the largest light group was separated from the missile tracking, the other three light groups have also completed the missile lure. The two white light groups separated first, and then turned around and faced each other. When the two light clusters collided together, the expected explosion did not appear. Instead, the two light clusters suddenly merged and rushed towards the high altitude, but the missiles following them did not have the ability to combine. The missiles are intensively interspersed at such a fast speed. It is inevitable that many of them will collide with each other. Although some have not hit, but so many huge might missiles explode together, even if they do not hit the missiles, they will be bombed by their companions. In the end, no missile successfully completed this exciting death veneer dance.

After the three light groups flashed past the missile pursuit, the last red light group flew towards a mobile angel chasing him with the missile group, and then saw him catching up with that one. Afterwards, the mobile angel slammed it towards the missiles behind it, and the result was that the group of missiles and the mobile angel died together with the sound of an explosion.

After killing all the chasing missiles, the red light group hovered above the city wall. At this time, the light group finally went out, revealing the people inside. Seeing the fiery red color and the image of the opponent, the Japanese player below suddenly smiled at the same time.

"It's an angel trio. Haha, our angel is here!" The outstanding performance of the three angels in the previous fulcrum city conquering battle left a lot to the Japanese players who lacked high-end martial power. Deep impression, and now is the time for lack of high-end martial power. At this time, seeing the arrival of your own high-end battle strength is simply the general feeling of provide timely help, and everyone will feel happy.

After the blazing Fire Dragon Ji appeared, the group of light group in the sky also swooped down from high altitude, and then suddenly stopped beside Fire Dragon Ji and divided into two . The re-divided light group was also extinguished after the separation, and the two beautiful angel ladies were immediately recognized by the Japanese players below.

"The angel trio has arrived. Haha, now we are saved!"

Amidst the excitement and cheers of the Japanese players, the last light group also landed at a low altitude and After the strong light on his body was extinguished, when Matsumoto Masaka's light emperor Battle Armor appeared, the Japanese players below screamed like crazy fans when they saw idols appear in the singer's concert. When he got up, Masaka Matsumoto who appeared in the sky directly threw out a few starlight crystal flowers with a wave of his hand and exploded the mobile angels who came to Rinku. Of course, this hand evoked a new round of crazier cheers for him.

"Who is responsible here?" As soon as Matsumoto stopped, he immediately asked the crowd of Japanese players below. Although he actually knew who was in charge here, he still needs to do it. After all, he knows that it is through our intelligence network. If you don't ask, it is easy to be suspicious.

The guy below who is directing elite Japanese players against our elite immediately raised his head loudly and shouted: "Chairman Masaga Matsumoto, I am the commander of elite players here."

" What are you talking about? Be louder." Masaga Matsumoto has a loudspeaker array, which is very loud, but the one below doesn't have such a thing. Millions of players and NPCs on the battlefield are fighting together. The sound is not much lower than the sound of a typhoon or a tsunami. In this case, I want to hear a person's speech clearly, unless they are very close, otherwise it is impossible.

The person below saw that this was not possible, so he just flew up, and then went to Matsumoto Masaka's side and said: "Hello, I am Chief-In-Charge Haruki Sakurai here."

Matsumoto Masaka nodded said: "What's the situation now? Where do we need our help?"

Sakurai Haruki quickly pointed to the city. "Just now there were elite Chinese troops in the city. I don't know how they got in, but the alarm signal has already been sent from the city. I just divided up half of the manpower and passed by, but there are still continuous signals for help. , I think the person I sent was probably stopped, so..."

Before he finished talking, Masaka Matsumoto pulled his shoulder directly and said: "Please here, I will go to the city to see Look." After speaking, Masaka Matsumoto put his finger to his mouth and whistled. Not far away, Akatsuki Kaoru and Chi Fire Dragon Hime turned their eyes to him. Matsumoto Masaka shouted to them: "Sakura Yu stays to guard the city, August Xun and Chi Fire Dragon will go with me to see in the city."

The three women were nodded together, and then Sakura Rain God Hina began to descend, and August Kaoru and Chi Fire Dragon Hime flew towards the castle together with Matsumoto Masaka.

Speaking of Watanabe in the city, he was worrying about how to cross the blockade in front. Suddenly he felt a gust of wind blowing by his side. Following him, he saw the Chinese who were blocking the way. It was blown away.

"It's just a group of miscellaneous fish, I just need to stay." Chi Fire Dragon Ji's red silhouette appeared in the middle of the street half a meter above the ground, and in the sky August Xun Masaga and Matsumoto suddenly accelerated towards the city after nodded to her.

After seeing Masaka Matsumoto and the others leave, Chi Fire Dragon Ji turned around and said to the toppling Chinese players who were blown on the ground: "Come on, fish, take out all your strengths, Don't let me down too much."

"Damn it, it's the woman. Let's go together and kill her first." The leading players among the Chinese recognized Chi Fire Dragon at a glance. This recognition, of course, did not recognize that Chi Fire Dragon Hime was actually a member of our guild, but recognized that she was one of the three Japanese angels. Although Chi Fire Dragon Ji joined our guild a long time ago, our plan to plant a spy in Japan was actually proposed quite early, so Chi Fire Dragon Ji was isolated and trained separately a long time ago. Therefore, in fact, not many people in our guild have actually seen her. However, the last battle of Fulcrum City can be regarded as a battle of shame for all unknowing Chinese players, and Chi Fire Dragon Ji and the others, who played a key role in that battle, naturally became Chinese players. Note the important figure. Therefore, when Chi Fire Dragon Ji appeared, the Chinese players over there immediately recognized her identity.

"It's not bad, this mood is very good, is it necessary to have this kind of passion." Chi Fire Dragon Ji seemed to be indifferent to the player on the opposite side to kill herself, but excitedly said provocatively Words, and then, just as she finished her words, her silhouette suddenly rushed into the crowd on the opposite side, followed by a bloody wind, and all the people who had contact with her would change within half a second. Dancing into a pile of pieces of meat.

Watanabe and the people he brought stared blankly at the frenzied Fire Dragon. Ji laughed loudly and slaughtered the Chinese players around him frantically. They were all scared not to know what to say. What's better. Although the enemies who were killed were their enemies, the enemies who had been fighting with them for a long time before were cut into pieces by this crazy woman like cutting melons and vegetables. This contrast is also too shocking. People. However, they obviously underestimated the madness of Chi Fire Dragon. Just when those guys thought Chi Fire Dragon was just a little stronger in battle strength, an accident suddenly appeared.

The blazing Fire Dragon who slaughtered Chinese players madly, Ji, after killing a cross from the crowd of Chinese players, rolled back in the wind, and cut all the remaining Chinese players along the way. Meat loaf. However, just after she killed the last Chinese player who got in the way, a Japanese player who rushed to express her excitement turned into a face of astonishment in her crazy attack. A pile of flying pieces of meat.

All the Japanese players present were stupid. If they thought that the woman Chi Fire Dragon Ji was very difficult to deal with when they cut the Chinese before, now they completely think that this woman is a lunatic.

However, this is not over yet. After the Japanese player was killed, Chi Fire Dragon Ji did not stop, but went on all the way to cut all the nearby Japanese players into meat pieces, watching the bloody water like a climax and enjoying the face. Chi Fire Dragon Hime, the Japanese player who is still alive feels that there is a blank in his brain. This situation is beyond their understanding. Chi Fire Dragon Ji’s behavior is no longer a question of whether it is powerful or not, this woman is simply a pervert! Has anyone ever seen a normal woman climax in the blood of an enemy? Isn't this a pervert? What is it?

"Ah! Miss Chi Fire Dragon Ji..." Although the Japanese players were stupid, but Chi Fire Dragon Ji did not stop, but at the moment when her sword was about to chop Watanabe together , Watanabe finally reacted and shouted out the name of Chi Fire Dragon Hime in fear, and at the same time as he yelled that sound, Chi Fire Dragon Hime’s sword also stopped on his forehead with a slight difference. superior. A drop of sweat the size of a soybean appeared on Watanabe's forehead in an instant, and then it dripped down his face.

too terrifying. It was too terrifying just now. Watanabe swears that he had never been so scared even before facing the elite Legion of the Frost Rose League. He almost peeed his pants when the sword was slashed just now. Although the game is fake, although everyone knows that there is no real death in the game, human instinct is not so easy to resist. The virtual reality effect of "Zero" is too real. Even if they know all this is fake, most people are still afraid of it. It’s like letting a person poke your eyes with a finger. Even if you make an appointment in advance that he won’t actually touch you, you will still instinctively close your eyes. This is a human instinct, even if you use willpower Resistance is not so easy to control. What's more, you still have a mental preparation for making an appointment with others. The sword of Chi Fire Dragon Ji just now didn't say hello to Watanabe at all.

"Chi...Chi Fire Dragon Miss Ji. You...Why did you kill us all?"

As if suddenly waking up from a dream, Chi Fire Dragon Ji Xian is Surprised, she looked at the ground full of minced meat nearby, and then at Watanabe below. Finally, she suddenly thrust her sword into the ground like lightning, and then quickly reached out and pressed Watanabe’s temples on both sides. Then he said: "Aiya, really sorry. I was so excited just now. I accidentally forgot that there was someone nearby. There is nothing wrong with you, right?"

"Damn, I died for no reason. One third elite, do you still ask us if we have anything to do?" Watanabe thought this sentence in his heart, and he didn't dare to say it. The ghost knew what else this mad woman could do. He first euphemistically stated that a bit of accidental injury during the war was a matter of as it should be by rights, and then said that in fact, not many people died and the impact was not significant. Only the players next to him... Although they knew that Watanabe was talking nonsense, no one dared to correct it, because saying this at this time was equivalent to courting death.

After finishing the answer to Chi Fire Dragon, Watanabe asked, "Um...may I ask a question?" Watanabe prepared his words carefully.

Fire Dragon Ji asked in a way that didn't quite understand: "Do you have any questions?"

Although he didn't answer directly, Watanabe decided to ask after thinking about it. It's better to come out. "Um... why do you want to press my head?" After uttering this question with difficulty, without waiting for Chi Fire Dragon to finish, Watanabe quickly added: "I'm not blaming you, it's really not I just think it’s weird. If you want this, please feel free to do it, I’m okay."

Hearing Watanabe’s question, Chi Fire Dragon Hime suddenly revealed a little girl who made a mistake. With the same expression, Watanabe and the surrounding Japanese players were all taken aback. A perverted Little Sister suddenly turned into a kindergarten, the contrast is really a bit big. However, after they heard Chi Fire Dragon Ji's answer, the cute Little Sister in his head suddenly had two horns on his head, and then a sharp horn tail stuck out from his little skirt.

"This...I'm so sorry for you." Chi Fire Dragon Ji first bowed and apologized. Of course, he kept pressing his hand and did not release, and then said: "In fact, the sword stopped a bit before. Late."


"en. It's a bit late." Chi Fire Dragon Ji replied affirmatively: "Although the sword did not touch you, the sword qi actually I have passed through."

"Through through... through?" Watanabe shivered and asked: "What went through? What went through?"

"That's the sword qi passing through. From the middle of your head, just passing through."

"That...then that that...then...?"

Chi Fire Dragon Ji nodded again. "Yes. Your head has actually been split in the middle by sword qi." Hearing this, Watanabe felt an urge to faint. However, because Chi Fire Dragon Ji kept pressing the sides of his head, he didn't dare to faint, and Chi Fire Dragon Ji continued: "But you don't have to worry. Although sword qi passed through, but because of me The sword is very fast, so the moment you pass it does not immediately affect your body structure. However, your head has been cut open after all, and there is no longer any connection power between the two heads, so I have to help you first Press it. Otherwise your head will split in the middle."

"I..." Watanabe really doesn't know what to say now, and suddenly heard that his head has been cut open. Now, this news is really shocking.

Chi Fire Dragon Ji is still earnestly explaining: "You don't have to worry too much, really. My sword is very fast, as long as the head is not separated, it will not cause substantial damage. I will help you press it first. , You quickly find someone to treat you with a healing technique. When your head grows up, it will be fine. If no one in your place can heal, then I can do it. But you have to hold your own head first. , Otherwise it will crack when I let go."

When Chi Fire Dragon Ji said she was going to let go, Watanabe hurriedly stretched out his hands to cover his heads and pressed them desperately, for fear If the strength is weak, the head will become two hemispheres like a watermelon being cut. But Chi Fire Dragon Ji then said again: "Aiya, don't use it so hard! There is no connection between your two heads anymore. Pressing hard like this will squeeze them apart. Be light and don't let them with moderate strength. Just separate. You must keep your hands steady. Don't shake it! If you shake your head again, it will really separate."

Hey Fire Dragon here knows how Watanabe presses his head well, no However, the more the transition side, the more it trembles. It's not because he is stupid, it's purely scary. In the end, a clever player nearby stepped forward to replace Watanabe and held his head. Anyway, it wasn't his head, and his hands became more stable if he was not nervous.

When Chi Fire Dragon Hime was here to scare that Watanabe to play, Matsumoto Masaka and August Kaoru had already rushed to the central area of ​​the city. There is also a group of high-level players in the melee here, but the strength of the two warring parties is one-sided.

One of the two warring parties is a special detachment of the elite troops of our guild in the expeditionary army in Japan, and the other is the gang of worms called by Masaga and I. NS.

Although the heads of the Japanese guild gave up the meeting to continue the distribution of the Fulcrum City after the battle began, they did not participate in the battle, but discussed here how to discuss more points with Masaga Matsumoto. compensate. After all, according to the agreement, Fulcrum City is already the property of Masaga Matsumoto. So, since the city belongs to Matsumoto Masaga, they are here to help Matsumoto Masaka defend the castle. According to their thinking, if you don't go to work, you have to get a job, and you still have to get a double salary when you get to work?

However, the meeting was interrupted before their discussion came out. As for the reason...Of course it is the special operations team in front of you.

The number of personnel in this special operations team is not large, with a total of only 21 people. Compared with the number of heads of the Japanese guilds on the opposite side, it is obviously a disadvantage. With so many guilds all over Japan, at least ninety-nine percent of them are here. The number of Vice-Presidents of so many guilds is almost a thousand. Twenty-one to more than one thousand, the gap in this number is still quite large. Besides, since he can become the president, he will definitely not be an ordinary person. Although these guys present are greedy, their level and strength will certainly not be too bad. The advantage that is piled up with guild resources usually belongs to the current guild leader of the first individual, so even if it is a mediocre person, as long as he is the guild leader, his own attributes and equipment must not be too bad.

However, despite the large number, high level, and good equipment of the Japanese guild leaders, the fighting situation is completely opposite. The presidents of those Japanese guilds are being crushed and beaten by those 21 people, and they are in a state of fleeing in embarrassment.

How can twenty-one people defeat enemies dozens of times their own and flee without the advantage of their personal strength?

The answer is simple-there is discord between people.

What do the presidents of this group of Japanese guilds do? People are here to divide the meat, not to do voluntary labor. What are the benefits of dealing with these Chinese people? No. So unless these 21 people take the initiative to find someone, everyone else will absolutely stand by and never interfere. So, as long as these 21 players do not deal with all of them at the same time, but stare at a few of them, and then change the target after they are killed, then they can always guarantee the numerical advantage of the local battlefield. In addition, the players in our guild have always paid great attention to cooperation, so it’s not surprising to chase down the lone enemy under the premise that the local number is dominant?

Some people may find it strange. The twenty-one members of our guild have such a killing method. Even if the presidents of the Japanese guild are not united, they should know that they can’t go on like this after discovering the other party’s intentions? They are all presidents, and their heads must be faster than the ordinary person. Don't they understand that waiting for others to die is their own death?

The answer is yes. Of course they understand. So why don't they unite to deal with the 21 people in our guild?

Because they think more.

Yes, it's because they think more. One of the explanations for great intelligence may appear to be stupidity is that what the smartest people do often looks stupid, and these guild leaders are now typical of great intelligence may appear to be stupidity. If you only have a little wisdom, then you will definitely unite the people around you to kill these 21 people. After all, they are enemies to the Japanese anyway, and if you let them kill like this, sooner or later it will be your turn to be unlucky. . Therefore, normal people with little wisdom will give up the barriers and temporarily unite. However, people with great wisdom will think more.

It's too simple to unite and kill these 21 people. Anyway, they are not the kind of people who are very good. The Japanese guild leaders present can kill these 21 people as long as they draw out more than 30 people together. And there were thousands of Japanese presidents and Vice-Presidents at the scene. However, they did not do this, because they did not want to unite with the outside world but to murder a person with a borrowed knife.

Why murder a person with a borrowed knife? The answer is of course inseparable from the word interest.

Matsumoto Masaka said that he is going to take over Matsumoto Masaka’s defense and transfer it to some cities to exchange for the pivot city, so who gets the more and who gets the less? This of course depends on the strength. However, in addition to the basic strength of the guild, this strength also depends on the communicative strength. Even if your guild is very good, if you are not present when allocating cities, do you think you can get good cities? Therefore, these presidents have thought of this. Not to mention letting them unite, they are still anxious to help those Chinese hack to death other guild leaders around them. It's best to wait for Masaka Matsumoto to arrive by yourself. Although you can't monopolize all the benefits, if you are the only one, the benefits you get are absolutely huge. After calculating this, who cares about the joint external? They were pretty good if they didn't fight themselves.

"Damn, these bastards are really shameless! Actually this kind of thought comes out!"

Matsumoto Masaka is a formidable person, and August Kaun is Our guild was trained by spies, and both of them were naturally not stupid. Upon seeing the situation, we immediately understood the reason for this scene. Twenty-one Chinese players chased thousands of Japanese guilds and ran around all over the place. This scene was absolutely funny. However, now the two are here for the show, so they can't watch the excitement anymore.

A Japanese guild leader is being hunted down by a group of Chinese players, but the nearby Japanese guild leader has a matter of no concern to oneself attitude. Just now he tripped over a corpse on the ground, and when he turned around, he saw three Chinese players killing him from three directions. However, just when he thought he was dead, a white silhouette suddenly appeared in front of him, followed by the Chinese player who jumped over with a sword and flew from the ground with a side kick. The man who ran up finally turned around with a sword and split the Chinese player who was blocking him in half. The three neat moves took less than a second in total. From the outsiders' perspective, two Chinese players suddenly flew upside down, and one directly died.

"Song... Pine this Monarch?" The player who was still lying on the ground saw the silhouette in front of him and almost didn't cry with excitement. He was not afraid of death, but worried that he would not get any benefits if he died. His guild was originally small, and if Matsumoto Masaka came to hand over the city, he was not there anymore, then it would be really hard to know how many things he could get. Fortunately, I am safe now. As long as Masaga Matsumoto is here, then these Chinese people are not enough to see.

Although the guild leader on the ground was saved, the Japanese

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