"Why? Is there anything else you can't do?" Masaka Matsumoto looked at me and said triumphantly.

"I don’t have to recruit, but you guys don’t want to destroy the Transmission Formation behind me, at worst. Where can I go back."

"The big words are pretty smooth, but unfortunately you can only dream." Masaka Matsumoto suspended in midair and said: "The guards of Fulcrum City are almost killed by us. Just because you and the group of dragons want to block me and the angel team, it’s a dream. Besides, are you still capable of fighting? Yes, your familiars are really good at fighting, but without your participation, they are at most. Just can hold me, do you think they can hold the Transmission Formation? Don’t forget that there are hundreds of thousands of players and several millions of NPC troops behind me."

Actually, Masaka Matsumoto reported. The number is obviously much higher than the actual situation. At the beginning of the battle, there were indeed a lot of people gathered by Japanese players. The number of players was about 20 million. The number of NPCs was about six to seven times that of players. That is to say, they participated in the attack when the war started. The number of people in the city is at least over 100 million. However, although it seems that there are Japanese everywhere in the city, in fact, there are really no more than one million battle strength. This number alone is not small, but if you think of the number of people who just started the war, the ratio appears to be a bit disparity. More than 100 million troops were beaten to less than one million, and more than ninety-nine percent of the combat was reduced. This ratio can definitely be recorded in history in reality, but in the game, everyone does not care about life and death, so the battle is generally The fight was more violent, and it wasn't that one of the players died and generally it will not end.

Looking at Masaka Matsumoto who was talking big in the sky, I deliberately put on a rather angry look and said: "Well, since you say that, then I won't fight with you, we See the real chapter under your hand."

"Okay, then we will see the real chapter under your hand." Masaka Matsumoto said suddenly and shouted to me: "What are you waiting for?"

"Stars—Splitting." A white sword light flashed out of my side without warning and hit me, but a black silhouette suddenly appeared in front of me. With only one sound, the white sword light smashed a fire star on the blade held high by the black silhouette, but the attack was blocked.

August Xun desperately pressed the blade down, but the king below was a long sword that was holding her tightly. Although the ground under his feet had been crushed by the stepping on, he just couldn't retreat. The hard withstood the heavy blow of August Xun.

"Damn it!" Probably because of exhaustion, August Xun suddenly retreated with a sword, but the king immediately followed. The two crashed into a ball in the air, black and white in the air. The collision, the impact of the sword and the sword brought thunderous noises and sparks that kept flashing, but the silhouettes of the two were completely unclear. Both of these are speed players, their attack frequency is so fast that they can't be caught with naked eye. You can only see them fighting, but you can't see exactly how to fight.

As soon as the king was led away, a red beam of light on my other side suddenly burst into the ground and rose to the sky. Following the beam of light, it suddenly fell towards me like a sawn tree. Down.

"Holy Shield-Absolute Barrier."

Dang. A sound of metal crashing was followed by a sound of current crashing as if the high-voltage wire had leaked. The red beam collided with a shield-shaped energy shield in the air, followed by a fierce confrontation. The air current flickered and sparks splashed everywhere, but loud thunder, but only tiny drops of rain, although it seemed that the impact was very intense, But it didn't hurt me a bit.

Two consecutive sneak attacks were blocked, but Masaka Matsumoto was not discouraged at all, instead he smiled and said: "haha, the real killer move is here."

Just as Matsumoto Masakao finished talking here, the Ying Yu Shen Hina standing next to him suddenly moved. I saw this girl suddenly throw the weapon that looked like a long spear and a staff into the sky, followed by a lightning bolt that fell from the sky and hit the weapon directly, but the lightning did not hurt the young Sakurayu god who was holding it. , But constantly jumping back and forth on the staff seems to be looking for a breakthrough.

After collecting the thunder and lightning, the Sakura Rain God youngster immediately threw the weapon in his hand at me like a javelin, and saw that the long spear wand with lightning quickly crossed us like lightning. The distance between them flew in front of me, but it just flew in front of me.

A huge dragon head appeared in front of me and bit the weapon. The electric current from the gun burst out and rushed all over the dragon’s body, but it turned out to be a little effective. Did not play. After the thunder and lightning disappeared, Mira, the jewel dragon whose body was shining with dazzling rays of light, gradually shrank and changed back to a human form, and her staff was also handed over to her.

"The weapon is good, but the formidable power is a little bit smaller." Mila came up with such a comment.


As soon as Yingyu Shenyou made a rebuttal appearance, Mila preempted him and said: "What are you doing? No, just no, do you want to quibble? It’s useless for me to keep this broken thing.” Mila said, suddenly raised her hand and threw the weapon back, while shouting in her mouth: "Return you."

long spear staff It almost arrived with the sound. Even if she saw the other party's shot, the Yingyu Divine Young couldn't get away, but a long sword hit the staff first, and then the two changed directions and flew out together. Finally, the staff He and long sword were summoned by Masaka Matsumoto and Shinyo Sakurayu respectively and fell into the hands of the two.

"Aiya, too many pets can sometimes be troublesome. You can get upset in the order of appearance. Do you think it is troublesome? Masaga Matsumoto, please hold on for a while. I But I agreed to this group of demons. They only have 3 minutes time for each of them. If you can't kill them over time, you have to replace them. So you have to hold on for a while, and correctly let each of them be able to play once." I said deliberately In the opposite way, in the sky Masaka Matsumoto knew that we were acting to nothing, but the Japanese players below were even more angry than Masaka Matsumoto. Although I said this to Matsumoto Masaka on the surface, it is also equivalent to insulting the entire Japanese players. Matsumoto and I were originally a group of people who naturally didn't care. The Japanese players below are different.

"Asshole, what's the arrogance? Let's join together. If we don't destroy this transnational Transmission Formation today, do we have the face to enter the game again? For the rejuvenation of the Great Japanese Empire, for our glory, everyone follow me Charge!"

"Charge!" The Japanese players who have been instigated again today have no idea that this is the Nth charge. They have been charging and being frightened for a few hours. Switching between, although the courage is now plucked up, it is obviously different from the previous performance. Many people even hesitated for a while after some people started charging, which fully shows that the courage of the Japanese is almost exhausted.

Seeing the reaction of the Japanese, my eyes moved and winked at Masaka Matsumoto. Masaka Matsumoto immediately followed my gaze and scanned the Japanese players below, and then reacted. .

There is such a sentence in the ancient Chinese art of war: in a spurt of energy, decay again and exhaustion. The meaning of this is that it is best to raise the morale of the soldiers at one time and let them fight. If the morale of the soldiers declines due to other reasons after the first agitation, then the morale will decline when they are agitated again. It won't be as high as it was the first time. If the morale of the second agitation drops again, the third agitation will exhaust the morale of the soldiers, and it will be useless to agitate afterwards.

The number in this sentence is actually a bit general, just like "Myriad" in ancient China often does not refer to 10,000, but refers to a large number, sometimes even as infinite. . The "one, again, three" in this sentence cannot be simply understood as one, two, three, but can only be regarded as a process of increasing numbers, and cannot be applied to a specific value.

Today's performance of Japanese players fully demonstrated the essence of this sentence. The morale of the Japanese players at the beginning of the game was simply like a rainbow. Although they were stopped by us, they recovered again and again under constant agitation. This stage is actually the in a spurt of energy stage, and the morale will burst after a little stimulation. Later, under the last city wall, when our guild really began to resist seriously, the Japanese players entered the stage of "declining again". In the process, although their morale can still be improved, they always feel that Insufficient explosive power, morale declines when encountering a strong crack. In the end, just after Ling and Xiaochun used the decomposition storm, the morale of the Japanese players has completely entered the "three exhaustion" stage. Now these players hesitate to move forward is the performance that morale is about to be exhausted, and according to the plan determined before the battle, this is also the signal that the battle is over.

Our plan is to give the Japanese players a process to finally win through all kinds of hardships, not to completely defeat the Japanese players, so we can't really defeat their morale. Once they give up completely, the following scenes can no longer be performed. Now that Japanese players have begun to experience a collapse of confidence, they can no longer be stimulated.

"hmph, don't be proud, do you really think we don't know the weakness of your familiars?" Masaka Matsumoto said aloud after seeing my wink.

The following Japanese players have entered the charging stage. Although they are still running on their legs, their movements have slowed down involuntarily. They all want to wait and see what Matsumoto's so-called weakness is. If they were fighting Early-Stage, Japanese players would not have such a reaction, but now... Japanese players who are almost exhausted don't have much courage to continue to charge blindly.

Matsumoto Masaka immediately nodded to Ying Yu Shen Hina after he finished speaking, and Ying Yu Shen Hina immediately understood what he meant. The Japanese player below saw Ying Yu Shen Hina starting to chant there, but because the incantation does not need to be heard by the enemy to take effect, Ying Yu Shen Hina did not add sound amplification magic to himself like the previous Matsumoto Masaga. . Those Japanese players saw Ying Yu Shen Hina chanting there, but they didn't know what magic she was preparing. However, seeing that they could almost complete it with a wave of hands before using spell, this spell, which requires concentration on chanting, must have a formidable power.

Following the curse of Yingyu Divine Young, a white aperture gradually lit up on her body, and then the aperture began to get brighter and brighter, and soon reached the level of being unable to look directly at her. . Although it was still night at this time, due to the rays of light on the Ying Yu Shen, the whole pivot city seemed to have entered the day, and the ground illuminated by the strong light even made people feel that this was a midsummer afternoon.

I also seem to find the formidable power of this spell is huge, and following my command, a few familiars immediately stepped forward to destroy the spell, but Matsumoto Masaga first blocked Sakura. In front of Rain God's young bird, no matter how we bombarded him, we just wouldn't let it go. However, just when you came and I was happily playing on both sides of us, Masaka Matsumoto suddenly flashed aside to expose the young cherry blossoms.

The Japanese players who were watching suddenly saw Masaka Matsumoto flashing away to expose the young Sakura Rain. They were anxious that Matsumoto Masaka could not stop them and planned to sacrifice the young Sakura Rain. didn't expect At the moment when Matsumoto Masaga flashed away, the Sakura Rain god young suddenly turned into a white ball of light and rushed straight towards the crowd on our side, and then there was a loud explosion sound, a world moment. Quieted down.

"You..." Ling clutched his bleeding chest and staggered back two steps before falling down with the support of Xiaochun.

On the opposite side of Ling, Yingyu God Young also said with a mouthful of blood: "Don’t think that others don’t know it. Since you have the loyalty, you have become Purple Moon’s only weakness. Killing you is equivalent to killing Purple Moon." At this point, Ying Yu Shen Chou changed his words: "However, you are really too strong, and as a legal professional and commander, you never take risks easily. That’s why I came up with this trick to perish together with you. Hehe, you won’t be able to get up now, right?” At this point, Ying Yu Shen, who had been sitting on the ground, turned around and said to the Japanese players behind him: "I will leave the rest to you!"

Sakura Rain God Hina fell down after speaking the last sentence, while the Japanese players behind were shaking for a while in shock and emotion. Know what to do. What they were moved was that Ying Yu Shen Chou used suicide skills to get rid of the biggest obstacle in front of everyone. You must know that suicide skills are different from general skills. Even if the enemy is killed, even if the final resurrection fails, it is nothing more than two levels. However, suicide skills are often dropped in Level 10 units. As the formidable power of the skill increases, the proportion of dropped levels will increase. . So even if it can be resurrected in the game, most people don't dare to try suicide skills easily.

As for the shocking emotions of Japanese players, this is of course because of the shocking news that Ying Yu Shen Hina broke out. Ling was actually my weakness. This news was like dropping a heavy bomb in the hearts of Japanese players. Everyone who shook suddenly forgot to react.

for a long time In the hearts of Japanese players, I am an invincible existence. Although Japanese players have been fantasizing that they can defeat me, the failures have hit their confidence time and time again. Heart. However, today they suddenly heard a secret, a secret about my weakness, such astonishing news naturally made everyone overwhelmed for a while.

Although Japanese players are surprised by my weakness, I don't really care about it. First, although this weakness does exist, it is practically impossible to exploit. Come on... This weakness is actually exaggerated.

According to Yingyu Shenchun, as long as Ling is killed, I will be killed together. This is actually an exaggeration. The truth of the matter is that if Ling is killed, I will not die, but will only enter a state of weakness. Apart from this does not have any additional effects. However, in order to show that the great sacrifice made by Yingyu Divine Young was rewarded as it should be, and to make this sacrifice a little more sensational, we deliberately exaggerated the extent of this damage. Anyway, no one besides me knows the truth and is not afraid of being exposed. As for someone who wants to use this method to kill me in the future...? is it possible? As a legal profession, Ling rarely charged forward, and the identity of her predecessor Goddess also gave her a super-sounding spell range. Wanting to kill Ling with the ability of a long-range cannon at a long distance is definitely a courting death behavior. Besides, I am not like a normal animal trainer who only has a few familiars. You must know that my familiars always appear in groups. Even if the opponent can fight against Ling at a long distance, he must survive. Let's talk about the siege of my other familiars.

Because of the above reasons, I actually simply don't care about the exposure of this weakness. In other words, this is not actually a weakness. Although it sounds like that, as long as anyone intends to make it a reality, he will find that it is impossible to do.

"Okay, today I admit defeat." I pretended to be extremely regretful and fell to the ground. Together with Ling, I was gradually sucked into the Primal Chaos Space by a circle of black ripples, and then we After the two disappeared, my pet and the summon creatures suddenly opened up one black hole after another and pulled them all in. In the end, all my summon creatures disappeared on the square without leaving a trace. Down.

Watching us all disappear, the Japanese players all appeared in shock and dropped their jaws. To be honest, in their limited chance to see me killed, this time was the most shocking, and it was the only time they saw me disappear in front of them with so many summon creatures.

When the Japanese players were shocked by the disappearance of my summon creatures and me, they didn't know how to react, Masaga Matsumoto's steady and slightly icy voice suddenly appeared above everyone's heads. "Warriors of the Great Japanese Empire, Miss Ying Yu Shen Hina has used her own jade pieces to help us remove the biggest obstacle on the way forward. Now is not the time for us to be in a daze. Let us take good care of Miss Ying Yu Shen Hina using her jade pieces. A precious opportunity in exchange. Now I announce that everyone will charge."

"Long live..."

In the general shouts of Japanese players mountain cry out and sea howl, A large group of Japanese players rushed to the front of the transnational Transmission Formation excitedly, but when the fastest runner among them was about to touch the edge of the Transmission Formation, a sudden gust of wind would forcibly run to the forefront. The person blew out directly. The Japanese player who was blown away hadn’t figured out what was going on. He saw a huge black shadow suddenly fell from the sky and slammed into the square in front of the transnational Transmission Formation. The huge impact even stood on the ground. The people were all shaken to the ground.

"Damn it, it's Dragon Clan! They got rid of the entanglement of those bats!" I don't know who called, followed by the giant dragon hiding the sky and covering the earth swooping down in the sky, Those giant dragons were first driven by the Dragon Flame Sweep, and when the Dragon Flame was sprayed, they grabbed one or two unlucky eggs and threw them down to kill a few people. The entire group of dragons can kill a large group of people by swooping, and wait. After the last dragon in the group of dragons completed the dive, the giant dragon that was the first to participate in the dive has completed a giant circle in the sky again and entered the dive state again. This drum propulsion method is a combat team type that our guild has studied specifically for Dragon Clan’s swarm attack. Although this team type is slightly inflexible when dealing with high-level individuals, it is used against large groups of middle and low-level personnel. At the same time, it can show extraordinary killing efficiency.

"haha, don't think that you can get past Purple Moon after you kill Purple Moon. Without advanced warrior, I see how you fight our Dragon Clan." Hong Yan stopped on the square in front of Transmission Formation. Loudly laughed at the Japanese player on the opposite side. Although the other side was very angry, there was nothing he could do with him. Although Hong Yan's words are a bit arrogant, they have arrogant capital. Unless the level is more than one thousand, and there are unusual additional attributes or special equipment, most people are unable to withstand a single blow in front of Dragon Clan. Although many people will laugh at Dragon Clan for saying that they look like four-legged snakes with wings, Dragon Clan has a nearly perfect body from a biological or structural point of view. Of course, this kind of perfection does not refer to how artistically beautiful they grow, but that their bodies are highly perfect in terms of practicality. And this perfection determines that even if the attributes are exactly the same, Dragon Clan can usually become the final winner.

"Matsumoto Masaga-sama, what are we going to do now?" Looking at Dragon Clan, who is constantly diving, pulling up, turning, and diving again, the Japanese players below Matsumoto Masaga shouted and hoped Matsumoto Zhenghe can help them think of a way. From the beginning of the war to the present, Masaga Matsumoto and his Ghost Dragon Society have always acted like a prophet, constantly taking out the methods they have arranged to solve everyone’s problems when they encounter difficulties. This repeated verification The fact that these surviving Japanese players have formed a subconscious belief that as long as there are difficulties, Masaga Matsumoto will be able to solve them.

Sure enough, this time Matsumoto Masaga did not disappoint them. At the time when the Japanese players suffered heavy casualties, Masaka Matsumoto suddenly waved forward, and several large nets suddenly flew up among the crowd of Japanese players. Several giant dragons that were in the dive stage were covered by a large net that suddenly rose after they sprayed the dragon flames. They were caught off guard and struck the net and completely hanged their wings. The giant dragon that lost its power slammed into the ground with that several-ton body with terrifying speed, and there was no idea how many Japanese players and NPCs were crushed along the way. However, compared with a unilateral slaughter, even if a few people are killed, as long as they can get those nasty giant dragons down, Japanese players are extremely willing.

However, although they fell to the ground, giant dragons are not lizards. Although some people think they look alike, these big guys with a length of nearly 100 meters are strong and do not seem to be composed of muscles. Yes, as if their bodies were made of cast iron. Although the several dragons that fell to the ground did not hit it lightly, the old saying that this impact did not hurt the giant dragon in the slightest. The giant dragon that fell to the ground started struggling violently as soon as it stopped, and thanks to their terrifying muscles, the net rope twisted with multiple layers of metal wires could not completely trap these nearly a hundred in length. The big guy in meters. As they struggled, the sound of tearing cloth continued to be heard on the giant net. The rope broke one by one in the shocked eyes of the Japanese players, and the dragons that fell to the ground soon were the strongest. One end successfully broke away from the shackles of the rope net and stood up.

"ao..." The angry sound of dragon's roar shuddered the nearby players, covering their ears and retreating, following the giant dragon's mouth, it was a mouthful of dragon flame that burned a group of people around him to charcoal .

After clearing a clearing, the dragon did not immediately rise into the sky, but suddenly opened his mouth and said a string of clearly rhythmic but completely incomprehensible language.

"Damn it, it's Dragon Language magic, everyone is flashing!"

The reminding voice was obviously a step late, and the dragon's voice suddenly ended, and he immediately saw him. A white shock wave was ejected from the front of his head and flew several kilometers away, and everyone along the way was shaken by this shock wave. All split up and in pieces couldn't find any part that could prove their previous owner's identity.

As the dragon's madness ended, there were two cracking sounds next to it, followed by a roar, and two dragons got up again, but they hadn’t had time to make it like the first dragon. The roar was wrapped in by two nets again, and while they were struggling on the ground, the giant dragon in the sky was constantly being attacked by this net and pulled down to the ground.

Due to the constant loss of giant dragons participating in the big tumbling cycle, the entire formation quickly became like a piece of rags with holes everywhere, and many Japanese players took advantage of those gaps to drill. After Dragon Clan's sweeping formation, rushed towards Transmission Formation. Although these people still couldn't pass through the red line of defense that had been squatting in front of the Transmission Formation and didn't move, the situation was changing little by little. As more and more Dragon Clan were pulled down to the ground, the loopholes became more and more, and Hong Yan, who originally existed as a Goalkeeper, began to gradually get a little too busy.

After ten minutes of tug-of-war, a lucky Japanese player finally took the opportunity of Hongyan to attack several other Japanese players and crossed Hongyan’s last line of defense. The ground of transnational Transmission Formation. With great excitement and excitement, this player forcibly resisted his intention to cheering excitedly, keeping in mind his mission, and violently drew out his heavy sword moved towards a pillar that seemed to be a key component on the periphery of Transmission Formation. Chopped over.


When. Accompanied by a clear collision sound, the player was directly bounced seven or eight meters away by a counter-shock force, and when he got up, he found that only a section of the hilt of his sword was left, the front part. I don't even know where to fly.

"Why? Why is this?" The Japanese player cried hoarsely as he looked at the intact pillar and the broken sword.

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