"Aiya, I finally saw you." While Masaka Matsumoto and the others rushed to Fulcrum City, the so-called fleet Masaka Matsumoto on the sea near Misty Island sent out from our guild. The fleet docked together, and the people on both sides greeted each other through the fence on the edge of the deck just like the General Assembly division after the Red Army’s Long March.

If this weird picture is posted, I believe most Japanese players will vomit blood and die. But it is a pity that there is fog everywhere near Misty Island, let alone prying, the distance is a little farther and even the direction is not clear.

Naval battles are not the same as battles on land. Although players can bring NPCs to fight on the ground, the battle strength of NPC troops is generally not as good as that of players, so most of the guilds are still the main force of players instead of players. NPC. But naval warfare is different. The battle at sea depends mainly on ships rather than people. As long as the operation of battleship is regulated, the player’s cannon and NPC’s cannon will not affect the formidable power. Even the accuracy of the player’s attributes does not help much. Therefore, in accordance with the international practice, the battleship is generally in addition to the captain and the captain. Apart from the chief mate, basically only NPCs are equipped, and only some battleships with special missions are temporarily equipped with more players.

The fleet sent by Masaga Matsumoto is also a fleet that abides by international conventions. Although the entire fleet seems to have a lot of ships, there are actually few players, most of them are NPCs, and all of these NPCs It was bought by our guild to help Masaka Matsumoto, the kind of people who knew the inside story. Because there are few players on the ship, in order to completely control the fleet, Masaka Matsumoto arranged the battleship on the spies we sent to him who knew the relationship between us. Because everyone on the battleship knows the inside story, there is no need to show others the hypocritical acting like on land.

In our guild, the fleet sent this time is also a specially selected group of people. The people who operate the battleship have been temporarily informed of Matsumoto's true identity. Although these members who knew the situation almost broke their jaws at the time, they quickly adapted to the shock caused by the news. Those members who operate the battleship immediately swear not to tell anyone after receiving our order to keep confidential. So this unit that fully understood the situation took the special formation composed of active-duty soldiers that I arranged to go to sea.

Since there are insiders on both sides of the fleet, there is no need to pretend. After the two fleets found each other far away, they confirmed the identity of each other with light signals according to the plan, and then the two fleets It's just and honorable together.

This time the commander-in-chief of our fleet is the King Chuang himself, and the player who commanded the Ghost Dragon Club fleet used to be the old subordinates of the King Chuang Wang. After the two people chatted together for a while, they began to accept the army. A new step plan communicated by God.

Before the two fleets gathered together, the god of war only told them the general task process, but did not tell them the specific details, so neither side knew what they were going to do after they merged.

"Military God, we have already joined, tell us what to do next?" In the command room of the Tyrant, King Chuang and his old men are waiting for the next plan of the Military God.

After getting the information, the military god quickly said: "Your first stage task is not difficult, but the process is more complicated. Please remember it carefully." Then the military god began to inform them of the detailed attack. , And the two people began to record information seriously. It took more than ten minutes to record the content of the mission, and the two said a few more words and then began to direct their own fleets into action.

The first thing the two fleets did after re-starting was to separate most of the battleships in the fleet. These battleships were independently formed into a mixed fleet composed of the two fleets. . The special forces of the guild that had been loaded on the ship in front of many Chinese players in Isengard before were all assigned to this special mixed formation. As for the remaining battleships, although there are still more than a dozen ships in this total, compared with the original fleet that left the port, there are actually only a few tenths left.

After mixing, the two fleets, one big and one small, were re-divided after honking each other's whistle. The larger fleet was led by King Chuang directly back to Misty Island. Stationed, the other small fleet with only a dozen ships was led by the old subordinate of the Chuang Wang towards Japan.

According to our plan, the huge fleet hidden by King Chuang will be completely hidden in the name of sinking, and then these ships will be gradually replenished back to our guild or in various ways as needed. It is in the fleet of the Ghost Dragon Club, of course, it is necessary to make a facelift, and when the time comes, it may appear as a new ship.

On the other side, the fleet that left with Xue Youmiko, the old subordinate who drove the king, is the main force at sea in this battle. Of course, their enemy is not outsiders, but themselves.

Yuki Yumiko was also a Japanese player who joined the guild after the Sakura Club joined our guild, but she likes sailing very much, so she has been with King Chuang, before being assigned to Matsumoto Masaga’s subordinates. She has been promoted to the position of commander-in-chief of the fourth fleet in our guild fleet, but for a long time in the future, she will be the commander-in-chief of the ghost dragon society.

Although there are more than a dozen battleships assigned to Xue Yumiko, the number is not evenly distributed. Twelve of these seventeen ships belong to the battleship of the Guilong Guild, and our guild only has five ships.

One of the remaining twelve battleships of the Ghost Dragon Club is a super battleship, the other two heavy cruisers, and the others are destroyer-class or even frigate-class boats. Among the five ships in our guild, one is a battleship, two heavy cruisers, one fast frigate and one troop carrier. In terms of quantity, the number of ships on our side is obviously much smaller, but the total battle strength output is basically the same. According to the convention that the battleship of our guild is generally one level higher than the battleship of other countries, the battleships of our guild are actually of the same level as the super battleships of other countries. And our heavy cruiser is actually a battleship. Ghost Dragon Club’s boats are many and small, while ours are big and few. But we have a weakness here, that is, we have a troop carrier here. In order to protect the troop carrier, the battleship cannot fight freely, so if we really fight, our five ships will definitely not be able to do the twelve ghost dragon boats. However, ours is not a real fight anyway, it is nothing more than a show.

Although the Japanese actually don’t have much sea power, in order to prevent any accidents, Xue Yumiko led the seventeen ships out of the range of Misty Island and immediately divided the two fleets into two. Half, according to the pattern of our guild’s boat group and the ghost dragon guild’s boat group, we will sail separately, so that even if we are seen, we will not suspect that we are wearing a pair of trousers.

Calculating the distance is almost the same, Xue Youmiko directly picked up the intercom under the podium and shouted: "Shrimp, can we start pulling?"

Shrimp is the five The temporary commander of the battleship of our guild, because the battleships on both sides are actually made by our guild, so the communicators can naturally talk to each other.

Hearing Xue Youmiko's reminder, Shrimp first looked at the chart, and then said: "Well, it's almost done. Let's start here."

"Then you guys Quickly prepare, we are now evacuated."


Just as the two sides have just negotiated, Xue Youmiko immediately took the people on his boat and evacuated to nearby On the battleship, the battleship on the opposite side turned the No. 2 main turret on the ship and fired a salvo against Yumiko’s ship. Three shells flew across the sea and hit Yumiko's ship Syracuse one after another. One of the shells fell on the No. 2 main turret of the Syracuse and turned it into an abstract metal sculpture. The other two shells hit the rear of the control tower and the main mast of the ship. The Syracuse’s command tower gnawed a big hole, and the main mast at the back was also blown off and hung on the ship obliquely.

After the first shot was completed, the battleship group on the opposite side turned the side cannons to face the Syracuse, which was a frenzied bombardment, but after all, the Syracuse is a super battleship, and it depends on us. The secondary artillery on the guild’s battleship is not enough to destroy it. This round of shelling was nothing more than blasting the Syracuse’s hull into pockmarked faces, and smoked the hull everywhere with black spots. For the hull structure, this shelling was basically ineffective.

After the Syracuse was baptism-fired, our four battleships dealt with the remaining battleships in turn. Although they didn’t blow up, they were all wounded. At first glance, it seemed that the ships had just come down from the battlefield.

After the battleship of the Ghost Dragon Club was processed, the two sides immediately switched over and played another round of shelling, which injured our four battleships, especially the one in our battleship. The battleship also used explosives to simulate a breach and deliberately tilted the hull before closing the waterproof door, causing the battleship to lose its balance.

After the camouflage of the hulls on both sides was completed, the only uninjured troop carrier drove over and began to remove a large number of dead bodies from the ship. Xue Youmiko and Xiazi commanded the people on both sides to put the corpses on each ship and pretend to be dead in battle, and then separated.

According to the plan, the five ships of our side in the battleship that participated in the show will be annihilated. Therefore, in the spirit of economy, we did not arrange too many people on the battleship. Each ship is equipped with personnel who can barely get the ship up. This is why our battleship had only one sect master gun that could be used in the camouflage before, mainly because no one was operating it. Even those few cannons were made by Shrimp himself with a few players.

After the basic camouflage was completed, the personnel on the battleship of both sides checked each other from a distance and confirmed that there were no loopholes before the two fleets re-started one after the other one after the other drove towards the fulcrum city. .

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