"Damn, let's not even rush over if we don't kill these mobile angels." A well-equipped Japanese said while stepping back to avoid the fire snake sprayed by the mobile angels.

Another player who seems not to be of a low level next to this person said: "How about we rushing over together? You go from the left and I from the right, as long as one person can approach the mobile angel Let it slow down temporarily, and if it doesn't help, you can stop him from breathing fire here, right?"

"Okay, I will count one or two three great families to rush together. One, two, three, rush."

In the last rush, the two suddenly rushed out from left and right in two directions, but the flamethrower of the mobile angel turned immediately, and the one that rushed out from his left The man lit a huge human-shaped torch in midair. The hapless man covered in fire screamed and fell from the air, then tumbling and struggling on the ground while crying, and was shrunk into a ball by the eyes of the fire within ten seconds and stopped moving.

In contrast to the guy who was burned to death, the guy who charged from the other side easily rushed past the distance between them and the mobile angel, but just when he walked around to that platform When the fire-breathing mobile angel was preparing for a surprise attack, a small cover suddenly popped open on the mobile angel's shoulder, and then a small missile the size of a pen was ejected from it and quickly ignited and slammed into him.

After a loud explosion sound, the guy who was trying to take advantage turned into a pile of minced meat scattered on the surrounding land, and the Japanese players on the opposite side also picked up the flame jet again. After the bomber started shooting, he was forced back.

"We can't be passively beaten like this. The city wall needs us to defend. The NPC troops and the remaining few people can't defend it!" Some Japanese players who understand the situation yelled anxiously. However, those magic puppets carrying flamethrowers blocked all the streets without letting them go, making it impossible for those players to reinforce the city wall.

"Go away, let me try." A player suddenly appeared in the middle of the crowd with a longbow. The player in front heard the sound and looked back and immediately gave up a channel to that. A player, and that player quickly drew a magic arrow with a shining green glow and placed it on the bow. "May the spirit of life grant me the power to destroy the things in front of me." The player read the incantion to stimulate the magic of the arrow while pulling the bow away and aiming at the mobile angel behind the fire sea on the opposite side, and then he saw a sudden in his eyes The light flashed, and at the same time the fingers loosened, the green-lighted arrow instantly turned into a green meteor and shot out and slammed across the fire field and slammed into the chest of the mobile angel.

The players on the side of the flame only heard a violent crash, and then they saw the jet of fire snake suddenly rise to the sky, and the mobile angel weighing several tons was unexpectedly caught by that one. The arrow flew out. However, the real power is yet to come. Although the arrow knocked down the mobile angel, the depth of its insertion into the mobile angel's chest was only an inch. This depth may be considered serious for humans, but for mobile angels, it is not injured at all. The external armor on the mobile angel light was nearly two inches thick, and the arrow only penetrated to this depth, and even the external armor did not penetrate, so naturally there was no harm caused. However, just as the downed mobile angel sat up again, the mutation happened suddenly.

The mobile angel sat up from the ground soon after being knocked down. To put it bluntly, mobile angels are high level magic puppets, which are constructed creatures similar to robots. After being knocked down vigorously, a person will have a short stun, but the construct creature will not, so the mobile angel immediately sat up after being knocked down. However, just as he supported the ground and wanted to get up again, the long arrow stuck in his chest suddenly changed.

Everyone only saw a large number of green shoots exploding from the shaft of that arrow. That's right, it just came out. The shoots grow fast as if they explode, so they look as if they were suddenly ejected from the shaft of the arrow. As soon as those shoots emerged, they began to grow wildly in all directions, and it took only three to four seconds. The whole body of the mobile angel was covered with a layer of green plants, and then those plants continued to grow wildly. As a result, many of the plants stretched their long roots to the ground and slammed into the ground, and then these roots tightened suddenly, pulling the mobile angel who had just sat up to the ground again. It wasn't until this time that the mobile angel reacted and should fight back, but his resistance was completely unable to stop the growth of these plants. Although he could tear off the plants from his body again and again, the growth rate of those plants was too terrifying. After more than 30 seconds of tug-of-war, the plants finally gained the upper hand and fixed the mobile angel firmly. After being on the ground, everyone saw that the pile of plants began to surging and grow, and finally formed a four- to five-meter-high plant hill that blocked half of the street.

Until the pile of plant mountains stopped creeping, the surrounding Japanese players looked back at the archery player with amazement, and the player said with a bitter expression: "That The shaft of the arrow is made from the branches of Tree of Life. It costs more than two hundred crystal coins for one shaft. I have three in total!"

After hearing the value of this arrow, everyone I understand why its formidable power is so great. The branches of Tree of Life are simply super plant monsters, and the high concentration of life force in them is unmatched by any creature. Of course, in addition to the powerful regeneration ability of the Tree of Life, ordinary plants are also impossible to have the ability to subdue mobile angels solely by relying on their growth rate.

Since the obstacle in front has been brought down, the surrounding Japanese players did not hesitate and rushed forward one after another. The city wall needs people very much now, and they can get one more chance of winning if they arrive one second earlier.

The running Japanese players originally thought that they would be able to rush to the city wall unimpeded all the way. They didn’t expect that they just ran past the mobile angel buried by plants. After the location, everyone suddenly noticed that the plants lifted up a bit, and then countless glare of blue light shining from the cracks in the plant pile, and then before everyone could react, the pile of plants suddenly All split up and in pieces, a circle of blue energy shock waves rippling to all directions instantly, and everything swept by the shock waves, whether it is a person or a building, all instantly turned into fragments and dissipated in the air.

A place far away from the diffusion point of the shock wave, an experienced and knowledgeable player suddenly turned around and swooped into a building when he saw the blue light film spread. Under the wall, he shouted: "Let’s lie down, the mobile angel is self-destructed!"

In order to keep technology secret, we have a habit of installing a self-destructive system since the first generation of magic dolls. So many subsequent generations of magic puppets have also inherited this fine tradition, including the current mobile angels. However, unlike the first-generation magic puppet, with the enhancement of its own power system, the formidable power of the current magic puppet self-destruct is getting stronger and stronger. The self-destruct of the first first-generation magic puppet can destroy its own internal structure at best, and if lucky, it can seriously injure a few nearby enemies, and the self-destruct of the second third-generation magic puppet. The formidable power is already close to a conventional cannonball. The follow-up magic doll model self-destruct formidable power is a bigger one. In the current era of mobile angels, the formidable power of each mobile angel’s self-destruct can top the formidable power of a medium-sized gas station. Don’t People who stand close, even buildings within 100 meters can easily blow up.

Although the mobile angel was trapped on the ground by the crazy growth of the plant, its internal structure was not harmed at first. However, as everyone knows, the growth power of the plant root system is actually very large, so after resisting for a while, the armor system on the mobile angel was forcibly drilled through countless holes by the plant root system. These roots were from the mobile angel’s The gaps in the armor and the gaps in the joints penetrate deep into the mobile angel and eventually destroy the internal structure of the mobile angel. Once the mobile angel confirms that its main structure is destroyed, it will-self-destruct.

Although the branches of Tree of Life have an incomparable life force, after being completely burned to ashes by this high-energy burst of formidable power, no amount of life force will be used anymore. The pile of plants eventually becomes mobile The angels disappeared on the ground together, but there was only a large pit more than two meters deep where they were just now.

"Bah...Bah..." With the sound of turning sand, many Japanese players climbed out of the rubble. The formidable power of the shock wave just now was too big, and many people were covered by buildings. Buried underneath. But being buried is actually pretty good. At least the wreckage of the building does not do much damage to the player. If it is directly swept by the shock wave, it would be dangerous.

The Japanese players who escaped the catastrophe climbed up again, observed the surrounding environment a little, and then rushed towards the city wall. The flamethrowing mobile angels on several other roads were also caught Japanese players fell down in various ways.

Although the mobile angel has great formidable power, it is not absolutely invincible. At least it is easy to destroy it if there are enough people, but the casualties will definitely be huge.

The Japanese players who got the ground interceptor finally rushed to the vicinity of the city wall, but they were faced with a chaotic scene at this time. Although the defensive preparation time was delayed because the guild leaders who stayed behind were fighting for power, the players’ spontaneously organized fronts could barely make do with it, but what they didn’t expect was that in the sky suddenly swooped down. The mobile angels below fired magic crystal bombs directly from the air to name all their commanders. As a result, when the Japanese players rushed to the city wall, they saw a large group of NPCs with no commanders spontaneously there. To resist the invaders outside the city.

"Huh, luckily catching up, another step slower and Fulcrum City will be over!" Japanese players thought with joy.

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