The Japanese players in Fulcrum City were all shocked by the sea crisis suddenly shaken by Matsumoto Masaga. If it is a threat on land, Japanese players can tolerate it, but how to fight this threat on the sea? Japan now doesn't even have many battleships that can go to sea!

Just when the Japanese players were anxiously spinning around like ants on the hot pot, Masaka Matsumoto suddenly went on to say: "You don’t need to worry too much, although I can’t Said to be one-minded for the public, but I think I am not losing anybody with my patriotism. At present, I have sent out the last battleship group raised by the Ghost Dragon Society, and now this fleet is intercepting the fleet sent by the Frost Rose League at sea. , If there is no accident, at least 80% of the opponent's forces can be intercepted. If good luck, it is impossible to completely intercept the maritime threat."

"Huh!" The people in Fulcrum City are collectively exhaled. For Japanese players, the most feared now is the navy of our guild. After all, the two sides are too far apart in this regard.

After waiting for a while, Masaka Matsumoto continued: "Although I can send troops to intercept the maritime crisis for the collective benefit of the Yamato nation, the battle on the ground still requires your efforts. However. I believe that since I can intercept Frost Rose’s maritime forces with strength of oneself, it should be possible for you to rely on the help of the city wall to stop Frost Rose’s ground attacks."

Listen to Masamoto Matsumoto. He said that those Japanese players who were quite worried are now calmer. After all, the threats on the sea were basically solved by Masaga Matsumoto. If they can't even solve the problems on the ground, it would be too bad.

These players are making up their minds to resolutely defend the Fulcrum City, didn't expect Masaka Matsumoto came out coldly. "However, just a few hours ago, I suddenly received an ultimatum."

The Japanese players were all taken aback when they heard what Matsumoto Masakah said about the ultimatum. Ultimatum? What ultimatum? Japanese players feel unfathomable mystery for Matsumoto's words. What ultimatum should the Chinese send to Matsumoto Masaga to attack Fulcrum City? Based on their intelligence network, it is impossible to know that Song this Monarch is not in Fulcrum City, right? Is it to warn him not to participate in the defense battle of Fulcrum City? It seems impossible, right?

The Japanese players were whispering about that, didn’t expect Masaka Matsumoto and said: “This ultimatum comes from the temporary guild alliance joint meeting in Fulcrum City. The content is to ask me to give up what I have occupied. City, go to the Fulcrum City to participate in the defense of the Fulcrum City. Moreover, there is another piece of content at the end of the letter, that is, if I don’t come, they will announce to players all over Japan that I, Masaka, Matsumoto, are a traitor and refuse to participate in the resistance against the Chinese. Fight. And I will be declared a Japanese traitor and traitor."

"Om..." Fulcrum City was fried in an instant. This news is even stronger than the previous news about the fleet sent by our guild. After all, our guild’s fleet problem Matsumoto said that he had sent a fleet to intercept, but now this problem has not been resolved, and the problem is that the initiator of this ultimatum is actually their leaders, and the content of the information should obviously be Issued in their name. You must know that the Fulcrum City Temporary Guild Alliance Joint Conference is actually a temporary management organization formed by the Japanese players' guilds in Fulcrum City, and the message sent in the name of this unit should be regarded as the thoughts of all the players in Fulcrum City. Matsumoto Masaga suddenly received such a message, everyone knows that he must be in a bad mood now. This is no longer an ultimatum, this is a naked threat!

Probably to give these Japanese players time to think on purpose, Masaka Matsumoto paused for a long time after finishing talking before continuing: "Maybe many of you are not quite clear yet. After your guild leaders drove out of Fulcrum City, I did not actually stop fighting, but took my ghost dragon guild and some guilds willing to follow me to capture all the Japanese cities north of Nagoya to Fukui. Now even if you Lost in the war and the Fulcrum City is occupied, so as long as my ghost dragon will be there, Japan will retain half of the country. However, your chairman asked me to give up defending these cities and come to help you defend the Fulcrum City, and if I If I don’t come, they will declare to the former Japan that I am a traitor and a traitor."

Matsumoto paused for a while after saying this, and then complained in a very sad and angry voice: "Use Is it difficult to calculate the ratio of half of Japan to a city? Don’t your presidents know which of the two is more important? Even if the pivot city is the strategic center of gravity, even if the pivot city is of great significance, is it the Tokyo area and half of the city? Can't Japan add up to offset this level of importance? No, no. They are not stupid, they know everything. They understand that Fulcrum City does not have such great strategic value, and they also understand that the best way is not to make me give up Half of Japan went to support Fulcrum City, but they still decided to let me give up Fulcrum City to reinforce them. Why?"

When Matsumoto said why, the Japanese players looked up one after another. The projection of in the sky awaited his answer, and the presidents of the Japanese guild leaped anxiously, but they could not interrupt the image. The people sent by Masaga Matsumoto used a one-time magic playback device instead of a fixed projection device. After the device was turned on, the device itself had self-destructed, and it was impossible to stop the picture and sound playback by destroying the device.

Just a few seconds after the presidents were anxious, and the Japanese players looked up at the projection for a few seconds, Matsumoto’s projection finally said: “They understand that half of Japan is definitely more important than Fulcrum City. But they still asked me to give up half of Japan to reinforce the fulcrum city. This absolutely seems strange, but in fact it reveals the great wisdom of these presidents. The reason why their behavior is different from what everyone thinks is not because they don’t understand anything. It’s good for the Japanese nation, just because they are not fighting for Japan at all.” Speaking of this, Masaka Matsumoto began to say one word at a time: “They are fighting for themselves, and what they want is not from the Japanese nation. A great revival, but their own great revival. What’s the worst in half of Japan? What if I control the whole Japan? It’s not their territory, their territory is only the fulcrum city that was just snatched from me. So, it doesn’t matter if you lose half of Japan, but you can’t lose Fulcrum City. Because Japan is the Japan of all Japanese, and Fulcrum City is their private fulcrum city. This is their great wisdom, this is their code of conduct, this It was the reason behind the ultimatum."

When Masaka Matsumoto revealed the shocking news, the entire Fulcrum City was not in chaos, but completely quiet. Quiet like no one in the city at all. Everyone can even hear the sound of tens of millions of people panting together.

In fact, many theories mentioned by Masaga Matsumoto are incorrect. The presidents of the Japanese guilds are indeed selfish, but they are not as exaggerated as Matsumoto Masaka said. Moreover, the Ghost Dragon Society did not actually control half of Japan. They only controlled the area north of the line from Nagoya to Fukui on Honshu Island. Although they were behind the Northern Sea Road, they were not actually Take control. Also, even if Matsumoto Masaga and the others control half of Japan, they still cannot compare with Fulcrum City.

Economically speaking, there is no doubt that half of Japan’s output is many times that of Fulcrum City. However, from a military standpoint, things are not as simple as imagined. Although the area of ​​Fulcrum City is narrow, it cannot be compared with half of Japan’s territory, but because of its special geographical location, its remaining residual resources, and its position in the hearts of Chinese and Japanese players, the strategic value of Fulcrum City is determined. It is much larger than half of Japan's territory.

However, although what Matsumoto Masakah said is wrong, can anyone spot the problem? What are the specific thoughts of the presidents of the Japanese guild? Will they tell others? Even if they say, someone can believe? Therefore, Masaka Matsumoto said that their minds are selfish, and even if they refute, it is completely useless. As for the question that the Ghost Dragon Society controls half of Japan, although it is not correct, after all, the Northern Sea Road is under their gap and there is no defensive force at all. If Matsumoto has to say that they have already controlled the Northern Sea Road. , That's not wrong, it's just that they have not yet controlled half of Japan's territory in name. Finally, with regard to the strategic value of Fulcrum City and half of Japan, let alone this. Ordinary players are limited to identity issues, so they can’t access such macro battlefield information and can’t make correct judgments. Secondly, even if there is sufficient battlefield information support, is an ordinary person as an average player capable of independently conducting strategic intelligence assessment? Therefore, although there are many false, deliberately exaggerated and inverted content in this passage of Masaka Matsumoto, the average player either has no ability to distinguish, or has the ability to distinguish but cannot prove it. Anyway, no one can refute Matsumoto. Well, since there is no way to refute it, it can only be acquiesced. Therefore, even if there are problems with all these things Matsumoto said, they will only be adopted by Japanese players as facts.

After listening to this series of remarks by Masaga Matsumoto, the presidents of the Japanese guild almost fainted collectively. Who said that Masaga Matsumoto was honest? This kid is simply a wolf in sheep's clothing!

The Japanese guild leaders here were not ruthless enough before they were upset, and suddenly they listened to the Matsumoto Masaka projection in the sky and began to speak again. To be honest, the presidents of these Japanese guilds are already a little scared of what Matsumoto said. Although what this guy said is not a sonic attack, its formidable power is definitely not worse than any weapon.

"I know you will have a lot of thoughts after listening to me." Masaka Matsumoto said in as calm as possible: "Some of you who do not understand the complete truth and have a strong sense of justice may I feel aggrieved, and I will be angry that your president can do such shameless things. Of course, there must be some people who think that their president has done something wrong, but they also think that this is such is human nature, and even some people have black hearts. The guys and your president think that I should be pitted. I don’t care what you think, anyway, I just want to say, I love the Yamato nation, I love my country, but I love this country, not this country Someone in. I will not sacrifice my own interests for your personal interests. In yours and my own interests, I value my own interests more than yours. I dare to say such things because I don’t I think it’s shameful to put my own interests more important than others’ interests. Safeguarding my legitimate interests is legally supported, so I don’t want to sacrifice my own interests for the interests of others, especially if this kind of behavior is When it will harm the interests of more people, I will not do it."

Hearing Matsumoto's very straightforward words, the reaction of the Japanese players is that there is nothing common with each other . Some selfish hypocrites began to criticize Masaka Matsumoto for doing wrong, but most people think that Masaka Matsumoto is right. It is normal to save one’s own family first when one’s family and other’s family are killed at the same time. If there are one or two in a thousand people who will save other’s family first, then it’s a high probability. Therefore, according to this popular ideological standard, Matsumoto's behavior is not wrong at all.

The players in Fulcrum City are arguing which is right and which is wrong, but Masaka Matsumoto's voice rang again. "I know that your opinions may have nothing common with each other. Some people may still be very angry and want to ask their own chairpersons to ask them clearly. However, I hereby ask you to suppress your anger for the time being and don’t go. Trouble with your president. This is not because I am big, nor because I pretend to be Saint, but because I don’t want Chinese people to take advantage of it. Although I am sure that the strategic value of Fulcrum City cannot be balanced. A Japanese territory mention on equal terms, but I must admit that the strategic significance of the Fulcrum City itself is actually very important. Otherwise, I would not have made it the first must-attack when I led you in the battle of Japan’s restoration. The city that has come down. So, even if I don’t reinforce Fulcrum City, I don’t want it to fall into the hands of the Chinese. Therefore, Fulcrum City must not be chaotic now. You must suppress your own ideas, and temporarily unite and obey the command to fight against it. The Chinese are about to counterattack, otherwise, once your internal turmoil, the Chinese will just take advantage of the vacancy to enter the Occupy Fulcrum City, I think that is something that everyone does not want to see."

hear here Many people involuntarily raised their heads, after all, what Matsumoto Masakah said is really reasonable. Let alone now, at any moment, internal contradictions will only bring benefits to external enemies, but the situation in Fulcrum City at this time is more obvious.

After these people were nodded, Masaka Matsumoto continued as if he could see the reaction of everyone: "Although I said before, I don’t want to give up my legitimate interests for the benefit of others, but at the same time I I am also a patriot, so I think I am willing to make some small contributions for the national interest. Fulcrum City is a strategic focus. Whether we hold it this time or not, Fulcrum City will be us for a long time to come. The focus of repeated competition with the Chinese. It can be said that this city is destined to be wars and chaos since its establishment. Therefore, I propose a plan here. Although I can't transfer all my teams to defend the fulcrum city, I have You can lead some elite personnel to reinforce Fulcrum City. You should have some impressions of the three angel ladies who appeared in Fulcrum City during World War I. The three of them are actually members of our Ghost Dragon Association. I can lead them to join me. Go to the reinforcements. Although we can't kill the Chinese troops in large quantities, at least we can help you block the Purple Moon guys and the Frost Rose League experts. This alone, I believe, can greatly improve the defense of the Fulcrum City I hope."

Speaking of this, Matsumoto Masaka suddenly paused, and then continued: "However, although I want to defend the castle like this, I also have the conditions. I hope I can talk to you all. The leaders made an equivalent exchange. After this battle, I hope that Fulcrum City can become the city of the Guilong Guild, because afterwards the Chinese will continue to harass Fulcrum City. Without our Ghost Dragon, the Fulcrum City will sooner or later be the city. I want to lose it. So, instead of letting you keep a city that you can’t keep, it’s better to let me deal with this hot potato.

Of course, I don’t want to take advantage of you. . Fulcrum City is of great strategic value. Although I have contributed in the previous battles, no matter who is right or wrong, at least the Fulcrum City is now under the control of your guilds, so I don’t want to be a profiting from in defending the country. Somebody’s misfortune reputation. Therefore, I decided to replace the city with your guilds. I will exchange the fulcrum city with the city already occupied by our ghost dragon guild. Of course, because of the importance of the fulcrum city, the exchange ratio is one to one. It is unfair, so I will exchange it at a ratio of one to four, that is, according to the area of ​​the pivot city, four times the area of ​​the pivot city will be exchanged for the pivot city. However, the pivot city itself is very large, except for the Tokyo area. , I really can’t find a city that has four times the area of ​​Fulcrum City. Besides, if you have so many guilds crowded in one city, the distribution of power is also a hassle. So I considered using ten to sixteen small and medium-sized cities. Exchange the fulcrum city so that you can divide it up. For my suggestion, if the guild leaders can accept it, please tell my special envoy. He will now negotiate on my behalf with all the presidents, as long as the agreement is reached Achieved, I will immediately lead the elite troops I can mobilize to reinforce Fulcrum City. I trust your judgment , So I have prepared the team now. As for whether I can start, it depends on your efforts. So, please think carefully about my suggestions. "

As Matsumoto’s voice ended, the projection of in the sky flashed a few times and disappeared. But although the picture disappeared, the expressions of the presidents of the Japanese guild were It hasn't changed at all. Not only did this remark of Masaka Matsumoto make the traps carefully designed by these guys fail to activate, but they also circled them in. Now they really hate gnash the teeth for Masaka Matsumoto's suggestion. The strategic significance of Fulcrum City is that four times the size of the city can be replaced? Besides, Masaga Matsumoto is also hypocritically saying that they will be divided into more than a dozen small and medium-sized cities for their good points. You must know the city. The value is more like a diamond. A two-carat diamond and two one-carat diamonds can have the same value? Besides, Masaka Matsumoto is not as simple as divided into two. He splits a diamond into two. More than a dozen crystals, not only have been divided into many pieces, but the materials are also different. The price difference is definitely not a problem of several times and dozens of times. But now these guild leaders are most depressed, even though they know this The business losers are dying, but they still have to do it. Just like the previous method they used to deal with Matsumoto Masaka, now Matsumoto Masaka throws this method back on their heads. The current choice of these chairmen is to accept the suggestion. If you lose Fulcrum City, you either refuse to suggest that you lose the Fulcrum City and the Guild together. Although fools know that the previous plan has a small loss, but after all, Fulcrum City was sent out in vain. Such a large piece of meat has been swallowed, didn't I want to spit it out. Who can stand the tossing?

These Japanese guild leaders are depressed, but the envoy who didn’t expect had been missing for a long time suddenly Emerging from the top of a building next to them.

"Are you standing here ready to welcome me? Aiya, why is this so embarrassing? "The envoy said that he jumped off the roof.

Because that guy had been wanted by these guild leaders before, now he immediately rushed up to the surrounding NPCs and wanted Catch him. But before the NPCs rushed to him, the guild leaders found that the NPCs suddenly flew upside down together, and the envoy asked with a smile, "This is how you treat guests?" Or do you plan to accept our president's suggestion? "

Originally, the guild leaders planned to give this guy a slap in the face, but when they heard the other party’s words, they immediately softened. Yes, the other party was threatening them. And there is no room for change. With the previous paragraph, what Matsumoto Masaka needs now is just an excuse. If these guys cooperate obediently and honestly with Matsumoto Masaka, then Matsumoto Masaka will not find an excuse and can only get Fulcrum City, and if they don’t cooperate, then Masaka Matsumoto will have an excuse to include Fulcrum City and their guild together. In fact, these people already know clearly, even if they cooperate honestly now, finally wait for Fulcrum City. After the battle is over, their guild will definitely experience a major shrinkage. After all, the things they did before are really influential. As long as a little sense of justice and right and wrong people will not agree with their behavior. Although they will not Everyone breaks away from their guild and joins the Ghost Dragon Club because of this disagreement, but there must be some radicals who go to the Ghost Dragon Club. It’s just that they know that these guild leaders are like Like a rooster who has lost a fight, even if he knows the result, he can only walk into the trap of Masaka Matsumoto step by step.

"What do you want? "A big guild president who looked like a discouraged ball asked.

The envoy said with a smile: "It's not what we want, but what you want. I came to the negotiation with the sincerity of our president. You must first tell me whether you want to accept the proposal, and then we can begin to discuss the specific details. Of course, if you refuse, even the details can be avoided. "

The president asked with a wry smile: "Do we have a choice?" "

After hearing the president's words, the envoy was still peaceful and replied: "What are you talking about?" Since it is a suggestion, it is naturally a choice. We can't put a knife on your head to force you to choose. Am I right? "

"Okay, well, don't fight with him. "The other chairman grabbed the one who was about to answer the call and said, "We accept the suggestion, please ask Chairman Masaga Matsumoto to come and support us?" Does this work? "

Hearing that the envoy laughed here, he said, "It's not a question of whether it will work or not, but your choice. Now that you have chosen to accept Chairman Masaga’s suggestion, let’s discuss the details, right? "

"Details? "Those presidents at first thought that the details this guy said were just perfunctory, didn't expect they really had details to talk about, but then they were very worried, shouldn't these guys want to play any tricks? A president asked tentatively: "What do you mean by the details? "

The envoy asked with a very puzzled look: "Of course the details are asking which cities you want to choose?" Doesn't this understand? I think our president said clearly before! "

When I heard this detail, the guild leaders finally regained some spirit. Although the big diamond in Fulcrum City is about to be forced to turn into a bunch of worthless crystals, there is better than nothing. Well, anyway, diamonds are destined to become crystals. There is that sad time, it is better to find a way to get two crystals of better quality, at least not to lose so badly!

Unfortunately, these guild leaders Although they thought well, they just underestimated the rigor of Matsumoto's work. The special envoy saw these chairmen understand and took out the map they brought with them to shop on the ground, and said, "Look carefully. Yes, the cities marked in the red circle are all cities that can be used for trading. Each circle has a record of the area of ​​the city. You can calculate it yourself and make up four times the fulcrum city. Don't choose too many. Of course, I know you will never choose less. "

A Japanese president asked: "That... the area of ​​the city is not a whole number, so you can't make up exactly four times the area. What if the total area of ​​the city we choose is more than four times that of Fulcrum City? "

"It is allowed to exceed 1% of the total area of ​​Fulcrum City at most. "

"Understood. "

With a little more thought, these guild leaders finally started to calculate the area of ​​the city against the city markers on the map, but soon they found the problem.

A guild leader pointed to one of the cities and said: "This Xuyu County was the territory of our guild before. I remember the area is not that big! "

Another president also pointed to a city road: "The area of ​​our guild's Sanme Town is also not quite right. The above data is a bit larger than the area we measured before." . "

A more shrewd president said: "Forget it, forget it! This must be a two-pronged strategy by Masaga Matsumoto, who deliberately took advantage of us here! Now the situation is better than others, bear it! Fortunately, the difference is not very big, but all rounds are rounded up! "

The president just finished speaking, and someone shouted: "But look at these cities, they are all third-tier cities in the past, not to mention that the city is more than oil and water, even if it is slightly larger than those. A little city is incomparable! For these cities with Fulcrum City, we are losing out! "

The president was very polite when he persuaded the previous people, and he immediately became angry when he said that. "Don't we know that we are losing?" But you don't look at the current situation. How can this be negotiation? This is Masaga Matsumoto holding a knife around our necks and signing a surrender agreement! Are you still bargaining with others? If there is room for bargaining, what do we still sign this thing for? "

I was rushed by this person, and all the clamoring presidents before became quiet. Yeah. Now it’s people’s knife hanging on their heads! This is not negotiating to do business, this is The obvious unequal agreement! And it's still the kind that doesn't work if you don't sign it!

Understanding the current form, those people no longer clamor, anyway, it’s useless to call them, they just make trouble for themselves. The helpless presidents had no choice but to study how to choose a city against the map again. Although there was no good city in the circled city, the generals from among the dwarves could always be divided into different ranks, right? No, it's not right. It’s not even a good city. Those presidents looked for it and suddenly found out that a large city "Akita" was circled on the map.

"Damn it, this is not a mistake. Bar? "In view of the previous behavior of Masaka Matsumoto’s shortcomings in the area of ​​the city, these chairpersons have already determined that Masaka Matsumoto will not arrange for them any cities with oil and water. Who knows how to find them and let them be in? I found a city on the map that was even a super large city before the war.

Although this Akita is not a strategic city, it has a very good location and a large area. It’s an excellent city on the list. It’s really surprising that such a city will be included in the allowable trading range.

Although I don’t know why Akita was included in the list. Optional range, but those chairmen won’t be polite to Matsumoto Masaga, and directly encircled this city. Then they discovered that there is a circle of small and medium-sized cities near Akita that are within the optional range. Although there is no Akita is so good, but these cities are quite good cities compared to other cities, at least better than those third-tier cities that they have never heard of before. So call, these presidents without the slightest hesitation So he drew all these cities into the range of the cities they requested. As a result, the final area was calculated. Hey, it happened to be 0.9% more than the limit, which means that it was beyond the limit of Matsumoto Masaga. It’s only one-thousandth of the difference. Why don’t you take advantage of such a good deal? The president of the gang recorded all these cities one or two or three without much discussion.

"These are the cities. "After quickly determining the name of the city, the chairmen handed the information to the special envoy of Masaka Matsumoto.

After taking the list and comparing the map to calculate the area, the envoy suddenly frowned and whispered. He said to himself: "Strange, why is Akita also on the map? "Although his muttering sound is not loud, but because the guild leaders are waiting for his answer, the people who are close to him almost heard his muttering. These people couldn't help but stun in their hearts, thinking about it. It seems that there was something wrong with the Ghost Dragon Club, and such an important city was also drawn as a candidate city.

With such thoughts, the guild leaders feel that they have made more money. , So he urged the special envoy to say: "Whether it's okay, let me give you the right words. "Of course they don’t want to make the other party regret it anymore. If the other party goes back and finds out that Akita shouldn’t be on the shortlist and reverse the plan, then they are really at a loss. So they decided not to give that. Opportunity for the special envoy to respond.

The special envoy was urged like this and immediately said: "Okay, okay, why do you seem to be more anxious than me!" "

Those presidents were afraid that the other party would find a weak spot, and said quickly: "Aren't we in a hurry?" The Chinese troops have all gone outside the city, and we will have to bear the responsibility if they enter the city anyway. In the same way, you don’t suffer from inside and outside anyway, right? "

The envoy smiled triumphantly, and then said: "Okay, okay, isn't this just counting the area?" Let me see, yo drink, do you really count? This dense card is just a little lower than the upper limit, so it doesn't suffer at all. "

"How? The upper limit was set by you, and we did not exceed it. "

"I didn't say no. Come, let's sign the agreement now, and I can send a letter to the chairman immediately after the agreement is confirmed. "

"Okay, we sign a contract. "

The envoy quickly came up with a system-guaranteed highest-efficiency agreement. This agreement alone is already worth tens of thousands of crystal coins. Show the virtual agreement to all the presidents. , And then filled the selected cities into the vacancies that had been reserved, followed the special envoy to come up with another agreement, and then used this agreement to stamp the big agreement, and the special envoy also explained: " This is the entrustment agreement given to me by our president, which means that I have the right to sign this agreement on behalf of the Ghost Dragon Association. "

Those presidents nodded expressed that they understood, and then read the agreement carefully. The system guarantee agreement is not like the actual agreement, which makes the clauses more complicated in order to find excuses when litigating. Here The content of the agreement is very simple, there are only a few items in total, but because of the strong guarantee of the system, the reliability is often more useful than those agreements with thousands of clauses in reality. After all, the agreement is dead, and the system is alive. With the main system’s surpassing human intelligence and the absolute fairness of the third party’s identity, any written agreement cannot be compared with this system agreement.

After reading the few terms of the agreement quickly The Japanese chairpersons each shouted out their agreement. This agreement is guaranteed by the system. You don’t have to press your fingerprints. As long as you confirm your agreement, the system will automatically add the name, which is efficient and correct.

After finishing the agreement, the special envoy said: "Okay, the agreement is over. According to international practice, it was time to have a cocktail party to celebrate, but I know you are not in this mood, so let it go. Now I will inform our president to join the war. Please wait for the good news. "The special envoy was about to leave, but suddenly he thought of something and turned back: "Oh, by the way, I forgot to tell you. You have to prepare yourself before our troops arrive. We are only responsible for full

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