The construction area on the south side of Fulcrum City is a suburb of the city because it is backed by a mountain, so this area was one of the least damaged places in the previous battle. Because the damage here is relatively small, the Japanese used it as a temporary storage place. After all, the houses in the center of the city have been flattened. Even if the Japanese rushed to repair some after occupying the Fulcrum City, it was first. Starting from the most important functional building repairs, houses such as warehouses are basically out of the ranks. Therefore, the only remaining building area has become a temporary storage place.

Although there are mountains on both sides of Fulcrum City, it is almost impossible to fight, but the physical data of the players in the game are very abnormal and cannot be considered according to the actual data, so although the mountains on both sides are not suitable for large The corps fights, but cannot prevent the infiltration of a small number of elite troops. It is also for this reason that although the Japanese concentrated their large forces on the frontal battlefield, they did not completely relax their vigilance under this mountain. Personal care of the supplies, right? In such a turbulent situation, there are people who want to take advantage of a crisis for personal gain.

Because of the above reasons, the elite group of our guild only heard the outside sound after digging to the outer wall of the mountain, and the source of the sound was four Japanese players.

A Japanese player was sitting on a stone pier and said angrily: "That bastard Edo, as soon as the battle is over, I will go to this Monarch and never go with him again. . Such a big battle he actually let me guard the warehouse here, it is really damn!"

"What's wrong with guarding the warehouse?" A Japanese player leaning on the mountain wall opposite. While gnawing on the unknown fruit in his hand, he said, "The current battle is not like usual. If it is a normal battle, defending the city is a good opportunity to gain experience. But you don't want to think about who you are fighting now? Frost Rose League's. Does the army gain experience for you? When the time comes, if you are killed, and the EXP earned is not enough to drop, you are not losing? So I said, this time it is lucky to be assigned to guard the warehouse."

Hearing this person’s words, a player sitting on the ground also said: “Yes, don’t be angry. It’s not as cost-effective to go to the city wall at this time as to come here. . Although you can’t get EXP, at least you don’t have to drop Level 1 for nothing. At last you won’t suffer, right?"

"I am..." The angry person before was about to speak and suddenly heard a boom. The wall less than a foot away from the person who leaned against the wall and ate the fruit suddenly exploded outward.

The two mountains on both sides of Fulcrum City are its north-south city wall, so Fulcrum City did not build the city wall in these two directions, but considering that the naturally formed mountains sometimes have rocks or something It’s not very safe, so Fulcrum City is covered with brick walls on the side of the two mountains facing the city and smoothed out with bonding materials, making the mountains on both sides look like two towering city walls. No mountain rocks.

Since the explosion came so suddenly, none of the four of them had any reaction. The most unlucky one was the guy who was eating the fruit. He was originally leaning on the gable wall. Although it was not the wall behind him that exploded, it was too close to him. The scattered rocks and shock waves directly saw him throw his head off, and the other three people also did it. Turned to the side from his position.

The four people here have not awoke from the aftermath of the explosion, they saw two players suddenly rushed out of the blasted hole, and then before the four enemies reacted, the two of them jumped Passing the first two Japanese players jumped directly beside the two behind, and then one by one went up and held them down.

Discovering this situation, the two Japanese players in front immediately wanted to help deal with these two people who came out of the mountain, but a large group of people suddenly emerged from the hole behind them. They also brought them down.

Immediately after the four were brought down, someone tied them together, but did not kill them. After all, players are different from NPCs. Even if they are killed, they can go offline and change to a small online report to report the situation. Anyway, the player's soul will not die. Therefore, it is impossible to kill people against players. On the contrary, capture and trap them alive, this is the best way. Even if the other party’s trumpet can report the letter, the large number is not dead, and is drawn into a fighting state, it will be more troublesome to go offline, which will delay their time, and if the opponent’s trumpet cannot report the letter, it will be even more profitable. A chance for a surprise attack. Therefore, when dealing with the players on the sentry, everyone generally adopts the method of catching alive rather than assassinating.

After controlling the four people, the group immediately divided into three teams. Two of them walked around on both sides of the building in front of them. The third team simply went directly on the roof, and behind them , And a large number of players are continuously pouring out of that channel. Of course, these four Japanese players can't see it. Immediately after being caught, they were put on their headgear and pulled aside, and even their ears were plugged. Even if they went offline to report, they could only report that someone had entered the city, and how many people there were. There is no way to report.

After bypassing the building in front of the cave entrance, the two divided teams successfully merged into a force on the other side of the building. After confirming that there was no guard on the street, they quickly moved forward. Erased the streets, and the people on the roofs jumped into the city by stepping on the roofs.

Pushing all the way down the street, the team of invaders quickly rushed to the vicinity of the core area of ​​the city. Because of the fighting on the city gate, the troops in the city were all concentrated in the east of the city, and the city center was rather empty. However, the empty area is only the outer circle area, and the real core area is impossible. After entering the central area, the assault team had a smooth journey and hit a group of patrolling players at a turning point just two blocks away.

When the players on both sides suddenly met at the corner of the street, both sides were stunned, but after all, the players on our side came to sneak attacks, so we were prepared for it, and the reaction was much faster, just stunned. After a few tenths of a second, he immediately lifted the strong crossbow that had been wound up a long time ago and pointed it lightly at the person in front of him. Before that person had time to react, he was directly blocked by an arrow.

The people in the patrol didn't finally react until they saw the first player fall. Although Captain was killed, Vice Captain immediately pulled out the knife and screamed and rushed up. At the same time, he did not forget his job and threw a firework into the sky.

By the way, the elite Japanese players on the city wall are about to vomit blood by our guild’s false alarm. There will be an elite invasion here, an elite invasion there, and another Several places invaded at the same time. Those elite Japanese players can only bite their teeth and run around. Anyway, they will get the alarm. Even if they know that the alarm may be false, as long as there is a possibility that the alarm is true, they You have to go. However, just now, they finally encountered an elite unit with great battle strength. Unlike the previous fake elite raid that collapsed on the first encounter, this time the team is all elite and many people. The elite of those Japanese players all concluded that this time must be a real raid.

Because of their persistence, these elite Japanese players finally found the real elite of the Chinese, and they all seemed very proud. "Don't you Chinese know how to use tricks? Are you still blocked by us? Our Yamato warrior is invincible. Hahahaha!" Just when the elite Japanese players were proud of this idea, suddenly, there was a cry The familiar explosion sound appeared behind them.

This voice is so familiar to them, because they have been moved many times by this damn voice. And this sound is exactly the sound of that damn alarm firework. However, this time the fireworks did not bloom on the city wall, but exploded over the core area of ​​the city. If there is an alarm on the city wall, the elites of them can understand it, but what is the alarm when the alarm appears in the center of the city? Could it be that……?

"Oops, fooled!" While the first Japanese elite player yelled out, the other elite players also understood the truth, but they understood and wanted to make remedial measures. It was too late. Not to mention whether the moths in the center of the city, who can only snatch political benefits, can persist until they rush over, but the fact that this group is really strong in front of them is enough to give them a headache. If they leave now, it is no exaggeration to say that if they walk on the front foot, the city wall on the back foot will fall. Therefore, now they dare not leave the city wall at all. However, the city center must be saved!

"Watanabe." An elite Japanese player barely held up a Chinese player who was fighting against him, and then took the time to shout to a Japanese player behind him: "You take half of them to save the city first. From the center side, here I am staring. Whoever handles it first will support the opponent."

"Understood." The man did not hesitate, and directly quit the battle and waved back. "Follow me in half."

As the player shouted, more than half of them followed him and left the city wall. Because of the time constraints and the state of warfare, there is no time to slowly arrange who will go and who will stay, so we can only let everyone decide to stay according to their own ideas. The result is naturally impossible. Fortunately, the diversity of personal characteristics and habits is roughly average, so the people who leave and the people who are left can also be regarded as half and half, but the part that walks is a little bit more.

As soon as the people here left, the rest of the people immediately felt a great increase in pressure. Fortunately, the ordinary players around quickly made up for it, and somehow stabilized the battle line again. On the other side, the group of people who left the city wall jumped directly off the city wall and started rushing towards the center of the city, but what surprised them was that the team was blocked by a row of Chinese players just halfway through the rush.

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