While the Japanese players in Fulcrum City were anxious about the growing number of Chinese troops outside the city, an even more shocking news suddenly appeared in their ears.

"What? Battleship found at sea?"

For Japanese players, they have lost their battleship for a long time, so now I heard that a battleship appeared on the sea. One thing that comes to mind is our guild fleet. But after all, some of them still remembered Matsumoto’s previous promise, so they immediately asked: "Which side of the fleet is it?"

"I don’t know, the distance is too far, now I can barely look at it. A little boat shadow."

After the news of the discovery of the battleship at sea spread, many Japanese players flocked to the sea to see the situation on the sea. Unfortunately, the place where Fulcrum City faces the sea is so big. With so many people in Chengli, it is obvious that all the impossible have found their positions. Besides, it is not easy to see the situation on the sea without a telescope. However, despite this, many people have seen the situation on the sea.

With the passage of time, the original small ship's shadow finally gradually became clear. In the eyes of everyone, only a very large ship was rushing towards the coast at a very fast speed.

When they first saw the big ship, the Japanese players were shocked because they didn’t expect the ship to be so big, but then they suddenly felt relieved because they were so fast. I discovered that the ship was not a battleship at all. Although this huge ship is equipped with a turret in front of it, its overall structure still has the characteristics of a transport ship, so many people have discovered that it is not a battleship at all. And when everyone saw the flag on the ship, the identity of the ship finally As the water recedes, the rocks appear.

"Damn it, it's a troop carrier of the Frost Rose League. Masaka Matsumoto couldn't stop their ship!" The impatient person yelled after seeing the flag clearly. Generally speaking, his guess is not wrong this time. After all, the transport ships are coming, which only means that the interception failed. However, the nervous Japanese players soon discovered the abnormality.

"Wait a minute, there is still a ship behind the troop carrier." The player holding the telescope climbed high and watched while shouting out the information he saw loudly so that the people below could understand that he saw it. Case.

"Which ship can I see?" the person without telescope below asked anxiously.

The player holding the telescope said: "Wait a minute, now you can only see a little hull, it seems that the ship is longer,... Oh, damn, it’s a battleship. It’s a battleship of the Frost Rose League. I saw the damn ball!"

The damn ball mentioned by the Japanese players actually refers to the spherical observation platform and turret installed on the top of our guild battleship. Because the battleship of our guild is equipped with the super-large optical sighting system produced by the Iron Crusade, it often has a hemispherical protective cover that looks like an observatory on the top of the battleship. As for those super-large battleships equipped with a magic light cannon launcher Then there will be two such spherical protective shields. After a long time, Japanese players call that thing a damn ball, because it is either a huge magic light cannon with formidable power, or their sighting device can be found at a long distance. Anyway, it’s all for the Japanese. Not a good thing.

"Damn it, it seems that Matsumoto Masaga is unreliable. He did not intercept the Chinese battleship!" complained a player who was a bit prejudiced against Matsumoto Masaga.

The player holding the telescope on the top shouted: "No, Masaka Matsumoto didn't lie, he really sent a battleship to intercept it."

" What did you say?" "How did you know?" the people below asked one after another.

The player holding the telescope immediately said: "There are only five ships behind the troop carrier, and the number of troop carriers is six. How could the Chinese only send so many ships? Also, two of the five battleships are smoking, and the flames can still be seen vaguely. The largest battleship in the center seems to be a bit crooked. It may be that the water in the cabin is a little out of balance. Haha, really, this time You can see clearly, only these six boats are left by the Chinese."

"Didn't expect Masaka Matsumoto did it!" Someone sighed.

Some people who dissatisfied Matsumoto Masaka said: "It was done, but he said that the battleship group was completely stopped, but now he has released six ships, and one of them is a troop carrier. The ghost knows what troop is pulling on that ship. If it is all high level mobile angels, it will be a problem! The mobile angels of the Frost Rose Alliance are too powerful. If this ship is all mobile angels, we will be completely finished!"

Before the person below finished complaining, the player holding the telescope at the top suddenly screamed again. "Wait a minute, the Chinese battleship is firing."

"Fire? Where?"

"Behind, they are firing backwards." The man holding the telescope shouted .

"Back?" The people below were taken aback for a moment, and then suddenly became excited and shouted: "Could it be the ship of the Guilonghui? They did not fail, but they did not completely block them. Battleship, they are still at war with the Chinese fleet! Haha, now we can save it." At this point, the player shouted upwards: "Can you see how many battleships are chasing the Chinese ships?" /p>

"No, the chasing ship is behind, I can't see it at all. I can only vaguely see a faint shadow based on the direction of the Chinese shelling!"

In this way, the players holding the telescope kept reporting the battle situation from high places, while the people below listened carefully. About twenty minutes later, I suddenly heard the player holding the telescope cry out in surprise. The people below hurriedly asked: "What's the matter?"

The people above hurriedly shouted: "Haha, I got hit. I saw a Chinese heavy cruiser lifted up." A big Fireball, it seems to have been hit."

"Hit? How is the effect?"

"Not quite clear, it seems like nothing! Damn it! , The Chinese ship is too long!" The player who was observing with the telescope said and called out again: "Ah, another shot, another shot. This time I hit the turret. wow ha ha, the tail section turret of the Chinese cruiser is abolished. Oh, it turned."

"Turn? Do you want to escape?"

"I don’t know, but also Turning.” After waiting for a while, the man shouted, “It’s not to escape. The ship was on the sea and blocked the chasers behind with its side fire. Its tail gun was broken. Maybe it wants to sacrifice itself to cover the ship in front. Wait a minute, I see the chasing soldiers. Haha, there are twelve ships. The Ghost Dragon Club’s chasing fleet has twelve ships, more than the Chinese. Huh? "

The people below heard the puzzled voice from above and immediately asked anxiously: "What's the matter?"

"The battleship that was chasing seemed to be injured. , There is smoke all over the back of a ship, as if it’s almost sinking!"

"Nonsense, is the Chinese fleet easy to deal with? There are still more ships left to chase the Chinese ships Even if it’s good, how could it not be injured?"

"That's what I said."

As the player holding the telescope continues to explain, the battleship between the two sides is also constant Is approaching. The fastest rushing troop carrier can even be seen directly by Japanese players on the shore with naked eye, but the battleship between the two sides on the sea behind is getting more and more intense. The Ghost Dragon Club battleship at the back of the platoon is significantly faster, while the Chinese battleship ahead is unable to accelerate due to the inclination of the battleship in the fleet. Fortunately, the two sides have already approached the offshore area, so they did not run anymore. Necessary.

"Aiya!" The player holding the telescope suddenly yelled and surprised everyone below.

"What's going on?"

"Damn, that heavy cruiser across the sea set a boat of the Ghost Dragon Society on fire. Aiya is not good, It looked like it had hit the ammunition depot. The bombed ship exploded in the middle of the ship, and the ship is no longer leaving. It’s probably done!"

"Really, why is the Ghost Dragon Club’s ship like this? Disappointing? It's really bad that so many people hit a few and made the family feel a little bit worse!" Some of the players who listened to the news couldn't help complaining.

The person next to him retorted, "It’s easy to say. You have never participated in a naval battle with the Chinese. Don’t you know that the Chinese naval guns are much better than our naval guns, if they have formidable power. The battleship-class main guns are basically not a problem to sink a cruiser three or five times. Didn’t you hear the brother above say that the boat was hit? How could that boat withstand the battleship main gun?"

"I'm not in a hurry! Why are you rushing with me? With the ability, you go out and sink the Chinese ship, don't be here!"



The person below was about to quarrel, but the person above suddenly screamed again. "Okay, good fight. Haha, the Chinese cruiser was hit by the battleship of the Ghost Dragon Club."

"How effective? It sank?" The person below quickly asked.

"I don't know." The person above replied: "I only saw a large row of Fireball covering the entire ship’s superstructure. I don’t know how effective it is, but it seems pretty good. Aiya, the bow part of the ship exploded, like a torpedo. Haha, a torpedo was hit in the bow of the Chinese cruiser and it is sinking."

"Good fight!" The Japanese player below They shouted excitedly.

"Wait a minute. The main gun of that cruiser is still turning!"

"It's almost sinking, why is it still turning?"

"Why do I I know." The person above shouted: "Not good, that cruiser fired...Oh my God!"

"What's the matter? You want to die us?"

The person above paused for a while before saying: "The Chinese battleship fired a few special shells. After the shells exploded in the air, many small bombs were thrown out. The super battleship of the Ghost Dragon Club was covered by barrage."

"What? Is the boat okay?"

"I don't know, the sea is completely covered by flames, and I can't see anything. Oh, wait a minute, I see. Ah. I saw it, the bow of the super battleship came out, haha, the ship is okay." The people below were about to celebrate, and the people above didn't expect a sudden hehe.

"What did you see again?"

"I don't know. It looks like that super battleship is turning aside, I don't know if I misunderstood it."

"Turning? What does it do when turning?"

"I don't know, but it must be turning. The bow of the ship has turned several degrees. , It seems to be still turning."

Under the gaze of a large number of Japanese players within the fulcrum, the super battleship was completely horizontal on the sea, and then the direction continued to turn the bow to the back. The direction to the coast. The Japanese players have not yet figured out why the super battleship suddenly turned around, but the super battleship that didn’t expect completely turned around did not stop even after turning a certain direction, but continued to turn the bow of the ship. Obviously it was It's going to be transferred back again.

"Damn it! There is no one in that super battleship!" Someone finally discovered the problem.

"No one is there anymore?" The people below were puzzled and didn't know what the people above were talking about.

The player with the telescope on it said: "The shells fired before the Chinese heavy cruiser sank must be specifically targeted at personnel. If I guessed correctly, the super battleship commanded by the Ghost Dragon Club There should be no living people in the tower, and after the death of the opponent’s helmsman, the rudder must have been tilted, so the boat has been spinning on the spot."

Listening to this player’s explanation, the following players Then came to understand. If there are still people in the command room of that ship, then the battleship will never turn more than one hundred and eighty degrees continuously at sea. This behavior is obviously abnormal. Moreover, although the steering wheel of the battleship is in the control tower, the engine room of the battleship generally has manual steering gear adjustment switches, so even if the steering wheel is broken, it is absolutely impossible to make the whole ship make a big U-turn at sea. As for the steering rudder, the thing is at the stern and underwater. The shells flying from the front will never hit the rudder. Therefore, the only possible reason for the battleship to spin at sea is the control tower personnel. All were killed in this one.

The super battleship that was out of control was spinning around at sea, but the other battleships of the Ghost Dragon Club were not in chaos. They were still accelerating and rushing forward, and they soon leaped over the sinking Chinese cruiser and chased it. The remaining Chinese battleship is very close behind. At this time, the fleets of the two sides are much closer to the coast than before. Even if the telescope and other equipment are not needed, most people can clearly see the battles between the two fleets in the sea.

The Japanese players who don’t need to listen to the commentary watched the fireball flying across the sea, and they were all thrilled with tears. For them, they could see the Japanese fleet chasing the Chinese. Battleship, how long has it been since then? Today, I finally let them relive the hearty feeling of the year. This kind of excitement is not something Japanese players can't realize.

Just as the Japanese players watched with enthusiasm, something that made their morale even higher happened. The super battleship that had been turning around did not know why it suddenly adjusted its course moved towards the melee fleet, and this super battleship regained its course and shot the fast frigate in the Chinese first round after the first round of shelling. It was blown into two pieces and sank into the seabed.

Taking advantage of the chance that the Chinese frigate was sunk, a fast destroyer in the Ghost Dragon Club fleet suddenly accelerated through the gap in the middle of the sinking frigate moved towards the crooked and oblique ship in front of him The battleship launched four torpedoes in one go. Although the battleship immediately turned back and shelled the destroyer after discovering the destroyer's behavior, the heavily tilted battleship was originally not fast, and it was impossible to dodge in haste. The four torpedoes actually made three hits.

The severely slanted battleship caught three torpedoes and immediately ignited a raging fire. Following the battleship, it began to tilt horizontally on the surface of the sea, and finally completely turned its belly upside down on the surface of the water. Until this time, there was only one heavy cruiser and the troop carrier left in the entire Chinese fleet. Of course, the Ghost Dragon Society is not without losses. Up to now, the ghost dragon will appear in the sight of the Japanese players. Of the ten ships, only eight are still floating on the sea, and one of the eight ships’ two front main guns seem to be malfunctioning. Rely on secondary guns and tail guns for limited shooting.

Although the game was a bit miserable, the Ghost Dragon Club still occupies an absolute advantage anyway, and the eight-on-two quantitative advantage is still very oppressive.

"Come on, come on, sink him." The Japanese players on the shore saw that there was only one Chinese battleship left, and they shouted to cheer for the battleship of the Ghost Dragon Club. Of course, in fact, no matter how loudly they shout, the battleship on the sea can't be heard.

"It's almost done, let's make the final preparations." Yumiko Yumiko in the command room of the battleship Syracuse of the Ghost Dragon Club fleet said to the communicator.

"Understood." The sirens suddenly sounded inside the last remaining battleship of the guild, and all the staff gave up their positions and ran to the power cabin at the lower part of the stern.

The battleship soldiers who reached the power cabin quickly opened a hidden hatch at the bottom of the ship, and then revealed a channel underneath. Seeing the passage open, the crew jumped in one after another. When everyone jumped into the entrance of the cave, the shrimp climbed down from the ladder at the entrance of the cave and lowered the upper cover to tighten it, and finally slid down the ladder into the cabin under the passage.

In general, battleships should not have such a passage. The reason why this ship is equipped with such a thing is purely a temporary modification. The personnel who passed through that vertical passage did not enter the lower compartment of the battleship. In fact, they were already not in battleship. This passage is not connected to the bottom cabin of the battleship. The position where they stood before entering is already the bottom cabin of the battleship, and their current position is actually a submarine.

After everyone was in place, with an order from Shrimp, the connection chain between the submarine and the battleship was suddenly broken by four blasting points, and then the battleship was disconnected from the submarine. . The submarine detached from the lower part of the hull quickly turned around and drove away from the coast, while the battleship above was driving towards the coast at full speed.

"Miko, our side is OK."

"Understood." Yumiko put down the communicator and immediately changed to another communicator and shouted: "Attention, focus on the whole fleet The fire blasted the battleship."

Following Yumiko's orders, the remaining ghost dragon club battleships fired artillery and blasted the final battleship, and the unmanned battleship was on schedule. Driven by the device, several shots were fired automatically in the direction aimed at in advance. Of course, a cannon that no one was manipulating could not hit anything. But a few runs can at least make others believe that there is someone on the boat.

Eight to one, the final battleship was quickly completely submerged by intensive firepower. After less than ten minutes, the last battleship sank completely into the seabed, but the battleship of the Ghost Dragon Club did not. Stopped at this point, but accelerated towards the coast and rushed over because the troop carrier in front was almost on the shore.

"Damn it, fire it! Don't let the Chinese troop carrier come up!" The Japanese players on the coast looked at the approaching troop carrier, all nervously, the ghost knows that ship What kind of units are installed in the troop carrier? In case they are all top-level units, unfortunately they are the people who guard the coast.

Both battleships that are accelerating wildly are speeding up, but the troop carrier is still not as fast as the battleship after all, and the distance between the two sides is rapidly closing at a speed visible to naked eye. Just when the troop carrier was less than two kilometers away from the coast, I suddenly saw a row of firelights lit up in the fleet behind, and then I saw a large column of water rising up near the troop carrier one after another in front, but The problem is that even the nearest water column is still more than 20 meters away from the transport ship. Even if the transport ship’s armor is used, it will certainly not be afraid of an explosion so far.

"Damn it, do those rubbish want to kill us?" Japanese players on the coast watching the troop carrier approaching found that this round of loud thunder, but only tiny drops of rain, did not hit a single shot. Later, I couldn’t help complaining, but their complaints really didn’t help. Although the opposing fleet quickly carried out a second round bombardment, this time the impact point fell farther, even a little closer. I didn’t see the water column.

Just when the Japanese players were anxious to scold their mothers, they suddenly saw a huge Fireball flying up from the side of the troop carrier that had rushed to the coast for less than 1.5 kilometers, following the bow of the ship. Two smaller fireballs were raised at the same time as the position behind the left side of the hull.

"Long live, hit, hit, haha!"

The Japanese players yelled excitedly, but the troop carrier was still rushing forward. Although the shelling hit just now The hull was removed, but the main structure was not affected, and the ship was still running. The Japanese player who saw this scene couldn't help cursing: "Asshole, keep fighting!"

As if hearing their words, a huge Fireball suddenly rose up on the troop carrier, and The explosion that occurred at the stern obviously injured the ship's walking mechanism, and the troop carrier slowed down significantly.

"haha, slow down, slow down, the troop carrier slowed down, hurry up, hit him, sink him!" Japanese players cheered and shouted.

Boom...boom boom, four consecutive explosions one after another appeared. Because the distance was close enough, the Japanese players on the coast finally heard the explosion this time, and the ship on the sea The troop carrier is obviously dying. The four shells just now seemed to leak the ship, and the hull suddenly started to slow down, and it was obvious that the waterline of the hull was running upwards, which was a manifestation of the hull being flooded.

"Call you arrogant, is this the end?" Japanese players clamored excitedly.

However, just as they shouted vigorously, they didn’t expect that the troop carrier’s middle deck, which was slightly raised like a roof, opened a seam in the middle, and then the troop carrier’s middle deck It was like a box that was being opened and lifted to the sides to completely open the middle of the hull.

"What are they going to do?" Seeing that the troop carrier could be deformed, many Japanese became nervous.

Just when those guys were extremely nervous, suddenly another shell was hit on the side of the hull, and the unfolding hull deck suddenly stopped, and only one side of the deck was completely stretched out. , But the other side only opened a forty-five degree angle and got stuck.

The Japanese players were still wondering what the ship was going to do. Suddenly, under the deck of the troop carrier, Peng Sound suddenly shot out a shiny metal object with silver light, which bounced two to three meters away. It was high, and when it reached the apex, it suddenly stretched out, and then the lower part violently sprayed out two flames moved towards the sky and flew up.

As soon as they saw that thing stretched out in the air, the Japanese players on the shore were confused. Someone looked at the thing and shouted: "Damn it, it's an air combat mobile angel. Run!"

As the first air combat mobile angel was ejected, more than 30 air combat mobile angels came out with a puff puff puff on the troop carrier. These mobile angels separated as soon as they left the battleship. Most of them flew towards the coast, but two of them did not leave, but fell back to the ship and demolished the stuck half of the deck. Down and thrown into the sea.

Without this half-deck block, the ship immediately became a double-row transmitter moving angel, but unlike the air combat type mobile angel shot on the right side, the ship shot on the left side is a larger body The new mobile angel. As soon as these mobile angels were fired, they immediately turned on the jet thrusters behind them, but they were obviously not aerial combat types. The thrusters could only make them glide for a certain distance, but they could not make them fly, but their inertia was exhausted. When they were about to start to fall, the nearby air combat mobile angels quickly leaned on, two by one, and flew these big guys toward the coast.

"Oops, this is a big trouble!" The Japanese players who saw the mobile angels flying all over the sky all entered the Zhuangbing Cave. The Japanese players had learned the power of mobile angels during the fortified battle of Fulcrum City before. If it wasn't for the people of the Ghost Dragon Club who didn't know how to get those mobile angels, now Fulcrum City still has no idea.

Seeing more and more mobile angels in the sky, the Japanese players are a little desperate. Looking at the size of the troop carrier, as long as one of the third is equipped with mobile angels, that fulcrum city is completely hopeless. However, just when the Japanese players were about to despair, suddenly the front main gun of the super battleship in the Ghost Dragon Club battleship group suddenly fired and light flashed, and then saw a sudden rise in the open hatch in the middle of the troop carrier. A huge Fireball, a mobile angel on fire flew up obliquely, but before it flew high, it began to fall again, and finally fell into the sea, and the troop carrier seemed to explode. The ammunition depot generally exploded continuously, and soon the entire ship sprayed a few zhang high flames and slowly sank into the seabed.

Although our fleet has been sunk so far, the Japanese players are not happy because the troop carrier has released 53 air combat mobile angels and ten An unidentified mobile angel. The number of 64 mobile angels is small, and it is not enough to defeat the Japanese players in Fulcrum City, but don't forget that there are 30 million Chinese troops outside Fulcrum City. With these mobile angels acting as a surprise attack and harassment force, if the 30 million troops outside rushed like this, the result would be... anyway, the result was terrible.

Looking at the chaotic mobile angels, the Japanese players were having a headache. Suddenly, they heard a loud explosion coming from the front of the city.

"The Chinese have begun to attack. Go to the east to defend the city!" Upon hearing this shout, the Japanese players finally understood what had happened. In fact, the Chinese troops outside the city have already been assembled. The reason why they have not attacked is because they are waiting for the fleet here to cooperate with the attack. Now that the fleet has been defeated, the last mobile angels have also been lifted off. There is no need to wait.

"Quickly, stop the Chinese from entering the city, at least until the Ghost Dragon Club reinforcements arrive." All the players rushed to the east city wall when they heard the reminders from the people around them.

The geographical location of Fulcrum City is quite special. Its west side is the sea, and the north and south sides are sandwiched by two mountains, so the only threatening ground direction for it is the east. Just face to face. At the beginning, our guild chose to build a pivot city here. What we focused on was the terrain here. If it weren't for the terrain here to be unsuitable for the large corps to deploy, it would never have been so easy for us to build the pivot city. We must know that the Japanese battle strength is still very fierce at the beginning of the construction of Fulcrum City. Without this kind of terrain advantage, we must not be able to build the city on the Japanese territory.

The Japanese players were running, and suddenly they heard a rumbling sound flying over them. Following the sound, as soon as they raised their heads, they saw that the heavy mobile angels were taken by the air combat mobile angels to fly to the area in front of them, and then they saw the air combat mobile angels suddenly let go, and the big mobile angels smashed one after another. They are on the way.

A Japanese player was running well and suddenly heard a loud explosion sound. A large cobweb-like crack was smashed into the ground in front of him, and a mobile angel nearly three meters tall Kneeling on the ground with his back facing him, standing less than five meters in front of him.

This person was in a daze. He suddenly rushed up when his companion shouted something. It was a pity that his ears were a bit tinnitus by the sound of the mobile angel landing, so he didn't hear it at all. The person shouted something, but seeing everyone around him rushing forward, he roughly guessed that the person meant everyone to rush along with him.

In such a moment of hesitation, people on both sides rushed to the front one after another over him, but when they were about to come into contact with the mobile angel, the thing suddenly moved. I saw that guy suddenly stood up from the ground, and then violently pulled out the heavy sword hanging on his back, turned around and swept back all the people charging on the whole street.

This guy is three meters tall, and the sword behind him is longer than his own. With this guy’s arm length, such a sword swings horizontally and the entire street is within his attack range. I want to rush over from this street less than eight meters wide, I'm joking with my life.

When the Japanese player who was lucky enough to not be swept because he was a step slower was thinking about how to rush over, he suddenly saw the mobile angel hanging back the sword in his hand. On the fixed frame on his back, he followed him in front of the crowd and pulled out a very familiar shape from behind.

"My day, flash!" Although the people in the front row recognized the function of this thing in time, they still took a step behind, and saw the mobile angel behind the thing that looked like a water gun One of his tubes was removed from his waist, and then he picked up the thing and pulled the trigger at the crowd, and as his fingers pressed, a fire dragon of more than 30 meters long slammed from his hand. The weapon sprayed out from above, and then as the guy kept shaking the thing back and forth, the Fire Dragon swept the street back and forth, and the street turned into a flame hell in an instant.

Yes, what this guy is holding is not a high-tech product, it is a flamethrower. In terms of technical difficulty, it seems that apart from the fuel tank and the muzzle’s anti-backflow device, the other structures are basically on the same level as the toy water gun. Anyone who understands the mechanical structure can understand the principle. To be clear, it is really a super simple device.

However, although the structure of the flamethrower is simple, the formidable power is not small at all. The special fuel injection can generate an instantaneous high temperature of three thousand degrees, which is enough to expose to the air. All the steel is burning, as for humans and other animals, they are cooked when touched, and burnt when touched. Using this thing to grill a giant dragon is the same as grilling a grasshopper. If you don’t pay attention to it, the whole is full focus. And a humanoid creature that is much smaller than a giant dragon, it’s even more difficult to think about it, except for the Fire Element. There is basically nothing like fire creatures that can get close to the front area of ​​the flamethrower. Of course, you have to have the ability to kill the person operating the jet through the flame, but the mobile angel seems to be known for its thick armor, and wanting to kill it through the fire sea is basically equivalent to a fantasy story.

"This is over!" Looking at the mobile angel blocking the way in front, the Japanese players who were blocked at the port began to regret why they had to come and watch the excitement. However, it is their presidents who regret more than them. Because these guys have been discussing this to get more benefits from Matsumoto Masaka, they haven't had time to arrange defense work. If they had the mind to arrange defense, it wouldn't be like this now. Fortunately, not all of the player troops came to see the excitement, and the NPC troops are still on their posts. Otherwise, there is no need to fight this battle, and it might be better to surrender directly.

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